HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/06/1954
,.. 390
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington.
I4ao' 6
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The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call
of officers revealed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, POIiell, Wolfe
and McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Seyeryns ani Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Powell that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded
by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, one bid was received from Tom Ortner Equipment Company in amount
of $12,000.00., Sales tax not included, to furnish switch gear fn the Light substation. Manager Vergeer
recommended that the bid be accepted and it was moved by Councilman Near the recommendation be approved
and offer accepted. Secon::!ed by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
i Request filed by V. G. Burton for transfer of cab license to the new owner, Cwles S. Welsh, was considered
Manager Vergeer advised that the new owner has been investigated and found satisfactory. Also the rate
I schedule has been filed and recommended approval of the transfer. It "as moved bJl Councilman McFadden
that the request for transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All members voted Aye. Motion
~ carried. . .
;fMayor Smith read a letter from the Peninsula Pl,ywood Corp. regarding sub-lease of Eliiz Hook Tract No. 6
un~' ~ and req~ested consideration if and when opportunity appears for rental of harbor area. It was moved
~.bY Counc~lman Powell that the letter be placed on file an::! every consideration given. Seconded by CouMil-
~.man Sandison. All voted A;te. Motion carried.
7he Loyal Order of YJOose having previously filed request for beverage permit, Manager Vergeer read reports
,from the State. Liquor Control Board and Police Department wherein the license is approved. It was moved . I
:by Councilman Brown that under conditions stated, the Council approve beverage license. Seconded by
,Councilman McFadden an::! unanimously carri ed.
l . .
[The Engineering Department filed estimated of cost, exclusive of Rights-of-way, of the contenlplated enlarged
itocal Improvement District as follo...s:
Project A., Tumwater Access Road,
Proj ect B., Third Street Extension,
Project C., Front Street Elct.ension,
Oak to Valley,
fill, 73,050.04
Project D., Culvert on 5th St. at Peabody Creek, 38,882.59
Manager Vergeer s1.mIIIlSrized the report and advised that Consulting Engineer Ed Hughes has been employed and
his report l<ill specify what property will especially benefit by the improvenents and be subject to
assessments, and what part of co st will constitute general benefit.
Robert Cahill having previously requested that the City re-purchase Lots 1 to 4, in .Block 404, the City
Attorney filed .pinion advising that if the City has use for the Lots and purchase price is included
in the Budget, then the City.could re-purchase the property. Otnerwise the City would not be justified
in such a transaction. It was moved by Councilman Bl'OW'n that the request be denied. Seconded by
Councilman McFadden. All voted /we. &tion carried.
Manager Vergeer read excerpts from Planning Commission meeting and Official Hearing on Zoning Ordinance
variation and adoption of building code. The Commission recommended that the City Council take steps
to join the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference and adopt the Pacific Coast Building Code in
short form. Hegarding petition by Louis Elterich for variance in zoning ordinance, the Commission decided
Ito take under advisement, decision to be rendered at the next regular meeting. The Council approved
reconnnendation and an Ordinance adopting the Pacific Coast Building Code will be prepared for introduction
lat the next Council meeting.
Engineer Ahlvers filed revison of March 4th estimate for the construction of sanitary sewers in the Penn
Street area east of lfuites Creek. Cost per lot for trunk sewer, $152.93. For Laterals, 1/127.62.
Ilotal per Lot, $280.55. Actual property value, $17,242.00. Estimated cost for trunk and laterals,
$65,637.11. Deficit, $39,lilB.B6. Manager Vergeer will meet with Don Morrison of the County Health
\Department and a representative of a Bonding Company at earliest possible date to ascertain if a feasable
plan can be worked out to relieve tne situation.
IUrrler the head of new business, the Engineer filed the first pay estimate (April) to George Madsen Company
for work done and material furnished in L.I.D. No. 165, curbs, gutters and stonn sewers on West Sth St.,
lin 8JOOunt of $3,949.80 including $1,000.00 portion of fixed estimate. It was moved by Councilman Po>rel1 I
I'that the estimate be approved and. warrant issued in pa;yment of the same. Seconded by Councilman Sandison.
,All voted lAye. }lotion carried.
lIt was moved by Councilman Meer that the monthly budget reports for March be approved and placed on file~
'Seconded by Councilmarr Sandison. All members voted A;te. Motion carried.
I . .
Miss Lee Hodson, Librarian, requested in writing that $50.00 be transferred from tb.e itEm of Binding to
:Travel Expense, all in the same classification of the Library Budget. It WaS moved by Councilman
fPowell tb.at the request be allowed. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted /we. Motion carried.
).It was moved ~ Councilman Wolfe that the Tr~surer' s report for March be accepted, approved an::! placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman Powell llnd carried. ..'
!Claims paid April 16, 23, ~7 and Ma6 3,' an::! 6, in total amount of $42,212.74 were filed for approval.
'It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Brown.
'All voted Aye. Motion carried.' . .
Claims against the "1953 Street Improvelllmt Construction Fund", Fixed Estimate, were presented for apPl'oval
las follows:
I Pa,yroll, April 16-30, incl. $1,078.&4
Dept. of Labor and Industries 17.82
City Treasurer, Int. on ,iarrants 180.36
.It was moved by Councilman Brown that the claims be approved an::! warrants issued in paymEl'lt of same.
'Seconded by Councilman Powell and unanimously carried.
lcoPies of the Annual Report for the year 1953 were presented to the Council and 11anager Vergeer informed
ithat copies are available for interested individuals. . -.
IThe report of the P.olice Department for tb.e month of April was filsd for approval. It was moved by
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
M~ 6
A petition signed by property owners in tb.e Ninth and E Streets District requested that the Council consider.
establishing a Local Improvement District for installation of sanitary sewers to service Blocks 254, 255,
and 256. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the first necessary steps be taken when practical to do
I so and cost estimates compiled. Motion seconded by CouncilmanW olfe and carried.
Councilman McFadden that the report be accepted an::! placed on file.
All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Seconded by Councilman Brown.
Mayor Smith read a letter from Harold E. H01'Iland, Specialists Division International Education Exchange
Service, advising that a Citizens Committee should be appointed to'reconnnend certain individuals who will
represent Port Angeles on'return visitation to Rosenheim. Mr. Howlani also informed that transportation
is arranged from New York to Rosenhein and return, and suggested that the names of.those chosen should
be referred to Jack E. l<Tright, University of Washington, Bureau of Connnunity Development, at earliest
convenience for consideration. The lli1yor also read correspondence from Congressman Jack Westlani advising
'that effort is being made to obtain funds for transportation cost from Port Angeles to New York. It was
,moved by Councilman Brown that the Mayor be authorized to appoint committee to work with Mr. Wright in
I screening process for choosing applicants to participate. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unan-
imously carried. '
. .
jJOhn ';1. Cunningham of Cunningham and Associates of Portland, appeared before the council with recommendatio~
pursuant to survey of the water system two years ago. Mr. Cunningham cited the hazardous situation of 1Ie
Imain line and advised that the City ,install two pumping stations on the Elwha Industrial line to use in
Case of emergency. Cited upper portion of line as in fair condition but lower part must soon be replaced.
Recommended good sized reservoir to serve low pressure areas and limited re-arrangement of water mains to
bring pressure zones in beter relation with topography. Also recontrnmled second lJeservoir in west or higher
ptlessure zone. Mr. Cunningham then recolllJJlended three stages to be considered. First, lower main line
replacement an::! pumping units. Second, low level reservoir to be located in vicinity of Oak and Hancock.
Third, high level reseI"'loir in Lincoln Heights District. Replacement of lower line was placed as first
priority. '<Tater Supt. Dodge advised that something must be doneat the Pesboctr crossing this sUll!Jller.
It was the opinion of Mr. Cunningham that a satisfactory crossing could be obtaine.d north ot the present
location. Manager Vergoer questioned as t,o >bother or not Del Guzzi Bros. should be permitted to go ahead
,'with housing project, and install 4" main. Mr. Cunningham informed that 4" main is inadequate for fire
Iprotection and 2" line would seI"'le as well for domestic us~. Councilman Nee.r questioned the, advisability
,of serving more consumers outside the City when City consumption is restricted during sUlllIller months. Mr.
'Dodge informed that the only reason for restrictions is lack of meters ani wastage of water. 11anager
IVergeer recolllIllended that the first 500' of main for Del Guzzi project be '6" With fire hydrant includ,ed,
.the same to be turned over to the City.)'hen installed. Also that minimum metered ..ates outside the City
. be raised to equal flat rates pre'lbuslv established. Mr. Cunningham confirmed the extra charge outside
:Corporate limits as collllllOn practice. Mr. Vergeer was ir.structed to discuss tbe matter with Mr. Cunningham
'and detennine what will be ~uitable ratllJ the information to be preseQ.ted to the Council for consider-
~ation after which a proper Ordinance will be prepared fixing rates. "'t was then moved by Councilman
Mcfadden that Dei Guz'Zi Bros. be allowed to il'lStall 500' of 6" main with hydrant). after Wlich the same
'will revert to ,the City. Motion seconded by ~ouncilman.Brown. All voted A;te. MOtion carried. ___/'
! ~
,Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced an::! read in fu;tl:
WHEREAS, a conur.:l.ttee of the Council of, the City of, Port Angeles was duly appointed to meet with
representati ves /lfthe employees of the Light Department of said City to discuss wages and working conditions l
'and .
I WHEREAS, such meeting was held and the adoption of a resolution 11as recommended to tbe Council, which
resolution should reflect the agreement between srld employees and the City; and
I I'n-lEilEAS, in order to effect the payments under said agreement, it will be necessary tilat a transfer
be made wi thin the classification of Salaries ani Hages in the Light Department budget in the amount of
One Humred Thirty-seven Dollars and siXty Cents ($137.60) from the Item of Elct.ra Labor and Over-Time to
the Item of Apprentice Lineman; ~ow, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council as foll?ws:
I 1. That the wages paid apprentice lineman be adjusted on the basis of the progressive apprenticeship
period seI"'led to the salary of Four Hundred Twenty-one Dollars and twenty cents ($421.20) per month.
I 2. That over-time lineman~ s work only be paid for on the basis of two (2) hours work for each hour
of such work in excess of forty (40) hours per week.
I 3. That the 'lqestion of agreement on matters relating to said Light Department shall be reconsidered
and have due consideration of the City Council at the time of an as consideration is given to the annual
buiJltary matters coming before said Council.
i 4. That the sum of One Hundred Thirty-seven DOllars and Sixty Cents ($137.60) be transferred from
the Item of Extra Labor and Over-Time to the Item of Apprentice Lineman within the classification of
Salaries and \-Iages. in the Light Department budget. '
! . BE IT FUR'lHER RESOLVED that.an,y question arising out of the foregoing between the employees of said
l:.ight Department and The City shall be fully and conclusively detennined between the representatives
selected lw the anployees herein referred to' and the City Manager.
! .
:It was moved by Councilman Neer that the foregoing Resolution be approved. Secon::!ed by Councilman Wolfe.
All voted !we. Motion carried. .
I. . . .
Qnder the.head of intlloduction and passage of Ordinances, tile following'was introduced and read in full
for consideration by the Council: .
An Ordinance amending Section Nine (9) of Ordinance No. 500, passed by the City Council on the 25th
day of May, 1915, and establishing the grade of Eighth Street from the east lillB of Chambers Street to the
west line of Jones Street, all in the City of Port Angeles.
~t was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council-
man McFadden. All. members voted qe. Motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
~. e.
City Clerk
\ 1IL~dt