HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/11/1949 ,I I I 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .., .545 Moy 11, 19AL lll..K.. "~",,,"'T'n.Ln"__ _,t1:~.. 11.771'1 ~ The City Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was celled to order by Mayor Feeley. Roll 1 call of officers revealed the following present: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson an:! Taylor, Attorney Trumooll, and Clerk Lavr. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applicat~gns for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: If, ()~O ' I fuildilJl( Permit s : IJaCk DelGuzzi Earl Herron 'Mrs. Gertrude Brown ,I Jack DelGuzzi : Jack Ruona IGeorge F. King, Jr. Frank Pollow Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 2, Blk. 2B6, Townsite 7,000.00 1 Construct Addition to Existing Dwelling; Lot 8, dlk. 9, P.S.C.C. 200.00 I Addition to Existing Dwellin~ & Reshingle; Lot 10, Blk. 394, Townsite 300.00 I Construct 5-RoolJ Dwelling; E Lot 15, and'"ll of Lot 16, Blk. 10, P.8.C.C. 6,000.00: Addition to Existing Dwelling; S2 Lot 14, All of Lot 15, Blk. 429, Townsite 800.00 Construct 6-Room Dwelling; Lot 17, Blk. 302, Townsite 3,500.00 I Move House, for Temporary Dwelling; Lot 9, Blk. 277, Townsite 250.00 ,,0 I 'Licenses: 13 IHabit Cleaners Cleaning and Pressing 5.00 Wallace Ward Traveling Photographer, 4 Days 8.00 , i lunder the head of unfinished business, Mr. Heath, representative of General lngineering Co., Inc., presented; a contract and agreement for over-all comprehensive survey of the City, at estimated cost of $15,000.00, I, which vrould be credited to cost of engineering contract, if awarded. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor 1 that decision be postponed indefinitely until investigation by Planning Commission is completed. Motion ~I I' seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. i I Pursuant to bids published to furnish cast iron pipe and material for the Water Lepartment, the following ,were submitted: H. C. Purcell Co., Item 1, Part bid, l?875.80; Item 2, $654.40, Item 3, l;500.60, Item 4, ~480.00, Item 5, no bid. H. D. Fowler, Inc., Item 1, Part bid, $17~00, Item 2, $1,712.93, Item 3, $375.70, I lItem 4, $376.50, Item 5, $674.00. Western Utility Supply, Item 1, $7,503.52, Item 2, $1,607.31, Item 3, ! 1$471.51, Item 4, no bid, Item 5, $606.00. Ol;ympic Jo'oundry Co., Item 1, Part bid $20.80, ~tem 2, no bid, Item 3, $501.60, Items 4 and 5, no bid. E. N. Hallgren Co., Item 1, ~6,816.90, Item 2, $1,785.40, Item 3, $353.90 without saddle, Item 4, $374.50, Item 5, no bid. PacUlC States Cast Iron Plpe Co., Item 1, ':86,250.90, alternate bid, $6,500.90, Item 2, $1,481.74, Item 3, Part bid, Items 4 and 5, no bic. It was 'Imoved and seconded, that the bids be referred to Commissioner Taylor and Engineer's Department until 4:00 Iwhen contract will be awarded. ICo~ssioner Taylor reported tha t be had contacted the Architect regarding acceptance of the new fire hell. The Architect agreed to meet with the Commission any cia te set and approve certificate of acceptance a.fter ,the Contractor furnishes proof that all work is completed and inspected by Engineer. i I P.M. I I I ! Attorney Vlilson presented resolution fixing date of hearing and notices to be posted for vacation of a certain alley from the Southerly margin of First Street to the alley running in an East-West direction 'through Block 125 of D.W. Morse's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 8 of Port Angeles. The Commission accepted 'the resolution fixing date of bearing. Under the head of new business, Joe Janish requested that a light be installed in the alley back of garage on. West First Street, thereby eliminating vandalism. Chief Ide recommended that the light be installed, and Supt. II.cLean vras instructed to proceed accordingly. The Commission was informed that the truck pur- chased for the Water Department was ready for delivery. Mr. Janish and Gerald Chamberlin informed that the Lions Club requests information regarding erection of street signs purchased by that organization. Commissioner Taylor agreed to give irr,mediate attention to erection of the signs. Also reported by Mr. Chamberlin was lack of drainage on West 12th Street between Oak and Cherry Streets. Commissioner Taylor ,informed that this condition will be remedied at the earliest opportunity.. 'Under the head of introduction of resolutions the following was introduced: RESOi,UTION WHEREAS, a petiticn has been filed with the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles by all of the property owners of the property abutting on the following described alley requesting tha t the following portion of the alley be vacated, to-wit: That certain alley running from the Southerly margin of First Street to the alley running in an East-West direction through Block One Hun:!red Twenty-Five (125) of D.W. Morse's Subdivision of Suburban Lot t:ight (B) of Port Angeles, as per Plat thereof recorded in Volume One (1) of Plats, Page 73, Records of Clallam County, Washington, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to let the Commission fix a time and place for hearing on said petition, hlOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the Citv" of Port Angeles that a hearing on said petition to vacate said alleJ' be held in the City Commission Room of the City of Port Angeles on Wednesday, : the 1st day of IJune, 1949, at the hour of 11:00 0 'cloGk A.M. lit :was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing resolution be approved and ad opted. Seconded by IC01ll1lll: 'ssio:1er Robi.nson. All members ',oted Aye. Motion carried. NOTICE OF HEARING llOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 23rd day of March, 1949, a petition was filed with the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to vacate the following described alley, to-wit: Tha t certain alley running from the Southerly margin of First street to the alley running in an East-West direction through Block One Hundred TvTenty-five (12S) of D.W. Morse's Subdivision of Suburban Lot bight (8) of Port Angeles, as per Plat recorded thereof in Volume One (1) of Plats, ;' Page 73, llecorda of Clallam County, Washington. \NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on the 11th day of lJ.ay, 1949, the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles 'duly adopted a resolution directing that a hearing on said petition to vacate said alley be held in the ICi tv" Commission Reom of the City of Port Angeles in the Fire Hall on WedneSday, the 1st day of June, 1949, 'Iat the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M. DATED this nth day of May, 1949. J. E. Lavr City Clerk ..... ". 546 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 11th, continued. 19-.1iL AFFIDA VIT OF POSTING IN THE MATTER OJ" TIlE VACATION OF THAT CEHTAIN ALLEY running from the Southerly mar\lin of First Street to the' alley running in an East-West direction through Block One Hundred Tvrenty-Five (125) of D. W. Morse's Sub- division of Suburban Lot Eight~ (8) of Port Angeles, Washington. ' Ii STATE OF WASHING'lDN) ) ss. COUNTY OF CIALLAM ) fMM'HHHH~H~HH''"****'fH} H. .E. Dodge, being first duly sworn, deposes an:! says that he was at the times herein mentioned of full age, a resident of Port llngeles, Clalla:n County, State of Washingtoll, and a citizen of the United States and of the State of Waslup~ton; That on the 11th day of llay, 1949, he posted true and complete copies of the original notice of hearing on petition to vacate the certaia alley described in the notice of hearing hereto attached; One copy was posted at the front door of the Court House in CLallam County, Washington; one at the front door of the City Building at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles; One in a conspicuous place on the alley which is sought to be vacated in the petition in the above entitled matter. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of May, 1949. ~'II. E. Dodge ,The Commission examined. and approved it. -3.:('0:3 , Inc. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Seattle Radio Supply, City Treasurer Pacific Telphone & Telegraph Co. Lee Reynolds Peninsula Herald United States Treasurer Hooker Storage Garage & Servo Stn. J. C. Penney Co. K & K Fine Foods Hoare &: Headrick Repair Service Richfield Oil Corp. Angeles Buildir~ Center Olympic Stationers Nat'l Fire Protection Assn. Evening N~ls Press Scanlan Music & Radio Shop Brown's Second Hand Store tlAmes W. Caven 2;- i,CITY STREET FUND: :<01- Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Port Tie and Lumber Co. ,Crown Zellerbach Corp. 'Penins ula Herald Olympic Sta tioners I .55 '\VATER FUND: IS 3d' City Treasurer ,James Tfi. Caven 'Port Angele s Conc rete Produc ts Western Utilities Supply Co. Evening News Press 'Willson Hardware Co. Peninsula Herald Port Angeles Evening Nens !~State Traastrrer LIGHT FUND: 3 '1&5 I!: ISta te Trea surer 'Peninsula Herald Evening Nerls Pre s s Taper Oil Burner Co. Port Angeles Aut 0 Suppl;y Co. General Electric Co. jMaydvrell & Hartzell 'General Electric Supply Corp. ~~et Sound Navigation Co. I(Johnson and Bork Willson Hardware Co. A. Contesti 7(. I~SAlIIT A T ION FU NO : .2 I City Treasurer Penins ula He raId Port Angeles Evening 10 LIBRARY FUND: 'l- City Treasurer L. 1. REVOLVI~{LFUND: :1 Peninsuls Herald News ." ~ J. Lyle Beam Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Port angeles. ~:y Commission expires Oct. 8, 1949. the follovling claims, and ordered warrants is,ued in payment of same: Simpson Meter Stamped Env., St.Lites, Fire Hyd, St.& Sew., L.W.G. Phone Services Actir~ as Police Judge "19cia1 Pu.blication Annual Ren tal--F,diz Hook; Cont. Tcg-31279 Parts & Repairs Blankets Dog Food Parts & Labor Waterproof Grease Paint, Bnamel, Oil, Sandpaper 2 Waste Baskets Posters and Folders Circulars, Imprinting Posters Range, Pig T8il One Desk, 5 Chests of Drawers r.." bor and Equipment 11. 91 1,333.06: 41.51 35.00 24.92 100.00 17.16 30.90' 6.38 79.89 .67 10.66 7.42 48.75; 30.39, 333.62 84.77 6.95 Sewer l'ipe, etc. Lumber Repairs to Waste ~iquor System Publication Blue Prints, etc. 67.37 59.31 50.97 4.56 47.04 Co. Envelopes Fittings S. lloxes Fi t tings Adv. Folders Spikes Adv. Adv. Tax 500.00 2.24 22.25 72.64 15.00 13.91 5.15 8.82 1,098.54 r:rax Adv. I.d v. Folders Repairs Tools Demand Heter, Potential Transf. Insula tors Pot-heads, Conduit, Hardware Frt. Paint Tools" ate. Concrete Slabs 2,096.17 2.94 15.00 17.25 7.00 146.22 22.66 1,257.10 15.59 2.14 27.74 555.35 Water Adv. Clean-Up Week Adv. 1.60 10.08 10.08 Light, Water, Garbage 9.10 Legal Public~tion 3.00 I I I I I 1 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington , PARK YuND: 10 C Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Ci ty Treasurer Ross & Beasley, Inc. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: 101 Ga rage , Penins ula Herald Evening NeYfs Press I CIa rk and Edwards General Sheet ~~etal Store May 11th. continued , Service 3851 LightJ Yiater, Garbage One Bed Knife, /05 -: 7 Work on Panel #88 Clean-Up Week Adv. Clean-Up Week Adv. Sign Posts One L:i<:ht Reflector 19~ May 11, 1949; 4:00 P.M. There being no further oosiness, the session was recessed until 4:00 P.B. 547 I 3.09\ 70.4l 7.41' i I 20.19 2.94' 5.02 65.26. 12.36. , The. bids submitted having been checked and due consideration given the same, the "-ngineer's Department reported the low bidders as follows: Pecific States Cast Iron Pipe Co., Items 1 and 2. E. N. hallgren Co I Items 3 and 4. Western Utility Supply Co., item 5. It vras moved by COlll1lissioner Taylor that the low bids be acknowledged and filed for further consideration, and contracts awarded a t the next session, after bids for trenching are submitted. Motion seconded~J Mayor feeley. All voted Aye. *otion carried. There being no further business, the r.leeting was declared adjourned. a E' ;;tau/; ! City Clerk h../d'Ly Mayor