HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/07/1953 I ,I ~" I I ~7 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ".. . ...... ".m. "m.,... ....".. ..... ..... ! Th~ City Council of the City of Port Angeles met in re,gular session at rr:,30 P.M., and was called to or<;ier by Ma.vor Smij;h. Officers preser.rt were: M!%r Smith, Counci1lnen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, i .Io~e, and McFaddep., Manager. Vergeer, Attorn~ Severyns, and Clerk Law., I It:was moved by COWlcilman McFadden th~t minutes of the previous me~tings of April 16th and 23d be approved. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. I " " -- Engineer Ahlvers filed the lBt :: ..1 estimate of cost for I work done and material furnished by EUler COlistruct:!.liIii..C~p, for L.Iiill. JIo. 163 as follows: I " . I I'I'Fl-I'i QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION Cle~ring:and,Grubbing 3000 Cu: Yds. Uncl. Eltcav. ~ Haul J 1286 Cu. Yds. Iltructure Eltcav. 4 289 Cu. Yds: Channel Change 6 3000 Cu. Yds. Embankment 7 2 D~s Mechanical Tamper 11 750 tin. Ft. 6"' Pipe -Side Drains 1;2 89 Cu. Yds. B. R. Gravel Dr. Backfill 31 92 Lin. Ft. Rem. & Disp. of Old W. Main 39 23 Each ' Std~ M. .H. 4' deep OJ; l,ess 40 35 Lin. Ft. Add'l. Depth,M. H. 44 1 Break into & con. 8" pipe to Cul. 45 .. 1 Break into & con. 12" pipe to, Cul. 47 .. 1 Break into & con. 24', pipe to Cul. I 49 1390 Lin. Ft. 6" Storm S.' P,' in place r l 50 7200 Lin. Et. at! Stom S. P. in place I 52 1000 Lin. Ft. 12" Storm S" P. in place I' 53 370 Lin. Ft. 12', Re-Inf. Storm s. P./in place 54 ,,80 Lin. Ft. l5'! Stom S. ,Po In,plaCe 55 520 Lin. Et. 18'! Storm S. P,. in plBce 156 .75 Lin. Et. 1St! Re-Int. Stom S. P. in place 57 .60 Lin. Ft. 24'! Re-Inf. ::;tom S. p. in place 58 1303 Lin. n. 24'! Stom S. P. in.pUce 160 544. Lin. Et. 72'! Elt. Str. !ie-Int. Con. Culv. ~~ 5 Each 8" _Storm S. P. Stoppers "'+ 1 Each 12" StomS. p. Stopper : 65 1 Each 15'! Stom S. p. Stopper 1 ?7 1 Each ,24'! S. p. Storm - Stopper 00 6 Each 6" ,x 6" Wyes' in ,lace 69 .33 Each 8'! X 6'! \Vest in place I 71 6 Each 12" X 6" .Wyes in place 172 1 Each 15'! X 6'! Wyes in place 74 3 Each 24'! X 6'! Wyei in place 76 . 1 Each 24" Spec..32 Bend I 77 2537 Lin. Ft. 3' ,Deep Unc1., Tr. Elt. 8< B. Fill I 78 ~82 Lin. Ft. M deep Unc1. tr. ex. 8< B. Fill I 79 1380 Lin. Ft. 5l deep Uncl. Tr. ex. & B. Fill I 80 1780 Lin. Ft. 6! Deept,Uncl. Tr. fllt. 8< B. Fill I 81 2105 Lin. Et. 71, deep Uncl. Tr. EK. 8< B. Eill 82 1575 Lin. Et., 8', deep Uncl. Tr. Elt. 8< B. Fill 83 > 100 Lin. Et. 9~ deep pnc1. Tr. Elt, 8< B. Eill 1 84 100 Lin. Et. 10! deep Uncl. Tr. Ex. 8< B. Fill Total lvork Completed Less 15% Re1;aine~ I I Amount Due Contractor Plus Portion of ~ixed Est. TOTAL G 0 Bonis $47,650.03 19.53_ UNIT PRICE ,L. .S." ,.64 .85 .S7 .14 30 .00 1.07 3.05 .40 185.00 22.50 100.00 100.CO '100.00 1.00 1.10 1.80 5.50 2:55 3.40 7.15 9.25 4.85 44.00 .30 .55 .75 1.95 1.75 2.45 4.50 6.00 14.00 '35.00 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.10 1.35 2.00 2.35 AMOUNT 1,2"00:C5 1,920.00 1,093.10 251.43 420.00 60.00 802.50 271.45 36.00 4,255.00 787:50 100.00 100.CO 100.00 1,390.00 7,920.00 1,800.00 2,035.00 714.CO 1,768.00 536.25 555.00 6,319.55 23,936.CO 1.50 .55 .75 1.95 10.50 80.85 27.00 6.00 42.00 35.00 1,522.20 1,317.40 1,104.00 1,602.00 2,315.50 2,126.25 200.00 235.00 69,000.03 10.350.00 58,650.03 10.000.00 68,650.03 , LID Bonds 21,000.00 I' . ; Also filed for approval were daims to be paid from the "1953 Street Improvement conStruction Fund" as I follows: . Engineers' pi.yroll 2nd half of April,. 1953 American llanken Copy Co., 1 Transit Lowman & Hanford Co., ,Y ..el, 8< Phil. Rod Lowman & Hanford Co., Field Boolls, etc. Nailor Lumber Co., Concrete Nails Olympic Stationers, Inc.. Field Books Bussing Office Supply, Office supplies $ 2,065.80 571.00 431.36 88.54 11.38 7.23 0.93 t 3,176.24 It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing estimate and claims be approved and warrants iSsued in pa,yment of the same. Motion seconded, by, Councilman N'eei. All members voted A3e. Motion unanimously carried, Under the head of unfinished business Engineer Ahlvers filed the 1st and final estimate for work done and material furnished by Milone and Tucci, Contractors, for L.I.D. No. 162 as follows: ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,QUANTITY 1 1 655 11 2 11 2 Break into & Connect 6" Pipe to Elt. M. H. Std. 6' Me Hcle Complete in place 6" Sewer Pipe in place 6'! X 6" I-Iyes in place 6~ X 6~ X 450 Bends 6'! Pipe Stoppers Cast Iron Lamphole Cases in place UNIT $ 50.00 210.00 .85 4.00 2.00 1.00 26.40 TOTAL .' 50.00 210.00 556.75 44.00 4.00 11.00 52.80 323 ~ 4,461.00 2,602.00 598.00 I 261.00 3,510.00 32;.00 8,573.20 2,895.00 3.539.00 332.00 3,640.00 750.00 240.00 2,106.00 200.00 -324 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 7 continued 19-53_ m~ , ..,""" ....." '''''~'"", .."".,..... ..... 8 ;26LF ': 9 75 LF 10 ;0 LF 1.00 -1.10 1.15 520.00 1 82.;0 57.50 1,588.5; ~ 238.28 I , 1,350.271 151..J.l 1,504.68 6' Treach 7! Trench 8\ Trench TOTAL Less. 15% Retained Amount due Contractor Plus Fixed Estimate TOTAL.mOUNT DUE . . No. 162 be approved and warrant All voted Aye. Motion carried. ,It was moved by Councilman Brown that the estimate of cost ,forL.I.D. iissued in p~ent of the s8Ille. l!Qtion seconded by Councilman Powell. I -" , . f'ursuant to date previously fixed, the hearing on Local lmprov;"ent Dit~ict No.' 164 was opened. There ~aving been no objections made or filed, it was moved by,Councilman Brown that the hearing be closed and the .Attornet instructed to' prepare an Ordinance creating the said Improvement District. . Motion seconded by lounci~ ~olfe. All: voted Aye. Mction carried. . IThe Council considered" payment of claims as of April 20,' 23 am. May' 4 and ;. in. total amount of $80,479.45. It was moved by COWlcilman Wolfe that the claims be approved- as paid. Seconded' by Councilman Powell and Carried;' I , . . I . ids to' furnish equi~nt for the water" department were' received as follows: H01Irard's Equipment Co., tractor and digger, " " "tractor and loader &4,120.00 , 2,620.32 surge Dairy Suppl,t, tractor and backhoe, plus 3% sales tax. , Star Machinery Co~, tractor with, shovel loader - . Wagner ~aulic Loader Allen Convertible. Cab Case Model Tractor, Standard Equipment Henry ~aulic backfill blade" Universal EquipmeAt Co., Pnewnatractor with frUt end loader'and backhoe Pacific Hoist and'Derrick Co., Oliver Industriall'lheel tractor with liare ~aulic , loder. tax not included, Tractor tires 12:00 X 26, 6 ply &9;.00 extra Oliver Cletrac Craw:).er Tractor with Ware front end,loader, tax not included, . For dozer blade, add Nelson Equi~ Co., . One' !odel 105 Tractair Wagfler front end loader with bucket," Dual 10 X 24 rear wheels, "'d Hsn1'y byclraulic backhoe with actuated buckets Dedl1ct for fixed bucket model, ~t was moved by Councilman McFadden that the h1ds bb referred to the ML1ager anI!! Water Superintendent for checking and study to repcrt back at the next llleeting. 'Motion secomed,by CouncilmAn vlolfe and carried~ I" . I :I'he followib.g bids were received and opened for purchase' of Lot 20, Block 243. Townsite: , Wm. F. HemrickB &155.00 Forest F. McKeever ,183.00 Robert Venable 250.00 J. p. Jervis 160.00 !t was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid by Mr. Venable of $250.00 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. !. , ~er Vergeer i~rmed that negotiations for acquisition of llight of w~ for street construction on North Ennis Street are practically complete, with proposal of $1,.300.00 for portion of twc lots having h een ~ubmitted by l~. and Mrs. Bokamper. Mr. Vergeer recommended that the proposal be accepted. It was moved by Councilman Brown that Hr. Vergeer be instructed to proceed, and acquire the right of way at price quoted, Md.,a warrant be issued in ~nt of the same. Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden and unanimous~ I carried. J Robert Mulligan and' others requested that the council re.conaider a former request to remove tha fence at Civic Field, the saine having been referred to the Park Board. Ma;yor Smith advised that the matter will be ~eferred to the reorganized Park Board, as two members are serving since the' previous request was filed. j , , I) Councilman SanlIson recommended that the Council consider James liise to serve as a member on the Park Board ~ and placed the same' for nomination. It was moved by Councilman .Neer that James Wise be appointe!i to serve ~1 A the unexpired term of Mrs. Elizabeth Burt, said term to expire AuglIllt 23, 1954. ,Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden and unanimously carried. ! Mayor Smith read letter of request from W. E. Samuelson asking the City to reimburse him tor damages to his ibasement caused bY trunk se>1er stoppage, ,in amount of $65.00. The claim having been jreviously tiled, Manager Vergeer infonned that the same was handled in usual manner by referring to the Attorney and insuranoe company... That the matter was investigated by the comP"'Vand onl,y responsibility of the en,. is through I hegligence, and there was no evidence of the same. , J ' '" I tinder the head of new business, the Council reOU'\'e4 a letter from the state Highwa,y Department infoming bf contEtJllPlated changes in traffic regulations in certain zones on state highways through the City. Manager I Vergeer :advised that h~ has conferred with Stltte Officials and the following res,olution has been prepared, $ubjec t to amendmenl\: , ' , , I ; RESOLUTION: I A IiEsOLUTION modifying the indicated speed of motor. vel;icles on Washington State Routes 9 and 9A within the corporate limits of Port Angeles, .Iashington. " . I WHEREAs, the traffic engineer of the Washington State Highwa,y Commis.sion di4, under date of April 21, 1953, recommend to the City revision of speed restrictions on State Highways within the City and, 1 I I 1c ,I " ;1 1 .J I. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Mq 7 continued 53 19_ . ,~, it is the opinion of the City Council that some revision is jm tilied and part. of these recommendations require modification due to local conditions existent. NOW, THEIlEFCRE, Blj: IT RESOLVED: That on the Section, of 1I18hm\y. .Routll P.S.H. No.9 from the West City LiJoits to Laurel Street, the indicated speed shall be 35 miles per hour, apdthat on the same route the speed from Laurel Street , to Race Street be 25,miles per hour; and from Race Street to the East City Limits be 35 miles per hour' l~ ' I BE IT .FURTHER RESOLVED: r That, on the Highw~ Route S.S.H. No. 9A the following speeds be inducted. From the l'fest 1, City Limits to Euclid Avenue 45 miles per hour; from Euclid Avenue .to 10th Street 35 miles per hour; from 10th Street to Lincoln Street 25 miles per hour. , ADOPTED BY 'l1lE CITY COUNCIL, this. 7th ~ of Mq, 1953, md approved by its M!%r the same I date. , It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted subject to amendment,s. and the Manager, authorized to info1'Jll the HigIIw~ Department of changing Euclid Avenue to loth Street and from 10th Street to Lincoln Street. Moj;ion seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted qe. Motion carried. The Council considered a petition with 27 signers ~equesting opening and grading of the following streets: 14th ftlom A to C., 15th fran C to 'funr..rater, A and B from 14th to 15th. It was moved by Council- man Uo~e that the petition be referred,toi;h~ Planning Ccmmd.ssion for recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Neer. All voted Aye. Motion carried. W. p. O'D~, having attained'age of 65 yeaI"ll, requested in writing that time of employment be extended t.ltl years as provided. It was moved by Councilman Bre>m that the time extension be approved. Seconded J by Councilman Sandison. . All voted Aye. ,Motion Carried. . I . -, . Ken Erickson requested in writing that the City remO'le zig-zag from his property at 2d and Oak Streets. I Manager Vergeer infomed that he has IIIOtUied Mr. Erickson when .property will be used for BW' otler I purpose the zig-zag will be removed. 1 Manager Vergeer read a request for water service west of Lincoln Park and South of the County airport. I After discussion regarding service to be obtained it was moved by..Councilman Neer that the request . be denied. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted ~e. iIlotion carried. , . was presented The report of Police Chief Ide for the month of April/for consideration by the COWlcil. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the repat be approved and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. Manager Vergeer reported on request by Ted Browne regarding change in curb and gutter as now located on I. Front Street East of Lincoln. Mr. Vergeer advised that he has conferred with the Planning Commission and it is the opinion. of the Inf!!llbers that the curb should not be changed. The Planning Commission reported on requesteduchange of Lot 6 for Lot 4, Block One. Tll:delalds lvest of Laurel as proposed by Wheeler Hardware Co. It was the opillion of the Commission that exchange he approved, providing the Wheeler Hdwre. Co. p~ an amount equal to adeli tional ,amount of assessments to be levied by Oak Street improvement on Lot 6 over amount of assessments on Lot 4. and an additional amount paid to equalize the valuation inasmuch as Lot 4 has more value than Lot 6, due to location. It was m<7i ed by Councilman Neer that final decision be postponed for further study untU the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mqor Smith read f letter' from the junior Chamber. of Commerce infonning of a meeting to be held for the purpose of planning for Annual Derby Week and advisability of sponsoring the same. , . Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following were introduced: ~ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION creating a special construction fiiii(i for Local Improvement District No. 162 of the Citor of Port Angeles, in accordance with Ordinance No. 1293- and establlshi.ng the rate of interest p~able on warrants ;lssued against said special fWld. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 1293 passed ontlle 2d ~ of January, 1953 the City Council of the City of Port Angeles created Local Improvement District, No. 162 of said City, and by .aaid,Ordinance provided that the cost of the_ improvement he paid by warrants drawn against the District to be redeemed ! through the method of paJ'1llent by bonds and said ilrdinance did not crea6 a district fund; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI'l'i COUNCIL OF 'l1lE CITY OF PORT AilGELES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That there be,. and is hereby.established,and.createQ., a. special fUBi, for said District 162 to be known as Local Improvement No. 162 Construction Fund. . 2. That warrants for the payment of the costs and expense of said improvement shall be issued against said Construction Fund, which warrant. shall bear interest at the rate of 4! per cent per annum and shall be redeemable .at par plus, accrued interest, in cash or by the delivery of 1<Ial Improvement District Bonds of the District in accordance with law ilhd the provisions of Ordinance No. 1293. PASSED by the City Co~cil of the City of Port Angeles this 7th d~ of M!o/, 1953. It was moved by CouncilJllan McFadden that foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION fixing time for hearing, on Assessment Roll for Local Improvement District No. 162 of the City of_Port Angales and directing the giving of notice thereof.. . WHEREAS, the,Assessment Roll for Local Improvement District No. 162 of the City of Port Angeles has been prepared and is now on file with the City Clerk of said City; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follC1ds: , ,,' , I." . That Thursd~ the 4th da;y of June, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. of said date be fixed as the time of, am the Council Chambers of said City at 120 North Oak Street as the place where said hearing will he held. n. That the City Clerk be and is herebY diiected to give notice of the hearing and the time and place thereof, which notice shall specify the time and place of the hearing end shall notify all persons who mq desire to object thereto. . 1. To make their objections in writing and to file them with the City Clerk at or pnor I to the date fixed for the hearing; 2. That at the time and place fixed and at times to which the he aring may be adjourned, the 3251 ....tl ,.. 326 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~ 7 BsRtillY.8a 19~_ '"<..."'",...,.c.,."",,.......,,.......~ Council .1111' sit as a board of equalization for the purpose of considering the roll; aOO 3. TIlt at the hearing the Council will consider the objections made and will correct, revise, raise, lower, change or modify the roll.or aqy part thereof or set aside the roll and order the assessment to be made de novo, and at the conclusion thereof confi1'm the roll by ordinance. , ADOPTED by the City Council this 7t-h dq oj; ~lay, .1953. II;, ""'; ';';ved by Councilman Neer that the foregoi~ resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the fOllOlOdtg was read by title and placed on final reading: , ,ORDINANCE NO. 1303 AN ORDINANCE appropriating the sum of $4,030.00,fQr .l\'ages and retirement contributions from the available funds of the Sanitation Department and setting forth and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be passed final reading and adopted. Se.cond ed by CounciJ.man Neer, and unanimouslJr carried.. Under the head of introduction a nd reading of Ordinances, the foll,(Ming was introduoed and read in full for approval by the Council: ORDINANCE NO. h04 , AN ORDINANCE plaoing in effect an adjustment of the saiar:les; compensation and wages of certain employees of the. electric distribution system of the City of Port Angeles. J . , It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing',Ordiil1mce be approved and adopted, pending legality of adjustments for certain positions. Motion seconded by Counoilman Powell. All voted qe. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. (j, G. ;;tcuv-; (J City Clerk ~f '~~I: Mayor '/}J,.:a.,;~d:z.7'" 3~'/ ~ i ~~?r.~ . jtrY~r~';?I#~~ r-r80l7 ~ I~ -;--r ~.s-r-3~",. I 1 rj I , , :1 I I I l j ! I I I I