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Procee~ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
May 5,
1.IloHPRlriTl"'GCCl. P.~U~.~
The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were Mayor Willson, COlihcilJ
men Maxfield, Cornell, Wolfe and Bettger, Manager Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece.
A motion was made by Councilman WOl.fe, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to accept, as
'received, and place on file minutes of the previous meeting.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept
the low bid of Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company for 10,000 ft. of 12" Ductile iron pipe at
$52,580.84 net to the City, subject to its meeting all specifications.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried, to accept the
low bid of Anderson Ford Company for the Light Department Mobile Man-Lift Aerial Boom at $26,152.4
net to the City, subject to its meeting all specifications
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, to grant per-
mission to call for bids to repair Ennis Street between Front and Columbia, and Marine Drive be-
tween "B" and."H" Streets.
A, motion was made by Councilman WOlfe1 seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to approve for
payment Claims Vouchers in amount of ~64,092.18, also Payroll Transfers in amount of $34,429.73,
and L.I.D. No. 186, $5,620.51.
The following ordinance was again read in full.
Ordinance No, 1585
AN ORDINANCE making it unlawful for the owner or custodian of any dog
to allow said animal to roam, run or stray without being under con-
trol and amending Section 4.22 of the City Code with reference to
redemption and impoundment.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield and seconded by Councilman Wolfe, that
nance be adopted as read. After further discussion, on called vote, Councilmen
and Cornell voted "Aye", Councilman Bettger voted "Opposed". Motion passed.
the foregoing ordiJ
Maxfield, Wolfe
The Public Hearing on the Off-Street Parking Ordinance was opened and the ordinance read in full.
The Planning Commission minutes relative to their Public Hearing held on the 3rd of May was also
read. There being questions regarding the regulations on some items, it was decided that the
Council will meet with the Planning Commission at their meeting May 17, to discuss these items.
A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe,seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to concur with I
the Fire Chief and Police Chief (they could see no reason for having a loading zone at this locatiqn)
and deny the request of Grand Hotel for a loading zone in front of their building, 125 West Front jt.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to enter into,
a "Workable Program" in conjunction with housing for the elderly.
I The following ordinances and the accompanying letters from the City Attorney advising
Review Board approves the annexations as set forth in the ordinances were read.
Ordinance No. 1586
that the
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angelcs annexing an area contiguous
to the City.
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to adopt the
foregoing ordinance as read. (Annexation effective May 12, 1966)
Ordinance No. 1587
~1 ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles annexing an area contiguous
to the City.
liA motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Cornell
'foregoing ordinance as read. (Annexation effective May 12,1966)
,~ t
'I A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe,
I Aid Agreement with Fire District No. 2
and carried, to adopt the
seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, that the Mutual
be approved.
. d' d t' I
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councllman Cornell an carrle, to en er lnto
a Communications Agreement with Fire District No.2.
T~e following resolutions werc read in full.
Resolution No. 6-66
A RESOLUTION setting forth land acquisition policy of the City of
Port Angeles pertaining to open-space, outdoor and recreation
A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried, to adopt the
foregoing resolution as read.
Resolution No. 7-66
A RESOLUTION aulhorizing filing of application for grant to acquire
open-space land.
Procee~ings of the City Commission of;. the 'City of Port Angeles, Washington
L . H PRINTING CO. p.u~~. ~
Page - 2-
A motion was m~de by Councilman Cornell,seconded,by Councilman Wolfe and carried, to adopt the
foregoing resolution as read.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to concur
with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the application of Edwin B. Gordon of
621 South Washington Street for permission to construct a single car garage within two feet of his
north property line.
A motion was made by Councilman WOlfe, seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried, to concur with
the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the application of Ron Leighton of 1322 South
Cedar Street, for permission to build a carport closer to the property line than allowed.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to approve
and place on file the Planning Commission Minutes of May 3, 1966.
Minutes of the Park Board meeting held April 28, 1966 were read and discussed. Opal McLaughlin, '
representing the Port Angeles Soroptimist Club and Mrs. Harper, representing the D.A.R. were I
present and voiced their protests regarding removal of the fountain and the granite memorial from ,
the Laurel Street Square. The Rotary Club sign was also discussed. The City Manager was requescel
' to ask the Park Board for a sketch of their plans for, this Square.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Maxfleld and carried, to accept
and place on file the minutes of the Park Board meeting, except the items to be checked. (Re: the
Laurel Street Square).
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept
and place on file the Equipment Rental Operating Statement, Street Cost Report, Library and
Recreation Out-of-town Reports and the Report on Interest received from Investments, 1960-1965,
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to approve
the applications for liquor licenses of Harold L. Abbott and Gilbert D. Smith, Smitty's Fine Foods
and Frieda T. Moore and Murl Moore, Babe's Tavern.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to authorize
the signing of the amendment to the B.P.A. Power Sales Contracts. (No. 14-03-001-12481 and
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, to accept the
, petition for annexation of an area north of Highway 101, in the Fairmount area, and the Mayor and
City Attorney be directed to proceed with the Annexation Proceedings, and that this area not be
required to aSSume the current City indebtedness.
Mr. Howard Doherty, attorney for the Driftwood Motel, requested a Board of Appeals to act on the
Sign Code Violation brought against them by the City. Action on the violation is to be held up
until the City Attorney can advise the Council regarding setting up a Board of Appeals.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M.
?!l &~~J
City Clerk
NUTCq~ l:i hereby gh-en thaL ~('[I~
rate lud:s will be I't'ceh'l:'tl lip [II
:;;:00 Jun., ),111}" 19, 19(;6, hy thl! City
~. ranag, 1::1' of tll." eIL;J.-. Ilf Port AllgCl(!s",
J~O "'est Frolll ~lr(,l'l fOJ':
One u.sed lOader.bll.c1l::boe. ea.s. ~O
or equal, Cllmpllltll with 36" bl1.eket.
Bl!1aer .haJl stat. comHt1on Of
Ulachine and warrnnte.o g;.Vh. B14-
,. del" ,;:hall submit with bid Q. 5%
bid (lepOllit, or bond. .
The Purt J\n/!(!l(o~ Clt)' Counc!i will
I rt,,'j('w lJlos: III )'(..gulnr tOc$lli"tl .at
1,::10 !l.m.,:\{a,Y Ill, 1966. Tnt.' C(HlTIC!t
1'C'!'()rn's tllOJ- ]'Jgllt 10 ncccJlt or re_
I jc'ct ally OJ'' nJl \.Jtlls f'llbmittc,l.
P. n. l-lF,HIUL\:;-';, :
flJhlll'h('[itX]IT~~n~:~~I~r1 May 5. :I9~S 1
Notice 11:1 hCleby given. that ~alcrl
bid!'. fur street cullslruetlnn will bo
rt'cch'col Ht th(~ Ilrrice of the City
En;;llleer, at 1111) ell)" ]l;lJ1, Hll \Vest
Fl'ont Street, P(lrt Angeles, \'"~shlng-
lon un Iii 2 o'cluck P.M., .JllOC 2,1966,
and not ]lltf>I', l'llld will b~ opened.
~:~l~~~l'~~I~~:tte tjl~;;Il~ft~C~ll~io~~~k
llnd m[ltCl'Jl\l~: .
'770 S. Y. Pavement :R.em.ovaJ.
3,'/'00 Ton JJLtnmtnous Plant lIID: j
m;;'er:;~lfJgbL~:~~IJ t~~~ ~ft:Cl~~~~O~~ ~
I' t1le_CitrEngll\e~r 1Illon It (lCl)Qsit uf I
tw('nt:r-f!vo. oollars ($;o...(IQ). Sfl.ld.
I ~~~~i~!~ 't;:~a~:s l'~~~~der~t~~l1aI~lr~~~
pln.I1H ~nd ppeclfINl.tlon/'!.
QuaIlIic,'l.t!on (If bidders III required
and th.. City l'CS-eJ'VG~ the right. to
reful3e to qllnllfy nny bidder.
The City rCf:cr\'C6 tIle right 1.0 rc-
ject allY or all Pl'OI)<ffi{lls. "
A five ]lCt'cent (r,<;I,) of total bin
dOpogl~ ~h(l(~k (lr bill bond of cqual
flrJIount m\l11l n.ceompan~" each pro.
Official acc(!ptance, njet't1on or
Cl)nt!flll:1.UOll In~ th'" City Ccl\lllClJ will
l)P. mAde In the City Council Ch!l.m~
blJrs at 7:3U P.1\1., .Tune 2, 1G~tJ.
,lUll],: B. "'AHDBR
g~r. ~;~~~~[r Allgcle~
~:ll: ~t{\y 12 & tV, t{lfG,
I N~T~~~~J:~~U=~~:N:J
~11~:I'~li2' ~ou~~cjJ'Jr~:~~~;jldofr.~~I~t.~~'
.,'alklng Urdlfl:lfl(~F! In [I]e CUlllldl;
~:~:~~bl~i;1~~,on~va'~'~1ng?~; :tlJ't'7~~ri
l"~!ilc l\1;rOf~O",:'~6Gon'!tna~ce Olltllncs I
~~l~'k~~;;H~~I~~n~orfg;'o",~~~~g ~~ii~f~~~~ l
:i::I'! ~ l.~~~i;n ~ 'l~/>f~~~~~~~ s~ f Of n~~n~): lt~~~ ~
in" l,1tifllln~, land 11..0, 01' stru(1turc. I
'fht' bagloJ (OJ' teclmJeal provll;[g.ns
of tho oNlInnllC€ aN "'1 fil(l with
the City Ellglru't.r and are uV(l.lIable
for public lnl'\pection nnd pC'T'l,lsaL
Any pNI'lf11l de9irillj;: to ob~ct to
I'aid 0rdinallc(; r.K1S file a written
I)I'oteHt with tile City Clerk, nr orally
ub,lcct at thC'l public hesLlin~,
.1OB:>: B. WAnDEl:
f"itv J',llgin('er I
eil)" or Port Angeles
T'lIhlll"hl'll: A pl'l1 21 llnd 2~, HHl6
lil'O"1'ICE or HEARING j
tht, Clt,\, Plannilll:" Cummls"ion will
hoM [t plzhlll' lH~al'ing 011 u. 111'1lpOl;Cd
O(f.Street J'nl'ktllg ()n]lmI.llCIJ ,in thr.
Council C'lml1lhers, }.'mnt [tn,l Oak
SLI'nct~, !>fJrt AngelE'$', '\Vnsl1lngl'on at
'i :~\'h,;'~;:(]~~~rd S'o;fi,r;~~noo outlines \
l'Nlulr~nl(1ntll rur PI'I)\'!tHng Q1'f_!\tl'<!l!t :
pal'kl11g al'O:1fl ft,r ))aw bullning!>. I
IHnrl use:>, or stl'uctl.lrl's, or 1'()r the I
enlargement or incfNlflc or ,{ny exlst-
In~ building, land Ul'll:!', or stl'ueluro..
The lJap!c 1)[" technical proviF;ionf; I
(of the ')rilit1:I.11CC {lTB on 1'110 with
thc City H::llB'lneer nn,d Hrc a.va1l1111e>
{Ol' public inspE'~tl{\n and V~l,\],.al,
.\ny per.8011 deslr1111t to olJ)e('t to
Mi,l r)l'dlnanf'l'l nm>-' file a 'VTlttl"ll
w'ntN:t with the City Clerk, 01' orally
,object at tho tJulJllc> ]WfJrilH;,
.10IL\~ B. \VAHDEn
f'ity }<~ngiTV,'(;l'
P.ltv of P/lI.t AngclC's
'l'\lbllshcd: 'At>].~ 21 nnd n, HJGG.
v Mayor
City of Port Angeles, Wa.sllJ.11a'ton
'Separate bWs wlJ ..:cch'cd up to
'S:IJD p.m., ),[rt b~' the City
)J\JlIlla Port AlIgdes,
H for:
ne new 19GB mo e man-JUt
Mrlal bDOm, c.omll1et. with tru<lk
Dha.:ns and equipment.
Sp('clficatlons may be ohl.'lllled ~Lt
thl., Officc of the City Manager
Bidder shAll submll with l,lu the
r('(julred uellw'l'Y tll11(', It lio;::, hW
dCJ1o:;it or IJOnrl. ;11I11 ri. ~iC'IH''' Cl'rU-
11cate ~tnljnR tlmt tlJC bldd"r, if
:,-:ucces:<flJI. wJIl lllF!el tile specltlc.'1..
tjuns WiUHll1t (''licC'ptlon
Till) POl't Angelo!.! City Council
'wlll re\'i~w 111d;; in r~glllar H+'lli(l1l
:<t .:::0 p.m,. Mar li, 1:I6G. The_ C\)1jI1-
ell re!'cn',--,.!; th(< rIght to peCCIJt or I
rcj(>et ~ny or nil hid.'l sull1ni.ifirr ,.. I!
PubllHhcu: AI~rjl ii and 2I,~
sealed bids wllI be received hy the
City of Port Angel~s until 5:00 p.m.,
May G, HHi6 at: eil,)" Hall nod wllI ~e
])llbllcly OjlelJetl a.nrl read tho Gll.mo!
date at 7:3il p.m, In tl1e CcrnnetJ
Chambers at Front amt Oak Streets
for the pUrcllil!;t~ of 1 (),OOO llno!.llI feo!t
of 12" Dtlctlle Trim Pipe,
SpeclrIc.'ltllln.'l and bl(! shec-ts may
be obtu.ined lit City HnII.
D, D. HERR:l.tAX
City Mamlger.
PultlJfjhed: Ajlrll J4 & 21, 1911G
r--- "
BALI: or ~n.CB:pR.CJ1lIlJl,-rY
NOT1CF. if< hereby gh'eTl that tlIo
City of Port Angc1c!T wlll- sell a.t
Auction ,to the blghei't lJiddi:l' the
following tlt'llcribt:d propcrt~injmUm
r~ot" Block Prlce
11 thru IB HI $3,:106,27
II thru 13 ~r;t ~.I;7,~9
IS thlll 21) 415 2,000,00
n ~~~ ~~ gg l:~~~;:~~
Sale- ~ m be held Mona;])", JUlie
9; 1~r;1j <Lt B 00 ,.-\),1. In th~, Council
CI;anlbcri)o:.~ltb rrJ.lcICI:l~li~~\N
CLty 1I1nnllgcr
Pulllls1letl: )l.InP. 16 llni! :n, 19GG,.