HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/08/1935 r' 294 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 8, 1935 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m, and was called to order by Com- missioner Lutz, aoting Mayor. Roll call showed the following officers present: Commis- sioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Thos. Geisness, Police Judge, reported 22 cases tried and $218.00 collected in fines for the month of April, 1935. Report ordered filed. Under the head of New Business,- Genersl Scalf having made application to use Lot 4, Blk. 239, Townsite, for garden- ing purposes, it was moved by Commissioner Masters that General Scalf be granted per- mission to use Lot 4, Blk. 239, Townsite, for gardening purposes for the year 1935, provided, however, that in oase of the sale of the lot, or that it should be needed for City purposes, then this.grant shall be void and the lot relinquished to the Gtty. Motion seconded by Comnlissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor aeclared the motio,n carried. I The Commission examined and allowed the following claims sad ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURRENT EXPENSE Repairs to flusher Express Repairs Plan ts Gas Lubri ca te Coupe Axe Serv1ae B:l.ue Printing Subscription Hardware Gas pyren e Oil Service Supplies Servic e Publications ,w>;!1 1.85 33.00 16.45 3.50 3.00 10.50 27.25 3.75 2.65 44.60 29.54 12.05 4.86 38.20 110 . 23 25.60 19.30 10.36 .40 1.25 1.25 20.44 22 .60 8.75 1.00 1.75 4.48 161 .59 1.00 .98 1.85 1.32 5.00 10.78 54.00 17.02 5.45 6.75 7.75 2.20 30.94 I Willson Hardware Co. Glenn's &ervias ~tation 1. C. Groves Kearns Motor (,;0. Walkling Motor (,;0. Geof,ge's Serxioe St~tion The Pac Tel-& Tel Go. Tt " II 11 II II Flashlight Bulbs Repairs Meals for Prisoners Repairs Re pa irs Repairs " Servic e " Olympic Printery Epperson & Sons Lysall Welding & Forge Works Howard-Cooper Corp. Harry L. Dollarhide flashingt on Pulp & Pap er Corp, P.A. Concrete Products Co. Willson Hardware Co. Pine Hill Service Taylor Plumbing 00. Kearns Motor Co. Johnson & Bork Ang~les Gr~vel ~ Sup~ly ~o. Garvin Auto \:lo. Oi ty Treasurer V. A. Samuelson & 00. SOhlager Bros. Union Oil 00. Lynoh Service Station Vii 11 son Hardware Co. ThePao ~el &: Tel Co. Crescent Seourities Co. Engineering News Reoord Willson Hardware Co. Standard 01.1 Co. Howard Seevers Standard Oil Co. The .Pac Tel & Tel 00. OlymlJio Printery The Pac Te 1 & Tel Co. Evening News Supplies Lumber Repai rs Reduoers Gravel Repa Irs to Pump Pipe, eto. Hardware Tires. etc. Supplies Ba t ter y Ser,' ice Brush, Enamel, etc. Gravel & Cement n WATER FUND Fry Drug Co. H. T. dwanson Motor Co. Getchell & Bagnon V. A. Samuelson & Co. Riohfiel d 011 Cmiilpany Antone Smith Grocery Angeles Gravel. & SuplJly "0. )!;, \,\4 - 6.25 34.05 8.83 19.51 13.75 17.30 12.00 14.36 .71 2.70 .40 1.50 .75 2.92 1.26 ill. 10 6.97 I Q.uiok Print Lysall Welding & Forge ITorks C~t7 Lil/ht D~pt. P. A. Concrete Products Go. Harris & Schuller O. A. Jacobson Puget Sound Navigation Co. Willson Hardware Co. n " IT Printing Iron Work and Material Lights at Reservoir Gasoline & Oil furnished Service Boxes Ell & Vent PilJe Plastering Basement Frei@:lt Charges Bolts, etc. Lantern Globes & Putty Flashlight Batteries Repairs Repair. tire Repairs & Lubrication Avia. Gasoline Ammonia Cemen t & Lumb.er I LmHT FUND Union all Co, Angeles Cooperative ~o. J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Angeles Gravel & Sagply 00. V. A. S-amuelson'l &: o. Clallam Grain Co. Mulholland's Melody ~hop Gasoline Drinking Cups Insuranoe on ran:ges Sash Repairs, eta. Seed & Fertilizer Ba tter ie s 58.00 2,95 3.55 13.50 6.23 3.33 7.35 ~ "lIIIl ,295 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington M~ Y A. 19i\5 193_ 4.2<4- .75 3.54 5.60 38.65 .88 SJ- 13.85 ;J.u<{ - 14.55 1.95 25.60 7.97 2.76 1.34 5.13 14.34 g:~ 11.55 <4-.25 J'" 5.35 76.06 .35 ~ 32 .90 ~~ 2.75 2.30 .~ 97.35 r 2.50 1""-' .90 17.00 Willson Hardware Co. Rixon Parking & ~erviae Garage Puget Sound Navigation Co. Evening News, Ino. Blaokburn Printing Co. Johns on & Bark Olympic Printery, Pao ~el & Te,l WOo City Water. Dept. Q.uick Print LIBRARY FUND Union Library Association Lowman & Hanford Co. Charles W. Clarke Co. Lowm~ & Hanford Co. Demoo Library ~upplies City Treasurer The Pao fel & Te 1 00. Jennilu Norris puget Sound News go. Tools, eto. Repai r Tire Frei@1t Charges Ad ver tisi ng PrintDng Brush & Pai nt Offi<ee Supplies Service Water At Substation Printing I Books " " Supplies Ligh t & Wa ter Ser....ice~ Petty Cash Books I CEMETERY FUND Schlager Bros. Wills on Hardware ~o. Garvin AUDo Co. Seed Hardware Repairs to "am PARK FUND J. C. Brei tlauc h Willson Hardware ~o. C. L. Sarff Harris & Schuller Rollie Lindsey Rtllpai ring Drinkin g Fountain Powder & Hardware Gr inding Lawn Mower Pipe Labor There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ~~ /\C:,( '1} ;;m~7?/T~ I Gi ty Clerk. Mil. yor . I I .....