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,...- 442
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Hay 5 19~
IThe City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.U. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of
,officers showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, NeeI', Sanision, .Powell, Nolfe and
McFadden, City Manager' V ergeer, AttoI;\ey' Severyns' and. Clerk .Law..
I . .' .
Uinutes of the previous session were approved as received.
IUnier t he h~ad of unfinished business Manager Vergeer recommenied that bid submitted by Federal Pacific
i iElectric Co. at $28,717.00 for substation transformers and switchgear be accepted. It was moved. by Council-
\ man NeeI' .that bid be awarded as recommended. Seconied by Councilman. Sandison. All.voted Aye. Motion
,,-.lcarried. '. .
ITne Cit~ Engineer filed for approval, p,,\\, estimates for work done and material furnished in L,I.D. No. 167
as follows: .
\ Pieler Construction Co., 4th est~te, April, Unit B. Marine Drive, Unit C Lagoon Bridge $35,037.07
Osberg Construction Co., 4th estimate, April, Unit A, T;""'ater Access'Road,
Manson-Osberg CompalV, 2d estimate, April, Unit C., 'Front Street and Alley,
, .
;It was moved by Councilman Brown that p,,\\,' estimates b~ approved' and >rarrants issued on L.I.D. No. 167
',Construction Funi in p8\Vlllent of same, and tnat tne City Clerk be autnorized to issue warrants numbered 170
ito and including 228 for $1,000.00 each, and warrant no. .229.in amount of $257.69, in aggregate amount of
',$59,257.69, on L.I.D. No..167 Funi, bearing interest at the rate of 3 3!I$.per annum and dated Y.ay 6, 1955,
,to suppl,y the necessary funis to be deposited in tne L.I.D. No. 167 Construction Furrl. Motion seconded by
Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. .,
j .
,It was then moved by Councilman McFadden, seconded by Councilman Brown that the following claim vouchers be
,'approved, covering fixed estimat.e expense on L.I.D. No. 167, and that warrants be issued on L.I.D. No. 167
Construction Fund in ~ent of same: Payroll period, April 16 - 30, $1,248.04; Hurning Cedar. Products,
stakes, $46.35; Tacoma-Port Angeles Autg Freight, f reig1!.t chg., $1.75;. and State of Washington Dept. of
Highwa.ys, testing ctJ:inders,.$lO.OO.. On roll call, all members voted Aye. .The Ha,yo~ declared the motion
~~~.' .
I - - . .
The Committee of Councilmen Wolfe, Powell, and Brown, as appointed to meet with tne Library Board regarding
merger of City and County llbraries reported. . Councilman l~olfe acted as spokesman,. reporting advantages
and disadvantages of .the merger. Uiss Powell advised that .Qook duplication would be necessary still as'.
'some would go to County while others were in the City. Also that recent Legislation authorizes Counties to I
issue bonds for Library buildings. Councilman Brown stated that the Library Board feels the County is
receiving close to $5,000.00 sernce.for the $1,500.00 paid tne City under present arrangements. The Library
:Board made no recommendations and it was the opinion of Committee that merger is not warranted on basis of' I
information available at this time. A meeting will be arranged for May ll, including County Commissioners, I
~ounty Library Board, Councilmen and City Library Board for further discussion. .
Manager Vergeer read a letter from A. G. Koch of the State Health Department regarding recent action by the
.Council toWard pollution control ano. releasing permit:, for sewer connections.
I1nier the head of new business, claims paid April ~5, 30 and May 4, were approved in total amount of $43,llO.22.
It was moved by Councilman Po>rell that clainul be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All
voted Aye. Motion c arri ed..
Claims for damages were filed as follows: F. H. Jarnagin, $19,400.00. Violation of tenns of contract,
front Street and Alley, Unit C., L.I.D. li'0._16'? .It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that claim be referred to
the.City Attorney .for investigation. .Seconded by Councilman Powell. All votEld Aye. Motion carried.
I . , ..,,-
I Thelma Grauel, injured in open trench, 600 Block, Tumwater Valley, $2,000.00. It was moved by Councilman
IMcFadden that claim be referred to the City. Attorney for investigation. Seconded by Councilman.Wolfe.
All voted Aye. Motion carried. . . . -
Fhe Councii received requests for minimums set for tne following real property: Lots 17 to 20, Incl., Elk.
364. LOt 11, Blk. 141. Lots 11, 12, 13, and 15 to 20 Incl., In Block 309. Lot,a II to 13 Incl., .Blk. 392.
t It was moved by Councilman NeeI' that fixing of minimums be postponed until the next meeting wen proper
, appraisals will have been made. Motion seconded by Councilman Nolfe and carried.
I . . .
,Manager Vergeer requested that the Council authorize purchase of Lots 15 and 16, Elk. 275, the same to be
l)lSed for location of . light substation. Price of lots, $1,000.00..- Assessments due, $175.94. It was moved
by Councilman Wolfe that Council authcl'ize 'Vergeer to purchase the lot s at price quoted plus assessment
cost. Seconded by. Councilman Brown and carried'.
I Chief Kochanek filed report of the Police Dept. for the month of April, also letter of recommendations to-
Iward better traffic control. Recommendations were as follOWS:. Impouni vehicles improperly parked, stolen,
etc. Two hour parking on East First from Peabody tooEnnis. Parallel parking west First St. Oak to Valley.
Thirty, mile speed on J-larine Drive and Ediz. Hook except mill zones. It was moved by .Councilman Brown
!that the Manager, :'Police Chief and Attorney be authorized to prepare an Ordinance to effect recommendation
,regarding impouniing vehicles. Seconded by Councilman McFadden ani carried. It WllB moved by Councilman
Wolfe that suggestion of two hour parking on First Street.from Peabody to Ennis be approved. Seconded by
,!councilman McFadden and carried. It was moved by Councilman NeeI' that thirty mile speed be approved on
Marine Drive and Ediz Hook except where otherwise posted. Se"onded by Councilman Brown and carried. It
:was moved by Councilman Brown that parallel paring on First Street from Oak to Valley be -tabled for the
itime being. Seconied by. Councilman NeeI' and carried... _ a .
Icounc.il considered establishing speed zone in the vicinity of Ninth and Washington Streets for protection ofl
children. Manager Vergeer ''1as authorized to investigate as to requirements.. I
George Wells, Cab operator appeared to request changes in taxicab rates. It was the opinion of the Council 'I
'members that the only solution is metered cabs. It was moved by Councilman Brown, seconied by Councilman
iNeer that no action be taken at this time. Motion carried. It was then moved by Councilman BI'01'ffi that a ,
'minimum of fifty cents be established for cab fare. Seconded. by Councilman 1.1cFadd..m and carried. It was I
'also moved by Councilman Wolfe that decision on charg'l for waiting cabs be pOstponed until the next.meeting. .
'Seoonded by Councilman Mcfadden. All voted J\v'e. Motion carried. I
I . . - - - '
'Louis Cnockaert inquired as to what action will be taken on claim filed by F. H. Jarnagin concerning Front I
~Street ani Alley fill. Also objected to type of ill materialtBing used to fill his property. Mr. Cnockaert,
is inst=cted to contac~ Engineers and consult specifications. .
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
May Ii
...' , .~", ..,,~ '.'''"''"'. ....".,..... .....
IThe report of pO.lice Judge Taylor for the month of April. showing $2,285.00 fines collected was approved
and ordered fi;Led. . .
IChief Kochanek reported that during the month of April, one Police Sergeant attended. F.B.I. Comand
,SChool. at Fort Lewis. Also that application to toe F.B.I. A;:adell\J7 in Washington, D.C. is.pending. It
',was the opinion. of Chief Kochanek that Council .should select. officerto,.attend.. Mr. lergeer recommended
jthat the Chief attend F. B. I. AcadeIl\Y..
I - . . ,
:Under the head of introductiona' Resolutions, the following was introduced and read in full, fixing.
'time of hearing for vacation:
'~RESOLUTION ~ixing time forhearing on the.~cation o,fthat ~ortion of First Street in Home Addition within
:the Townsite of Port Angeles extending from the Easter~.boundary line of Penn,Street,to..the ~sterly
boundary line of. the ,!,OWllaite of Port Angeles. _ . . _ .
I WHEREAS, JOE C. JANISH has filed a petition with the City of Port Angeles pra,ying for the vacation
,of that certain portion of. First Street in Home Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles extending from
I'the Ea.sterly boundary of Penn Street to the. Ea. st~r~ bOundary. of. the Townsit~'of port Ang. eles, aaI
WHEREAS, it is founi. that. the petitioner is the owner of all of the. private property abutting upon
the parts of t he street sought to be vacated; nml, therefore,' .
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT AllGELES that a hearing be had upon the petition
for tne vacation of -
That portion of First Stre~t in-Home Mditiolll'
within the City of Port Angeles'extenQing.
from the Easterly boUIJiary of Penn Street in
said City Easter~ to the Easterly boundary
of the Townsite of Port Angeles.
It being fllther resolved that said he"nng. be held before the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at the Council Chamber on Thursda,y the 2nc\.dsy of.June, 1955, at th~ ho~ of 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said
;'date, and that I).otice of such hearing shall be given by posting thereof in thr,!e of, tne mo~t. public
places in tne City of Port Angeles and a like notice in a conspicuous place on tne porti ons of said'
First Street to be V8C;!.ted._
I. ." .
'.It was moved by Councilman Brown that tne foregoing Resolution be approved ani adopted. Seconded by
'Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
1 ..
I~o other business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned.
Ma,yor. . ....
City. Clerk. . .
th~g~~ou~etf~fe~~ c~~~egr' ~~~~
; ~g~1~ow8~d;cci~~,M~~~r~J~;'.
I June '2, 1955, and not ll\tel:,.{ut the
City.- In.ll,. 140 West. Front "Street,
~~~to \\~:l ~~?~gl:agg;~ ~~Lesair~~~
~C1ty Oot.lnCU etHtmber 6t 120 North
Oak Street, bids ,to cover the follow-
ini" <,.-. ~..,..
; L: ~ou t~~~lh as p 11 a 1 t (86-
I 2. FurnlM. Plant fully operated
for mixing approximately 3800
tons of Type F. Asphalt.
3. 'Fllnllsh paver and labor for
1 a y 1 n !,approxlmately ",2.46
mileso( roadway two (2) Inch
~ comprMsed mat, 22 feet wide.
; t'ity will "'f.uTnish nIl aggregate
and deliver to mixing plnnt bunke.';
haull1mlted to 1,()OO fEet from Cit~'
Gravel Pit at Morse Creek. CIty
Ii will al~ haul p. lant.mix to paving
I site,
J. E. .LaW. City Clerk
~ May 19, 2tl, 19~5N .