HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/11/1977CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 11, 1977 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Mayor Olson, Councilman Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: None Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish, D. Flodstrom, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, P. McDowell, 3. Honnold, H. Kochanek, R. Orton, C. Caso. Guests Present: V. Cook, R. Frey, L. Sunny, M. Schoonover, B. Leininger, R. Leach, 0. Campbell, B. Waldron, R. Parrish, R. Rosie. MINUTES Councilman Wray moved the minutes of the April 27, 1977 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. AUTHORIZATION TO SELL SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Light Department to sell twenty-six surplus transformers to the Clallam County PUD at an average unit price of $5.57 per KVA for a total price of $5,154.00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 2. BID CALL AUTHORIZATION A. Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize the Police Department to call for bids on four portable radios, a 1977 budget item. The purpose for aquiring these radios will be for use by outside Police patrol units and the animal control officer. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. B. Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the Public works Department to call for bids for the resurfacing of 5th Street from Lincoln to Cherry Streets, 8th Street from Lincoln to Cherry Streets, and "I" Street from 12th to 13th Street. It is noted that the street improvements are a part of the six year Street Improvement Program and funds were budgeted in 1977 for their resurfacing. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross "and carried. Councilman Wray moved the Council award the bid for five reels of 15KV URD cable to the low bidder, Graybar Electric Company, Tacoma, at a total bid price of $8,987.15 including sales tax. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. Other bidders were Utility Supply Company, Tacoma, $9,199.73; Anixter-Pruzan Company, Seattle, $9,204.66; Westinghouse, Tacoma, $9,209.61. Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve Payroll Transfers of $116,545.41. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. r G ~ - CITX COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 1977 IV FINANCE During this portion of the meeting, Mayor Olson read a memorandum from the Department of Public Works concerning the relocation of that portion of the Laurel Street Extension between Viewcrest Avenue and Ahlvers Road which is next to Mr. K. Kyllo's property. The existing road encroaches upon the Kyllo's property on the east and will be moved approximately twenty feet to the west. The new roadway will be constructed using an asphalt base material. This improvement was originally proposed as part of the 1978 Six Year Street Imporvement Program but is being done now because of ' increased useage and the complaints of the Kyllo's. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Ms. M. Schoonover President of the Super Assist Citizen Band Radio League, Inc., requested permission from the Council to use public address systems on their cars to advertise a June 17, 1477 Benefit dance in the downtown business district and in the shopping centers. The purpose of the dance is to raise money for this new public service organization which is designed to assist the elderly, the handicapped, the Police Department and the City in general by means of C.B. radios. Councilman Ross moved the Council grant permission to the League to use their public address systems on their cars to advertise the benefit dance in the downtown area and the shopping centers. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. Mr. L. Sunny inquired about the Mechanized Garbage Collection System and the number of families that would be assigned to each container in Port Angeles. Mr. Sunny was advised by Public Works Director Flodstom that the alley collection would average about three families per container. The City of Sequim uses four families per can primarily because it is a retirement community. Light Superintendent Honnold informed the Council that as of 11:00 A.M. this date the City is tied in with the Crown Zellerbach system. This situation will exist for approximately three weeks for the purpose of facilitating Crown Zeller bach's transmission rebuild. If, at any time, the City's power is cut off the Light Department will immediately seperate from Crown Zellerbach and restore power. VI LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY PLAT (OLD ORCHARD) The Public Hearing for the Preliminary Plat of Old Orchard was opened by Mayor Olson at 7:50 P.M. After Mayor Olson read the Planning Staff's Report and the Planning Commission's recommendations he asked for comments from the audience. Since there were none, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the Preliminary Plat of Old Orchard subject to the conditions set down by the Planning Commission; l) All improvements to be made to the specifications of the Public Works Department, 2) standard Light Department easements to be provided and 3) repair of any damage which may occur in the installation of utilities from Lauridsen Boulevard to be paid for by the developer. Councilman Wray seconded the motion and it carried. 2. PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY PLAT (UPLANDS DIVISION III) The Public Hearing for the Preliminary Plat of Uplands Division III was opened by Mayor Olson at 7:55 p.M. After reading the Planning Staff's Report and the Planning Commission's recommendations, Mayor Olson re- quested comments from the audience. As there was no response from the ' audience, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the Preliminary Plat of Uplands Division III subject to 1) easements being provided which meet the approval of the City Light Department and the Clallam County PUD, and 2) all improvements are to be made to the specifications of the Public works Department. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 3. PLANNING COMMISSION X35 Councilman Buck moved the Council accept the Planning Commsission's recommendation and approve a request by Johnnie Key to locate a real- estate office at 505 East 8th Street in the CSD-C1 zone since an office of that type would be compatible with the uses in that zone. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed. Councilman Anderson moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commissions's April 25, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. 4. RESOLUTION, LID NO. 198A Mayor Olson introduced and read Resolution No. 8-77 entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 8-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington fixing the time and place for hearing upon the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 198-A. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. It is noted that Resolution No. 8-77 sets the hearing upon the assessment roll for LID No. i98-A as June 8, 1977. 5. L.I.D. NO. 198 BOND ORDINANCE A presentation was made by Mr. Yeastings of Foster and Marshall, Inc., Seattle regarding the Bond Purchase Agreement. He first advised that the Council approve the agreement subject to Attorney's Walrath's approval since Attorney Walrath has not had an opportunity to review the agreement. Mr. Yeastings then explained the basic terms and conditions of the Agreement and stated that Foster and Marshall will pay par for the bond issue with the interest rate on the bonds at 6.5~. Delivery of the bonds will be on or soon after May 20, 1977. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize approval of the Bond Purchase Agreement and adopt the Ordinance, Mayor Olson then introduced and read the title of Ordinance No. 1922 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1922 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the issuance of bonds of Local Improvement District No. 198 in the principle sum of $1,042,657.88. 1 Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion. Councilman Ross moved the Council amend the motion to include the phrase, "subject to Attorney's approval," Councilman Buck seconded the amendment to the motion. On called vote, the motion as amended was unanimously passed by the Council. 6. EDIT HOOK BEACH EROSION CONTROL PROJECT Mr. V. Cook of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers advised the Council of the Corps plan to proceed with the design and Construction of the easterly ex- tension of protective work along Ediz Hook. The Corps of Engineers had checked into the possibility of exempting the City of Port Angeles from the 6.9~ local cost sharing of this extension but found that they had no basis on which to exempt the City or go to Congress independently to request ex- emption. The additional repairs extend from the Coast Guard Air Station to the end of the hook and is estimated to cost $1,600,000. Considering the funds the City previously provided on the Ediz Hook repair work currently under contract, an additional $110,000 will have to be provided by the City for this extended work. ComA1e#io~of the nrniaCt is~xra~~d by the Fail pwtd O =D~ O,dO L O >«~ a N D df « d L L C .O O U D C U '- L i0 of 1978. {~ m g. vmpwLo ~n ~ae~~•,c ~ ~aa~m"''°n ~n~«D oo~ Ja`aaca'~m ~mv «com~h n ~ m O N> W W ~ C ~N>.r~Ci: u_AtLNrnN ~ 'ALA Z' a1>oCCQ WU ~C ~mud_a.L.N Om?N«py j~~NWVL~ pZ 0'~£ u~d N£OO OUC~ `>a«~0 '~WNP `nIyJC WOVLLa.~p~i^b~Cn '^~0~0 iO OI CUi«UAa NL«~ VOQUN?VI ~. .nnU~m-'d P~- Vnj•- >'y 7i= NCLON m D«mm X40>-mCW ~or;N~3a3~ >;3wny«p q«~d~°u o«aac=a0 --OD'o^acca'c°a~~~= ZJ uQnca«m°'aci`w Eti.. o_ c•.u apt nLL O•Z ••-c~oo~~~•_« I awa -x°~iu Eaorn..-r~9iEu ~~a°~E'^_ a3~~._ v"voc`-'y~n uua~~;o rn~ v=o.-cao•-~=•y Q' u£ ono-mac o=~_ o~om~vti na, ~auym cM«?cn 3~~n`~~a'4^ ~m`a+u.naa>y°~uc>.tt °.nL``°r Q~: ~ zmm~Om~muo=E~ioQZ~coYO ~a~a mv'yomm`on°~a,a=1-~oEo r ~~6 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 3977 VI LEGISLATION 6. EDIZ HOOK BEACH EROSION CONTROL PROJECT (Cont.) Following the presentation the Council discussed with Mr. Cook the possibility of cost savings by extending the current contract with General Construction Company. Mr. Cook explained that because of the significant cost of the ex- tended work, the Corps of Engineers determined that a more favorable bid would be received by opening the bidding to all companies rather than negotiating with the current contracotr. Councilman Buck then moved the Council allocate the $110,006 to support ' the additional work on Ediz Hook. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. The Council next considered Manager Whorton's proposed Letter of Reply to Mr. Cook concerning the extended work. Councilman Anderson moved the letter not be sent to Mr. Cook. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Mayor Olson opened the public hearing and read City Engineer Warder's memo- randum regarding ITT Rayonier's Shoreline Permit Application. Mayor Olson asked if anyone in the audience wished to comment on the application. As there was no response from the audience Mayor Olson closed the hearing. Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize a Shoreline Management Permit to ITT Rayonier to perform routine maintenance dredging of their log pond and chip barge unloading area. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. It is noted for the record that Councilman Anderson left the room and did not participate or vote on ITT Rayonier's application for a Shoreline Management Permit. 8. STREET VACATION REQUEST - SCHOOL DISTRICT 121 Councilman Ross moved the Council refer the request of the School District for vacation of a portion of 14th Street to the Planning Commission for ~.~ their recommendation and set a public hearing on June 8, 1977 to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed. 9. COASTAL ENERGY IMPACT PROGRAM This agenda item was left on the table. 10. PROPOSED FERRY TRAFFIC ROUTE SIGNING Mayor Olson read the Engineering Department's memorandum regarding the pro- posed Ferry Traffic Route Signing. After a brief discussion with Police Chief Kochanek Councilman Buck moved this item be tabled. Councilman Wray seconded the motion and it carried. 11. CITY BOARD OF APPEALS APPOINTMENTS Councilman Ross moved the Council table consideration of this matter to the May 23, 1977 work-session. The motion was secanded by Councilman Wray and carried. 12. PROCLAMATIONS A. Councilman Ross moved the Council adopt the PROCLAMATION proclaiming . May 22 through 28 as National Public Works Week for 1977, as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. B. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the PROCLAP9ATION proclaiming May 8 through 15, 1977 as Nursing Home Week in Port Angeles, as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. C. Councilman Ross moved the Council adopt the PROCLAMATION as read by Mayor Olson on the annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars on May 20, 21, 1977. The motion was seconded by Council- man Hordyk and passed. CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 13. OCEAN VIEW CEMETERY LOTS 287 Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the City to buy back Cemetery Lots 2, 4 and 6, Block 62 of Section I for $459.00 from Edna H. Tuttle, Rt. 4 Box 450, Port Angeles. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. ' 14. A. W. C. 1977 ANNUAL CONVENTION The 1977 A.W.C. Annual Convention will be held June 21 through 24 at Ocean Shores, Washington. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council appoint Mrs. Ross, Mr. Buck, and Mr. Wray as voting delegates to this convention to represent Port Angeles. City Manager Whorton will be the alternate voting delegate. 15. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Councilman Hordyk moved the Council table appointments tp the Board of Adjustment, Park Board, and Planning Commission until the May 25, 1977 meeting. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. 16. ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAM The Council heard an updated report by City Manager K. Whorton on the possibility of a water and power shortage in Port Angeles in the late summer and early fall. His report included a four-step plan for increasing public participation in city conservation efforts. This plan included public service announcements by members of the City Council; formation of a Speakers Bureau consisting of J. Honnold, D. Flodstrom, and K. Whorton; purchase of special brochures for the public which outline conservation measures, and the issuance of letters to high volume water and power users. Qity Light Superintendent J. Honnold advised the Council that some action on the City's part is in order. The Light Department has received numerous phone calls from residents inquiring about what steps the City is taking to conserve energy. Mr. Honnold suggested the possibility of cut-backs in major arterial street lighting as an indication that the City is con- cerned about the energy shortage. The Council discussed this matter at length and decided to initiate Manager Whorton's energy conservation program by having Mayor Olson read a procla- mation at the May 25, 1977 City Council meeting stating that there is an impending energy and water crisis and requesting that all citizens parti- cipate in voluntary public conservation measures. 17. LIQUOR LICENSE Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of renewal of an E, F liquor license for the Market Basket is noted for the record. 18. LATE ITEMS Board of Adjustment Minutes. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Board of Adjustment's April 26, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. In reference to the Board of Adjustment, Councilman Hordyk discussed with Manager Whorton and Attorney Walrath whether variances should become part of the property deed. Manager Whorton will pursue this matter. 2 ~ Q CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 1977 VII STAFF REPORTS f 1. Status Report of Downtown Signalization Project. Mayor Olson read the Department of Public Works' stahus report on the pro- gress of the Downtown Signalization Project. As of May 5, 1977 the project is approximately 65~ complete with the system expected to be operating in early June, 1977. 2. L.I.D. No. 200 Mayor Olson read D. Flodstrom's memorandum regarding receipt of a request to expand the scope of work on Valley Street LTD No. 200. This increase is to improve the roadway on the east side of Valley Creek south of the 9th Street bridge. The estimated cost of this additional paving is $3,747. The City Engineering Department personally contacted the four property owners who will be paying for this increase. If this additional paving is done, the City's preliminary assessment of $243.50 will be increased to $858.54. 3. Councilman Ross: Reported that the Real Estate Committee will have their report on recommended minimum kids on City owned property ready for the next Council meeting. Inquired whether a moratoreum exists on short plats. Inquired whether the location where dredged waste material is currently being dumped can be moved to the west. Suggested the City review it's annexation policy concerning zoning in con- junction with the County's comprehensive plan. 4. Councilman Hordyk: Inquired about the City's policy associated with past due utility bills on property that is sold. A discussion was held on utility deposits on rentals, collection procedures on past due accounts, 30 day letters and utility liens against the property, Thanked Mr. Price for his article on the proposed bond issue in the ' Chronicle. Councilman Hordyk reported to the Council on the very enlightening meeting of the Data Processing Committee on April 26, 1977 with Gary McClean and Dottie Koonz, representing the firm of Niemi, Holland and Scott, as guests. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with Mr. Orton's recommen- dation in his Data Processing Proposal, and hire a computer consultant. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. On called vote, Councilman Buck, Hordyk and Ross voted "AYE." Councilman Anderson, Haguewood and Wray voted "NO." Mayor Olson voting to break the tie, voted "AYE" and the motion carried. Councilman Hordyk next spoke to the Council at length in support of adding two additional patrolmen to the Police Department for street patrol. Council- man Ross also indicated that the need does exist to hire additional police- men. Following a discussion with Manager Whorton and Police Chief Kochanek, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to prepare an emergency budget and call a special meeting of the Civil Service Commission to hire two additional patrolmen for the Police Department. Councilman Ross seconded the motion. On called vote, Councilman Hordyk and Ross voted "AYE", all other Councilmen voted "N0." The motion was denied. 5. Councilman Wray: Commented on certain businesses within the City using excess energy. Suggested the City take over the newly annexed areas from the PUD before the area is built up. ' Manager Whorton will investigate the possibility. 6. Councilman Haguewood: Asked D. Flodstrom about the State Highway Depart- ment's timetable for realignment of the east entrance to the City. Mr. Flodstrom reported that the State Highway Department indicates the project will be started after the 4th of July holiday. CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 1977 2u~ VII STAFF REPORTS (Cont.) 7. Manager Whorton: Requested Council authorization to reply to a letter received from the Association of Western Pulp and Paper workers, Local 155, in which the Union expresses their concerns regarding the possibility of the City converting to automated garbage collection. Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to send a letter to Union Local 155 indicating that the Council has not made a decision on converting to the Rapid Rail Garbage Collection System. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council not consider the Rapid Rail Garbage Collection System for six months. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. Manager Whorton informed the Council that the staff is now getting ready to go into negotiations with`thiee univns'f which have contracts expiring this year. It will probably be necessary to hold an executive session at the next Council meeting to discuss their demands. Manager Whorton also informed the Council that on May 18, 1977 there will be a meeting in Portland on Technology Transfer. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. City Clerk Mayor C~ ~~~ , ".,' 17 0 ' ~ } I ~ ~ 51677C 4217 TREASURER'S NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS CALL FOR BONDS The Port Angeles Police .he City Treasurer of the Department is calling for bids ity of Port Angeles, to Supply the police department Washington, will pay, upon ~ with FOUR portable ratlios for presentation at her offlce, use by personnel employed at 17 th mbere n u and tram the police buildin Of LOCaI sive cl g, 120 North Oak Street Port Im rdvement District No. 197 p , Angeles, Washington of the City of Port Angeles, . The instructions and Washington. specifications are available at No interest will be allowed 1 1977 City Hall, 140 West Front , . after May Sfreet, Port Angeles Patricia Rodman , Washingto ,A8362 CltyTreasurer; ~ Pori Angeles Washingto . pub,: Ma pb 25, 1977. n , Pub.: April 21, 1977. ' 42177C TREASURER'S CALL FOR BONDS Tha City Treasurer of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, will pay, Upon presentation at her office, Bonds numbered 25f3 thru 319, inclusive, of Local Improvement District No. 193 f Ot the City of Port Angeles, Washington. ~ No interesi.will be allowed after May 1, 1977. Patricia Rodman Treasurer City of Port Angeles, Wash. Pub.: April 21, 1977. 1 1 1