HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/07/1985 332 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 7, 1985 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Whidden calle~ the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Whidden Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Quast, Schermer, Stamon. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Anderson, P. Carr, B. Myers, R. Saville, J. Marsh, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, L. Romig, K. McGehee, L. Danks, D. Wolfe, D. Warner, K. Ridout, J. Abram, A. Rose. Public Present: B. Goldie, S. DeCou, B. Fletcher, M. Ross, S. Ginter, G. McFarland, D. & W. Stanley, G. Coburn, D. Abrams, V. & H. Smith, V. Cochran, M. Hutto, B. & L. Lukes, Jr., E. & N. Lukes, Sr., D. Reidel, H. & A. Wilch, M. Kennedy, K. Elliott, B. Swanson, F. & M. Wanzer, E. Hansen, R. Garnero, L. McPhee, S. Fahnestock, L. Sunny. I II MINUTES Councilman Schermer moved to accept and place on file as received the minutes of the April 16, 1985, meeting. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda, including (1) Request for payment to CH2M Hill for DelHur Westside EIS work - $1,130.28; (2) Request permission to call for bids for removal of City-owned building; (3) Request for permission to call for bids - 8th and Peabody signal; (4) Request permission to call for bids for electrical wire; (5) Request permission to call for bids - remote metering system - computer hardware and software; (6) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (7) Vouchers of $1,878,290.00 and payroll of $207,624.07. Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that a liquor license application had also been received for the Great Wall Restaurant. Councilman Quast amended the motion, with concurrence from Councilman Hordyk, correcting Item 6 Cd) on the Agenda and adding as Item 6 (E) the application for a liquor license for The Great Wall Restaurant. The motion as amended carried, with Councilman Haguewood abstaining. V FINANCE 1. Payment Authorized to Riddell Williams for Legal Representation on WPPSS Issues I I Councilman Gerberding moved to approve payment of the April 19, 1985, Riddell Williams bill in the amount of $1,401.81. Councilman Quast seconded. Councilman Quast thanked Attorney Knutson for preparing informa- I tion showing the public that in this particular WPPSS litigation in which the City is defending its ratepayers since June of 1982, the cost has been $247,916.23. On calI for the question the motion carried. 2. Payment of $33,000.00 Authorized to Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce for Building Improvement and Operational Costs Councilman Quast moved to approve the progress payment of $33,000 to the Port Angeles Chamber of Counnerce to be itemized as follows: A $20,000 lump-sum payment for the construction of the tourist information facility; $12,000 for the first and second quarters of operation and maintenance funds; and $1,000 for the production of a Fourth of July fireworks display. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Hordyk asked Er1 Hansen, Director of the Ch~nber of Counnerce, the progress on the tourist information center. I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 7, 1985 Mr. Hansen informed the Council that construction would begin the next morning. Upon further inquiry by Councilman Hordyk, Mr. Hansen stated that funding was about $5,426 short; therefore, some planned parts of the visitor information center have been dropped, specifically, some cabinets and the audio-video room. He stated this might be completed next year. Councilman Quast explained to the audience the background of the develop- ment of the tourist information center. Councilman Gerberding was dis- turbed about the possibility of the tourist information center not includ- ing an audio-visual room this year. He urged the Chamber to attempt to obtain funding, as he felt this was an integral part of the visitor information center. On call for the question, the motion carried. 3. Bid Awarded to Hoch Construction, Inc., for Fire Hall Addition Following explanation from Manager Flodstrom, Councilman Quast moved to award the bid to Hoch Construction Co., Inc., with option 6-B (section steel door) in the amount of $24,516.09. Councilman Quast voiced his approval on the bid being awarded to a local company. Councilman Stamon seconded the motion, noting that this amount was approximately $4,400.00 under the Engineers' estimate. The motion carried. 4. Bid Awarded to Fray Equipment Co. for Underground Piercing Tool Councilman Gerberding moved to accept the low bid from Fray Equipment Co. in the amount of $6,l54.79 for the underground pushing device. Councilman Stamon seconded. Public Works Director pittis described for the audience that an underground pushing device is an underground pressure device that bores underneath the ground without ripping up asphalt. Upon inquiry, he explained that this would accommodate a four-inch pipe. On' call for the question, the motion carried. 5. Bid Awarded to Walker & Associates for Aerial Photography Following explanation by Public Works Director Pittis, Councilman Schermer moved to accept the bid and authorize the Mayor to execute a professional service agreement with Walker & Associates for a total cost of $68,104. Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Gerberding felt this was long overdue and would be of great benefit. He inquired about long-term pos- sibilities of offering a lease arrangement to the County. Public Works Director Pittis stated that a resolution establishing fees for such a service would be brought back to the Council. On call for the question, the motion carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Bill Swanson, representing the Salty Dawg Tavern, referred to the Consent Agenda and asked if approval of the liquor license for the Salty Dawg had been included. Mayor Whidden confirmed that it was. Report from Waterfront Associates Jim Going of Waterfront Associates then addressed the Council, reporting on the status of the Lincoln Street Landing project. Mr. Going reported that D9uglas Hendal1 of Mercer Island and william Hofias of Bellevue had been added as investors in the Lincoln Street Landing project. He stated that the lender had visited the site and had met with City staff as well as Port staff the previous day. He stated that all of the paperwork had been sub- mitted to the Port on May 1st as required, but the leasing had not yet been accomplished. He anticipated the project would be starting some time in June. Councilman Quast asked Mr. Going if Waterfront Associates would provide approximately $3,000.00 toward the purchase of necessary improve- ments for the Chamber of Commerce visitor information center once they became the landlord of that facility, if the City matched those funds. Mr. Going confirmed they would, but requested that in the future, if there were reports from the Chamber of Commerce and Waterfront Associates, Waterfront Associates be allowed to speak first with the chamber of Commerce speaking second. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Councilman Stamon publicly commended staff for the outstanding effort above and beyond the call of duty they performed during the home show, making it a success. 333 , ~ 33~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 7, 1985 Councilman Quast pointed out that the Information Agenda included a number of complimentary letters to staff. Councilman Quast thanked those who were so favorably mentioned in the Information Packet. Councilman Schermer added his thanks. VII LEGISLATION 1. Public Hearing A. Additional Public Input - New City Hall Facility I Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for public- comment. There was no public comment; therefore, Mayor Whidden closed the public hearing. Manager Flodstrom referred to written comments and telephone comments re- ceived to date on the proposed City Hall facility. Councilman Quast noted for the record that these comments would be incorporated in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. 2. Planning Commission Minutes of April 24, 1985 A. Conditional Use Permit Authorized - City Light Department Request has been made for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installa- tion of identification signs at all City Light substations located in residential districts of the City. Councilman Quast moved to concur with the recommendations of the Planning Commission to approve the Conditional Use Permit, citing the following findings of fact: (A) The proposed signs will not introduce incompatible, detrimental, hazardous or depreciating conditions into the residential areas; (B) The information on the .signs will promote the public health, safety and welfare; (C) Together with the landscaping, the proposed signs will improve the appearance of the existing Substations. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. I B. Public Hearing Set for Ordinance Redesignating M-l and Planned Shopping Center Districts on Zoning Map Councilman Schermer moved to set a public hearing for May 21, 1985, for the purpose of considering amendments to the City's Zoning Map, Ordinance No. 2158 as amended, redesignating all M-1 Industrial Districts on the Official Zoning Map as LI - Light Industrial, and deleting the PSC, Planned Shopping Center, designation from the Map entirely. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. C. Planning Commission Minutes of April 24, 1985, Accepted Councilman Stamon moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of April 24, 1985, as written. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilman Gerberding then inquired if the Planning Commission was planning to discuss variances issued over the last year or two, to ascertain the number of side yard setbacks, the number of bay windows, etc. City Planner Carr confirmed this would be reviewed. On call for the question, the motion carried. 3. Funding Authorized for Maps for Expo 86 Ted Gage informed the Council that one of the major projects of the County's Tourism Board has been. the creation of a Northern Olympic Peninsula Map in I steel, going to be placed in 19 different locations in C1allam and Jeffer- son Counties. He stated that a paper version of this map was also being produced (to be distributed to tourists at no cost) and requested finan- cial support from the City. He requested the $2,700 previously allocated for the Welcome Magazine project be re-allocated for this project, to increase the number of paper maps produced. He stated the number of maps that could be produced with assistance from the City and other entities would be approximately 150,000. He presented graphics of the proposed map to the Council as well as a photograph of the steel map. Following further discussion at great length, Councilman Schermer moved to allocate the $2,700 previously budgeted to the Tourism Development Board for the print- ing of maps. Councilman Quast seconded. Following further discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 7, 1985 4. Letter from Trade Stimulant Association Regarding City's Gambling Tax and Request from Queen of Angels Regarding Tax on Church Raffles Steve DeCou, 724 East 7th, owner of Pizza Mia and representative of the Trade Stimulant Association, addressed the Council, speaking at length in opposition to the City gambling tax and requesting repeal of said tax. He stated many individuals in the audience were members of fraternal organiza- tions and churches and were concerned that tax dollars being paid to the City were not being utilized properly. Mr. DeCou indicated the State had raised State gambling taxes. He stated RCW requires gambling tax revenue be used to enforce gambling regulations. He questioned the need for such enforcement in Port Angeles and felt that money derived from gambling could be used to further the economy of this area through charitable institutions and businesses. Ben Goldie, owner of the Good Times Tavern, felt the taxes that had been paid to the City were excessive when compared to the amount of calls that had been placed in regard to enforcement of gambling taxes. Larry Cawyer, secretary-manager of the Eagles, stated that he represented about 2,100 members. Mr. Cawyer stated that if the tax were repealed, the Eagles could sponsor the Fourth of July fireworks display by themselves. Sam Cawyer, past-president of the Eagles Club, stated he also was opposed to the tax. Ray Charpineau of the Moose Lodge was highly opposed to the tax. Sandra Ginter, 418 East 7th, a member of the Eagles Ladies Auxiliary, voiced opposition to the tax. She felt if the tax were repealed more would be done for charitable causes. Commander Don Salonen of the VFW Sequim Post felt Port Angeles should be the same as Sequim and the County and not require this tax, stating that the organization raises money for charitable purposes - scholarships, etc. William Stanley from Eagles 483, spoke in opposition to the tax. Chuck Russell of Hadlock, past commander of the VFW in Hadlock, stated he had driven a long way to lend support to these people and their cause. Gerald McFarland, incoming president of the Port Angeles Eagles 483, stated he was dead-set against this tax. Ed Lukes of Sequim, past president of the Eagles 483, stated he had seen ,the charitable events that these organizations had promoted and felt the tax was an unfair burden to them. Marion Hutto, past-president of the Port Angeles Eagles, stated he was very opposed to this tax. Dorice Stanley of the 483 Auxiliary stated she was also opposed to this tax. Dawn Garner of the Gateway Tavern stated she was very opposed to this tax. Michael Paulson of the Sunrise Tavern also spoke in opposition to the tax. Bob Hartman, 419 East Front Street, an Eagles members, spoke in opposition to the tax. Jerome Elings of Brickie's Tavern felt that business was going down and taxes were going up, and it was getting a little unbearable. Don Reidel stated he was very opposed to the tax. He stated he was a member of the Elks and the Eagles. Freeman McCloud spoke in opposition to the tax. Delores Cawyer from the Eagles also spoke in opposition. Al Jones, governor of the Moose Lodge, spoke in OPPOSition to the tax. Jack Ketchum of the Loomis Tavern was also opposed to the tax. Wally Adams, past-president of the Eagles and now outside guard at the Moose, spoke in opposition to the tax. Mark Seward, officer in the Moose Lodge, felt local fraternal organizations had enough problems and the load should be lightened. Frank Wanzer, member of the Eagles 483, spoke in opposition to the tax. Howard Smith, member of the Eagles, stated he was very opposed to the tax. Councilman Hordyk referred to a portion of the letter sent to the Council by Mr. DeCou, stating that the State had raised gambling license fees up to 2,000\. He asked if anyone had appealed to the State. Mayor Whidden ,also asked if State representatives had been contacted. Mr. DeCou stated that State Representatives had been contacted but that they did not control the budget preparations of the Gambling Commission. Mayor Whidden encouraged this matter be pursued further with the State. The Council, members of the audience, as well as the City Manager, discussed the matter further. Councilman Haguewood felt the tax was a hardship. Councilman Gerberding did not support a reduction of gambling tax for punchboards, pull tabs , etc., but would like to have staff produce more information on waiving taxes if the proceeds were used entirely within the City for community charitable purposes, as is the policy in the City of Redmond. Councilman Stamon then' moved to direct staff to provide a report to Council responding to the concerns stated tonight, outlining not only what the ordinances say, but also the State gambling regulations in terms of direct- ing the City toward the use of these funds, asking that this information be brought back at the next meeting. Councilman schermer seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. 335 336 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 7, 1985 The Council suggested to Mr. DeCou that he submit further written informa- tion for the Council's consideration and review on the issue prior to the next meeting. Mayor Whidden called for a five-minute recess at 8:25 P.M. 5. Request by Ray Nebert to Assist in Resolving a Fence Problem - Front Street Car Wash - Tabled Ray Nebert, representing Nebert Bros., owners of a self-service car wash in I the 900 block on East Front Street which now has a fence on the alley, requested that since the area has been rezoned, the City provide assistance . in the removal of the fence so customers can use the alley as access to the business. Mr. Nebert stated the fence was pre-existing at the time he purchased the car wash, and that the Solid Waste Division wanted the fence removed to provide easier access to the mechanized collection garbag~ container. He stated the property owner to the north of his business had objected to the removal of the fence. Manager Plodstrom explained that at the time the car wash was established, the Planning Commission had stipu- lated the condition that the fence be placed there. Subsequent to the time that condition was mandated, the zoning has changed. City Planner Carr ex- plained the area was previously Commercial Arterial District - Restricted, and about a year ago, that was changed to Arterial Commercial District, as was the entire area south of Front Street to the 1/2 alley. He stated that the property north of the alley had previously been zoned RS-7, Residential. That was rezoned approximately two years ago to Office Commercial. Councilman Hordyk discussed the matter with Mr. Nebert, and felt the Coun- cil should obtain more facts and view the area prior to making any deci- sions on the matter. John Ward of 922 Georgiana, directly across the alley from the car wash, addressed the Council, speaking in opposition to removal of the fence. Mr. Ward stated that there were already problems with exces- sive traffic in the area and felt that this would only increase the problem. Mr. Ward stated that the fence had been down temporarily, and traffic had increased dramatically and at least three young hot-rodders had left rubber I in the alley. He was concerned that damage to his property might result. Mr. Ward suggested removing a corner of the fence next to the vacuum cleaner and setting the garbage container there. He stated this is what is taking place now and it seems to be working fine. He requested the Council leave the fence as it is currently. Following further discussion, Councilman Schermer moved to table the matter for further input from staff and to allow the opportunity for the Council- members to individually view the area. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. 6. Public Hearing Scheduled and Resolution Authorized for Campbell Avenue Sewer Extension LID Public works Director Pittis outlined the problems with the septic systems in the area. He explained that a petition had been circulated in the area but an adequate number of signatures had not been obtained to proceed with an LID by petition method. Councilman Quast referred to a letter written April 24, 1984, by the Clallam County Health Department stating the problem required immediate attention. Councilman Quast then moved that the City Council authorize staff to proceed with the preliminary work necessary to bring a resolution to the council concerning an extension of the Local Improvement District. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Upon inquiry, Attorney Knutson explained that a sewer LID necessary to protect the health and welfare of residents could be imposed by the City if an ordinance was unanimously adopted by the City Council. Councilman Haguewood suggested holding a public hearing on this matter to allow the public to provide input. The Council discussed the matter further at length. Councilman Quast then amended the motion, adding that a public hearing be held on the issue. The date for the public hearing was set for June 4, 1985. On call for the question, the motion as amended carried. I 7. Contract Authorized with Port Angeles Symphony Councilman Schermer moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the Port Angeles Symphony. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilman Hordyk spoke in opposition to the motion. He felt if the High School could raise money to go to the Fiesta Bowl, the Port Angeles Symphony could do the same. Mayor Whidden referred to an anonymous letter he had received I ( I CITY COONCIL MEETING May 7, 1985 opposing the City's contribution to the Symphony. He noted concern that the letter was not signed. Councilman Schermer confirmed that the money contributed to the Symphony would be from the Hotel/Motel Fund. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No" and Councilman Haguewood abstaining. 8. Proclamation - Older American Month - May, 1985 Mayor Whidden proclaimed May Older Americans Month. Councilman Gerberding mentioned that the Senior Center had been selected for a pilot program on literacy for senior citizens from the National Council on Aging. 9. Consideration of Property Trade with Mr. Salway to Resolve Regent Street Right-of-Way Problems Ken Ridout, Office Engineer, addressed the Council, explaining that a deed relinquished by the City to Mr. Solway previously had only partially cleared the title to Mr. Solway's property, and explained that this property exchange would be a compromise that would be acceptable to both Mr. Solway and to the City. The Council discussed this matter with Mr. Ridout at great length. Following discussion, Councilman Quast moved that the City enter into the following agreement with Mr. Solway: To clear title on the property to Mr. Solway's satisfaction in return for the fol- lowing: (1) A quit claim deed for the additional right-of-way required for street construction and maintenance but not required for the residence, greenhouse, other outbuildings and additional area as required to allow proper setbacks; (2) An area at the south end of the property to be used as a turnaround for emergency vehicles (none currently exists); (3) Signature to an LID non-protest agreement to allow the City of Port Angeles to pro- ceed with an LID for the area as requested by the majority of residents (though a minority in acreage and front-footage ownership); citing the following reasons: (A) Formation of an LID for the improvement of Regent Street; (8) Provision for a turnaround area for emergency vehicles; (C) The deeding of right-of-way to clear title to land in a state of limbo; (D) To resolve to the satisfaction of both parties the distribution of platted Regent Street right-of-way. Councilman Stamon seconded. Following further discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. 10. Ordinance Adopted Codifying and Updating Regulations in City Light Department Mayor Whidden read the ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2341 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles relating to the Light Department, regulating the use of electric current, establishing prohibitions and fixing penalties, repealing Ordinance No. 890, Section 8 of Ordinance 2137, Section 8 of Ordinance 2054, and amending PAMC 13.12.080, and establishing a new Chapter 13.10 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. councilman Stamon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council- man Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 11. City Manager Authorized to Sign Memo of Understanding With Cla11am Transit System Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize the City Manager to sign the Memo of Understanding for-maintenance and operation of bus stops within the City of Port Angeles by Clallam Transit System. Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Schermer noted concern over the bus stop at Second and Race. He felt this should be carefully watched during the summer because it is in a red zone. He felt that the bus stop might be better located by Civic Field. On call for the question, the motion carried. 337 '338 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 7, 1985 12. 1985 Salary Ordinance for Management and Administrative Employees Adopted Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by entitled, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2342 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a position classification, fringe benefit and pay plan for Admin- istration, Technical and Clerical Per- sonnel, providing for the payment thereof for the year 1985, and declaring a public emergency. Councilman Gerberding moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, as this corresponds with the schedule previously adopted, adding a cost of living with other bargaining units. Councilman Stamon extended a vote of thanks to the employees for giving instead of taking. She stated this goes to demonstrate the caliber of employees the City has. During discussion, Councilman Haguewood questioned where individual employees' salaries fell in the salary schedule. The Council and City Manager discussed this matter at length. Councilman Haguewood opposed the cost of living increase. He felt that employees of the private sector were not being given raises in the same manner as City employees were. Councilman Quast felt that it must be considered that negotiations had been completed with two unions already. He noted that salaries paid out to union employees at mills, etc., were substantially higher than the salaries of City employees. He stated City employees had stayed with the City without a cost of living increase for the last two years. He felt the Council was justified in giving this cost of living increase in order to keep the high caliber of employees the City now has. Councilman Haguewood requested the City Manager provide a list of employees and how much each employee was earning. Mayor Whidden noted that in the Information Packet there were five letters of commendation from citizens praising individual members of the City staff. He stated this speaks highly of our people and he is very proud of that. On call for the question, the motion to adopt the Ordinance as read by title carried, with Councilman Haguewood voting "No". 13. Resolution Passed Reducing Fee for Temporary Use Permit Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 10-85 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles amending Resolution No. 17-81 relating to fees for filing applications for Planning Permits. Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Coun- cilman Quast seconded. Mayor Whidden reiterated the recommendation from the Planning Department to reduce the fee for a Temporary Use Permit from $90 to $30. On call for the question, the motion carried. 14. Public Hearing for Ordinance Changing Zoning Map (M-1 to LI, Deleting Planned Shopping Center) The public hearing was set for May 21st during review of the Planning Com- mission minutes of April 24, 1985. IS. Sidewalk Obstruction Permit Approved - Chamber of Commerce - Railroad Avenue Mayor Whidden reviewed the recommendation from the Public Works Department. Councilman Quast moved to concur with the recommendation of the Public Works Department and grant the sidewalk obstruction permit, No. 85-05, to the Chamber of Commerce, citing the following findings of fact: (1) The location of the obstruction is not inconsistent with the paramount right of the public to use the sidewalk, especially in that it is a quasi-public use; (2) The area will be lighted for night visibility; (3) Location of the obstruction does not constitute a traffic hazard; and (4) There is no other practical means to accomplish the desired purpose. Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Gerberding asked how long sidewalk obstruction I 1- I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 7, 1985 permits were in effect. public works Director Pittis explained that this would go on indefinitely. 16. Request to Participate in Joint Action by Non-Generating Utilities I Light Director Saville outlined the proposal. Councilman Quast moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the consultant services agreement with Ray Foleen. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Attorney Knutson noted concerns wi th the contract itself; specifically, he stated there was no maximum dollar amount in the payment schedule. He also noted concern over the possibility of the lack of the City's control over the consultant's statements at PPC meetings. He felt the consultant should report to a committee within the non-generating utilities. He stated that Riddell Williams, attorneys involved in WPPSS litigation, might want to review proposed statements to be made by Mr. Foleen in regard to WPPSS. Council- man Quast then observed further concerns with the contract. Following further discussion, Councilman Schermer moved to table the matter until the Ci ty Attorney' s concerns were addressed. Councilman Stamon seconded the motion to table. The motion carried. Due to the late hour, Councilman Quast moved to continue the remaining agenda items until May 21, 1985. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. VIII LATE ITEMS Work Session Scheduled for May 29, 1985 Councilman Gerberding suggested establishing a Council work session on May 29th, presented by the Police and Fire Departments on special programs they have going and on goals they have for the upcoming years. The Council concurred. The work session was scheduled for May 29, 1985. $3,000 Matching Funds Authorized to Chamber of Commerce Councilman Quast moved to authorize up to $3,000 from the Hotel/Motel Fund in matching funds for the audio-visual equipment, to be owned by the City and loaned to the Chamber, for the Port Angeles Visitors' Information Center, if matched by Waterfront Associates. Following discussion, Coun- cilman Quast amended the motion to authorize but not to allocate the funds as yet. Councilman Gerberding seconded. The motion carried. Mayor Whidden suggested that the City send a thank you letter to Leo White and others for their time and effort in bringing the Rotary Convention to a successful conclusion in the City of Port Angeles. Mayor Whidden requested a list, not including names, of salaries by Depart- ment; specifically, those earning over $40,000 per year. Purchase of Fire Alarm Dispatch Panel Authorized Manager Flodstrom and Fire Chief Glenn explained a situation resulting in the need for a new fire alarm panel at the Port Angeles Police Department Dispatch Center. Following discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the Fire Department to place an order for an additional fire alarm panel. Councilman Schermer seconded. On call for the question, the motion carried. Manager Flodstrom informed Councilmembers of their invitation to an open house May 24, 1985, sponsored by the DWI Task Force. He also informed the Council that there would be a 7:00 P.M. meeting tomorrow night for a public presentation on the part of the consultants working on the Harbor Management Plan. He also confirmed with Councilmembers who would be attending the AWC conference; specifically, Councilman Schermer, Councilman Stamon and Councilman Quast on June 18th through the 2lst, 1985. Mayor Whidden indicated he might attend. Manager Flodstrom discussed possible dates for the Lyle Sumek Council work session. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting to executive session at 10:12 P.M. for the purpose of discussing litigation. 33~ 340 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 7, 1985 XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:40 P.M. XII ADJOURNMENT Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:45 P.M. ~AA-': O. ~~A~./ Clerk ~ }?uJidL ~ Mayor I I I I