HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/06/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "lIIIl 383 May 6. 1936 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 .'.l,:. and was called to order bv Mayor Daviro, Roll call showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissione~ Masters and Clerk Ha\'Jkin s. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved, Thos. Geisness, Police Judge, reported 16 cases tried and~138.00 collected in fines for the month of "pril, 1936. Report ordered filed. Under the head of New Business,- A petition signed by Thos. T, Aldwell, et als, asking the Commission to oreate a Local Improvement District to provide sevlerage for the property lyinl': between "Wi and "N" Streets and 4th and 5th streets Vias read and referred to the City Engineer to check and report back to the ~ommission, The (;ommission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURREN1' EXP E!1SE F'lJIlD Halkling Motor Co. Olympic vtationers The Pac Tel & iel Co. The ~ac Tel & Tel Co, Evenin/l; l~ews Wm. ,T. '-':Iarc \1m. J. Ware J. R. McJJonald Ci ty Treas'urer Pine Hill Jervice The Pac Tel & Tel vo. 1. C. Groves Kissner Motor Parts Co. Paris Motor ~o. The Pac ~el & Tel ~o, Associated Oil Co. '1lalkling Mo tor (;0, Fire Department The Sanderson Safety Supply ~o, The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Par is t~otor 00. Associated Oil Co. James Hardware Go. Gen era 1 Cons truc ti on Co. Associa ted Oil Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply vo. Pine Hill ~ervice ~illson Hardware Co. ~ashington Pulp & Paper Co. Marshall ,jells Company P. A. Concrete Pr oluc ts Co. Lysall ~elding & ~orge ~orks V, A. Samuelson & vo. V. A. Samuelson & "0. V. A. Samuelson & 00. V. A. ~amuelson & 00. Angeles Gravel & ~upply ~o. Union Oil Co. Glenn 'us Jervice Station Associated Oil Co. Howard ". Kirb;; Adjust Brakes Blue "'rint Ser vie e Ser vic e Publications Premium on Policy Premium on Policy Services as dog catcher Stamps Wood Servic e Meals for prisoner s Lamps, etc. Grease ,Job Servic e Gas Repairs Volunteer Firemen 1st did Kit Supplies Servi ce Tire ~Cluipmen t Gas Hardware Crushed dock Gas Lumber & Cement Repairs on Flusher Hardware Material & Labor Hardware Pipe Repa irs Repairs Re pai rs Tir e ,Ie (lairs Tire .'epairs Lumber, etc. Oil Tire, etc. Gas Servie:e on Car .50 1.29 1.15 2.50 21. 70 20.00 15.60 25.00 .99 21.00 3L65 11.55 31.:33 1.00 1.15 401.48 1. 50 147.00 19.48 6.75 41. 00 28.27 .3.20 480.00 212.03 8/1.1:3 13.50 7.84 123 . 41 16.73 1<::. :15 15.7!) 16.90 .\.95 LaO 2.50 407.4& :31.5., 16.45 ~" 19.81 ~ 5:00 14,.0 1.26 3.00 4.44 1.60 3.63 3.46 4.25 10.00 "?! 11.80 ~l 38.05 ~.12 1. 95 3.01 1.25 H.70 274.50 23.82 30.55 J~ 1.50 b3~ - 44.98 237.96 1. 25 ..... ~IA'i'ER ~D Ci ty Treasurer Davis The WeIde.!' Paris Motor (;0. Edmisten Machine ITorks Getchell & Gagnon Gemchell & ~ag~on Pac Tel & Tel vo. Olympic Printery City Treasurer Lysall "elding & Forge "orks Misc. Ca~h Payments Shop \'Iol'k Repaits truck Repair Pump Service Truck Gas, etc. Servi ce Printing Exc is e 'fax Shop ';jork LIGHT }'UND --- McGraw Hill Book Co. City Water Dept. Byron ,linter V. A. Samuelson & vo. Pac ~el & ~el Co. City Treasuror Quick Print Ci ty Treasurer puget Sound Navigation Associated Oil Co. Line Material Co. ~ ,D. Code Book ~ater-Sub Jtation Ma ter lal Repairs, truck Service Taxes Offioe !ld~. Printing Misc. Cash Freight Clnrges Gasoline Material C EME T ER Y F'lJIID Geltll:rge A. Todd Sharpen Lawn Mower ,... 384 May 6. 1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ LIBRARY FUND Jennilu Norris Leunig Library Service Wilson Hardware Co, Packer-Scott Co. Remington "and, Inc. City Treasurer Pine Hill Jervice The puget Jound News Go. The Pac Tel & Tel ~o. The Hertzberg Bindery The H. It. Hunting ';0. Bellingham Bookbindery City ~lectric ~o. Zellerbach Paper ~o. Petty Cash Books Lawn Mower Supplies Supplie.s Light & jfa ter 'flood Books Service Books Books Binding Repairs Tonels PARK E'lJND C. L. 3arff Hillson Hardware Co. Ernest chares t Lawn MO\'ler, e tc. Hardware Plowing, etc. ACCIDENT FUN D , J. L. Coffey Glasses ~ 1..:73 g" }07 - 4.5.') 3.76 12.98 2/. 22 5.00 10.42 38.50 ,'51. 56 4.25 25.76 4.87 101.32 <!.20 5.175 I 17.75 5.05 85,00 I 10.00 Ther3 being no further business the ~ommission adjourned to meet Thursday, May 7, 1936, at 2 P.M. ?7?/fJ~ C Ci ty Clerk llr... ~~ Mayor I I I