HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/07/1959
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
May 7
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The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was Called to order by Mayor '\ichardson. Other
officers lI"sent were: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne, t\ and all and Caldwell, Manager Slankard,
Attorney Moffett and C Ie rk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the minutes ef the previous meeting be apprcved. Seconded by
Councilman Caldwell and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tucker asked the Council to reconsider mi'1irnum of
$100.00 per lot for lots 11 and 12, lllock 357 as previously fixed. There was no motion tc reconsider and
minimum will remain as set._
IThe M"';ager reported on st'reet lighting system, citing amount saved on Eighth Street project. Also e~timat-
ed cost of conte~plated project at 546,629.00. call for bids having been pUblished as dire~ted. It was
moved by Councilrr.an Smith that ca.ll.f or bids be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
The Council reconsidered request by Puget Sound Navigation Comp~ny to install and maintain a decorative
neon sign at North Lincoln Street. It was moved by CouncilI'll_an Maxfield that due to the sign beif.lg advert-
ising and not directional. the request be ~.enied. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
Bids to furnish a l~ yard track lcader for the Street Uepartment were received as fo11ol1s: FRAY EQUIPMENT
CO.. Oliver OC- 126, net, $15.021.48; N. C. M'!cHI~ERY CO., Cat.955, adapt present hoist, net $16,420.64,
I P!\CIFIC HOIST AND DERRICK CO., H.D. -6G, net, $16,505.12; HOWARD COOPER CORP., T.D.-9, net, $16,113.88.
After due consideration, it ,,,,as mcved by Councilman Randall that recommendations of th~ City Engineer,
Street foreman and Manager be approved and offer by N. C, Machinerl' Co. be accepted. Seconded by Council-
man Maxfield and carried.
Owens Brothers Construction Co. having submitted the only bid in amount cf $2,483.00 for construction of
: rest rOom facilities on Ediz Hook, it was moved by Councilman Randall that the offer be accepted. Seconded
Iby Councilman Caldwell and carried.
'IThe Council having been notified that plans and specifications are prepared and call for bids publiShed
Ito replace the Oak Street Zig-Zag, it was [l'oved by CouncilmanC a1d\1ell that call for bids be approved.
ISeconded by C ollt"'cilI1lan Sandison and carried. .
Attorney Moffett requested that the ~'ayor be authorized to sign insurance release fcr damages to City
Light property being poles, wire and signal, in amount of $410.47. It wa5 moved by Councilman Maxfield
Ithat the Mayor sign release and payment for damages be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
II'Pnrsuant to previ~us request by the Council for a uniform sign ordinance governing the installation of neon
,and other signs, Councilman Caldwell read a specimen ordinance which-.was referred to the City Attorney
for study and report at later date.
iThe Planning Commi~sion having considered a!1d approved requests for variance, set-back and Front Street
'connection to Highw~y 101, it was moved by Councilman Caldwell that action be postponed for further study
\until the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
It was moved by Ccuncilman Randall, seconded by Councilman Thorne that committee be appointed to study
!requests. Mbtion carried. COITmittee appointed was Councilmen Caldwell, Maxfield and the Mayor.
I An agreement between the City and R. VI. ]Je~k and Associates,
water project, was submitted for ~ouncil consideration. The
as finally drafted, it was mo ved hy Coun~ ill11an Caldwell that
Ito sign same. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
! It t"as moved by Councilman Maxfield that the .Manager be authorized to secure quotations frem Financial
jConsultants regarding the financing of water improvement project. Seconded by Councilm~ Randall and carrier.
IThe Manager informed the Coun~il that property appraisals are being established to acquire rights-of-way fo~
I replacing the f'orse Creek water line. He also advised that his report shows increase of 25% above appraised
price, this being a ~estllre of fairness by the City. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the ~Ianager
be auth'orized to offt?r amounts as specified in his report, and if refused, condemnation proceedings to be
ordered. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
consul ting engineers, concerning contemplated
Ci ty Attorney having approved the agreement
agreement be approved and the Mayor authorized
Under the head of ne\'1' business, the followinb" reports were submitted for approval: POlice, Fire, Street,
Light and Water billing, Light and Water operating, March budget reports of receipts and expenses.
Councilman Randall commended the Accounting Department for submitting clear and concise reports of
Light and "ater operations. It was moved by Councilman Smith that all repcr ts be accepted and placed on
file. subject to clarification of two itel'ls. Secon:led by Councilman Sandison and carried..
Claims were approved f or payment in amounts as fo110\"J5: General Funds. $7,350.82; Water Fund, $27,614.07;
Light Fund, ~5l,626.38. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that claims be approved and paid. Seconded
by Councilman Thorne and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that April payrolls be approved in total amount of $51,099.29. Second-
ed by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
The Mayor requested that the Fipance Committee meet to consider investing certain City fundS. It was
moved by Councilman Thorne that" a meeting cf the Finance <";oll1J1'littee be called. Seconded by Councilman
Caldl.'lell and carried.
Bngineer Warder requested that action be started to vacate ~nd dedicate certain alleys between Front and
Second Streets and Race to Alder Streets. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the Manager and
Bngineer be authorized to proceed wi th vacations and dedication as enumerated in report. Seconded by
Councilman Smith and carried..
Duane Stack filed claim for damages to his car io amount of $350.00. It was moved by Councilman ~mith
that the claire be referred to the City Attorney and insurance company for report. Seconded by Councilman
Thorne and carried.
It \'Jas mo\'ed by Councilman Thorne that request by Shamrock Tavern for beverage permit be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
The Council accepted a petition relative to approval of alternate truck route, the same being referred
to the Manager and Police Chief.
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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
M:'IY 7
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Under the ""ad of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced for Council approval:
A RESOLUT~ON designating Cherry Street from 8th Street to 15th Street in the City of Port Angeles as an
,arterial way.
-It was moved by Councilman Smith that the foregoing Resolution be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thorne
land carried.
Discussion followed regarding removal of crnamental trees at 15th and Cherr~' Streets, same being traffic
'hazard. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the Manager take proper steps to have hazard removed.
Seconded by Councilm~n Randall and carried.
,The Movor reported on trip to Washington, D. C., and acceptance of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce Fire
'Safety I\ward. The meeting of representatives from so many districts was a wonderful experience. Receiving :
fthe award was a great honor and distinct tribute of which the Fire Department and Chambcr of Commerce are I
(eSPOnSible. Also expressed appreciation for privilege of attending. ~
No further business appearing, the r:eeting was adjourned.
City Clerk
A RESOLUTION dH1gna'ting' Cherry
Street trom 8th Stroat to 15th Street
in the C1ty of port Ang'e-les ,a.a all
nrterilLl wa.;y.
WHIj)HEA~, due to trafnc it hM
been round necessary for the safety.
wl!ICaro aJ'1d convenience of travel
tIlat Cher!'}' Street from 8th Street
to U'ith Street be designated as an
arterlul way; now, thcretol'e,
COU.;\fCIL OF 'l'HE Cl'l.'Y 01i' POR'i.'
ANGEL.l!:S, as follows:
1. TllIlL ChCI'I'~' 6treet from the
Sout!1 b~\mdary line of llth Street tu
the South boundary ot U5th Street
be, arid the sarne i;s herel),', estab-
lished and designated 1l,:S an arterial
2. That the City Police and Engin-
eerlng DeJlal'tments of tile elt)' of
Port Angeles posl IH'OlH'I' :'IJgil~ IHl
,.,ald CJlt'rry 8tn:et 60 llml lhe I)lllllir~
will ))e t1lOroughl,)r jnCDrn1l'll O'mt
said :,;Ln~ct Is all arterial WfiJr.
~ ::I, That this I:esu]utirlll he l)Uhlil':h~
Jf'd ill Lhe offkmJ newspaper o[ t)\C
j f;~~;fcOfWjrIOl;~e ~~f;l~~f~~m~~a~s t~~
[1](: status of - said' Street.
PASSED bv the City Council of
the City of 'port Angeles tllis 'ltl\
da;r of May, 1~59
J, E. LA''', Clt;\-' Clerk
All)>ro,'e<l as to form:
'l'Y"Ll::H C, MO}o'}o'ET'l" City Attorney
PUbl!Sh(Jd: .ilIa}' 14, 1.Q59.
! ;