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Port Angeles, Washington
May 6, 1997
CALL TO ORDER- ~ ~ c~d the regular meeting of the Port Angeles
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Deputy Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle,
Hulett, McKeown and Wiggins.
Members Absent: Mayor Ostrowski.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becker, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B.
Titus, D. McGinley,' G. Kenworthy, E. Graves, K. Niemi, T.
Funston, A. Owens, R. Dickinson, D. Miller, R. Buckmaster,
J. Divelbiss, T. McCabe, B. Wahto, N. Wells, D. Little, B.
Beverford, F. Warren, R. Dickinson, M. Horton, M.
Vanderziel, G. Drake, M. Horton, K. Money, and L. Bryant.
Public Present: J. Campbell, R. Boston, G. Boston, H. Schmidt, Sr., and W.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by members of the Naval Jr. ROTC.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Wiggins mOved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April
MINUTES: 15,1997, the special meeting of April 21, 1997, and the special meeting of April 22,
1997. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
CEREMONIAL 1. Transit Employee Appreciation Day - May 14, 1997
PROCLAMATIONS: Deputy Mayor Braun recognized May 14, 1997, as Transit Employee Appreciation Day.
Transit Employee
Appreciation Day
Naval Junior Reserve 2. Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Roughrider Company Day - May
Officer Training Corps 16, 1997
Roughrider Co. Day
Deputy Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing May 16, 1997, as Naval Junior
Reserve Officer Training Corps Roughrider Company Day. Commander Campbell was
present to accept the proclamation.
National Safe Boating 3. National Safe Boating Week-May 17 - 23, 1997
Deputy Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing May 17 - 23, 1997, as National Safe
Boating Week.
National Maritime Day 4. National Maritime Day -May 22, 1997
· Deputy Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing May 22, 1997, as National Maritime
Day. Harold Schmidt, President on the Juan de Fuca Chapter of the American Merchant
Marine Veterans, read a prepared statement regarding the Merchant Marines and accepted
the proclamation.
National Tourism Week 5. National Tourism Week - May 4 - 1 O, 1997
Deputy Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing May 4 - 10, 1997, as National
Tourism Week. Rick Hert of the Visitors and Convention Bureau was present to accept
the proclamation.
National Salvation Army 6. NationalSalvationArmy Week-May 12 ~ 18, 1997
Deputy Mayor Braun recognized the weeks of May - 18, 1997, as National Salvation Army
May 6, 1997
Public Works Week 7. PubBc Works Week-May 18 - 24, 1997
Deputy Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing the week of May 18 - 24, 1997, as
Public Works Week.
CONSENT AGENDA: Public Works Director Pittis noted that payment to Delhur Industries, Inc., for the
waterfront trail repair should be added to the Consent Agenda. Councilman Doyle moved
to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Payroll - April 20, 1997 - $369,941.13;
2) Voucher list - May 2, 1997 - $745,838.73; and 3) Delhur Industries - $65,120.00 -
waterfront trail repair. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried
ITEMS FROM THE Rick Hert, Executive Director of the North Olympic Visitor and Convention Bureau, gave
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ a status report regarding tourism promotion which included a golf tournament on June 20,
STAFF TO BE 1997, a convention being held in September by the University of Washington, and the
CONSIDERED OR Seattle Sales Blitz in June. Mr. Heft reviewed the publications in which the VCB has
PLACED ON A placed advertising.
Councilmember McKeown informed the Council that the rededication of Veteran's Park
will take place on May 31, 1997, at 11:00 a.m.; she briefly reviewed the agenda for that
Councilman Wiggins asked to add Item 7 under Other Considerations regarding the
Community Health Report.
Deputy Mayor Braun asked for a brief report on the Chamber's letter regarding the
International Gateway.
Manager Pomeranz asked that Items 4 and 5 under Other Considerations be continued to
the next meeting. He then asked to add Council representation and participation on Local
1619 mediation.
Planning Director Collins pointed out that the members of the Board of Adjustment asked
that their concern regarding illegal sign proliferation be recognized, and they requested an
increase in enforcement efforts. The Board of Adjustment minutes are contained in the
packet for further information.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: Consideration of the Final Transportation Services and Facilities Plan (TSFP) That
Includes an Alternative White's Creek Crossing and Non-Motorized Provisions
Transportation Services
and Facilities Plan Deputy Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and
Resolution No. 3-97 asked Planning Director Collins for further input. Director Collins reminded the Council
that there have been several public hearings and a nmnber of proposed changes regarding
this item. The recommendation before the Council is the result of all the public input.
Deputy Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Director Collins pointed out
that there were two maps on display, one demonstrating the proposed bike routes and one
showing the pedestrian routing plan. There was no public testimony, and the public
hearing was closed at 7:34 p.m.
Discussion followed, and Director Collins offered clarification regarding the bike route
map. At Councilmen Doyle and Hulett's request, City Engineer Kenworthy and Public
Works Director Pittis explained the modification of the street classifications and why it
must be done. Councilman Campbell pointed out that this plan can be amended in the
future should it become necessary. Director Pittis stated that this is the first time a rigorous
modeling of the transportation system has been performed.
F~ discussion ensued regarding the designation of a Bicycle Friendly Community, after
which Deputy Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
adopting a transportation services and facilities
plan (TSFP)
Councilmember McKeown moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, citing
Findings 1-8, and Conclusions A & B, as set forth in Exhibit "A', which is attached
to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
May 6, 1997
LEGISLATION: A. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
B. Resolutions not Requiring Public Hearings
C. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Planning Commission Minutes of April 9, 1997
Councilman Campbell moved to accept the minutes of the Planning Commission of
April 9, 1997. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which passed
AWC Officer and D. Other Considerations
Director Elections
1. A WC Officer and Director Elections
Manager Pomeranz stated elections will be held at the next AWC conference. If any
Council members wish to be considered, names must be forwarded at this time.
Councilman Doyle noted that there are no vacancies at this time for the Port Angeles area.
However, there will be a vacancy at year end. Manager Pomeranz offered to obtain further
information fi.om AWC and report back to the Council.
1997 Budget Reductions 2. Recommendations for 199 7 Budget Reductions
Deputy Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Budget Subcommittee and
called upon Councilmember McKeown for further comment as a member of the
subcommittee. Councilmember McKeown stated the Parks Department did a thorough job
of evaluation and making recommendations. The decisions were difficult, and everyone
involved in the process was concerned with impacting the employees as little as possible.
Staff then responded to questions posed by the Council regarding specific budget cuts, such
as the Peabody Creek dredging project. Councilman Campbell commended the
subcommittee and stafffor an outstanding job. Councilman Doyle explained the process
used to achieve the balanced budget.
Manager Pomeranz stated the challenge was great, and the participation and cooperation
of the employees was outstanding. Councilman Doyle pointed out that, in five years time,
the City's reserves will be depleted unless budget cuts are made. Manager Pomeranz
stated the City has $2.5 million in reserves, but this is a rainy day fund which allows the
City to get through this temporary challenge. Manager Pomeranz suggested that citizens
be allowed to get involved in the 1998 budget process.
Councilmember McKeown pointed out that sales tax was down 12%, and there will be
several other businesses leaving Port Angeles in the near future. She commended the Fire
Department for working together to problem-solve budget issues. After further discussion,
Councilman Campbell moved to adopt the budget subcommittee's recommendations
to balance the 1997 budget as presented. Counciimember McKeown seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Volunteer Field Renovation 3. Grant Contract with State IAC - Volunteer FieM Renovation
Deputy Mayor Braun requested that Parks & Recreation Director Brodhun comment on the
issue. Director Brodhun reviewed the information contained in the packet and introduced
John Kalapaka, President of the Jr. Babe Ruth League, and Steve Zenovic, Field
Coordinator for several youth sports programs.
Steve Zenovic, 767 Black Diamond Road, stated Volunteer Park is the cornerstone of the
baseball program. He reviewed all the businesses and organizations who have helped to
achieve the field renovation and how this grant will enable the project to be completed.
Councilman Wiggins asked if the $83,000 needed from the City to finish this project has
been considered in the discussions pertinent to balancing the budget. Director Brodhun
stated this project is in the budget, and 50% of the total cost will be State reimbursed. It
is anticipated that the project cost will be $183,000, and the City will be reimbursed
$91,500. In the end, the City contribution will be minimal, thanks to the many donations
and in-kind services.
Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the grant contract.
Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Memorandum of 4. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Victoria B.C.
Understanding with City
of Victoria Deferred to future meeting.
May 6, 1997
LEGISLATION: 5. Approval of Coastal corridor Master Plan
Deferred to future meeting.
Coastal Corridor
Marine Sanctuary 6. Northwest Straits National Marine Sanctuary
Manager Pomeranz explained that Mayor Ostrowski had received a letter from Senator
Patty Murray regarding the Northwest Straits issue. A NW Straits Citizen Advisory
Commission is being formed to held achieve the goal of a NW Straits Marine Sanctuary.
He reminded the Council that the City had sent letters in August, 1996, and March, 1997,
opposing the sanctuary. He felt another letter needed to be sent, as well as phone calls
made to let them know Port Angeles is vitally concerned with this issue. Manager
Pomeranz stated he had let it be known that Port Angeles would like to be a part of the
citizens advisory committee for this project;, however, no one from the City was selected.
However, one of the Clallam County Commissioners has been appointed to serve on the
committee, and Manager POmeranz indicated he would make the appropriate contacts to
determine which of the Commissioners will be serving. It was felt the Commissioner
should be made aware of the City's concerns in this regard.
Discussion followed, and Councilman Doyle suggested that a Councilmember attend the
advisory committee meeting scheduled to be held in Skagit County and report back to the
Council. Councilman Wiggins volunteered to attend this meeting.
Deputy Mayor Braun again reminded everyone of the Veteran's Park dedication on May
31, 1997, at 11:00 a.m.
Community Health Report Councilman Wiggins informed the Council that he would be distributing written copies of
the Community Health Report.
1619 Mediation Manager Pomeranz stated there is a mediation session scheduled for May 21, 1997, at 9:00
a.m. with Local 1619. He asked for one or two Council representatives as part of the
negotiation committee. Councilmembers Doyle and Hulett volunteered to participate.
Manager Pomeranz informed the Council that on May 13, 1997, he will be in Beaverton,
Oregon meeting with Mr. Hempstrect, the owner of Shilo Inns. Mr. Hempstreet likes Port
Angeles, and he is in a position to do a major project at this time. Councilmembers
Campbell and McKeown, as well as Dick Foster and Christine Anderson from the Port of
Port Angeles will also be at this meeting. Mr. Hempstreet is aware of some of the
improvements taking place in Port Angeles, and he is enthusiastic about the possibility of
doing a project here.
Councilman Wiggins asked that Roger Oakes be invited to a City Council meeting to give
a progress report on the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club.
Chamber of Commerce Deputy Mayor Braun stated this letter was encouraged by the City Manager, who stated it
Letter to the Governor was the effort of many people, including the City Attorney and the Public Works
Department. The Gateway Project is one of the key elements of downtown revitalization.
Some support will be needed from the Coastal Corridor program, which was defunded in
the budget. It is currently on the Governor's desk, and the letter from the Chamber of
Commerce states that they support the Gateway Project, and if a veto is appropriate in
order to enhance the possibility of bringing the Gateway Project forward, then the Port
Angeles Chamber of Commerce supports that veto..
Break Deputy Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 8:30 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
AI)JOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:50 p.m. to discuss union negotiations and
EXECUTIVE SESSION: potential litigation for approximately forty-five minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 9:30 p.m.
Be~k~ .~ Up~n,~i(y]Cler~k !- - '"- '"'--~'osper 6str~ayor
Exhibit "A"
Based on the information provided in the October 15, and November 13, 1996 Staff
Reports for the adoption of the Transportation Services and Facilities Plan, (including the
proposed plan and all attachments), comments and information presented during the
public heating, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of
Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that:
1. The City's adopted Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element contains the
following policies:
A3. The City shall develop individual comprehensive service and facility plans
for the following utilities and/or services:
*streets, bikeways and pedestrian walkways,
* water system,
* sanitary sewer system,
* electrical system,
* parks and recreation services, and
* emergency services (police, fire, and medical response);
A5. Comprehensive service and facility plans shall be consistent with the
general level of service standards established in the Comprehensive Plan
and shall establish detailed level of service standards which, at a
minimum, meet all local, state and federal health and safety requirements.
Each plan may also establish desired level of service standards and shall
include an inventory of current facilities, measurements of current and
future service capacities, the determination of future service and facility
improvements necessary to serve the twenty year vision of the
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and a financial feasibility analysis.
A6. The comprehensive service and facility plan for streets, bikeways, and
pedestrian walkways shall also include specific actions and requirements
for bringing into compliance any street facilities that fall below the
required level of service, including demand management strategies which
encourage reduced reliance on single occupant vehicle trips and encourage
use of alternate modes of transportation such as the bicycles, walkways,
and transit riding with incentive programs for and from local businesses.
A7. The comprehensive service and facilities plan for streets, bikeways, and
pedestrian walkways should include a future US 101 corridor to meet
long-term local and regional transportation needs.
A8. Each comprehensive service and facility plan shall be consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, the County-Wide Planning Policy, and the State
Growth Management Act.
2. Entranco, an engineering consulting firm was hired by the City to prepare the
Transportation Services and Facilities Plan consistent with the State's Growth
Management Act's requirements, the requirements for a 6-Year Transportation
Improvement Program and the City's Comprehensive Plan requirements for a
transportation (streets, bikeways and pedestrian walkways) services and facilities
3. The Clallam County County-Wide Planning Policy contains several policies
regarding transportation including policies regarding level of service standards,
concurrency, regional and county-wide transportation facilities, non-motorized
transportation policies and financing.
4. The proposed TSFP reviews air, marine, public, and non-motorized transportation
as well as roads and highways, including sections on transportation standards,
existing deficiencies, forecasting, projected needs, and funding.
5. A Determination of Non-Significance (#687) was issued for the proposal on July
2, 1996 and no appeals were received during the appeal period.
6. Public review and comments were solicitated during the development of the plan
and during Planning Commission consideration.
7. The Planning Commission's recommendation to the City Council following the
February 26, 1997, public hearing includes amendments as recommended by the
City's Nonmotorized Committee.
8. The City Council conducted a town meeting on April 15, 1997, to seek public
input on the proposal to include a White's Creek Crossing (described as Scenario
IIIB) to the TSFP and continued that discussion to a public heating on May 6,
Based on the information provided in the October 15, and November 13, 1996, Staff Reports for
the adoption of the Transportation Services and Facilities Plan, (including the proposed Plan and
all attachments), comments and information presented during the public heating, the Planning
Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port
Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
A. The proposed Transportation Services and Facilities Plan meets the intent of the
Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Policies A3 and A5 - A8 and the intent of
the Clallam County County-Wide Planning Policy Transportation Facilities and
B. Adoption of the proposed Transportation Services and Facilities Plan is in the best
interest of the public safety and welfare.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of May 6, 1997.
Prc~per Os~rowski, Mayor