HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/06/2003 4939 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 6, 2003 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order REGULAR MEETING: at 6:00 p.nx ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: Councilmember Erickson. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, Y. Ziomkowski, J. Cole, N. Wu, T. Smith, and B. Coons. Public Present: L. Danks, T. Price, and B. Jevne. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Peter Ripley. ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, 1. Transit Employee Appreciation Day: PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: After reading the proclamation declaring May 14, 2003, as Transit Employee Appreciation Day, Mayor Wiggins presented the proclamation to Councilmembers Transit Employee Braun and Williams, both of whom were representing the Clallam Transit Board. Appreciation Day National Police Week & 2. National Police Week & Peace Officers Memorial Day: Peace Officers Memorial Day Mayor Wiggins read the proclamation declaring the week of May 11 - 17, 2003, as National Police Week and the date of May 15, 2003, as Peace Officers Memorial Day. He then presented the proclamation to Police Communications Manager Wu. National Public Works 3. National Public Works Week: Week Upon completion of the reading of the proclamation declaring May 18 ~ 24, 2003, as National Public Works Week, Mayor Wiggins presented the proclamation to Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler. WORK SESSION: None. LATE ITEMS TO BE Bill Larson, 420 W. 3rd Street, addressed the Council on a recent article in the PLACED ON TItIS OR newspaper concerning the possibility of limitations on protests at Veterans Park. Mr. FUTURE AGENDAS: Larson, a veteran of 39 years in the U.S. Army, indicated his mind has been changed many times during the course of his military service in that his viewpoint is that public lands are precious to the citizens of a land formed out of protests from an empire and in which protests have taken place in history many times over. Mr. Larson felt that public spaces are sacred to the memory of people like military veterans, all of whom are never of a single mind save in the very critical place. He quoted a wise saying that people are born to greatness, some people achieve greatness, and some people have -1- 4940 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 6, 2003 LATE ITEMS TO BE greatness thrust upon them. Usually, veterans fall in that latter category and, if they are PLACED ON THIS OR great and brave, all of us learn from that. He indicated that we are not of a single mind, FUTURE AGENDAS: but we are of a single citizenship, and he urged the Council to think deeply, carefully, (Cont'd) and thoroughly about the issue of protests in park land, such as Veterans Park. He felt differences of opinion should be welcome, allowed, and possibly heralded, and then considered and processed. Bill Jevne, a Viet Nam veteran, approached the podium to agree with Mr. Larson, indicating it is an honor to anything that occurs at Veterans Park where citizens are freely expressing their opinions. For the veterans who fought in various wars, he felt it would be a serious miscarriage of the purpose for which that space was created. Mr. Jevne further opined it would be a serious breach of liberty to have any restrictions put on Veterans Park, and he expressed hope that the City would not place any restrictions on protests that can occur at that location. Mayor Wiggins advised the speakers it is the City's understanding that it is recognized that protests on either side are relevant and also appropriate at that site, and that they will always be peaceful and well organized. FINANCE: 1. Clallam County PUD Wholesale Water Rates: Clallam County PUD Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler advised the Council that staff has been Wholesale Water Rates negotiating with the Clallam County PUD since the end of the last calendar year. Although a finalized agreement is close, there are still a number of items being addressed. Therefore, as discussed at the Utility Advisory Committee level, it is recommended that the City move forward with the new wholesale water rates retroactive to January I, 2003. The rates would be adjusted upon finalization of the contract. In response to an inquiry from Mayor Wiggins, Director Cutler indicated the PUD has expressed a willingness to pay the new rates. After further brief discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to accept the recommendation as presented, directing staffto bill the Clallam County PUD at a rate that reflects a 6% increase for wholesale water services provided since January 1, 2003, and adjust these charges based on the new contract terms once the contract is finalized. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. Bid Award - Substation 2. Bid Award - Substation Circuit Switcher Projects 21-27, 21-28, and 21-29: Circuit Switcher Projects Director Cutler reviewed the project and bids received relative to the Substation Circuit Switcher project, noting the staff recommendation for procurement of two circuit switchers in 2003 and a third unit in 2004. Brief discussion ensued concerning the differences in the bids discussed, after which Councilmember Rogers moved to approve and authorize the Director of Public Works & Utilities to sign a purchase order to D'Ewart Representatives for two Aistom circuit switchers at a total cost of $50,313.00; and, subject to 2004 budget adoption, to purchase a third unit to be delivered in mid-2004 in the amount of $25,156.50. The motion was seconded by Councilman Headrick and carried unanimously. Contract Award - Valley 3. Award Contract for Valley Street Overhead Electrical Rebuild: Street Overhead Electrical Rebuild Director Cutler reviewed details pertinent to the Valley Street Overhead Electrical Rebuild project. He noted the project was included in the budget and the CFP, thus explaining why it was not taken to the Utility Advisory Committee. Director Cutler answered questions posed by the Council, and Councilman Williams moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract in the amount of $74,382.09 with Superior Electric Northwest, Inc., of Bothell, WA, for Electric Overhead Rebuild - Valley Street, Project #02-10. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. -2- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4941 May 6, 2003 CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council Minutes of Regular Meeting - April 14, 2003; Special Meeting of April 28, 2003; and Special Meeting of April 29, 2003; 2.) Expenditure Approval List - April 25, 2003 - $735,066.66; 3.) Electronic Payments - April 25, 2003 - $1,541,963.80; 4.) Travel Exceeding $1,500 - HTE National User Group Conference - Dallas, Texas; 5.) Final Acceptance of ECS Contract for Co-composting Equipment, Project 22-12; and 6.) Final Acceptance ofS & B Contract for Wastewater Operating System and Software Upgrade. The motion was seconded by Councilman Headrick and carried 5 - 0, with Councilman Campbell abstaining due to absence from the April 14, 2003, City Council meeting. Councilman Williams noted a late fee forJP Morgan Chase, which Director Ziomkowski explained was due to late credit card slips being submitted to Accounting. In addition, Councilman Williams reiterated his interest in central stores for purchasing materials for the City, and Director Ziomkowski indicated she was supportive of the concept. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Braun reported on his interview during the WRICOPS visit, as well as his COMMITTEE tour of Shane Park with Director Connelly to study drainage problems. He urged the REPORTS & Council to support capital improvements for Shane Park in the upcoming budget. CALENDAR: Councilman Braun and Len Rasmussen met with Economic Development Director Smith, seeking staff support on planning related to the proposed sports facility. Councilman Campbell, having attended a meeting of the Olympic Region Clean Air Authority, reported there will be no increase in the assessment to the City. Councilmember Rogers took a tour of City facilities, to include the Wastewater Treatment Plan and the Landfill. She threw the ceremonial ball for the opening of the girls' softball season, was interviewed by WRICOPS, and has spent a great deal of time with Congressional staff on behalf of the City. Councilmember Rogers, Mayor Wiggins, and Economic Development Director Smith attended an EDC "Pulse" event, a function held to recognize efforts pertinent to economic development. Attending that meeting was a staff member of the State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development who then contacted Councilmember Rogers asking her to be part of the Governor's forum on clusters and competitiveness. Participation in the forum will result in a conflict with the June 3 Council meeting, so the Council determined it appropriate to change that meeting to Monday, June 2. Because of the subsequent conflict with the AWC Conference, also in June, the Council agreed to move the June 17 Council meeting to Monday, June 16. Mayor Wiggins reported he had spoken with Councilmember Erickson, requesting that arrangements be made for the different agencies receiving City funds to attend City Council with a report as to how those funds are being used. He felt these reports should be submitted prior to the budget cycle. The Mayor attended a luncheon for the Pro Bono Attorneys; the City received an award with regard to Police work and for being an efficient organization. Mayor Wiggins recently visited with Victoria Mayor Lowe, who would like to bring the Victoria City Council to Port Angeles, likely on July 11, 2003. He noted that appropriate planning for this meeting should be forthcoming. Mayor Wiggins also reported on an upcoming meeting of the Multi-Cultural Task Force on Max 22"d, and he advised the Council of his attendance at the grand opening of the Cancer Center in Sequim, as well as attendance at a Prayer Breakfast earlier today. The Council reviewed the upcoming calendar, noting a Gateway meeting to be held on Monday, May 12th at 1:00 p.m., with the members of the Parking Ad Hoc Committee. Also noted was a meeting of the Real Estate Committee on Monday, May 12th at 4:00 p.m., and a meeting of the Finance Committee on Thursday, May 8that 3:00 p.m. Break Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 6:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m. -3- 4942 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 6, 2003 Councilmember Rogers indicated she had gone to the airport this past Friday to welcome the first returning serviceman from the Iraq war. She urged Council to have representation present for future returnees. Mayor Wiggins noted a future concert to be provided by the Victoria Police Choir in honor of the fallen. ORDINANCES NOT None. REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: None. OTHER None. CONSIDERATIONS: PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS- Municipal Code Amendment - MCA-03-O1 - City of Port Angeles, Low Impact OTHER: Development Standards: Consideration of the reduction of certain street and development standards in suburban residential areas: Municipal Code Amendment - Low Impact CommunityDevelopment Director Collins advised the Council that this public hearing Development Standards was being held as a continuation of the hearing held on April 29, 2003. Two options Ordinance No. 3140 were prepared in the form of an Ordinance specifically related to septic systems, with the first option providing for septic systems for lots greater than one acre in area and the second option allowing septic systems for those lots that are one-half acre or greater in area. Director Collins advised the Council that the Cormnunity and Economic Development Committee had met just prior to the Council meeting and is recommending the latter option. In addition, the Committee was supportive of changing Section B. 1. regarding exemptions that may be granted for lots further than 300 feet from the City sanitary sewer system or a lateral thereof. It was recommended that the 300 foot figure be changed to 200 feet. The Committee also recommended a change to Section B.2., also regarding exemptions, where 200% of the cost of an approved septic should be amended to 125%. Director Collins noted that a SEPA review has been completed as well. Mayor Wiggins opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Jace Schmitz, 234 Horizon Hills, Sequim, thanked everyone who has worked on the proposed development standards, as he was very pleased with what has been accomplished for Port Angeles. He asked that the work not stop here, as there are other changes that need to be made, particularly as relates to individual properties. Mayor Wiggins inquired as to whether the changes proposed this evening would make developments more feasible. Mr. Schmitz cited the example of property that fronts on two roads, forcing the developer to develop both roads, thus resulting in a less than cost effective project. He indicated this will be a problem, but he acknowledged the Council action this evening has proven to be of great help. Tim Smith, Economic Development Director, spoke in favor of Council passage of one of the two ordinances, as he felt this is a good step in the direction &trying to promote and stimulate residential development in Port Angeles. In recognition of Mr. Schrmtz' comments, he offered assurances that this is the initial step. There are other ideas being discussed that will be forthcoming in the CFP process, ideas that will help in the construction of needed infrastructure in an organized fashion, working with the private -4- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4943 May 6, 2003 PUBLIC HEARINGS - sector to target areas of the City most prime for probable development. OTHER: (Cont'd) Director Collins referenced maps that had been placed on the wall, specifying the different areas that would be impacted by the proposed changes. There being no Municipal Code further public testimony, Mayor Wiggins closed the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. Amendment - Low Impact Development Standards Councilman Williams spoke in support of the changes to the development standards; Ordinance No. 3140 however, he examined the potential for different interpretations of those standards. (Cont'd) Referencing the language in Sections B. 1. and B.2., he noted the importance of making a distinction between the City sanitary sewer line and the laterals. Additionally, Councilman Williams referred to economic hardship, the estimated cost of a sewer extension, and the associated legislative intention. Director Cutler clarified that, basically, the main line for the sewer system is placed in the center of the roadway, which is normally the responsibility of the City or the developer. The connection from that main sewer line to the house itself is the lateral. Councilman Williams then cited the example of a 5 or a 10 acre lot, one corner of which is within 200 feet and the remainder outside the 200 foot parameter. It was his understanding that, ifa preliminary subdivision plan was put together for that 5 or 10 acres and part of it was within the 200 feet, then the area within the 200 feet would need to extend sewer if those lots were being developed. Further if the rest of the lots within the development were sold off and developed first, then there would be a potential for putting in a septic as an option, because it would be too expensive to install sewer lines all the way out to one of those lots being developed. Director Collins responded that this scenario would apply to single lot development where the lots already exist and would apply to a special group of new lots created through the short plan process and, depending on the size of those lots, would perhaps allow for septics on some or all of those lots. He further elaborated that, if the short plats that were created where the lots were greater than the minimum sizes in A or B and were further away than the 200 feet, they would be allowed to have septic as an option subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. Discussion ensued, with Councilman Williams providing further clarification of the intent of the standards being adopted. He noted that a property owner may have a working septic system, but if someone down the street were to pay to extend the sewer line and it goes past that particular property, then the property owner would need to contribute to the costs of the sewer line. He stressed this is an effort to seed development. Councilman Williams, after having talked to septic installers and engineers, learned that the systems can be cleaned out, disinfected, and used for on-site stormwater retention. Councilmember Rogers reiterated the recommendation of the Community and Economic Development Committee to incorporate the standard of one-half acre or greater for septic systems, as the Committee strongly encourages development in those areas presently undeveloped. Mayor Wiggins mentioned past development efforts that have been stalled by City regulations, and Director Collins felt these changes would go a long way in resolving the issues brought forward by those developing certain parcels. Mayor Wiggins read proposed changes to Sections B. 1. and B.2., that the lot is further than 200 feet from the City sanitary sewer system or a lateral thereof; and the cost of extending the City sanitary sewer system would be an economic hardship on the owner or owners in that the estimated cost of a sewer extension would be over 125% of the cost of an approved septic or other private wastewater disposal system. Intending to enter a motion for adoption of the Ordinance, Councilman Williams read the Ordinance by title, entitled 15_ 4944 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 6, 2003 PUBLIC HEARINGS - ORDINANCE NO. 3140 OTHER: (Cont'd) AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting low impact development standards regarding private wastewater Municipal Code disposal systems for short plat lots one-half acre or greater in area, Amendment - Low Impact improvements to local access streets for short subdivisions in the RS-9 Development Standards and RMD zones, and fire suppression requirements in areas without Ordinance No. 3140 Water system infrastructure improvements and amending Ordinances (Cont'd) 2222, 2394, and 2860, as amended, and Chapters 13.61,160.4, and 18.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Willian~ moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, incorporating the changes to Sections B.1. and B.2. The motion was seconded by Couneilmember Rogers and carried unanimously. Councilman Williams expressed appreciation for the staff's diligent efforts on these changes, as he felt the revised standards will make a big difference in development in the City. INFORMATION: Manager Quinn advised the Council that he would provide a project status report in June. Referencing Councilman Braun's earlier comments regarding Shane Park, he noted the inclusion of a memorandum in the Information Agenda on the same matter. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. to discuss labor negotiations for approximately 45 minutes. RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 8:25 p.m. SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ..... Glenn Wiggins, Mayor ~ecky J: l)pt-~a~ Cit~le;k~ /'-- -- -6-