HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/05/1948 ". 444 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 5. 19~ 1 call I 'i i Under the head of applicati~l),s for building permits and licenses, the following v'ere granted: I Building Permits, 6(., r.f5 - . I Henry Huebscher Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 12, Blk. 258, Townsite 4,000.00: A. C. J. Hanley Build Bathroom, Remodel Foundation; Lot 19, Blk. 165, Tovmsite 550.00' Lynn J. Kusbman Remodeling Outside of D\1e~ing; Lot 6, Blk. 296, Townsite 500.001 R. D. Bailey Build 4-Unit Apt. House; N Lts. 10-11, Blk. 542, Townsite 16,000.00 IDon r",wson Build 6-Room Dwelling; Lot 9, Blk. 252, Townsite 5,000.001 IGordon E. Lynch Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lots 1-2, Blk. 240, Townsite 4,000.00 'S..S. Mullen, Inc. Remodel Elk Building 20,000.00 Peninsula Plywood Corp. Construct Bldg. for Scrap Hill; Port of Port Angeles Fill 5,000.00 I G. A. Smith Reroofing Job; 627 E. 9th 250.00' H. R. Littlefield Reroofing Job; 210 W. 12th 1 185.00" ,Foss Tug & Launch Build Store Room on Present Bldg.; Lots 1-2, Elk. 2, TidelandIf1f.'eof 600.00' liMerle & Irene Delo Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lots 1-2, Block 149, Townsite 1,000.00, .21'-' i Licenses, Peninsula Plumbing Co. '.laster Pl=ber 29.16'1 Under the head of unfinished rosiness; Attorney Severyns and Anthony. Vendettuoli again appeared regarding II 'moving of Taxi stand from Weet First Street. After due consideration, the Commission decided to permit . stand for one car on the South side of First Street, west of Laurel, and stand for tvro cars on Laurel Street by Olympic Recreation. The Commission root in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll !'of officers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Com:nissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney ':Wilson, and Clerk Law. II '. ')linutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of new rosiness, the report of Police Justice Taylor, showing 85 cases tried and $1,751.00 fines collected during the month of April, was approved and ordered filed. The Conmtission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants CURRENT E!PENSE FUND: 611.25 Olymp~c Stat~oners Peninsula Printing Go. Sneddon I s FIlrn. Repair Shop Allan Diet. Go. City Street Dept. Ross & Beasley, me. City Light Depo. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Hazel t s Cafe Rg~~ tuh~a~~lg~ric !Seattle. Radio Supply, Inc. Angeles Go-operat~ve Creamery Natural Gas Gorp. of Wash. CITY STREET FUND: .:(.13 II jJ H. G. 1I0rstJr.an Port Tie & Lumber Co. Allan Dist. Co. Western Tra ctor & E'luipment Co. ,Downs Auto "lectric Angeles I.lacnine & Weldj,ng Works D & B Batter~r & Elee. Stn. WATER FUND: ,; , J 90 G~ ty Street Dept. - :!~~~tS~~gr~~ X~to Supply Co. Automoti va Parts Sernce '~~~ke~i~~~c~~~~~hemical Co. Palmer Supply Go. Pacific Water Works Sup. Co. Epperson & Sons I Willson Hardware Co. r.!arclanann & WillialllS '19 LIGHT FUND: 1 ~.fl ' ~~~D~t~~.P~~~s 'ervice Gity Water Dept. Angeles Furniture Co. !(~$ting;ou~~ Elee. & Mfg. CO. 'W~ ~isolluitir~~~e Co. 'fuisa lron & l;etal Co. 1~~~~~lnk!e2:og~g;~.C8orp. Lj.ne r.:aterial Co / ltrs. Sam Rand Ii Boyd 's Wood Specialty Co. I SANTI'ATION FUND: , g 1 /:3 LeRoy Jagger - . Angeles !.Jijchine & Welding Works Lincoln Welding ~~;r X*i~sD~~~ning News LIBRARY FUND: 3:< '7 ~;; ,M9!Jahan r'tiel Co. - 'c~ty Treasurer ! P1c~f:j.c 'I;~lephone & Telegraph Co. ~hr'Etsr~rr~~ogIr~oMress ~1~gnJ~~J~~r~u8g~y CO. II Samuel French ,New Method Book Bindery, Inc. Nathaniel Dame & Co. A. C. McClurl.l; & Co. Eg~~fi~~~t &a~efis;ntnc. PARK FUND: .5 5 ~ 0 G~ty "treet Dept. I/-g P..I.!. & T. C. FUND: 7[,;;,_ D & B Battery & Electric Stn. City Street Dept. M. H. Rhodes, Inc. ~ issued in payment of same: Ruled Pads, Office Supplies Management Bond Repair Swivel Office Chair l:obilgas Gas & Oil One Mower, Parts Rent License Plate for '47 Chev. Meals for Prisoners ~~~H ~ ~gg~ ~~~olg~BEit~~ Can Gas 1 5.55; 2.06: 4.12, 197.10 7.75 55.10 50.00 1.75 76.121 10~:HI' 5.94' 2.06 1.601 50.00 1,551.121 694.12., 5.00 g:~~ 48.92 April Rent for Stock Piling Lumber--Bridge Decking Gasoline, Kerosene, O~l ~ring ~sp P~~der, Heat Gauge ,.ch~ne Work Parts Ga s and Oil ~t;r~ Parts Rent and Lights Chlorine Fittings Valves Lumber He rdwar e Tools 72.75" !:6~11 .44, 29.50" 55.96,1 14.42 420.24 20.81' 2.04,1 16.671 6.85! 78.54 65.64 55.10 ~U~ ~~:S~ 571.18 902.45. 251. B7'I 55.11 4.89 25.97, 115.08 10.08 I li15:H. 7.21' 5.69 8.78 ~:~ i:i~ 11.10 94.06 i:tg ~~~~rine Water Blinds j;arts ~~~~r~s HoLt ~~) Hardware Hardv:are J TraYls former Poles Cross-arms Car Mileage for April Kachine Work Yielding on 'fruck Gaso line Clean-Up Ad lli~fit~i*ater, Garbage Service 467 ~f~%~l~~H~s Cards DustY9P Refill[ Fert~h2er Books Book Used Books Books ~~g~~ription Gas, Oil, Labor 55.70 Parts Gaso;Line, labor Co.'s Share of Apr. Collections 54.4S. 27.45 720.57 I I I I I I 1 I I. I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington . _"._'~n._ ... ""'.- il nREMEN'S PENSION FUND: 33 "-" i Clallam County Medical Service Corp. , LIBRARY MElI.ORIAL FUND: / / -!J ~ Pllget Sound J/ews Co. There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. I I I I i o. g '~.vr. (J A(av 5. continued. 19~ Medical Service Fees for May Books City Clerk (\'7'"..A.f ~ \AI ~ 445 55.00] I ll.55 I JI.ayor