HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/06/1925 , COIIIllSSlOH, '::;:0 " Proceedings of the City Co'"iJMil of the City 'of Port Angeles, Washington Ill" L,-+{ - .<--<-/_ -".I,JI . _ -l~c.."'''~,)l.'.~..1..')' ____.~., }h ~-r- . _f1Ii-JLL~~L.'-)A~.J..J-<-'''''- J_L"-" {(, I\.r-{ L .-,c(l ,~ "1 'J , ~ I .1; "'-LJ..r<-L ~kl 'h\ ~~I " ,) 'JTl . _} J' . . -' ..,)/. lTr f-<--"-<-~-" -J.L c.-t...->-<"-H't-. _~l j ~,''" ' :.)l~i. L L. '_. ;:;',;- -i. t -:ll~'" )J/.L L'.J~-!.H" C/(' ,i -.- ~ -lJ ~- (\ . , f(j ~ ~f: d., ~8._,----.<.' ......~j( ~.c (~'-. ~l4'l.rC (~)'h.~-tL'~"''-" / 1922- I .. ,--0 ~,~. "'"~t.lLJ)1 L-,-.-<-J' -i L '/'J{!'1.)., . (' I t4-..-",..."...........~..) ~......-~,<:-' /J '-r.'.. ('. f '-'- ,~'t (;...., 1'" ~ Y __l .J {..I' " ,..' -- ,.c ll', (". '1 ))L'" aGo .-;/. j:!,... }""Jf 'Hi-<;:(""f/-:"'LL'- a....J'-r-"l.-c->~r "-,, ~ '- ::J" p _ ...." L- . ~-t i..'-n~'j ..-':: ~ .\_;....-['-~-c=_~-~ ~ _<_'L.-c-~~~ ",' 'c~._(( 0" ~~_:.:~<'.;:::r}-.,;;.:jf:~!~~ ",,"~aeIl,'__ _ t ~l.t~~i!~ ,,1~1 t), i.sIElII<':li' --,-- ",~=._4!,i Be It Resolved b,. the City Com. ~IM:':~ -?!r~:: ~ltr. ~~It~~e:::~:'~i _ the City Commlaslon or tbe. City' or Port _ Anc-ele. to order the conatruc- tlon or trunk and latet'al '.ewers' In and . aloDg the, followJng . del!crlbed portions ot at:teela In the City --or Port Angeles.. "{o..lt: A trunk \!Iewor beKlnnlng at' the -~ alley ~ betwun Twelfth Str-eet and Thirteenth Street on PIne Street. and runnIng thence northerly' along PIne Street - to Third I Street" theJice ea.a:ter-lr - along' Tblrd Street to Valle Street. thence. north- erly alone v.tier Street to a point approximately In the soutberly ma.r. gin of Front Streel. being the point of discharge Into Port Angeles ha:-- bar; togethl'lr with lateral sewerR ad- JolninR" the said trunk sewer In the tollowlnft dellc:rtbed portions of alle:'"8 In the Clty at Port Angeles. to-wit: In . the" alleys' between - Third" anll Fourth Streets; between Fourth anll -- ~Ii~tl: i ~~~:~; ....b~:~ee~n: ~I~rh ~ :~3 Seyenth Streets:' and '. between' Sev. b~~~k'~:~ . ~r:~,!;'te~tr~~1~~ tro:::; I :~: ~b:-k hl~~h~~~~>: I,:~h.. t~:k:~~~ ~l~~ bulne. . wyea _ and other' equlumen,t necessary and' suitable" to . c.omplete I the lI!ald Improve,m, flnt; and toelllabllah and create a local improvement cl18- ~~~()~~J.~[Th:~";h;"I =~d r;";: Denae of utd I trunk sewer ahall be .L<.<A-: J~ I bor-ne . by ~ and: aueded apJnst ~ the ~rrS~~~nkW~~C:e~.h~~d~h~~e~~ ~~ land e1l:pense or the said lateral 1'1i'\\"- ers tlhall be borne by and aasellsed. agalnl!t the propert). adJoining. prox. ~~:tet::td ~:lISit~uso~O ps::t ~~~~ shan not be liable In any manner tOr Any portion of SAid cost a.nd li':IpenJle I ot I"ald ImProvemenL ---.'.... -- ... '" Third. That all ]lersons who de. Ire to obJect" to the said Improvement. ,or to any part. thereof. art! he~by I' notltled to appear anll presli'nt ~u~h :' objections at a meeting of thb ell)' ~ Commi8slon .... In "" the .... Commlulon t Room. In the elty hall ot saLd' clt)' or Port. Angeles on the 3rd day or I June. 1925. at the hour ot ten o'elock In the morning of -.111 day. whlcb ~::ln~ndalr1a~:tt~~~ ~:f:~~g n~:d ~1(i fe~t~= th~~:tr:,v~~n~ora~~le~~lnl~t;; the method of. payment for lhe same. -'" Fourth. ' That the Clly Engineer Is' hereby Instructed to euhmlt to the lClty Commiaaion at or prior to the l"ald 3rd day or .JUDe. 1926. being the date lIxed for the hearing aforesaid.: all data. and~ Information required by law to be 110 submitted. H . ......._, ~ .... I'af!lsell by the City Commlf!l!llon anti -I signed, by the Mayor thll1 6th da)., of May. 19-+-5.. ii I - "'.'. -...., W. R. HEDRICK, :Mayor. Attest: _.7' ___"q. - ,~~ ELOISE. C. MOmSON, City Clerk. ,ApproVed all to form:' -t I'" AX CHURCH. Au't. City Altorne).4 Date or Publication: May S, 19%5. _ --li-~_' 4:../'1 ,L t /.r-_- ~,;;f.~-l I ~ Pil 1. n (J ...:, 1\.::-: ':D"l...-tL -;-, h.. A'i:.--O-_/' f .!f ~.~ -1/1\'<- J (l /1 I.JL{ -=~)1_V1'l~L1H,--,7l.-J f ..U -"l..L:J,..~'LLu..___L.:'""'\- 7c~"\ 4. ~s P '1. - ? /LP . 1/"" ,-I ( . ..:.. f\ ~ i'-~- L.- .l 1-L~'~ '....(., r': L ""'-"., (L -"' ~- i I I r l I f l l I::;:;~:::~it~~~~~:~ ;:~.;~.::-t~:l "~:^~~~~S~: Be It Re801V'~d By The Clly Com- i mission or the CIt). ot Port Angelcs: I "" Flnt, 'That It Is the Intention ot I thl!! City Commission of the City ot Pori Angel_ to order the Improve- ment -. Dr the ~ following'" dfliHlrlbed IItreets a.nd nlleYII In the eUy ot Port Angeles. to-wlt: - Cedar" Street rrom ~~~ee't n~~th~~~ -;;~~~::ry'~ ~~;~~Igh~~ Sixth Street; the' East ~ one.halt ot Cedar Street trom the northerly ma.r. gin ot SIJ:th Street to the northerly margin ot Fourth Street; Seventh Street trom the break or Tu.rnwater I~~f: Jrre~~e lrt;:':~h:tbi.:~~e~f g~~~: water p;utch to the hreak of Vaney ~"i;;in F~~t'be~~:e~t:~::n t~h~h:a~~e:~k of Valley Kulch; Fourth Street from the b~:~~I~fmV~~:~y 0~1~~~r ':::tr~et~~r~~~ from the II easterly margin. ot Cedar 8tr..t to the - eD.sterly marclb of Pine Street. and 011 alley. running :r::~:~ I~h~h~ 8~~n:eO:t~~rl:,~r:g, ~~~ wit: By clearlmr. Krub~lnc, and lIur, face gradln'" the did portions, ot streets tor a .'.rty to~t roadway ex~ tending' tor twenty' teet on each aide ~{on"he o~~~~:~et~e ~:J 'i t~e . ~~eIY~~ ~.~._-----._-_.- the said portions ot streets lor - a width of thirty' teet '. extending . ftt~ teen teet on each ,aide 01 the center line ot llald portions of aald .treets. except the, ea.t one-halt., of' ,Cedar Street trom the northerly margin ot Slsth Street to the northerly margin of FO.\lrth' Street, " which portion ot ~~~~I~t~= I ::allbt)b~ e~'rPr~~~~ha'i't thereol only, and by Clearing. grub- I ~~:. p~~~f:~: :~~l ~~:Ysgrf~~ell~t.':; I --'-'-'-~------"~-- l~~~k 1~dl~on~~:~r:~; t::r~"r~~~ 0::::: b. I neee....ry ..; to _ properly carry out /, -'.J ""l ~ "r tL--.":C ,the cpnstructlon nnd make the eon- i templated Improvement., all In' DC- I corllanee wlth maps. plane Dnd speel- Butlons to be prepared by the City - EnglneeT, adopted by the City Com. i fll~:~~n a::4 toftl::b.:i~~~ ~'~~~e ~r~~~~ 'ra local Improvement district therefor. - Second. That the entire cost and es.pen.e "ot. saM Improvement" shall be borne by Bnd aase.scd against the " r~~:~t:m~:~wee~dj~hc~n~~r~I~~n~I~~~~ 'j and' proximate to" the portlona. ot I street,. and alleys to' he '. Improved. I which .., property ..Is considered.' ROIl held to be the pro erty nnd to be aU the property 8pecPally benefttted b~' .uch local Improvement, and the clt)' ot ,Port Angeles shall not be. liable I In , any manner tor any' portion ot 1 ~~~';e~:~t. an~.i~:xP~~.~"L~~ ~.~~I~.~.lm.: .. Thirll."'" That all persons who lie. tire to object to the said ~ Impro,'e. ment. or to ony part thereor,' are ! herehy notified to oppear anti present Isuch objections at a meeting of the ICily' CommllUllon . In the Commlulon I Room In Ihe city" hall or Raid clt). of Port Angelea on the 3rd da)' or June, 19.25. at the hour or ten o'clock 'In the mornlng or salt! day,'" wblch 'lime and place are herehy nxed tor heartnl;' all mattera reJatlnK to saltl roposed improvement' ancl all" ob- . feetlons thereto. and tor determlnlnK" Ihe method of payment tor the n.me. :! he;:~:thin~~~~~eJ~~o CI~~b~rtltl~~e\~: 1 i ~~tx 3~~ms.:.~8~rn J~~e. Oi9rl.IO~el~':t ~~:. I date nxed tor the hearing atoresald, _._.._. all data and Intormatlon required b)' . law to be so .ubmltted.,~ .' _u... ~ - Paned by the City Commission and' , slgn6d. by the Mayor this 6th da.y- of [>lay, U". " ,. ,,',- ~- Atte'.t:"~~~~~~~!.C::!'- ll..ay~~:: ~~~rI::~ CaaM~R~:~~: .Clty ~~ .---.- .-- MAX CHURCH. AlIs't. City Attnrne)-. . Date of Publication: May 8, 1'25. _ 5~ ~~- L 'f' -: D 0<...- -lZ c.D,,'n'l.-~~_ ~" cL.u ~ , I -:1.(,- IJ, . l fl . f I' ,"t' ( -I I I . . .____~_~_~ td Ii _ -:t-'1 d. }J l.""{;-1 L~ _~..L,"" L _. ...:.( lL _ 17"' L ~~ _ ,,';'" ...-:'...!1'1T.J ?,!..~)'\\ l ,-' J '-n..../ " p , -'- ()r /, ff- {l tl" /v tt/..+-::Ll<... LL,J7t ::--__ LJ7r-_{.\ _ ~L" tr'L,'A ~_ ~.__.._\~~---- , i i I I I I I . .~