HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/08/1950 I I I I I ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Page 655 !lay 8th 19~ ~~I<~ . "UOUY. .....n... .'Af,,~t"... P","..... .....co The Commiseion met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, COllunissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for wilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: SO""- fuilding Permits: b? ~ 3 Del Guzzi Bros. Build 6-Room Home; Lots 11-12, Blk. 112, Townsite Del Guzzi Bros. Build 5-Room Home; Lot 8, Blk. 555, Tovmsite Frank Pollow Remove Bldg. from Lot 1], Blk. 199 to--l,ot 10, Blk. 199, l'ovmsi te John Eldridge 2 Additions to Present Dwelling; Lots 14-15-16, Hlk. 141, TOYmsite A. R. Anderson Remodel Home-Add 1 Room; Lot 15, Wl4' Lot 14, Blk. 91, Townsite Carl Davis Remodel Existing Dwelling; Lots 6-7, Blk. 210. Townsite Ralph H. Flora Construct 4-Room Dwelling. Lot 14. d1k. 242, Townsite 11,000.00 I 8,000.00 I 600.00 1,000.00 600.00 lSO.OO 2,000.00 Licenses: Loyal Order of Moose Claude McFarland Ke,n~'~ Second Hand Store Public Dance Journeyman P1umber--Henewa1 Auctioneer--1 Mo. 5.00 .50 25.00 Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish hose for the Fire Department were received as follOlVs: Haward-Cooper Corporation: 1,000' 2}", 600 lb. pressure @ 1.70.....$1,700.00 500' 12", 400 lb. pressure @ .95...... 475.00 150' 1", 800 lb. pressure............ l8B .00 Alternate: 150' 5/4" B.F .G. type 800--full length 97.00 I It was moved by Mayor Feeley, that the bid be accepted for 1,000' of 2~t1 @ $1,700.00; SOO' of l~" @ $475.00,' and 150' of 1" @ $185.00. Motion seconded b;i- commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I A delegation again appeared regarding adoption of day-light saving time. Vern Burton filed petitions I showing 2,562 signers favoring standard time. Mr. Burton informed that the petitions do not represent a pressure group, but a cross section of those most involved and living here all the time. That there is too I much emphasis on tourists, while those most vitally concerned want standard time. I Proponents for daylight-salling time filed petitons with 1,115 signatures, and Mr. Timberlake informed that I the Chamber of Commerce had voted unanimously for fast-time, admitting that he is considerably outnumbered. I A representative of the Evening News office explained difficulties encountered due to different time schedules and necessity of later deliveries. Charles Lewis representing the Sequim District, Charles Stoner of the Lee Hotel, William Polzin, Harry Evar Halberg, Mrs. Tinkham, Mrs. Nailor and others all spoke i':l favor of standard time. I I LaGear, I Mayor Feeley also received a request from the Building Trades union for standard time. which secretary corifirmed. Gort i I After further discussion it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the City stay on Standard Time. Commissioner Taylor informed thet more confusion might be caused by adopting' Daylight-Saving Time, when the II County is on Starxlard Time. That the Commission do not know~ what the majority prefer, but want to serve impartially and not cause uMecessary inconvenience. '!he motion was finally seconded by Commissioner Taylor. On roll call Commissioners Robinson and Taylor voted Aye, Mayor Feeley voted Nay. l'he motion carried. It was also moved by Commissioner Robinson thet this Commission would not reconsider adoption of Daylight- Saving Time. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'The Engineer filed assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 152 and Commissioner Taylor moved that the assessment ro'll be accepted .as filed. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following were introduced: Rl!SOLUTION BE ,IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES that Mond"", the 29th day of May, 19SO, I at the 'hour of ten 0 'clock A.M.. at the Commission Room of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, at 215 South Lincoln Street in the City of Port AnGeles, be, and the same is hereby, fixed as the time and place for the hearing upon the assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 152 of the City of rort Angeles, and the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles is hereby directed to give notice of such hearing in the maMer provided by law. RESOWTION A RESOJ,LTION of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, employing counsel for certein services in connection with the issuance of local improvement district bonds of the cit~.. IWHEllEAS. it is deemed necessary and advisable that a local improvement dist.rict of the City of Port Angeles, 'Washington, be created for the purpose of providing funds for the installation of certain storm sewers and I the' paving of certain streAts in the area within the city knovm as the "Cherry Hill" area; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that bond counsel skilled in such matters be retained to draw all the resolutions, notices, ordinancM and other documents necessary for the creation of such local improvement district, for the authorization of such work, for the levying of assessments (exclusive of preparing the assessment roll), and for the issuance of bonds of said distlict, to give their opinion as to the validity of the warrants of such district as the same are issued. if required, and to give their opinion as to the validity of the bonds of S,UCh district when issued; 'I 1;00, THERERJRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, as follows: That Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz, attorneys at. law of Seattle, WaShington, be and they are hereby 'I lemplOyed to perform the services above set forth, and as compensation therefore the city agrees to pay them :the sum of Five Hundred Seventy-five Dollars (,$575). In addition, the city agrees to reimwrse said Icounsel for any out-of-pocket expenses which they may incur in the performance of said services. 'ihe ,city further agrees to furnish said counsel at their office in Seattle, Washington, ylith a complete jcertified transcript of all proceedings taken in the matter of the issuance of said warrants and bonds. 'It was moved by lJayor F'eeley that the foregoing resolutions be approved and ado pted. Seconded by ICornmissioner ,Robinson. All voted Aye. l.lotion carried. I ~ Page 656 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City 01 Port Angeles, Washington May 8th, continued, 19~ TO"'. ... U~"'''. ""'",,~. .....0.......-..,...... 00_00 RESOLUTION No. 155 A RESOWTIOII of tho City Commission of the City of Port Angeles declaring its intention to impro~e certain streets in the area generally known as "Cherry Hill" by constructing storm sewers, and by surfac1ng the same, and to create a local improvement district, and to provide for the payment of such improvement. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of tha City of Port Angeles, Washington, as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the Commission of the City of Port Angeles to order the follovring improv - ments to the following described portions of the City of Port Angeles, to wit: The improvement of Laurel Street from a point approximately in the center of the intersection of Laurel Street and Second Street; thence southerly along the center line of Laurel Street to approximately the southerly margin of Eighth Street; Third Street from approximately the center line of Laurel Street, thence westerly along Third Street to the approximate oenter line of Oak Street; Oak Street from approximetely the center of the intersection of said street with Third Street, southerly along said Oak Street to the southerly margin of Seventh Street; ~econd Street from a point at the approximate center of the intersectio~ of Second Street and Valley Street easterly along said Second Street to a,pproximately the center of Cherry', Street; Cherry Street from the approximate center of the intersection of said Street with Second Street, southerly along Cherry Street to the southerly margin of Seventh Street; Third Street from a point approximately at the intersection of said Street with Oak Street, westerly to the approximate center of the intersection of said Street with Cherry Street; Oak Street from a point at the approximate center of the intersection of Oak Street and Third Street, northerly along the center line of said Street to a point adjacent to the northerly margin of Lot Eleven (11) in Block 55 of NormalH. ~mith's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles; Fourth Street from Peebody Street to Chase Street, by the construction and laying therein of strom sewers, including all necessAry lebor and material for the complete construction and L~stallation 'thereof, sufficient to adequately drain seid streets. Section 2. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles to further order the folloWing improvements 'on the following described portions of the City of Port Angeles as follows, to wit: Second street from the westerly margin of Lincoln Street to the westerly IIllrgin of Oak Street; Third, Fourth; Fifth, Sixth. Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets from the westerly , margin of Lincoln Street westerly to the crest of the hill on each of said streets lying between Cherry and Valley Stre..ts ; Fourteenth Street and Fifteenth Street from the northerly mergin of Lauridsen Boulevard westerly to the crest of the hill lying between Cherry Street and Valley Street; Laurel Street from the center line, of the alley running through Blocks 31 and 52 of ~orman R. ~mith IS t;ubdivision of the Townsite 'of Por1; Angeles southerly to the northerly margin of Eighth Street; Oak Street from the southerly margin of Second Street southerly to the northerly margin of Eighth Street; all by the leying and constructing there-I on of a two-inch compressed mat of Type 1-1 asphaltic concrete 'pavement, including a crushed stone or grave~ founqation and ballast therefor, and together with a:j.l necessary labor and material for the complete construction and lay:ing thereof. Section',g. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles to further order the following improvements to the following described portions of the City of Port Angeles as follows, to wit: Laurel, Oak and Cherry Streets from the southerly margin of Eighth Street southerly to the intersection of State Hfghway No. 101 on Lauridsen Boulevard by constructing a one-half inch wearing surface Type 1-1 asphalt on existing asphalt mat, together with all necessary labor and Illl terial for the complete construc- tion and laying thereof. Sectfon 4. All persons who may desire to object to the aforesaid proposed improvements are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a rnseting of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles to be held on Monday, the 12th day of June, 1950, at the hour of 10,00 0 'clock A .M. at the Commission Room of the City of Port Angeles at 215 South Lincoln Street in said City, which time and plece is hereby fixed for hearing all 'matters relating to said proposed improvements and all additions thereto, , and for dete"rmining the metho'd. of payment for said improvements. The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Commission at or prior to the date fixed for such I hearing the estimated cost and expense of such improvement, a statement of the proportionate alOOunt thereofj which should be borne by the property within the proposed improvement district, a state/lJ3nt of the aggregate assessed and actual valuation of all real estate, exclusive of improvements, within said district according to the. valuation pleced upon it for the purpose of general taxation, together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts, and parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefl.ted , thereby, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each such lot, tract, .or parcel of land or' other property. Section 5. It is the present intention of the Commission that the entire cost and expense of said improve-, ment except as herein stated shell be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefor es pro- vided by law; a portion of the cost and expense of constructing the storm sewers along Cherry Street from Seoond Street to Seventh Street to the approxima te amount of li4 ,000 shall be provided by other funds available therefor; the nature of the improvement herein contemplated is such that the special benefits conferred on the property by the proposed construction of the aforesaid storm sewers are not fairly re- flected by the use of the termini and zone method of assessing the coo t of such storm sewers and the special benefits therefrom. It is proposed thet the ordinance ordering said improvement shall provide that the assessment which shall be made against the property within the proposed improvement district in accordance with the special benefits which such property shall derive from the said construction of storm sewers jShall be ~de without regard to the termini and zone method; that the cost of that portion of the proposed improvement which shall consist of ballasting and surfacing the streets specifically described in Sections 2 and 5 of this resolution shall be assessed upon all of the property so benefited in accordance with the special benefits to be conferred thereon according to the termini and zone method of assessment. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing by publication of this resolution in the mannsr requirsd by law and by mailing a notice of such hearing as required by law to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, or parcel of land or other property specially benefited by the improvelOOnt, and to specify in said mailed notices the nature of the proposed improvement, the total eetimated coat thereof, and the estimated benefit to the particular lot, tract, or parcel of land owned by such person. It was moved. by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances the following was placed on first and second readl:1og: . ORDIIlANCE NO. ii1:?:1 I AN ORDINANCE rela tbg to p.lblic health and sanitation, the collection and disposal of garbage, trash and refuse and amending Sections 5 and 12 of Ordinance No. 1129 as amended by Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 116B. ... -- I I I I I '1 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington MaY_~J continued, 19~ ~ Page 657 . ::--- It was moved by V.ayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by I Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CimRENT EXPENSE FUND: 3:61'J,73 John T. Trumlull City Treasurer City Street Dept. Olympic Stationers Hazel's Cafe Olympic Printery Nan Anthony R. O. Ide Natural Gas Corp. Evening News Press Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating Angeles Bldg. Center Custom Top &. Body Shop Civic Advertising Fund CITY STREET FUND: 50 ~ ,~1 D & B Battery & Electric Stn. Truck & Equipment Co. Woodie 's Harley Davidson Western Tractor & Equipment Co. City Treasurer Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Richfield Oil Corp. ;;'00 7-b~ WATER RlIlD: Olympic Printery Peninsula Hera Id Uaily Journal of Commerce Automotive Parts Service City Street Dept. Automotive Parts Service Angele s Millwork & Lbr. Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. Taylor Plumbing & Heating Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products E. N. Hallgren Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. State Treasurer Puget Sound Naviga tion Co. VaJmausdle Junk Co. General Electric Supply Corp. LIGHTRJND: ;t.[~g,~. Port Angeles Evening News State Treasurer City Street Dept. Fitchard's Ass. Service Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Gene ral Electric Supply Corp. Wheeler Hardware & furniture Co. Tra vel ing Expense Fire Hyd., L.W.G., Postage & Express Gas and Oil Office Supplie s Meals for Prisonerll: Dept. Supplies 1 Car License Directory Car Mileage for ..April Gas Fire Prevention Material Truck Parts Plbg. Supplies Paint, Plywood Labor & Material for First. Aid Unit Balance 1950 Appropriation Co. Parts Parts Wheel Cones, Bearings Disc, M vet Sts. & Sewers, Light. Water Cement, Concrete Sewer Pipe. etc. Refund for Duplicate Payment, Asphalt Paving Co. Supplies Adv. and Supplies Adv. Part s Gas and Oil Wiping Rags Lumber Grease, Fittings Pel'chloron Pipe S. Pipe Fittings, etc. ,Cement, etc. Taxes Frt. Chgs. Light Plant Wire Adv. Taxes Gas and Oil Lubricati on Part s Meters, Fuses. etc. Shovels SANITATION FUND: ~&I,ql Port Angeles Evening 1iews Adv. Chas. Seat & Sons Cleaning Solvent, Gas Peninsula .ilel Co. Fuel Oil City Street Dept. Gas and Oil City Treasurer Water Earl Davidson Car Mileage for April V. H. Haller Hardware Pa inUng Material PARKltiJ METER & TllAFFIC CONTROL FUND: '7 ~, 't'1 M. H. Rhodes. Inc. Head and Case Assys. City street Dept. Gas D &. B Battery &. Electric Stli. Parts CIVIC ADVERTISING RIND: I oS;),:2~ MacWilkins, Cole & Weber Poster-Adv. Evening News Press Rack Folders and Plates ANDJAL CONTROL RIND: ~5.' 5' Clallam County Humane Society Budget Appropriation, Licenses, Pound Fees There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. O. 2. (j :Lcv.v . City Clerk /.add.;L1Jr 48.89 285.72 35.81 4.02 111.14 BO.64 22.77 24.64 4.771 BO.59! 12.79 5.40 B4.42 64.55 2,500.00 58.2B 32.06 ~:~~]' 77.59 17.25 102.45 ! 210.00 I 15.061 17.171' 11.00 10.63 159.331 7.75 5.15 32.09' 21.50 112.00 9.52 264.54 10.55 982.2B 9.04 51.50 511.24 I 21.71 2,562.61 74.26 5.71 5.71 49.77 20.851 5.541' 2.38 75.42 127.48 1.601 33.88 17.61 60.82 4.66 10.96 127.02 926.24 655.50 1i18~Tor .~ ".. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington _19_ - - '"'~" .. ,""."H, "'TTU!, GT'T<O~'"', ~''''T'''. ,U400 " .' I I '- ',I I .- . . I, , j - [ J I I ], . , ~. . ! I ". .- j I i I. I I I , i , ) , I - I I j .'1 ~ i I ...~,'" .: ~ - .......""-