HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/05/1952 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~5 19~ 2r-h: ...., , Jd _"'''..m''''''''.,,,.,,."'"..."'"'."'....,,~ The City Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order qy l~or FedEy. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Min~tes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits, the following were granted: BUILDING PERMITS: ..z .6-d. . D Chas. C. Page Car port attached to garage, Lot !i of 8 and 9, 31k. 39, Dyke Land Co. $ 100.00, Chas. Erickson Change roof pitch on leanto of house, Lot 12, Blk. 316, To>rr.site 150.00 IUnd~r the head of unfinished business, property owners frClIl the "West Side" again appeared" regarding L.~.D: I Ifor'sewer installation. The Engineer reported tl>lt preliminary work and surveys are now being completed ,but'no estimate of cost is as yet available. Commissioner Taylor advised that considerable time will be required for elevations, measurements, and cost, estimating about two months, also assured"that the wwk will not be slighted. . . Jone bid was received from Alden T. Nelson for purchase of Lds 1 and 2, Blk. 253, Townsite, in amount of ,$150.00. It was moved by Connnissioner Robinson that the bid be acc<pted and property sold. Seconded by Ih..yor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. "' Iii Jolin Goneis again appeared regarding removal of obstructions on East Second Street, reminding that the CoIDmission set forty-five days as time for removal and nothing has been done. Commissioner Taylor informed that he has been unable to contact Hr. Stevensen and as time allo>red for removal is past, it is a matter of 'enforcement. After further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the Attorney be instructed to take steps required to JOrce Hr. Stevens en to remove obstructions from the street. Seconded b,y:l~or Feeley. All voted ,~e. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor reported on trip to Seattle regarding removal and delivery of steel cells for the new jail, informing that bid is filed and iilformation,shoUld be available next Monday when Architect Field will be here. Mr. Ta;ylor also advised that the Port ~onmrl.ssion will be consulted regarding filling of lot adjacent to jail location, thereb,y saving considerable expens e for rip-rap. . , Unqer the head of new business, the r~port of Police Judge Reynolds for the month of April showing $2,158.CO fines collected, was approved and ordered filed. IV. R. Phillips of 320 E. 6th Street, owner of Lots 12 and 13, on Seventh Street between Chase and Peabody Streets, made the said lots available for dumping aIW surplus dirt, thereby eliminating the existing hazard. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the letter be filed and that the City do all 'possible to eliminate hazard. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The City Treasurer requested in writing that the Commission authorize procedure for covering deficit of' $1;869.88 in the City Shop Fund, the same being discontinued as of January.:l, 1952. The request was re~erred to the Commissioner of Finance. A petition signed by eleven property owners, was filed with the COmmisSon, requesting that a Local :tmprovement Distrci t be created for the installation of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks on East Seventh Street ifrom Francis to Race Streets. It was moved by Connnissioner Taylor that the petition lie filed and a 'resolution prepared fixing date of hearing for L.I.D. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IEa;l Davidson submitted descriptions of property upon which appraisals h~ve been requested. It was moved ibY.COmmiSsioner Robinson that calls for bids be published for sale of the property. Seconded by ~ayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . I ,The Commission examined and aIfroved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: ,CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: #<'P/, S 'Ed B. Taylor Traveling expense 'Olympic Stationers Pencils, print-engineers ,Bus sing Office Sup. cleaning fluid .Hense Brake Serv. reline brakes-police ip. A. Auto Supply car wash brush and sponge-poli ce 'Oly. Laun:! ry blankets cleaned-police !Park & Shop Food Store 1 large soap-police !Conrad1s Restaurant 1 meal-pelice ,Harold Ribbs Plbg. 1 pipe cap-police \Tidewater Assoc. Oil Gas, oil-police .Middleton's Moter Parts 50 flares-police :Pacific Telephone fire and police phone services, civil defense 'Wheeler Hardware rppe, hammer, handles, roofing, fittings-fire '~ate Treasurer fee for 3 volunteer firemen-fire 6ITY STREET FuND:/,4fo<f.ji, -," ,,, .. Dobson Electric tubing, bearing, battery, etc. Penply core blocks Middleton I s acet. tank Howard-Cooper Corp. parts Wheeler Hdwre. Co. lock, hinges, picks and shovels Renshaw's Service batteries Pacific Tel. am Tel. Service 3540 Crown Zellerbach Corp. material P. A. Concrete Products sewer pipe, etc. t:idewater Associated gas, oil I 7 WATER FUND: 6d?', 7 Bussing Office Supply Office supplies ~ity Light Dept. Machine repair ac. Tel. and Tel. Phone service ,City Light Dept. Rent and lights Schreiner Chevrolet 00. Oil Palmer Supply Co. Inv. 77263 Joe Cecil Lumber Co. Lumber Western Utilities Supply A3393 35.00 2.M 1.24 4l.6i 5.57 3.71 .94 .98 .57 238~62 14.42 85.25 21. 99 9,00- j 39.6e 8.24' 6.511 125.44' 33.36: 45.51' 7.371 6.72 492.75 658.78 LIGHT FUND: ..2./ / 17" '1 L lpacific lI'el. and Tel. Phone service I 15.97 63.60 90.86 120.96 2.06 ~6:~gl; 175.36 16.22 I ..... ".. 256 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Mq 5 19~2 .."."~..,...."",m......',.."""."",~ tIGHT FUND con't. G: and W. Fire Service Bussing Office Supply Remington Rand, Inc. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Pearson Music Co. G. C. McLennan City \~ater Dept. OJ.,ympic Tri bune G.'E. Supply Corp. City Fuel Co. Line Material Co. Maydwell and Hartzell Westinghouse Elec. Supply Ceo Sangame Electric Co. LIBRARY FUND: f.:</. .J..z. u. of Wash. Instrnc. Mat. Center City Fuel Co.? City Treasurer Pacific Tel. and Tel. Ol,ympic Stationers, Inc. Sturgis Printing Co., Inc. City Library Dover PUblications, Inc. Random House, Inc. ,Doubleday and Co., In~. Personal Book Shop, Inc. Thomas Y. Crowell Co. A. C. McClurg and Co. Harper and Brothers R.S. and S. ComJlllllY, Inc. Julian Messner, Inc. charge fire extinguisher office supplies repairs repairs service on radiG equipment expense WAter rent publication ordinance SE 51675, SE 8542-8789 tank Inv. S 47ll Inv. S21223 illS 12 438934, K 21-48008 Inv. 90164 film rental fuel oil light, wa t er and garbage telephone servi ce supplies application cards postageo postal cards, supplies, Holiday magazine boo 1m books boo ks books books books booKs books books PARK FUND: f~, 7..2- !Pacific Telephone and Tel. servi ce 3851, 5288 11'iheeler Hdwre. and Furn. seat, stopper, nozzle, hose, wire, paint PARKING MErEU AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: .2.26, ~ 3 'M. H. Rhodes, Inc. meter parts .Wheeler Hdwre. fencing, etc. Army and Navy Store curb paint Angeles Machine and Welding brace for light, standard for directioIlal sign CEMETERY FUND: Wheeler Hctwre and Furn. rake, she ar LIBRARY MJ!}10RIAL FUND: A. C. McClurg and Co. FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: 'Clalllllll County Medical Service Corp. Premium on 11 firemen There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. books ~, e :t~, t City Clerk ,"0']"1('1; OF L\I.r. I~(~ JiJ:.O~~.(;;'] t,. h,~~~~i~:('7i i ~;t 1\ 1~~H'~rI1~,~t~,c} th.. Cily C'kr]t oj' the City o~ l''lJ'l \..11el;1~~~' ~~.a~~~,g~~ll~ n~;~tilil!!I~,O~~;, ('om'tl'\Ietiotl of tillllH'1' Ilo,t plnnl{ .tHirw[l~' at F'irl1t I\IHl Lrtul'el ~r:'{'(>ttl in lhe t'ily of 1'01't :\ngl'li-'S, l'l:ln" ,,11(1 f<]'('elfil'::lliullJ,' 111:1,' I,(! "hlaln"'ll ill tile ('(fie'I' or tlll' C\I\' 1';l1~in('I'<':" U!JOll (\(,],o!l1110/::" thH !-llllil of F_,DO, wl11t"ll slim wlll,h.. "('(lIl1d"t! if Iht. pl:l11H lint! "[J('f'iflclItiQllR lHn r"tUl"I\,'d IWt'fll'f' tile llhls Rl'lJ "'Ilelwll Atl hids .'-1]-,nll I,w fll'rtlllllHlllll'll 1).11 :i ('('j,tiJiHI 1':I"I'!c llr hill 111111(1 ill th,' ~~~:~;II::~ IrS~lt alll~lS;lla\ll~llllm;'l:'tl"IJ[n ::::: ~,i.L~,(.~'~"i~1\~I~~I;rl'. {Ji" tIn' hi!1 will 11(/11 ..\ ]",1111 "f ]00% of tilt' flmllllllt. of, !'(Hltl'lll'\: lnkl' ll\U1it ho fU1"liish(.,1 In' tll" :<U("'('s~rlll hlddt'l", 'flit' Cit~' C'Jmmi~l'i"n 1'('~','T'\'(,fl till' riKllt t" 1:(.Jnd fill:,' {II' all l>id...., J, I,:. I.AW, Clt,' Ch'l'k, l'uhlif<lv'r\: j\11u"~. t, !I, Ulf,2, "i(J'I'U",: 'I'U nU)ln':lls Xntll.'p IH 1"'l'pJ)~' gl\'pl\ {J):tt till' i'iU"I-'(!t Ih'IHlI'lIlH'nt or till' City or I'orl Jo.llj..!;"P].'!<, ""a~llillJ.~;l{]ll, i~ Offl'l'- illJi.' (01" sal!', One l!!Z::' \\'lIiL!' 'l'rucl; Clla",:-.il<, =""tic,' i~ funlH'r gi"f'n thai ~(!al('d hi,t" will J>,l lH'(,<,pted fur ,mid c!w:<- ~:~ I t;;l>lll\:~ 1~;~Sh; ~ (TN:ri~ t., ~A1r:. ki\~r (~, t!J.'j~, Tile Clla~"',df l~ fit ll... CII.:" Ik~rn. !"e\'f'nIJI :lnd 1'<!:Ihnd:," l'llI"N!t," ~t,:];," i l~~l:~l'~l.~':~. 1~'~II;~'lll;~~~~'li'!~~~~P~:~'~!~ tile l'lgllt ~;: ~,~',j'i~5'~;!~"C~'r/~~Jf~'r~:,I~ l'uhlhlh<'d: :\1:I)C ::. :I, l:':;~. ~/44 ~/ -I' Mayor 3.09 5.31 127. 21 203.66 247.20 53.54 1.90 2.49 27.56 50.01 34.30 96.20 1,309.23 I 65.371 63.89, 10.69 ll.79 3.19 8.33 8.32 3.90 ~.341 13.82 20.97 27.69 159.361 79.111 ll,!l4 4.49 17. l!l 69.54 30.96 69.01 61.80 65.1. 5.47 33.00 2.00 ~ 1 I . ,I I