HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/12/1948 446 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington lIay 12, 19~ .:i: The COImnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Offioers ':present were: Ilayer Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson and Clerk law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. in writing that hearings are restricted districts. I SOO.OO, 6,000.00 6,000.00' 2,000.00: 7,500.00 4,000.00' 6,000.00 1,000.00' 1,000.00 I open for Cliff Bena Jack DelGuzzi .'Jack DelGuzzi jWalter Taylor ,E. R. Nailor Michael Fey ,'Wm. Rcmer I: Agne s Willis ,R. J. Gilbertson Under the head of a~lications for building permits, the following were granted: J'fOdO - Remodel Existing Dwelling; Lot 18, Blk. 27, N.R. Smith Add. Build 5-Rcom Dwelling; Lot 2, Blk. 331, Tormsi te Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 4, Blk. 551, Tcvmsite Build 3-Rooms & Bath; Lot 11, Blk. 108, TownsHe Construct 5-Room Dwell.i~; Lot 6, Blk. 5, Hartt & Cook Add. Build 5-Room Dwelling; N Lots 1-2, Elk. 425, Tmmsite Construot 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 14, Blk. 345, Tmmsite Build Store Room with Basement; Lot 18, Blk. 20, N.R. Smith Add. Remodel, Add 2 Rooms to Present Dwelling; Lot 17, Blk. 517, Tovmsite ,It was also moved and seconded that the Engineer's Department notify 1,:tVlenty days when local option clause is used for wilding in certain " C::dl "'Or 'nldM por' CI1')' PrllliJ..A' I J\:oli('('.IH 11el'f~ll;' giVf'1l tllflt !l(~lih1{l :1 ~\;~~S(~-tl~} ~;fe;.r~~~v~~)~~ ~'~;K~r:~~l!Il~D la(('r thrin ]0 a.m.. \V\'lhw.'.dll.\'" :\1w. Ni. 1 il4~. for the official prlnt~1 ill":;' of tilt, City or Port Angdl::<, fnrl' :(\1(' ,,'ern commf'lldng Jllly J, ]!HI), I ']'he printing Is tn br In Ilonpareil 0\' Hix point type, and )luhllJ:hed iI11'~gtl-l lar ISHU€S of tile n~'w~llIlp{>I' ~wal'<l- ed H1ICll ('ontl':1ct. HH1s to IHI ~ubmlt.: tl'd 011 n hIU,i!' o( charge "p(!-T line." COl1trll('t and IIOIHI in tlle j;lum or~ ~1{lOn.oo for the fnltllflll TIPrrrJrm~ ,'pnel' uf thl!; I'ontraet will Ill' requlr- I cl'l. Till' Comrn!!;liilJll 1.t'IW]'\'~1> the! ,'1'11-:"111. to n.JI'I'\. any anll al I bill:<. !L!~llhJ iS~~~- .~~a~~lh~:ll:~~~i~:rl" The Commission eXilmined and approved CURRENT EXPENSE FuND: /II<.;I!f Port Angeles Evening~Nevrs The Olympic Printery Peninsula Fuel Co. R. O. Ide Seattle Radio Supply, Il\C. Fi tchard I sAss. Service Wash. Co-operative Farmers Assn. W~rlatt's Grocery The Electric Co. Union Drug Co. Willson Hardware Co. Wray & Raber G & VI Fire Service Allan Dist. Co. 'Harris & Schuller 7 American City ~lagazine / CITY STREET FUllD: 3 ! l' - PortAngeles Concrete Products Co. Willson Hardware Co. Crm'm Zellerbach Corp. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Unit Crane & Shovel Corp. James Hardware Co. J. W. Caven Plbg. & Heating WATER FuND: /tJ ;1./ ~r ,Port Tie & Lur.'.ber Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. State Treasurer . {l ~'.... 0. I er'j;( :--'olll'.f> I~ lll'reh)" Kh-ell that flcal(>d bid;: will be reC"{'!\,('(! hy the Cltyl Clf'd, ur tlw City of Pori AnK(>oI(>!:I,! ' 'Y[\:<h.. at the City UnlT <If said eit}'. ~ until 10 ,'l.m" :\1i1}' 21., 1~48, illld not, Int.']'. The wOI-k contl:'mplated 11;:1 1'IH'a~' pllilltll\K the out!'ide of till!; 3~:~~.h1,fh~ ngO::l;~i~s1~n ll~~~;:.~,~cs ~\~I~, right. to l'cjet't nll~' 01' :111 bldS'~ .J. K J~A'V, Clt,r Clerk. f'uUII!'hed !'l1n)' H., 21. 1948. _ , "('(> .. l f "...... J\:oti<,p iF Iwr...hy ~'i\"'11 thnt RI:':l.l. I'd l..tdll will lip l'f'l'f'l\'pd I'" tl1I' Clt\. Cl,',,), "f 11ll' City or Port Allg'I'I,'~, nt. th(' ("'It;..' Hall uf fal(1 Cltr. !lOt. ~~ltl~:;'i!' ~~I ~~:lT' I r: h::;ll~t]"~.~~r 1 ;1~jlllll::~I~;']::~ !IJIII' rlulllll 1i:1H~1,. ~l,t'l'lfkaLi"lll< lIla~. he ohliliued frtHIl till' 'lffllT <,If 1IH' !;;t!;~:(';':I:~~l~l;~hirl~:', ~:;J~:~I~~:I(:~l ;;~',i '1l]1 1,lcl~, ~J.!ill~]~~~'.JL; j].~':~f:~\~~(&ll't'I~, Attorney Severyns presented petitions signed by merchants requesting a taxi stand on Front Street, west of laurel Street. The COlJullission denied the request for said stand. Under the head of new business, the Commission authorized bids to be published City print,ing for the year July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949. Bids to be opened May 26th. fori It was moved by Conunissioner Johnson that bids be published for spray painting the I' outside of buildings and fence of the Civic Stadium. . Also that bids be published for one drmap tmck for the Street Department. be opened l[By 26, 1948. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. llotion carried. Bids to The Commission discussed plans for attending the Annual Convention of Washington Cities in Spokane, May 20, 21, and it was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the regular session of the City Commission be called Tuesday, 1iay 18th, and that the hearing on petition for vacation of a portion of west r'ourth Street between "C" and "D" Streets be postponed to May 26th. ~~otion seconded by It-ayor Epperson. All voted Aye. ),lotion carried. J.layor Epperson expressed appreciation of the .commission for tillle and effort by I Fire Chief Wolverton in fire prevention campaign. Also to the local Cr.amber of Coromerce, appreciation for financing transportation for /Jr. Wolverton to Washington D.C., where National awards were presented. I I I , 1 196.134 16.22' 127.02 22.82. l.SS' 2S.BS 2.54' 5.50 1.23: .571 16.56 3.041 35.45, 33.07 63~ :86 the following claims, and ordered Vlarrants issued in payment of same: Legal Publioations Office Supplies Fuel Oil Car Mileage for April 3 Bud SWitches Auto Repairs Bale Straw Dog Meal Steel Tubing Creolin ladder, HdVle., Rope Grind Lawn ,,"ower Fire Ext. Fluid, Supplies Mo bilgas Labor ~ U~terial on Tr~cks Subscrl.pt~on Sewer Pipe & Supplies Tools and Hardware Belts Plate, Bolts Treads, Links, Pins Machine 301ts Plumbing Supplies 215.59 47.53. 39..70 .70; 74.16' 2.22: 10.671 I I 42.40 42.541 936.651 I 18,878.70, .59 8.00 17.n' 14.16 9.25 21. 25 72.51 3.86 2,143.50 256.71 20.41 Lumber Valve Taxes 1'1 LIGHT FUND: ..2 I, '1s.3 , Ilclallam County P.U.D. No.1 .IWestern Union Tel. Co. , Carl W. Price I Glass Specialty Co. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. ~'fray & Raber Port Angeles Evening News Line Material Co. Montgomery Ward & Co. State Treasurer Westinghouse Elootric Supply Co. Harris & Sohuller April Powe r Telegram Washing Cars Repairs Repairs, etc. Rent, Repairs, Keys, Sharpen Lawn Mower Adv. ReIlectors Battery Taxe s !.leter Sockets St. Light Supplies & labor I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington TOIO." ..""".T,H.T.........~~".~TIll" la"s ~ I LIGHT FUND. continued: Standard Oil Co. of california I Under~vood Corp. Angeles Machine & Welding Works +'If 2- 0 Co. SANITATION FUIID: Willson l'.ardware Kenneth Owen Peninsula Herald 3J l'ARK FUI/D: /~tJ - School Dist. No.7. James HardVlare Co. , Willson Hardware ,Co. D & B Battery & Electric Station Wra:l & Ra ber , Eppe rson & Sons Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. The Olympic Printery Olympic Hardware & Furniture Co. Port Angeles Evening News ~'1 P. M. &T. C. WND: 'fS- Harris & Schuller The Olympic Printery Trick & Murray, C. LeRoy Sarff Kenneth a-IfBn 'I There being no i I Ii A~Y 12, continued. Gas and Oil Add Ma chine Shop Work 2 ,(ash Tubs, Cable Garage Rent for April Display Adv. Sat. Recreation Program, April . Powder Sticks, Blast Caps Tools and Hardware Parts Wheels, Tires, Keys, Grinding Lumber Sevfer Pipe Tag Board Fertilizer Notice to Bidders Strips for Signs Out-of-Order Tickets Coin Wrappers Saw Filing Warehouse Rent for April further business, the session was declared adjourned. IJ t. :L..r. d Cit.y Clerl, 19~ 195.10 'f 505.91\ 8.52, i 6.6411, 50.00, 7.561, 55,00)' 4.48 59.211' 6.91 10.76 10.581 1.051, 8.24 12.75 1.541 'I I.. .52! 14.65 12.86, 2.58 15.00,1 I 'I 9'J,..>.. I ~~ ~_____ I Ir.ayor '.1 :1 I 1 447--' .J