HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/07/1947 341-'" Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 7, 19~ I I I I I "... "M",M"~,n.~.~p. ,m. .-, The City Commission convened in regular session at 10 A.M., and "as called to order by Mayor Epl"'rson. Roll caJ,l revealed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson, and Clerk Law. !I . ThE! minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I ' pnder the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: I . ..ti d~u !Juilding Permits: J'?5tJ Laurence EdvIards Add Living Room to Dl'relling; Lot 1<:, Blk. 57, N.R.Smith Add. L ,Konecny Move and Remodel Jlvielling; Lot 10, Blk. 240, Townsite Jellse C. Olsen Remodel Jlvielling; Lot 18, Blk. 555, Townsite Howard Lanctot Signboard; Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 2, Morse Park Add. How:ard Lanctot Signboard; Lots 6 and 7, Blk. 54, Original Townsite !lxs. Signe Andersen BLlild Porch and Put In Basement; Lot 14, Elk. 98, T01l'Ilsite Harold Brock BLlild Garage; Lot 12, Blk. 5, Wm. & Cramer Add. E. ,N. Smith Remodel Foundation; 925 East 7th st. (See Permit No. 1880) Bernard Jay McLean Build Home; Lot 3, Blk. 532, Torrnsite I ". 0 0 Licenses: / - Ros,e 'Lannoye One Beauty Ohair ' 1.00 Eo .R. Gehrke, Jr. apl"'ared before the Commission regardiQg paving of Oak Street from First Street south to 'I !lll,ey. The Commission informed that project is on construction program and the City will fill and blacktop. Under the head of unfinished 'wsiness, the second monthly estimate for labor and materiel. furnished in liey by,Ovrens Brothers, Contractors, on L.LD. No. 148 far sid01'ralk construction was .sub1idtted by the Engineer. ft ,was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the estimate of .$5,544.85 as submitted be approved. Secomed by f(",y.or Epperson. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. Under the head of new business, a petition was presented requesting establishment of improvement district f~r the construction of sidewalks on west Eighth Street from Tumwater Bridge to E Street. The petition was I referred to the Engineer's department for checking, and the Attorney was instructed to present resolution at next session. I ' The, contract of John N. and Jean Cruse, for t'he purchase of Lots 10 and 11, in Block 4, Dyke. Land Company's I Sub,division of the South One-half of Suburban Lot Number 52, Port Angeles Townsite, vras returned for . I. ean,cellation, and the purchasers having signed release, the contract was ordered cancelled. 'I - Bes'sie w. ]{,slesky, having sold her interest in the YellOVl Cab Company to A. V. Casilio, requested inwriting that the license be transferred to the new OVIner. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that if the $25.00 ~s .required by Ordinance is paid by the new owner, the license transfer should be approved. Seconded. by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. II : Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the city, the following was int,roduc ed : 'I 400.00 400 .00 400.O(j 100.00 100.00 500.oq 250.00 1,800.00 5,000.00 - i llarnetta Y. Wilcox Lots 16 to 20, Inclusive, Blk. 412, TOVInsite I : It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and the property sold. by ;Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. I 225.00 II Seconded I' I The. Commission examined and approved the ,4 oR CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 5~;J. , Port Angeles Evening Ne"'s Margoerite Vane- Evening News Press Aut,omotive Parts Service 1'we Water Associated Oil Co. fe<er J. Naughton, Jefferson Co. Sheriff Hazel's Cafe Hoare & Headrick City Street Dept. Sneddon's Furniture Repair Shop Willson Hardware Co. 11 & B Battery & Electric Stn. Puget Sound Tent & Duck Co. llid~leton Motor Parts Co. P.arold Hibbs-Plumbing & Heating I' . CITY STREET :FUND: 4/1'Ii" _.J:J.. Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Willson Hardware Ca. Tacprna-Port Angeles Auto Freight, Inc. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Harris & Schuller D &.B Battery & Electric Stn. Autpmotive Parts Service OI,C Truck & Coach Division Angeles Machine & Welding Works Hcod Canal Auto Freight ilCYI~rd-Cool"'r Corp. , , ~ATER FUND: ~ /.)IR 71> City Street Dept. D & B Battery & Electric stn. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Hooker Ele ctrochemical Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Port Angele s Concrete Products Co. Willson Hardware Co. Epperson & Sons Frank Finch 1tate Treasurer following claims and ordered warrants issued in plyment of the same: I 34.58' 4.93 28.65 15.96 200.54 36.00. 151.8~1 4.12 28.53 5.09 2.20 25.2:1;, 40.25 2.06: 6.26 I 444.35 34.8B. 1.00 9.55' 52.60 4.64' 95.99 22.04 7.9Z' 6.44 490.93' I 124.40' 4.02 8.18 55.SB, 89.57, 17.00. 10.40 .99 25.00 906.02 Publications Cutting Stencil, Mime 0 . Paper Printing Annual Reports; Posters Imprinted Part s Gasoline Board for Clsllam Co. Jail Inmate Meals for Prisoners Tire Repairs Mechanical Labor Repairing 2 Drawers ElbOW, Bushing, Union One Excide, One Cable Junior Patrol Stop Flags Fittings & Hags Plumbing Supplies Ga soline & Oil Tools and Hardware Freight Paint, Tools & Hardware Rod Parts Tools and Hardware, Parts One I;.anifold Make Shafts for Drum Shaft Brake Freight Sprocket, Set Rails, Nuts, Capscrews Repairs and Gas Parls 122 West First-Nature of Claim-Paint , Chlorine Fit tings Sewer Pipe Supplies Lwnbe r Repairs Taxa 5 'j 342 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 7th. continued. 194~ LIGHT FUND: .J .20 750 -:-S" McMahan fuel Co. ' City Water Dept. Tidewater Associated Oil 00. Graybar Electric Co. Line Ma terial Co. "The Ele ctri c Co. ,Puget Sound Navigation 00. General Electric Supply Corp. Westinghouse Electric $upply Co. Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 ,B. W. Lean Automotive Parts Service Samuelson Motor Co. City Street Dept. Olympic Stationers Lowman & Hanford Homer Bla ok Port Angeles Evening News, Inc. Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Co. "Thos. Hutchings City Trea surer A. Keys Ruget Sound Navigation Co. 'Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Willson Hardware 00. General Electric Supply Corp. Treasurer of the United States Line Material Co. hSchreiner Chevrolet Co. ,'Harris & Schuller Middleton Motor Parts Co. State Treasurer 3d' SANITA TION FUND: .. 1':< 0 ':City Street Dept. ,Roy Pike Epperson & Sons Port Angeles Evening News LIBRARY FUND: .6 J oj fO ,Betty L. Avallone Walter Holm 'catherine Richard City Treasurer Gaylord Bros., Inc. "Olympic Stationers "Angeles Ela ctric Co. A. C. McClurg & Co. The H. 17., Wilson Co. Doubleday & Co., Inc. R. L. Po1.k & Co. New Method Book Bindery, Inc. "LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND:" f:< ,l <- ,The Puget Sound News Co. PARK FUND: "S.3 f1 Builders Supply Stores City Street Dept. 'City Fuel Co. I,Automoti ve Parts Service "cri.mrERY FUND: if< /'d City Street Dept. Oil Water Gasoline Hardware Hardware Lamps, etc. Freight Charges Wire Current Transformers April Power Expens e Parts Repairs Repairs Supplies Supplies Mop Stick Adv. Pipe Nipples Expense Express Charges Poles Freight Charges Wa shers Lamps, etc. St. Light Fixtures, etc. st. Light Fixtllres St. I,ight ji'ixtures Seat Covers Cement FittiQgs Taxes , 59.91 1.90, 55.61 76.94, 54.711' 66.12 5.58'1 2,555.171 151.551 15,616.50, 68.92 8.64 12.27 52.70, 5.87, 2.15 1.19' 26.02. 2.57; 5.151 .75, 2],9 .70 I , 5.87 2..69': 53.461 140.21 44.18' 52.55' 27.751 2.16 .98 1,680.74, Gasoline & Oil car Mileage for April Lumber Display Ad 71.081 55.14, 10.58 3.78 I I 18.00 3.90' 20.25;1 9.28 15.40: 5.19, 10.56 165 . 72 10.00, 6.50' 50.90 13.60: 42.721 ,I 16.811 14.94' 19.49' 2.55; Extra Labor Extra Janitor I S Work Extra La bor Light, Water, Garbage Office Supplies Office Supplies Fluo. Tubes, BLllbs; Service Cell Books Book Bo oks City Dire ctory Books Books Lumber & Hardrrare Gasoline Fuel Oil Flex Gas Line, Brass FittiQgs Ga 5 oline & Oil 4.90'; I 1,479.49 20.86' 2.~d 4.69 .411 PARKING METER & TRAFFIC alNTRDL FUND: Westinghouse Elactric Supply Co. Felix Gallacci "Epperson & Sons "Johnson & Bork Harris & Schuller "/.5"'d? 7'<" Light System Supplies car Mileage for April Base Supports for School Signs One Gal Gray Paint Iron << I'd U.S. INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING FUND: ~jFf' City Treasurer ------ Tax Withheld in April CURRENT EXPENSE--CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND: slS6 t<' Willson Hardware Co. Wire for Dog Pound 'Harris & Schuller Labor and Material for Dog Pound ,L.I.D. REVOLVING FUND: S-7 F' ,City Treasurer L.I.D. NO. 148 FUND: " $' J~l" (.:I lWrans Eros., Contractors 2,349.00' 14.J 141.66' I Taxes Paid 59.86 I , 2nd Monthly Estimate, L.I.D. NO. 148 5,544.35' I 'There beiqg no further lnsiness, the session was declE.red adjourned. (},t,~ {j - - T""-;' 1\ _~~1 A _ ~~V~"---"'''~ Mayor' Clark I I I I 'I