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May 5, 1970
The Council met in regular session at 7: 30 p.m. Officers present were",Mayor
Wolfe, Councilmen Easom, Edwards, Hordyk, Olson, McRevey and Ross; Manager
Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Acting Clerk Hobbs.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file the Council Minutes of April 21, 1970:
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Sanitation Department Superintendent's recom-
mendation and reject the one bid on the garbage packer due to it exceeding the
amount budgeted for, and again call for bids.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to accept the bid of National Cash Register Company for a Model
2000 Utility Billing Machine, eliminating the trade-in, as it was felt the City
should keep the old machine, amount of bid being $13,151.75, less trade-in allow-
ance of $25.00 equals $13,136.76 total investment.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to accept the low bid of $72,209.50 of Westinghouse Electric for
the new 5000 KVA Unit Substation for installation at 7th and "I" Streets.
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to approve for payment $1,856.57 to CH2M for engineering services
from February 25 through March 25, 1970 in connection with Ennis Street Improve-
ments (L.r.D. #191).
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to hold payment to r.B.M. Corp. voucher number 8826, in the amount
of $2,815.43, until further investigation has been made as to the City's obli-
gation. (City Attorney to give opinion as to CityTs legal obligation.)
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to approve for payment Claim Vouchers in amount of $97,688.99;
L.r.D. #189, $152,488.24; L,r.D. #189-A, $2,734.33; and Payroll Transfers in
amount of $52,849.99.
A motion was made 'by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Edwards and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission and approve the variance re-
quest of Mr. Ivan E. Batchelor, 817 West 12th Street to permit construction of an
addition to a pre-existinffinon-conforming, single-family residence.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission and approve the variance
request of Donald Thompson, 222 Lopez, to permit construction of an attached car-
port, contingent upon the carport remaining unenclosed.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried to concur with the Planning Commission and approve the extension
of a Conditional Use Permit granted to Chester A. Dahlberg. in May, 1969, to con-
struct a church at 17th and t1Dft Streets and to allow occupancy of a trailer on
the propert~ to be used as living quarters and watchman's shack during construction
and to be removed no later than September 1, 1970.
A motion was made by Councilwaman Ross, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to table and refer back to the.Planning Commission the land-swap
proposal of Mr. Fred Jewell (land being located in the platted right-of-way of
West 4th Street) at Mr. JewellTs request.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unanimously
carried to accept and place on file the Planning Commission Minutes of April 27, 1970.
The following Ordinance was introduced and read in full and passed first reading.
AN ORDINANCE providing for the appropriatiQB of
$50,000. in the General Administration Fund
and declaring an emergency.
MAY 5, 1970 (Continued)
The following ordinances were read in full:
AN ORDINANCE defining and regulating the installation,
or modification of individual sewage disposal systems:
setting standards, requiring permits, setting fees and
authorizing the District Health Officer to promulgate
reasonable and necessary regulations to carry out the
purpose of this ordinance.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani- I
mously carried to table the above Ordinance until the next meeting (May 19, 1970)
to allow the public to become aware of this.
AN ORDINANCE regulating truck traffic and providing
A motion was made by Councilman Ed~ards and seconded by Councilman McRevey to
adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read. After some discussion, a motion was made
by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to
table the foregoing Ordinance until the next meeting (May 19, 1970) to allow the
public to become familiar with this.
The following Resolution was read in full:
A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, declaring the intention
of the City Council to improve a certain area
within the City by the construction and install-
ation of storm drainage facilities therein, the
grading, ballasting and paving of certain streets
therein, the construction of curbs and gutters where
necessary, and by doing all work necessary in con-
nection therewith, and fixing a time, date and place
for the hearing on this resolution of intention.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Olson and unanimously
carried to adopt the foregoing resolution as read. (Hearing - June 2, 1970 8:00 p.m.)
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconde9 by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to adopt the Cooperative Agreement with the Community College Dis-
trict No. 1 and the City of Port Angeles as read reo development of an athletic
field at Peninsula College.
The Six-year Street Improvement Program 1970-1976 was read and noted. Hearing
was set for June 2, 1970.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried that the Council take no action at this time on the letter from
the City Manager of Vancouver, Washington reo recommendation for the adoption of
a resolution requesting legislation to combine the Statewide City Employees Re-
tirement System with the Washington Public Employees Retirement System, and the
State assume responsibility for funding any unfunded prior service liability.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Basom and unani- I
mously carried to table the Local Sales Tax memorandum until the next meeting.
(May 19, 1970.)
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to take from the table the application of Chuck's Place for a
dance license.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried to approve the application of Chuck's Place for a dance license.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file the Board of Directors Minutes of the
Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority, April 1, 1970.
MAY 5, 1970 (Continued)
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file the Clallam-Jefferson County Community
Action Council Minutes of April 15, 1970.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file the Emanon Report, April, 1970.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file the Human Relations Commission Minutes
of April 20, 1970; the Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes, April 23, 1970,
and the Senior Citizen's Drop-in Center Report, April 30, 1970.
A motion was made, by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by CounciWman Olson and unani-
mously carried to approve the transfer of Liquor License for Corner Cupboard from
Alice Etta Adams and Edwin Stockwell Adams Estate to Troy Lee Brookreson.
A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried to affirm the Mayorts proclaiming May 1970 as Senior Citizen's
Other subjects of discussion were sweeping of streets above the Boulevard; mutual
aid agreement for City Fire Department and outside City fire districts; sanitation
collection fees; downtown businesses still not connected to the City sewer line;
unlicensed vehicles near 2nd and Peabody; Morse Creek water shed area being pro-
tected from commercial industry, and Boulevard Bridge has th~ lower rail in-
A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to form a committee and meet with the theater manager to discuss
the problem of previews of restricted movies being shown at the Saturday Matinee
to the children. Councilmen Edwards, Hordyk and Olson and Mayor Wolfe to be on
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Acting City Clerk ~