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Port Angeles, Washington
May 7, 2002
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell,
Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y.
Ziomkowski, J. Hordyk, J. Cole, M. Hall, G. Kenworthy, L.
Haehnlen, and B. Coons.
Public Present: L. Lee, E. VanWald, L. Evart, J. McGinley, C. Konopka, K.
Smith, T. Price, M. Lang, R. Anderson, L. Rasmussen, B.
Lindstrom, M. Rampenthal, and D. Kari.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Manager Quinn.
PUBLIC CEREMONIES, 1. Presentation to Council by Senior Center Members
PROCLAMATIONS: Senior Center Manager Jean Hordyk, along with Senior Center Guiding Committee
members Madeline Lang, Lee Roberts, and Pat Schaeffer, presented complimentary
Presentation to Council memberships to Mayor Wiggins and Councilmembers Campbell, Williams, and
by Senior Center Headrick along with $25.00 coupon books for use at the Senior Center and within the
Members community. Having been a member for seven years, Councilman Braun was presented
with a thank-you carnation, as were Councilmembers Erickson and Rogers as a
foreshadowing of their future memberships. Ms. Hordyk reminded the Council that
May is Older Americans Month, that May 12-18 is National Senior Center Week, and
that the Center will be celebrating its 33~a year on May 15, 2002. She expressed
appreciation to the Council in carrying out the Center mission of promoting the
physical, emotional, and economic well being of older adults and encouraging their
participation in all aspects of community life. In addition, Ms. Hordyk presented Mayor
Wiggins with the keys to the 1986 Ford van which was presented by the City to the
Center in 1986 and which is now being replaced by a 2002 Ford Van with wheel-chair
accessibility. A check for $40,000.00, representing various Senior Center fund-raisers,
was then presented to the Mayor as the Center's donation toward the procurement of
the new vehicle.
Schools Update by 2. Schools Update Communication by Dr. Gary Cohn, PA School Superintendent
Dr. Gary Cohn, Port
Angeles School Dr. Gary Cohn, Port Angeles School Superintendent, thanked the Council for
Superintendent opportunity to present an update on current events within the district. The steadily
dropping enrollments and education funding from the State Legislature forced the
School Board to look for ways to cut back on expenditures in the amount of $1,700,000.
May 7, 2002
Schools Update by In order to meet this figure, the School Board began by moving closer to the State
Dr. Gary Cohn, Port staffing levels which required the elimination of twelve positions, but no lay-offs were
Angeles School required. Programs, low-enrollment courses, and the Skills Center will be areas subject
Superintendent (Cont'd) to reduction. Through the concentrated efforts of the City, the School District, the Boys
& Girls Club, the YMCA, and possibly Head Start, facility use problems and
duplications can be avoided.. Dr. Cohn also mentioned the Multi-Cultural Task Force
and its potential impact on the community's involvement with the District. Mayor
Wiggins complimented the District for its efforts.
National Maritime 3. National Maritime Proclamation
Following Mayor Wiggins' reading of the proclamation, Mr. Ed VanWald, a former
member of the Merchant Marine, accepted the certificate proclaiming May 22, 2002,
as National Maritime Day. Mr. VanWald proudly acknowledged and accepted the
certificate on behalf of all members of the Chapter.
National Public Works 4. National Public Works Week
Public Works and Utilities Director Glenn Cutler, on behalf of the Public Works
employees, accepted from Mayor Wiggins a certificate proclaiming May 19-25, 2002,
as National Public Works Week.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Headrick asked to add the Rayonier portion of the Discovery Trail to the
PLACED ON THIS OR agenda; it was added as Agenda Item 1.2. Manager Quinn requested that an agreement
FUTURE AGENDA: between the Port and the City concerning law enforcement services at the airport be
added. It was added as Agenda Item 1.3.
FINANCE: Mayor Wiggins moved Finance Item 3 to the first position in order to accommodate
Councilmember Erickson's early departure.
William Shore Pool
Consultant Contract 1. William Shore Pool Consultant Contract Amendment
Parks & Recreation Director Connelly introduced Jerry Cole, Recreation Services
Manager, to provide an update to the Council on the feasibility analysis of options for
renovating the Pool. The Steering Committee, reconvening in 2001, presented a fourth
option for the Pool which was not included in the original analysis. Director Connelly
asked that Mr. Cole address this issue as well as others surrounding the proposed
project. Using a power-point presentation, Manager Cole began with an historical
summary followed by a current look at declining usC, increasing maintenance costs, and
non-compliance with State Codes for competition. Further explanation was given
regarding the proposed changes, allowing for multiple uses and code compliance and
for the additional option.
Discussion ensued, and Director Connelly explained that it is important to move into
the next phase by obtaining updated cost figures, as well as architectural drawings. He
noted that such a project will likely need to be funded by an outside source, such as via
a bond issue. Additionally, it is important to obtain feedback from the public to be
certain the plan will meet the needs of the community in the long term. Councilmember
Rogers felt it would be helpful to obtain copies of the original feasibility analysis,
particularly since new members had joined the Council after the issuance of the study.
Following further questions and answers, Councilman Headrick moved to approve
funds from the Capital Facilities Program in the amount of $20, 839.00 and enter
into a contract amendment on behalf of the City with ARC Architects for the scope
of work, to include a review of all building systems with an aquatics addition, an
analysis of zoning impacts with the west addition, the development of elevation
May 7, 2002
William Shore Pool studies for the addition, a statement of probable construction costs, and an artists
Consultant Contract' rendering of the renovated aquatics facility. Councilmember Erickson seconded
Amendment (Cont'd) the motion, which carried unanimously.
Consultant Contract 2. Consultant Contract Amendment for Fire Hall Roof Repair Design &
Amendment for Fire Hall Construction Oversight
Roof Repair Design &
Construction Oversight Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler explained the next phase for repairs to the fire
hall roof, the reasons behind the damage, and WCIA's preliminary indication that
coverage should be provided to cover the costs. Director Cutler explained the
importance of proceeding with this amendment in order to assure that the repair project
and roof repairs stay on a time line so as to assure completion during this construction
season. Following a brief question and answer session related to WCIA insurance
reimbursement and temporary repairs, Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the
Mayor to sign Amendment No. 1 to the current agreement with Wiss, Janey,
Elstner Associates, Inc., for design and construction services for the Fire Hall Roof
Repair in an amount not to exceed $84,000.00. Councilman Braun seconded the
motion, which passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARINGS- Rezone Application - REZ 02-03: Port Angeles School District: Request for rezone of
QUASI-JUDICIAL: three properties located adjacent to the Port Angeles High School from RS-7,
Residential Single Family, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks
Rezone Application - REZ
02-03: PortAngeles School Following an introduction and explanation by Planning Director Collins, Mayor
District Wiggins opened the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. There being no public testimony, the
Ordinance No. 3114 public hearing was promptly closed. Mayor Wiggins read the Ordinance by title,
AN ORDINANCE City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezoning 3 parcels of
Port Angeles School District property at the high school complex
south of Park Avenue and west of Peabody Street from RS-7,
Residential Single Family, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings
1 - 15 and Conclusions 1 - 6 as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and
becomes a part of these minutes. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Williams. Councilmember Erickson departed the meeting at 7:14 p.m., after which a
vote was taken on the motion. Of the remaining Councilmembers present, the
motion carried unanimously.
FINANCE: (Cont'd) 3. Phase H Downtown Watermains/Sidewalks - Loan Reconsideration - West
Side of Laurel between West Side and First Street
Phase III Downtown
Watermains/Sidewalks - Director Cutler explained the reasons for including the sidewalk on the west side of
Loan Reconsideration- Laurel Street in the Public Works Trust Fund Loan appliCation. He indicated the
West Side of Laurel Council did not need to decide at this time whether to do a structural sidewalk Or a
between West Side and sidewalk on fill, but the inclusion of the additional loan amount would provide
First Street flexibility to the Council at a later date. Councilman Williams spoke in support of
leVeraging the additional funds, after which he moved to revise the PWTF loan
project scope to include the sidewalk replacement on the west side of Laurel Street
between Front and First Streets and authorize the Mayor to sign the PWTF loan
application certification in a revised amount not to exceed $2,200,000 for Phase III
of the Downtown Watermain and Sidewalk Replacement Project and, further, if
the loan is approved, authorize the Mayor to execute the PWTF loan agreement
provided that the loan amount does not exceed $2,200,000. Councilmember Rogers
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
May 7, 2002
Consultant Service 4. Consultant Service Contract Approval - Ennis Creek Estates Subdivision,
Contract Approval - Ennis DelGuzzi Drive
Creek Estates Subdivision,
DelGuzzi Drive Director Collins referenced a memorandum from the Real Estate Committee, which was
distributed earlier in the day to the Council. The memo delineated three different
options for proceeding with the Ennis Creek Estates Subdivision: 1.) complete the
subdivision ffmal platting requirements, 2.) complete the preliminary plat and one phase
of a final plat at reduced improvement costs, and 3.) complete the preliminary plat but
not proceed with l-mai plat improvements until after a more concerted effort to sell the
29-1ot residential subdivision as a whole and at a discount. DireCtor Collins indicated
the City may sustain $200,000 in expenses related to storm drainage, lighting, fencing,
and the like. He noted the Council was being asked to authorize a consultant services
contract to proceed with the preparation of a final plat design and application.
Therefore, following brief discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to accept the
recommendation of the Real Estate Committee to approve the authorization of a
consultant services contract for preparing a final plat design and application in an
amount not to exceed $35,000.00. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 7:50 p.m. at which time Mayor Wiggins added the issue of the $3.00 Ferry User Fee
as Agenda Item 1.4.
CONSENT AGENDA: Following a brief question and answer session, Couneilmember Rogers moved to
accept the Consent Agenda to include: 1) City Council Minutes - April 16 regular
meeting and April 26, 2002 special meeting; 2) Check Register - April 26, 2002 -
$865,835.53; 3) Electronic Payments - April 26, 2002 - $376,983.80; 4) Payroll
Information - April 28, 2002 - $448,506.24; and 5) Travel exceeding $1,500 - Finance
Department. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Headrick attended a meeting regarding the 1/10 of 1% tax for jail purposes
COMMITTEE and stated that the County prefers attaching the percentage to the jails.
Councilmember Rogers attended the Community & Economic Development Committee
meeting and was enthusiastic about the pending actions of the committee.
Mayor Wiggins toured K-Ply, met with a group of Chinese students touring City Hall,
and attended a concert by the Young Ambassadors.
Councilman Williams commented on the success of Benefit Dump Day, attended the
PRTPO meeting regarding the Hood Canal Bridge closure, and mentioned the Chamber
meeting and the PABA meeting on the Jones Act.
OTHER 1. Appointments to Construction Code Board of Appeals
Clerk Upton reviewed the nominations for the Board of Appeals, following which
Appointments to Councilman Campbell moved to accept the recommendation to appoint Terry
Construction Code Board Donnell, Michael "Doc" Reiss, and Gregory Bondy to the Construction Code
of Appeals Board of Appeals for the term ending February 28, 2006. The motion was
seconded by Councilmember Rogers and carried unanimously.
May 7, 2002
Rayonier Portion of Trail 2. Rayonier Portion of Trail
Referring to a May 7t~ memo in the Council packet from Directors Cutler and Connelly
regarding the Centennial Trail Status, Councilman Headrick suggested that the City
focus on phase one of the three phases mentioned in the memo which would require in-
house planning. The monies to fund phase one would total $80,000; in order to open
the trail sometime around the first of August, these monies would have to be approved
~ · ,. from the reserves,or, from the General Fund.
Discussion followed which centered on funding sources, contractors, time lines,
resulting in Councilmember Rogers moving to commit the $80,000 to move this
project forward and do everything to mitigate the schedule and get the project
completed. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried
Councilman Williams wondered if a celebration could occur on Memorial Day and a
temporary walk-through the Rayonier site. Director Collins had followed up with the
Department of Ecology Project Manager for the clean up of Rayonier, and he is looking
at the issue whether a temporary gravel trail could be used. Any project on the site
without the Project Manager would require strenuous conditions. Because of this,
Director Collins stressed that young people could probably not be on the site. Rayonier
would also have to be consulted about liability issues. Staffwill continue to follow up
on the matter to determine if the Memorial Day celebration is feasible.
City/Port Agreement for 3. City/Port Agreement for Airport Security
Airport Security
Police Chief Tom Riepe deferred to Officer Mike Hall to address the project. Referring
to the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), Officer Hall informed the Council
that at some point in the future, federal security officers will be at every airport.
Because TSA now requires one law enforcement officer for each checkpoint, contracts
and agreements must in place in order to place an officer at the checkpoint by May 10,
2002. The minimum commitment for the airport security is six months, and payment
for this service will come from the Port via TSA. Councilman Iteadriek moved to
authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with the Port to provide security services
at the airport for an unknown amount, to be determined within thirty days.
Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Comment re. $3.00 Ferry 4. Comment re. $3.00 Ferry User Fee
User Fee
Subsequent to discussion, Councilmembers agreed by consensus that an objection to the
proposed $3.00 ferry user fee would be in order and that a letter should be drafted by
Manager Quinn to be sent to INS opposing the discriminatory manner in which they are
accessing the fee.
INFORMATION: Manager Quinn reminded the Council that a joint City Council / County Commissioner
meeting has been tentatively scheduled for June 11; an agenda for the meeting will be
forthcoming. Reference was also made to the change in the City Council meeting from
June 18 to June 17, 2002. Discussion ensued regarding project status updates.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 3:10 p.m. to discuss labor negotiations,
real estate, and litigation for approximately 45 minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 10:15 p.m. The Council discussed the
SESSION: response letter from the Mayor to Commander Peterson regarding the Coast Guard's
May 7, 2002
racism concerns.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
l~ecky J. UI~C~ Clerk l--
Exhibit "A"
1. The Port Angeles School District, requested a change in the Zoning map designation of
property from Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to Public Buildings and Parks (PBP).
2. The proposal consists of three building sites that are owned by the Port Angeles School
District and used for associated school activities.
3. The three locations are found immediately adjacent to the Port Angeles High School site,
located at 304 East Park Avenue, and are described as follows: Parcel #1 is located in the
3000 block of Maple Street along the east side of the street directly south of the school
maintenance building and is developed with a residential structure and garage; Parcel #2 is
located just north and west of Parcel #1 along the west side of Maple Street and is
undeveloped; and Parcel #3 is located at the southwest comer of Park and Peabody Street and
is developed with a large converted residential structure. Parcels #2 and #3 have been under
the ownership of the school since prior to 1995. Parcel #1 was purchased in 1998-99. Parcel
# 1, although appearing to be residential in nature, is used for storage. Parcel #3 has been
used as an auxiliary schoolroom for many years.
4. The sites are located in the South Central Planning Area of the City between Park Avenue
and Viewcrest Street along Maple Street. The area is designated as Residential (R) on the
City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map.
5. Properties surrounding the subject sites are zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7) with the
exception of the School District properties which are zoned PBP. The residential properties
are mostly developed. A church use is located south of the area on Viewcrest Street.
6. The purpose of the PBP zone is "A zoning designation for publicly-owned property, or
property not suitable for development by reason of its topography, geology, or some unusual
condition or situation. Much of the land so designated may best be left as "green belts."
Schools and school related uses are permitted in the PBP zone.
7. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed rezone. The most
relevant goals, policies, and objectives are as follows: Growth Management Element Goal
A; Land Use Element Goal A; Policy A.2; Objective A. 1; Goal B; and Utilities and Public
Services Element Goal A; Capital Facilities Element Goal A; Policy A.1.; Objective
A. 1.;Goal C; and Policy C.1.
8. Per Section 17.96.100 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code "In determining if an amendment
to these regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper
relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning
Findings and Conclusions
May 7, 2002
Page 2
Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein
described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map."
9. Parcels #2 and #3 have been owned and have functioned as a part of the High School campus
for many years, since prior to 1995. A change of use in Parcel #1 occurred in 1998-99 when
it was purchased by the School District to be added to the High School campus.
10. The Public Works and Utilities Department, Fire Department, and the Building Division of
Community Development have made no comments on the proposed rezone.
11. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of
NonSignificance (#974) for the proposal per WAC 197-11-355 on March 8, 2002. There are
no environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject property.
Subsequent development of the properties would require compliance with various chapters
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as it applies.
12. Public Notice was placed in the Peninsula Daily News and the site was physically posted on
February 20, 2002. Notice of the intended action were sent by U.S. Mail to surrounding
property owners on February 15, 2002, identifying a written public comment period
terminating on March 7, 2002. No comments were received as a result of the public
notification procedures.
13. This site specific rezone application is limited to one "open record" public hearing before the
City Council. The meeting before the Planning Commission is not a public heating, and oral
public testimony cannot be taken. According to R.C.W. 36.70B, Local Project Review ("The
Regulatory Reform Act"), the Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting, which may
include an informal heating, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The
recommendation is to be based solely on the information contained in the official file which
includes any written public testimony that was received by March 7, 2002.
14. A City-wide rezone of properties for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use
Map was approved in 1995. Parcels #2 and #3 were owned and operated in association with
the High School use in 1995 when the rezone was done. Parcel #1 was purchased during
15. The Planning Commission conducted a public meeting on the rezone application on March
13th and April 10, 2002, and voted to recommend that the City Council approve the action.
1. The application is for a rezone only which addresses all potential land uses allowed within
that zone and not approval for any specific, subsequent development that may be an allowed
land use according to the Zoning Code.
2. Rezone REZ 02-03 for the Port Angeles School District is consistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use
Findings and Conclusions
May 7. 2002
Page 3
Element Goal A; Policy A.2; Objective A. 1; Goal B; Utilities and Public Services Element
Goal A; and Capital Facilities Element Goal A; Policy A. 1; Objective A. 1; Goal C; and
Policy C. 1.
3. The Comprehensive Plan accepts that districts may be composed primarily of residential uses
ora uniform density and that a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses
of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Schools
are compatible uses in areas designated residential and consistent with the desired urban
design of the City.
4. The rezoning of Parcel #2s and #3 was overlooked in 1995 during a City-wide rezone of
inappropriately zoned properties. A change in use occurred for Parcel #1 in 1998-99 when
it was purchased by the Port Angeles School District to be used in conjunction with other
High School campus activities. Given the school use and adjacent ownership, the rezone is
not a spot zone.
5. The City's action on Rezone REZ 02-03 is consistent with established procedures for
amending the Zoning Code as specified in PAMC 17.96.100.
6. Rezone REZ 02-03 is in the public use and interest by accommodating the needs of the
community's High School activities.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of May 7, 2002.
~'~ien Wiggins, Mayo'r-
B~cky J. U~t[~,, i~ty C~'ed[- -