HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/10/1933 ~ 114 Proc~edings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington lilay 10, 1933 193_ ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for licenses the following was granted,- Elks Club, License to sell beer and wine to members only to June 30,1933 Under the head of llew business the follorling resolution was introduced,- t2.50 1 RESOLUI'ION VlliEREAS, there has been llO communication with the upper part of Tumwater Valley City of Port Angeles by means of regularly surveyed streets sufficient to make it possible for the service trucks of the light and vlater company to reach the upper of said valley for the service of water lines and electric light system, and ,lliEREAS, it becaQe necoessary in order to reach the upper part of said valley by the service trucks of said department to build a road across the corner of Lot One, Block One hundred, Townsite of Port Angeles,which said property has for some years past belonged to Hannah Anderson, and in the part I, ,lliEREAS, compensation for the use of said lot has not been made, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That in consideration for a deed to said property by the said Hannah Anderson and as compensation therefore, the said Hannah Anderson be granted twenty four months lmght and water service by the City for her residence at 537 ~est 7th. Street the said service not to exceed the sum of $72.00 and to be consumed in not to exceed three years from the date hereof. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreement therefore. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of new business,- It appearing that the Park Board of the City pf Port Angeles for and in behalf of the said city,on January 6,1933 made application to the Board of County Commissioners of Clallam County to lease for Park purposes for a period of 10 years,all of Blocks 434,435,436,452,453,455,457,458 and all of block 439 except lot 10 and all of block 454,except lots 14 and l5,Townsite of Port Angeles,and it further appearing that on May 3,1933 the Board of County Commissioners duly approved said lease and a~thorized the same to be executed. It was therefore moved by Commissioner Filion that the lease for the above described property be approved and that the I~ayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the same for the city. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motioll carried. 1 The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Current Expense Fund Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 1.25 Ulmer Office Squipment Co. Supplies 3.00 Blackburn Printing Co. Supplies 19.50 Evening News Publications 51. 59 City Treasurer Stamps 3.00 James Hardware Co. Supplies 6.25 (nenn r s Service Station Repairs 5.65 Lee Cafe Meals for Prisoners 10.15 Willson Hardware Co. Supplies 4.99 Pacific Tel Tel Co. Service 11.90 V1alkling Motor Co. Repairs 28.20 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 6.95 Gehrke & Johnson Gas 57.35 'o'/ills on Hardware Co. Supplies 6.25 T. R.Herron Gloves 2.70 Seth Owen Vlood 27.00 1 Celeste Maybury Vlood 9.00 Ed Hagen Wood 18.00 Ulmer Office Equipment Co. Supplies .50 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 4.25 Crescent Securities Co. Blue print 2.00 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Lumber 32.02 Gehrke & Johnson Gas 2.33 ','Tillson Hardware Co. Hardware & Tools 43.65 Gehrke & Johnson Gas 316.21 I Johns on & Bork paint,ete 40.95 Garvin Auto Co. Repairs 6.75 Johnson Transfer Co. Truck hire ;082.00 Willson HardvJare Co. Bolts .40 Willson Hardvlare Co. Hardware & tools 28.30 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Lumber 26.52 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Lime 3.00 Lysall Welding & Forge Horks Repairs,etc 21. 50 . Standard Oil Co. Oil 16.17 City Treasurer Water 360.00 G.E.Coolidge Sharpening picks 8.00 E.A.Thomas Repairs 38.35 ';lm. Schrader Filing saws 4.25 James Hardware Co. Tools 5.00 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 10,1933 193_ 115 ., 1 .1 I 1 I Laura Burns P.A.Concrete Products Co. ~estern Tractor & Equipment Co. Lamoureux Service H.R.Allemen Lowman & Hanford Co. state Treasurer Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. I J.P.Oberteuffer Dan Lakie Puget Sound Power ~ Light Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Standard Stations,Ina., MaHugh & Peterson Gehrke & Johnson Shell Oil Co. Ulmer D:ffice.J!:quipment Co. Blackburn Printing Co. Ulmer Office Equipment Co. " " " " I Q,uick Print ,I Angel es Co-opera ti ve CDeamery Co. City Transfer Co. Willson Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Citv Treasurer S.T:Eddy J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc. Clifford Cowling Clifford Cowling E.F.McTarnahan Cragin & Company Lysall ~elding & Forge ITorks Co-opera ti ve Creamery' City Treasurer Schweitzer & Conrad,Inc., City Treasurer Fobes Supply Co. Line Material Co. Fobes Supply Co. G. E. Coolidge Byron Vlinter Willson Hardware Co. Line Haterial Co Wash. Pulp & Paper Co. ~ash.Pulp & Paper Co. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg.Co. Pacific Lamp & Supply Co. Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer Graybar Electric Co. Fobes Supply Co. Sunset Electric Co. I E.B.Taylor I Byron \7in ter City Treasurer J.Loyd Aldwell,Inc. Evening News W.W.Ebbett Puget Sound Navigation Co. State Treasurer General Electric Supply Co. The Puget Sound News Co City Treasurer . Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Pulp & Paper Industry Schlager Bros Clallam Grain Co. ,Gaylord Bros.,Inc. Willson Hardware Co. J.R.l.lcDonald Jennilu Harris City Treasurer City Treasurer Rent Pipe,etc. Cutting Edge Repairs Lumber Supplies Ind.Iris & Med.Aid. 'Current Expense l~d Emergency ~arrants Rock,etc. Light Fund Collector Labor Power Bill Freight Repairs Repairs Gas Oil Supplies Supplies Supplies " Supplies Drinking Cups Hoving safe Lamps Lamps Service Service Via ter Rent Rent Car hire Expense acct. Overhauling clocks Prestolite refill J:iatock steeled Calcium Chloride Parcel post Refill fuse }10stage Friction tape Anchor rods Fuses Making hanger Material for water heater Paint, etc. Switches Hale covers frlaterial Ammeters l-Iica ta Board Drills,etc., Federal Tax Range Range parts Range unit Plumbing for range Wiring for ranges Filing fees Insurance Advertising Car hire Freight Ind Ins. & Bed.Aid Toaster elements ~"V' Sr:?? --- Bibrary Fund Books Light & Via ter Service Subscription Seed Lawn morcrop Supplies Lamps Hauling Garbage Petty Cash ~ J,- $1 Guaran ty 1"'und L.I.D.Assessments Dist.No.131 L.I.D.Assessments Dist.No.135 "'~~ ,l ,- 171")..~3 10.00 72.89 24.10 2.20 10.25 7.05 70.76 1006.75 114.00 2.00 4435.67 2.44 4.26 2.50 41. 85 8.03 46.15 23.00 2.45 1.40 1.90 .75 .65 2.75 2.95 12.50 108.40 70.82 8.25 11.2'0 1.95 3.00 50.00 25.00 29.45 29.00 1.45 .75 .15 .60 8.00 .28 145.86 28.35 5.56 1.25 8.90 2.58 37.04 .38 10.05 49.22 80.04 ,19.74 210.90 126 . 42 5.86 6.07 5.00 50.00 1.50 14.90 34.20 15.00 2.25 18.13 1.19 29.91 11.45 4.25 4.00 1.05 4.50 19.85 1.00 5.00 3.80 91.38 73.54 ~ r- 116 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ May 10,1933 ~ Gehrke & Johnson P.A.Concrete Products Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Willson Hardware Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co., Willson Hal'dware Co. Federal Pipe and Tank Co. Water ~orks Engineering The American City Water Works Engineering Blackburn Printing Co., James Hardware Co. Palmer Supply Co., Lysall Welding & Forge ~orks G.E.Coolidge Ida J .Morse Puget Sound Navigation Co. Olympic Peninsula Motor Freight Co. State Treasurer Willson Hardware Co. Jack Kirk F.R.Herron J.C.Breitlauch Willson Hardware Co. Johnson & Bork Harris & Shuller Lysall Welding & Forge Works James Hardware Co. E.A.Jacobs E.A.Jacobs Todd Cycle Shop Hater Fund Gas Service boxes and caps Ells Pipe,etc., Lumber Garbage can,ete. Pipe Manual of Water Works practice Subscription Subscription Purchase orders 1 Extension bit Wicks for for street lamps Grinding axes Sharpening picks Rent Freight Freight Ind.Ins~& Med.Aid Park Fund Tools Repairs Seed Repairs Tools Black Asphaltum Repairs Repairs Hardware & tools Repairs Repairs lJemetery Fund Sharpen Lawn Mower There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?l]Jl, ~ City Clerk ...... c::,\~ r ('~ \' Mayor L J5~ 1_ J'~ !).! 23.80 8.25 8.97 86.75 1.89 10.41 139.62 5.00 1.00 2.00 11.75 1.50 1.96 1.00 3.20 10.00 8.68 7.86 20.12 I 1 3.80 2.50 2.30 17.61 9,60 .95 4.60 1.00 8.80 .80 4.45 1.00 1 I I