HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/07/1951 il I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 125~ M~ 7, 19...5L ,.<<."......."'.....""............,..- The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order qy M~or Feel~. Officers present were: ~or Feeley, Conssioners Robinson and Taylor,. Attorn~ Trumbull ani Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits, the following were approved: . /3 JDo!:. Mrs. Jennie Gibbs Place Trailer on Lot & Provide Sanitary Facilities; Lot 8, Elk. 143, Townsite T.. H. Fryar Construct Garage; Lot 18, Blk. 192, Townsite Petersen & Craver Build Retaining Wall; Lots 8-9, Blk. 201, Townsite DelGuzzi Bros. Build 5-Room House; Lots 1-2, Blk. 95, Townsite Louis Roeder Lot 19, Blk. 65, P.S.C.C.; Add 6' on Rear of House & Build Garage 200.00 200.00 400.00 . 12,000.00' 500.00 Under the head of unfinished business, C. E. Shields reported after contacting property owners regarding improvement of Fourth Street from PeBbod;;' to Cherry qy installing curbs, gutters, and pavement. It appeared that practically all property owners favor the improvement and the same is requested as soon as possible. Also requested was estimated cost for construction with concrete and asphalt materials. ~he Engineer was instructed to ascertain estimate of cost for the project. i Under the head of new business, Jensen and Mills, Architects, requested informatioh regar.ding construction of a municipal building by the City and specifications for the same. As no such construction is consider,ed at this time, the correspondence was ordered filed. Emerson Lawrence having attended a meeting in Seattle concerning Civil Defense, made a report of the same. Representati ves of Northwest Cities met for the purpose of forming a pact and to establish a pool of all resources. Plans were made for another meeting when all representatives will submit inventories of resourc es a vai lable. Light Supt. McLennan informed the Commission of contemplated construction of storage building for Light Department equipment. The Commission instruct#d that plans be submitted after which bids will be published for the construction. The Commission discussed office hours at the City Hall and provisions for the same as passed at the last. Legislature. M'lYor Feeley recommended that the matt..r be discussed with the, f~~rming Coimnission. Under the head of introduction of resolutions the following was introduced: RESOLUTION A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, declaring its intention to improve Fourth Street from Peabody Street to Cherry Street qy surfacing said Street with asphaltic concrete and construct- ing curbs, gutters and storm sewers where necessary, and creating a Local Improvement District to provide for the p'lYffiSnt of such improvement. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, to order the improvement of Fourth Street from the Westerly Margin of Peabody Street; thence Westerly to the Easterly Margin of Cherry Street, excepting the area occupied by the intersection of Fourth. and Lincoln Streets, qy ~ng and constructing thereon a three-inch 0") compressed mat of type "F" asphaltic concrete pavement, including a crushed stone or gravel founiation and ballast therefore, the construction and installation of concrete curbs and gutters where the same do not now exist and the l....ing and construction of storm sewers; together with all necessary labor and material for the complete construction and laying thereof. Section 2. All persons who may desire to object to the aforesaid proposed improvement, are hereby notified to appear and present such objec~ons at a meeting of the City Commission of the, City of Port Angeles, to be held on Monia;y, the ~5 day ofq.........-, 1951, at the hour of 10:00 A.lt at the Commission Room of said City at 215 South Lincoln St~eet in said City, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing all- matters relating to such proposed improvements ani all additions thereto, and for determining the method of payment for said improvements. Section 3. The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Commission, at or prior to the date fixed for such hearing, the estimated cost and expense of such improvement, a statement of the proportionate amount thereof which should be borne qy the property within the proposed improvement district, a statement of; the aggregate assessed and actual valuation of all real estate, exclusive of improvements within said district according to the valuation placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation, together with a diagram or print showing thereon, the Lots, Tracts and Parcels of land and other property which will be especially benefited thereby, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each such Lot, Tract or Parcel of land or other property. Section 4. It is the present intention of the City Commission that the entire cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefore as providsd by law; that the nature of the improvement herein contempihated, is such that the special benefits concured on the propsrty qy the proposed improvements are fairly reflected qy the use of the termini and zone method of assessing the costs of such improvement, except that where concrete curbs and gutters do not now exist, they shall be constructed solely at the cost of the property abutting. It is proposed that the ordinance ordering said improvement shall provide that the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property within the district accordingly. Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing by publication of this resolution in the manner provided by law, and qy mailing a notice of such hearing as required qy law to each owner or reputed owner of any Lot, Tract or Parcel of land or other property especially benefited by the improvement, and to specify in such notices the nature of the proposed.improvement, the total estimated, cost thereof and the estimated benefit to the particular Lot, Tract or Parcel of land owned qy such person., It was moved by Commissioner T~lor that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1248 AN ORDINANCE VACATII'Kl ALL OF THE ALLEY RUNNING THROUGH BLOCK THREE HUNDRED NINETY-ONE (91) OF PORT ANGELES. I OF THE TOWNSITE I Under the head of reading and passage of Orcli.nances, the following was placed on third and final reading: ....tl 126 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington M::l7 7th J ...nn+-1 "U~rl j 19_51- '"'' . ~"". ....'" ,,"'..... .",,,.. ."" .... It was moved qy Commissioner T~lor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed the third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All vat ed Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same I IS/f!!" CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Olympic Stationers Bussing Office Supply City Shop Dept. Evening News Press Elnerson G. Lawrence Ol,ympic Printery Port Angeles Motors Fitchard's Ass. Service Aiken Motor .Co. Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Waitkus Supply Co. Woodie's Harle.y Davidson Moore Business Forms George F. Cake Co. R. O. Ide Hazel's Care Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. T~wer Super Service National Fire Protection Assn. Nelson Equipment Co. Peninsula Fuel Co. 2i CITY STREET FUND: :P../?~- City Shop Dept. Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Howard Cooper Corp. C. L. Sarff Woodie's Harle.y Davidson Nailor Lumber Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Washington Machinery & Storage Co. General Electric .Supply Corp. Eklund Lumber Co. Demick Electric Supply Forrest Hans en / (, 1,/0 - CITY SHOP FUND, Dobson Auto Electric Automotive Parts Service Union Oil Co. of Calif. Harris & Schuller Olympic Salvage James Hardware Co. G & W Fire Service Samuelson Motor Co. Angeles Machine & Welding Works ,r WATER FUND: / / t' '1 :: Clallam Adjustment Corp. City Treasurer City Light Dept. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Shop Dept. Bussing Office Supply Willson Hardware Co. Vannausdle Second Hand Stars Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Olympic Stationers Eklund Lumber Co. Forrest Hansen 7' LIGHT FUND: f'r.3 - Olympic Stationers Electrical West Clallam Adjustment Corp. Bussing Office Supply Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Shop Dept. General Electric Co. Port Angeles Evening News Peninsula Fuel Co. G & W Fire Service General Electric Supply Corp. Willson Hardware Co. Westinghouse Electric Corp. Graybar Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply: Co. . ~D SANITATION FUND: j [,7 - Port Angeles Evening News City Shop Dept. i 2,11 ~' LIBRARY FUND: City Treasurer Port Angeles Public Library Luxor Lighting Products Johnson & Bark l Supplies Office Supplies, Clean Typewriters Gas, Oil, Repairs Letterheads and EDvelopes Traveling EXpense Office SuppUes Car Repairs Car Repai r Weld Foot Brake-Cycle Veedol Motor Oil Vibrators Battery, Service Chg., Parts 50 Receipt Books Primers and Powder .car Mileage for April Meals for Prisoners Phone Services Pressure & Plate ClutChes, Oxygen, Acetylene Clean-up Week Y~terial Truck Parts Furnace Oil Gas, Oil, Repairs Plow Bolt 2 Glasses Saw Filing 1 Padlock Nails Cast Iron Catch Basin Lids Motor & Ease, per bid Fuse Switches, etc., for Rock Crusher Lumber Conduits for Rock Crusher Truck & Driver Oil Line, Trico Blades Parts Cleaning Solvent Repair Radiators Steel Wire Hardware Fire ElCtinguishers Parts Machine Work .~ ,,/ Commis sian Cash for Postage Water Charges Phone Service Repai rs and Gas Tape and Clean Fluid Handles Shovels Fittings Prints Lumber and Nails Hauling Maps, etc. Subscription Commission Office Supplies Phone Service Gas, Oil, Repai rs Filter Paper Adv. Transf er Oil Re-charge Fire Ext. Paint Tools, etc. Repairs to Clocks Meters Meters Adv. Gas, Oil, Repairs Light, Water, Garbage Petty Cash--Paper, Paint, Lights White Shellac Postage, Washers, Flood Lite 18.85 35.68 21.04 59.48 13.30 59.77 597.66 11.69 5.67 25.96 26.42 18.46 118.08 30.61 22.12 105.11 64.80. 75.82 25.00 63.04 120.32 1,284.15 11.05 2.88 4.64 1.55 3.09 33.99 396.48 170.22 29.14 154.80 70.32 4.91 45.90 13.27 22.67 13.66 2.67 10.10 8.44 18.54 3.14 122.40 5.30 64.11 177.47 34.14 3.34 46.48 182.88 3.54 ta.9.60 46.88 5.48 4.00 28.70 4.89, 7.77 120.02 41.18 38.61 4.13 3.09 33.41 22.31 60.92 39.37 429.88 12.66 174.54 10.50 9.32 77.19 4.25 ,I I I I _I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~ ~ 7th, continued, .."...".........~......_...,"'.".."'..~ ILIBRARY FUND, co.ntinued: iGaylOrd Bros., Inc. IG & \, Fire Service James W. Caven :Personal Book Shop, Inc. 'McClurg & Co. IDoubleday & Co., Inc. IBinfOrdS & Mort _ ,P.uiK FUND: .3 J i '!! jC1ty Shop Dept. "Wheeler Hardware & Furniture Co. J erne s Hardware Co. Todd's Cycle Shop I ~ iPARKI~ METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: / t - I City Shop Dept. James Hardware Co. /),(} .. 'CEMETERY FUND: ~.-"' . ICity Shop Dept. Wheeler Hardware and Furniture ~o. ILIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: Iii ~ Puget Soum News Co. I 00 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: 3_: ~- I Clallern County Medical serv::ce Corp. L.r. GUARANTY FUND: 1{';;: (::.-- City Tre~~:er. Taxes and Costs .:,- ""' , ~ . ," .,....~ '("/" IERICKSON CHILDREN'S PLAYFIELDS FUND: / p..'- I Angeles Pittsburgh Paints Paint, Stain There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. a. e -212Mr. {J City Clerk 19~1_ Steel Erasers Fire EKt., Refill Toilet Seat Books Books Books Books Gas, Oil Tools and Hardware Tools & Hardware, Fertilizer Sharpen Power Motor, Parts ;() Gas, Oil, Repairs Chalk, and Chalk Line Gas Rakes Books May Med. Fees ton Firemen '25.27 35:09 217.71 31.41 - ~-</I!? ~1i ~or . . 127" 4.12 14.66 6.75 68.59 80.98 9.80 11.32 17.30 1.60 1.23 6.77l 14.66 1 33.001 ~~.62, 12.841 ......