HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/09/1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 207 " lTa V 9, 19;14.. 193_ I I I I I T"IC~ .. II""".... 'UTTI.I't. enl'OHtae. ".'Nn",. ~",5 The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and l'las called to order 1Jy Hayor Davis. Roll call sho~ed the following officers present. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz rmd Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The Minutes of the previous session Ile1'8 read and approved. Under the he ad of 1Juildini': permits and licenses tho follovling were Earl Hooker, Remodel Residence, Lot 15, Block 93, To~nsite J. B. Hathews, Remodel Store Front, Lot 5, Block 32, ~oYmsite Tom Yo,me;, !) room residence, Let 10, Block 10, C. "'. "'mith's Sub, Epperson & so~, Lum1Jer Shed, Lot 4, Block G67, To~nsite L. Z. .3tark, Dance at LO.a.F. Hall, Ha;w 5, 1934 granted,~ $350.00 300.00 1,500.00 j-. 500.00 5.00 Under .the head of new business the follolling Resolutions were introduced,- RESOLUTIOI: TO SUPPLY j,IAT:lliIi,LS FOn rSE ',71 TH rlASHIUGTO'I EJ.lERGE';CY RO:LIEF ADHINISTRATI OIl. '.7iIEREJ,S, The :/ashington Emergency Helief Administration has arrcn[ed to supply certa.in labor for improvements Vii thin the City of Port Allf'eles, it be ine re quired that the City of Port Angeles arrange to supply the materials necessary in making said improvemcn ts, and ITlIERE"S, improvement of Port "ngele3 'Public Parks by construction of a tennis court in Blank 4, Cain's Subdivision of Lot 21, at 4th & Haec Streets is deemed to be a desirallle ir:1prov8ment and j.t is deterMined that materials in amount and for prices as hereinafter set forth are necessary to carry out said I'lOrk. NO';i, THERSFORE, BE n 'lESOLVSD That the City of Port .'ngeles do furnish, provide and !leliver all necessary and proper materials an(l labor as follol'ls, to Yiit: 3Df, of labor on the application Concrete 100 yds Lum1Jel' forms 210 Expansion Joints (\ 8.30 F.B.;[. q"17.00 80 lin. ft. f' .05 Total Material Furnished for use in connection l'Ii th the ~'iashington Emer'genc;\l Relief ington labor upon said project in the sum of ;/906.87. ~~ 69.30 830.00 3.57 4.00 $'9"Ob:1l'7 Admini stra tl on for ~'ash- It l'Ias moved 1Jy Commissioner Masters that ~he foregoing Resolution be approved and ad09ted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all member~ voted aye. The Mayor declared the mo~ion carried. RESOLUTIOll 'ro SUPPLY rA~ERIAI,S FOR USE \iITlH! S'NdE ':::!,iSRGEliCY RELIEF ADlHNISTRATIOfT FOR ;'iASHIUGTOrr . \ \ ~l}n"EAS, The "tate Emergenwy Relief ..I.dministration for \7ashington has arranged to supply ce~tain la1Jor for ir:provemenw within the City pf Port An~e+es, it being required tha t the Vi ty if Port .'ngeles arrange to supply the materials necessary in making said improvements, and ,mERE..lS, improvement of Lincoln Park is deemed to be a desiralJle improvement and it is determined that I:1aterials in amount andf6r prices as hereafter set forth are necessary to carry out sRid work, no','!, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the City of Port "n,;oles do furnish, provide and deliver all necessary and proper materials and labor as follows: to wit. 35'75 of this applioation ~~149.78 FO.rm lumber 10.50 ft. 23.10 ,,1'lG. titi for use in connection ~ith the State ~mergency Relief Administration for ~ashington, labor upon said project in the sum of 0172.88. It I'las moved by Commissioner Hasters the, t the forei,;oinc Hesolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all ~embers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carded. RESOLUTION TO SELL PROPEHTY ',mS"l:<:AS, The City of Port "'ncele3 is the ovmer of the follolline; described proper ty in said Ci~y, to.~it; Lot Five, Nloc]{ Three hundred.eighty (3801, Townsite of Port fingeles, Clallam County, i/ashins:ton~ I which property has been ac~uired by the vity on foreclosure of delin~uent local iffi- provemant assessments under ahap. 205 of the Session Laws of 1927, and , ';mERUS, one Edl'lin A. ITordstrom and Hayme I'Iordstrom, husband and \'Iife, have o::'fered to purchase the sai!l property a-nove descrihed for the sum of :~:375.00 to be paid in cash, and VlHEREAS, the City Commissioners have viewed the said ,property and given full con- sideration to its 7alue and the offer made is good value for the property and represents the full amount of general taxes and improvement assessments levied a~ainst thE same. THEREFORE, BE IT RF.SOLVED ~hat the offer o~ said Edwin A.Nordstrom and Mayme Nords trom. husband and wife, be and is hel'eby accepted by the Ci t;y Commi ssi'on and that the [Jity sell the property in accordance Vii th this Resoluti on, subj ect to all liens except for general taxes or local improv~ment assessments Rnd that a deed in compliance wi th this Resolution be prepared by the Vi ty ..ttorne~! and that the City Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to execute and deliver the same to the said purchasers on payment of the amount set forth herein. It \'ias moved 1Jy Commissioner Masters that the foregoinc resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Oommissioner Lutz. On roll call all mem1Jers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. A committee from the Fraternal Order of Eaeles appeared befJre the Commission and asked pe:rmission to ro""e off }'ront Street from Oak Street to Laurel Street from 2 P.li. to .'5 P.l!. on July 15, 1934, for used Drill Teams o~C the said Order 1'1110 \'Iill be here attendin,:; the District Convention of tlr, J;'raternaJ Order 'of Eagles to be held here 6n that date. It was r:1oved by Commissioner Easters that the foregoing reQuest be c;ranted. Second- ed by !,la;10r Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor c1eelared the motion carried. ~ r- 208 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 11a,r 9, 1934. 193_ Under the head of Unfinished business,- The matter of the franchise ordinance of the Paris J..lotor COr.lpany for a pipe line along a portion of Cherry Street, came up. After duly conciderin" the matter, the Commission set a tioe of hearing on the said ordinance for J"~y 16, 1934, at 1;30 p.m. at the commissioners' rooms on the second floor of the Fire Uepartment BuildinG. Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the following Ordinances w~re read 1Jy title and placed on their third readines,- An ORDUJAlICE >JettinG forth conditions creatine an emereency requlrlne .the cons truct- ion of jail quarters; Providin~ for the expenditure of money and the issuance of warrants to pay for same; Decl~ring an emergency to make the ordinance immediately effective. It was moved by Hayor uavis that th3 foregoing ordinance be nlaced on its fin".l reacling und. adopted, Seconded 1Jy Commissionel' !.lastel's. On 1',)11 aall all memberH voted. aye. The lIayor declared the motion carried. ..U 0UDlNAHtJl!: Authorizing and pl'ovidin,: for thG construction of certain extensions of the water system on Ediz Hook Light ~ouse Reservation; Creatine a fund for the con- struction of same; and declaring an eme"gency. ':!HER3"S, tho United states has let contracts for the construction of certain build- ings and improvernen ts as 0 part o~ a hyclroplane base upon the pl'opertc' J:nOCin as Ediz Hook Light House Reservation, Port Angeles, ilashinGton, and has requested the City to extend tfieir water supply system to said improvements for ~ater $ervice for domestic use and fir0 protection, and ',TrlEREAS, the City has acreed to make the necessary extensions and to provicle I'latel' in amoUJlts and volume relluired by the United states Government; which extension requires the construction of abont three miles, of "ater line, It ~as moved b~' Commissloner Lutz that the foregolng ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by commissioner llasters, On roll call all members voted aye. The I"ayor declared the cwtion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances, the follovling ordinance vias intro- duced, read in full and placed on its first ~nd second reading: AN ORDINANCE Approving and c onfiroing the assessment roll of I,ocal Improvemen t , District No. 147 for the imlJ):'ovement of portions of Blocks 126, 119, 115 & 122 of th~ !h t of Port .'.n-eles by the construction of a laterR,l sewer draining the pl'operty in IJOrtions of said blocks and the necessary work in connection therewith, Dhich improvement dis- trict WaS created under Ordinance No. 992 of the "'i ty of Port "n3eles, levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots and tracts of land as shown on the roll; ordering the collection '01' such assessments and croa ting and establishing a special local improvement fund for said district add orderinc that the said assessment be paid into such special fund. A~! ORDINAIlCE Rela tine:; to intoxica tine liq,UOl'S, prohi bi ting the manufacture, possession, sale or other disposition the':.'eof, in the Oity of Port anceles, except in certain cases; providing penalties for the violation the JXJ of; RepealinG Ordinance No. 985 of the Clity of Port "nGeles, and declaring an emePGency. Undel' the head of ;(eIlorts fl'om Ci ty Officers,- OFFICE OF CITY ENGmEER of Port .Ll..n;~01c s May 9, 1934. To the Honorable Mayor and Uity Commission, Port AnGelcs, ':Jashinston. Gentlemen: The thirty day Ileriod since the completion Of the vfork on Local Improvement Dis- trict 147 has elapsed and no uncompleted or defective vfork has been discovered for I'Ihich the City makes claim. I therefore recommend that the 15~ retained ($152.87) of the cost of thc work 1Je paid to the contractor, 'port "n[eles Concrete Products Co. Yours vel"'" trulv (Signed) H. E. D~dge, City Engineer. It was movcd by CommissionerHasters. that the foregoin[ Engineer's Report be accept- ed and that the OJ t~ 8(kerk be. instructed to dravI a lIarrant for the 15% retained ($152.87J on the Port 4ngeI0'IJ)ry;J-duots Contract on Local ,Impl'ovement District H7 in acoordance with the said Engineer's Report. ~econded by "'ommissioner Lutz. On roll call all me~- bel''' voted ay"e. Il'lyor .l!avis declared the motion carried. The tJommission examined and allo,!ed thc following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- CURREUT EXPENSE Fl~ID ~ngeles Gravel & ~u~ply Ro. n Lum1Jer Gravel, etc. Lumber " ;; 43.38 70.90 .83 2.16 4.56 9.66 4.00 l. 75 199.91 3.50 69.38 l.00 u l\ Lysall ITeldiqG & Forge "6rks Garvin Au to ~o. Electric ~hoe Jhon Shell Oil Go. - D. Davis Wilison Hardwarc Co. Eill's Tire Shop u Repairs n Genera tor' Belt Gas oline Sharpening Picks Hard\'lare & '.cools Repairs ll... I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ i'm. Shroedel" Hixon :~arkinG & Service Garage P.A. a6ncrete Pr~duc:s Co. Conrad Service 7/es tern ~'rac tor & ElJ.uipmen t Co. Blagdol1 Groc8Fy, Richfield Oil uo. Kissner Hotor Par:s Co. Frank tiacdonald & Sons Kissne)~ Motor Parts Cr'. G Angeles Gravel & Jupply o. City Treasurer James !lardware Co. Port ~Ln~oles MJtors I' . II Ci ty TreasUl'er Co-ooera ti ve ]'a1Uldrv '7111; on Hard\'lare Co: Frank Iindsey I Lincoln Cafe T~e P~c. T~l. & T~l. ?ro. Packer-Scot: Go. - Kissner Motor Parts Co. J. B. Ira thews 0hell Oil Co. Standari Oil CQ. Riehficlll Oil ~o. Packer-Scbtt jThe rac. Tel. & Tel. ~o. 'H. J. Hulse Crescent ~ecur~ties n The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Quick Print3 The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Evening NeYls ,Ii.llson Hardy/arc 60. Frank L. Plummer S. J. IJlltz D. ~I.. I'Lasters R. L. Gilli.am it. ,,:;. Davis State Treasurer LI GHT FUHD puget ~ound Power & Light; ~o. 1General Electric ~upPly uo; 11 II n It Gray1Jar Electric CG. ~,ee Lox l,lnfg. Co. iSunset "lec. Co. The Pac. Tel & Tel Co. : ngeles Gravel & ioiUn1>ly \110. II IT II fi ....1{ liFisher ':rug J o. - - Crescent ~ecufiities ~'/. ;~~ Plumbin~ &)Iea ting Co. ~. ~. 11dwell & o. Pashington State'~ank Il.Uick Print Kissner Motor Co. Ii. odd Cycle Sh,op -Tarvin Au to \"/0. . amss Ha>dYlare Co. '. H. :Ihi tc ,.J. Navigation Jo. . A. Evening News ity Treasurer hell Oil ';0. ta.'k &; IIUcox . A. von,)rete Proauets Co. chlager l3ros. ohnson & Bork entral Ilachine \lorks 'illson Hardl'lare Co. rescent ~ecurities ity Treasurer ichfield.Oil Go. . E. Eddy ysall \'Ileding Co. t. H. \'/hi te I? ty Ele,ptric ,: o. lTames ',I.. cia ven ity Treasurer ta te 'l'reasurer mtTER FUN;) Se~ttle Pluwbine & SUpply So. ~~. n It An.3eles (}ravel & ~uPply go; MA~7 q 7 l q7.L1.. Filine :Jaws 1 Tube Catch Basin Kerosene Tractor Parts KerosenE Gas Flashlieht batteries Repairs Lamps, etc. Lumber ',7a tel' Supplie s Repairs Radiator Solder Cert. of ~Inership Laundry Supplies Special Police Heals for P"'isoners Servic e " :!J 1.00 10.60 15.00 .51) 48.85 4.70 195.80 .30 7.70 1. 94 83.55 360.00 .25 B.ElO .50 .50 3.20 7.15 :3.00 16.BO :\.55 2.75 3.05 1.17 2.00 37.70 279.1:.7 36.~5 . ;';:05 8.4,5 23.G5 9.39 <::.12 5.00 .40 '1.70 41. 86 4.50 6.75 6.75 7.10 0.00 14.80 55.' 42 Supplies Flashlights Lumber Gas Gas & Oil Gas SUDolies Servi ce I'lood Maps & Blueprints Blue Prints Service Supplies Service Publica ti ons Floor lJrush Expensc Account If II o' 1...,<-0 ~ Services Expens e "ccoun t Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Power Bill Tape Wire, etc. . Supplies Ribbon Coupons Postage & Ins. Service . Lumber Lumber First Aid Kit Insurance Premium on Bond Plumbing Insurance on ranges Rent Supplies Lamps Sharpen Lawn Mower Supp,lics 5,135.97 18.61 507.59 78.16 10.05 .22 9.80 11.66 2.16 16.50 30.80 5.00 3.00 8.51 85.00 29.75 66.53 1.25 .<.5 7.75 10.20 41. 79 of location of new pffice 9,90 .67 24.80 3.35 3.50 2.70 1.60 3.95 .20 1.45 1. 95 31.00 3.00 46.57 3.00 .67 24.15 5.41 .27 21.42 EXDenses on Convention Frcil'ht Anno~cer.lent Express Gas ~'Iood Drain Tile Plants Paint Uni on & Gas Tank Supplie s Blue Prints \later Gasoline Rent for c;al'a.o-e SUpplies ~ w Hembershi n Error in discount Labor & Tubes for radio Plumbing Nipples & ";lbow Ind. Ins. & Mea. Aid \y ,,<>' L..y SUpplies Pipe Discount not allol'led Lumber 30.48 216.16 .5G 7.50 .., 209 ~ II"" 210 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington l!ay 9. 1934. 193_ .... f ,Iar Books 2.12 " 31'1.10 I Lamps '..68 Supj;li.es 8.54 4.95 Hahling Garbage 5.00 Supplies ~ 6.18 Light & ~ifJ. ter {)", 11. 40 Servi ce \"J . 4.25 Petty I.:ash IG.40 Books 24.54 11 8:~6 Sup}Jlies Sharpenin;- La~n Mower 6.00 Hdwe. & 'tools 1.05 Sharpen Lal'm Howe l' :"'t 1.1::,5 Supplies ~\ - 6.85 Ind. Ins. & Med. _cid 16.33 ,(:l. Assessment of Gity Lots 31. 02 J3"'~ Taxes & ~ssessments L.I.D. #132 105.8G Angeles Gravcl & ~upply James Hardware Co. J. C. Breitlauch Quick Print Crescent Jecurities ,1m. Brennand ~ashington ~tate Bank Richfield Oil 00. Home Furniture vo. ~ills6n Hardware vo. Olympic Printery James Hard~a roe Co. Lysall TIelding Uo. P. ,.. -Motors State'TrJasurel' ','fa tel" Depar'tment LIBRARY FUllD v o. o 33.50 1.64 5.00 24.75 4.33 12.00 45.00 1.:38 2.70 25.73 16.45 . 14.45 6.10 22.32 38.53 122.00 Lumber lfa Us Pipe Supplies Blue Prints Rent Rent Gas Stove JJack Supplie s " Servi ees ~L'ires Ind. Ins. & l"ed. Aid Pay Roll . ~~ (.:.0 National Council for the Prevention Chas. Scri1Jners Sons ~illson Hard~are Co. Packer-Scott Co. Gaylord Bros. J. R. -McDonal d Library of Congress Ci ty 'treasurer The Pac. Tel & Tel. 1.:0. Jennilu NOl'l'is The P. S. News ,Co. Standard Book Vo Jame3 Hurdware CO. PARK FUND Fred \7escott James 'hardlJare Co. Tolfd Cycl~ Jhop Harris & uchuller State Treasurcr GU~RANTY Fl.mD City Treasurer City J'reasurel' L.I.D,' :W. 147 P. ". eoncretc Products Co. 15~ Retained on Contract (J 15G.87 REVOLVING FlJIlD City Treasurer L.I.D. Assessments on Lot 5, Bloc]c 380 471.97 There being no further business the Commission thcn adjourned. ?J./J1f~~ ~~ --;r / Mayor. City Clerk. " I I I I