HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/10/1944 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington lIay 10. 191,), 19_ """Ill 635 I I ,,/ f I~ r\;~./ 1: ; ~~~ "1' If ,r Ie I The Commiesion met in regular session at 10 A. M. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll oall ! showed the following offioers present. Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, and Attorney Johnston. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for Building Permits the following was granted: Earl M. Benediot, Remodel house, Lot 4, Block 265, Townsite Under the head of Introduction, reading and passage of Ordinances, the following ordinances were introduc~d read in full and plaoed on their 1st and second readings I 200.00 AN ORDINANCE relating to regulating and requiring a permit and payment of a fee for the construction and maintenanoe of a driveway across ourbs and sidewalks in the City of Port Angeles, and providing penalties for violations. 1/ .,.S- AN ORDINANCE relating to, regulating and lioensing the business of distributing and exhibiting for use and play certain maohine amusement devioes and automatio musio playing maohines; fixing lioense fees and pre- soribing penalties; and repealing Ordinanoe No. 1047 and 1072. n2-f. The following ordinanoe was read by, title and placed on its 3rd reading: AN ORDINANCE ordering and providing for the oondemnation, under the right of eminent demand by the City of ~ort Angeles, of certain paroels of land hereinafter described, to be used for the maintenanoe of a water pipe line from IIorse Creek to the City of Port ADgel.... as ..the same is now established over and aoross the said land, together with a strip of land five (5) feet 011 ;aither side of said pipe line and the right to go upon and across said land for the purpose of maintenace, repair or renewal'~her~ and damaging the re- mainder of said property, if neoessary, and providing oomllen.sation For the ownerS""... It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on its final reading, approved and adopted. Seoonded by Mayor Robinson, on roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. I I Block 181, Townsite, for the year 1944, i Seoonded by Mayor Robinson. On roll oall Under the head of New Businees: H. V. Charnell having requested the privilege of gardening Lot 7, it was moved by Commissioner Masters that the request be granted. all member. voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND State Trelisurer Olympio Stationers Port Angeles Evening News Olympio Stationer. Ind Ins'& Mad Aid Supplies Publioations Supplies )'1 .f-.'Y /" CITY STREET Samuelson Motor Co. Samuelson Motor Co. Frank MaoDonald &: Sons I State Treasurer HOVilU"d-Cooper Corp. Standard 011 Co. Tires Rep>. iI'S if 14 Repairs Ind Ins &: Mad Aid Bearing Adjuster Gasoline 0/ ,4 ~ WATER FUND Hugh G. Purcell Co. State Treasurer State Treasurer Hooker Eleotroohemioal Co. lllarokman & William. Seattle Plumbing Supply LIGHT FlIND Materials Ind Ins &: lied Aid State Tax Chlorine Fittings Fittings ("lV ./ /),1 City Treasurer Puget Sound Po~r &: Light State Treasurer Chas. E. Beam State Treasurer Westinghouse Elee Supply Westinghouse Eleo Supply Westinghouse Eleo Supply The Eleotri c Co. 9.50 9.61 19.02 4.74 26.68 10.66 29.08 41.84 3.52 86.72 101.97 23.09 550.03 14.92 359.35 138.26 Solvent &: StlllllpS Po....r State Tax Car Expense Iud Ins &: Med Aid Meter Parts &: Supplies Transf, Supplies Ueters Wire 3.46 10,787.67 1,235.72 19.25 22.25 l' 6.97 0....- 12.94 I") ') 1 l,2Li:~~ PARK FUND Montgomery Ward City Treasurer State Treasurer J. R. MoDonald Tubes Taxes Lt.20,Blk.2, Doyle's Sub. Ind Ins & Med Aid Removal of Brush 5: Leaves (" "3b -- STATE Am '- ;I( ) Home Eleotrio Co. Evenings News Press, Ine. Hibbs Plumbing 5: Heating Co. WAR LIQUOR TAX Climber straps, Plies &: Gloves Posters Plumbing Supplies Standlird Oil Co. Irwin 5: Johnson State Treasurer Ga.o line Shop Work Ind Ins 5: Med Aid 4.12 3.86 12.52 10.00 el / y'1 13.51 3.06 u.?4 46.44 42.18 25.27 ~ r" 636 !.h,y 10, 19!~1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ Ill..... Paoifio Emblem &: Mg. Cill. Olumpio Stationers Hoare '" Headri ok GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer Buttons Supplies Shop Work 6"1...... 25.15 /' 5.00 ....'..{ 90.6h Taxes Ii: As smts. Lots 3 &: 4, Blk. 99 95.98 There being no further business the Commission adjourned to meet WSdnesday, May 17. 1944, at 10 A. M. I ~~ Acting City Clerk lf~J~ I I I I