HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/12/1952 I I I I 257 ., Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ------Mey-U ""' . ''''', .."~ ."",.". .".".. "'.. .... 19--52- The Comnd.ssion met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by 11ayor Feeley. Officers present'were: l~or Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: BUILDING PERJIllTS: I~ ~ 00, R. D. Engelhart W~ne Williams l~. H. Florence C. K. MacDonald LICENSES: I q," Verna's.Sundries Verna I s .Sundries " . Build a five room house, Lot 3, Blk. 394, Townsite $ Build residence, Lot S~ of 19 &.20, Blk. 301, TownSite Build a six room house, Lot N~ 11 & 12, Blk. 371, Townsite Build 3 foot addition to existing dwelling, Lot 15, Block 342, Townsite 5,000.00 7,500.00 6,000.00 200.00 Restaurant Soft Drink 14.00 5.00 Under the head of unfinished business, one bid for White Truck Chassis was received from Warren Eacrett in amount of $42.00. It was moved by Connnissioner Taylor that the bid be accepted. Seconded by : Connnissioner Robinson. All voted /we. Motion carried. One bid was submitted by Sig "'arson in amount of $4,198.37, for installation of timber and plank stairw~ at First and Laurel Streets. It was moved by Comnd.ssioner Taylor that the bid be rejected, being more than 10% above Engineer's estimate. Seconded by Connnissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Attorney Trumbull reported rsceipt of correspondence from the Public Utility District Attorney which only coni'irmed the position taken by the P.U.D. regarding severance charge paid to the Puget Sound Power and Light Co., part of which the P.U.D. considers the City responsible. The letter also stated that negotiations may be resumed for contract renewal. l'r. Trumbull further advised that if the amount in question, or $21,174.00, is withheld from the power bill, the next move is up to the P.U.D., otherwise everything is stalemated with two opposing points of view. It WaS moved by Comnd.ssioner Robinson that the I amount of severance charge be deducted from the current power bill for March. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. l All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Comnd.Jl.sion discussed jail construction and sale of General Olbligation bonds for the same. It was movedby ~or Feeley that the City advertise sale of the bonds in amount of $67,500.00, bids to be opened May 26. Seconded by Comnd.ssioner Robinson. All voted Aye. 110tion carried. The following claims were examined and warrants authori zed in payment of same: I CURRENT EXPENSE: 'i6 9-77 City Treasurer O~pic Tribune Hazel's Cafe P. A. Motors Woodie's Harley Davidson De\~ayne B. Sharp Army- and Navy Store , Loop Auto Wrecking "0. A. L. Stewart Co. Clallam County Humane Society . Fitchard' s Assoc. Service CITY STREET FUND :.5':o,.r; Howard .Cooper Corp. Tower Super Servi ce Ulin Maintenance and Suppl,y Janish Motor Co. Dobson Auto Electric Automotive Parts "ervice Bilow Lake Equipment Co., Inc. G and W. Fire Service City Treasurer Richfield Oil Corp. Crown Zellerbach Corp. Nailor Lumber Co. WATER FUND: 1<,-{,3, '7 O~pic Printery S. G. Muhlhausen Peninsula Herald I Dobson Electric Co. Palmer Suppl,y Co. Atlas Mineral Products Co. Federal Pipe and Tank Co. Angeles Machine & Welding Wks. Forrest Hansen E. N. Hallgren Co. Willson Hardware Ce. State Treasurer LIGHT FUND: .3.3 0.<. jo I Olympic Printery City Treasurer State Treasurer Willson Hardware Co. I Automotive Parts Service O~pic Electric Co. p. A. Evening NewS' Line Material Co. General Electric Co. Fire hydrants; police postage, lite, Annuu report for 1951 198 meals for prisoners in April poli ce car repair. rearview mirror for police Prints for police 8 blankets for police Wrecker service for police Radio tubes for police Animal control Car repair for p~lice $ 208.33 75.63 132.56 58.79 1.13 5.00 28.02 5.15 61. 94 374.00 .19.24 water and garbage Release lever, trans. drive flange Oxygen, water pump Cable . , Lock' Slip #'s 1237, 1240, 1860 Parts Tooth points, tooth keys Fire ext. recharged Light ani water Gear oil Labor, repair waste liquor installation , Nails 18.14 43.42 15.00 2.84 48.37 63.09 101.93 5.15 77.14 16.88 162.67 6.18 Office supplies Refund water rent Advertising Battery Freight charges Mineralead Pi pe bands Rods, etc. Move dirt Fittings tlaila, etc. Tax 36.41 2.30 14.85 18.22 1.43 19.63 23.18 5.,65 120.00 165.23 16.97 1,139.82 Printed forma Postage Tax Tools, etc. Batteries "Tiring materials Advertising Hardware Connectors 53.92 92.30 . 3,01.$.69 18.87 4.94 1.54 23.65 42.94 15.45 I I I ....... '. ,.. 258 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 12 192 $ 2.02 2.96 I 33.53 7.31 5.02 88.80 78.61 2.43. 8.96, 7.16 16.69 5.75 92.6!l 39.12 7.21 10.00 3.90 """"....."",,,,,',."...'m....... ~ SANITATION FUND: rS'().j 'I Automotive.Parts Service Dobson Auto Electric Earl Davidson Johnson and Bork Janish Motor Co. : PARK FUND: /7 $'. l!V Wheeler Hardware and Furniture City Treasurer Allan Distributing Co. James Hardware Inv. #083.02 Hose and terminals fl,pril mileage. "aint, sandpaper, cutter, turpentine Diaphragm Power mower, parts, wire mesh bibb Light, water and garbage Grease, oil Pipe caps PARKING METER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: J b r. 6 J The Electric Co. Switch C. W. Headrick Tune motor James Hardware Co. Hammer, wrench, lags City Fuel Co. Fuel aU Wheeler Hardware and Furniture Zone lacquer Johnson and Bark Thinner CEMETERY FUND.: City Treasurer Water FIRE AND POLICE STATION STATE DEVELOPMjjNl' FUND: O~pic Tribune . ~rdinance #1281 published There being no further business, the meeting was recessed until 2:00 P.M. 08.;t~ rJ City Clerk ~';#~/J?-#1f I May 12, 2:00 P.M. The Commission met pursuant to recess declared, all officers being present. IbIchitect Field discussed certain items and cost of same if included in city jail contract. Item changes contemplated were: Item one, increase in length of piling from 16 ft. to 28 ft. as required by test, @ $2.75 per foot, $2,475.00. Jail equipment removed from Seattle Public Safety Building and installed com- plete in jail building, cost plus not to exceed $8,000..00. Item two: . Additional earth fill, 1,000 yeards @ $1.25 per yard., $1,250.00. Item three.: Install pistol range exhaust system in accordance with Alternate #10, $7.05.00. Commissioner Taylor discussed sidewalk installation and cited advantages of including this alternate in the contract. . Mr. Taylor recommended that the sidewalk be included if posBible, at the quote~price of $720.00. After further discussion, it was moved by Mayor Feeley that items one, two, and three, specified as change orders, be included in the contract at cost not to exceed $12,43.0.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All votsd Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the follcwing was introduced: I LOCAL IJIJ'IlOVElIENT RESOLUTION NO. 160 A RESOLUTION ef the City Comnd.ssion of the City of Port Angele.s declaring its intentien to improve Eighth Street, Francis Street, Seventh Street and Race Street in the City of Port Argeles by constructing con- crete sidewalks, curbs and gutters thereon, and creating a Local Improvement District to. provide for the Payment for such improvement. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COI.mISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, as follews: . Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Comnd.ssion of the City of Port Angeles to order the i1hprovement of Eighth Street, Francis Street, Seventh Street and Race Street in the City of Port Angeles from the East boundary line of the West Half (W~) of Lot Fourteen (14) in Block Two Hundred Twenty-four (224) of the TOwnsite of Port Angeles, thence l~esterly along the North curb line and sidewalk area of I Eighth Str.eet to its intersection with Francis Street, thence Northerly alGng the East curb line and . sidewalk area of Francis Street to the South margin of the alley running through said Block Two Hundred Twenty-fou.r (224) and from the North margin of said alley Northerly along the East curb line ani sidewalk area of Francis Street to its intersection with Seventh Street, thence Easterly !llong the South curb line and sidewalk area of Seventh Street to its intersection with Race Street, thence Sputherly along the East curb line and sidewalk area of Race Street to the North margin of the alley running through said Block Two Hundred Twenty-four (224), and from the South margin of the alley running through Block Two Hundred Se.ven (207) of the Townsite of Port Angeles Southerly along the West curb line ani sidewalk area of ,Race Stree.t to its intersection with Seventh Street, thence Westerly along the North c~rb' line and sidewalk area of Seventh Street to its im;ersection with Francia Street, thence Northerly along the East curb ,line and sid",<alk area Gf Francis Street to the "outh margin of the alley running through said Bleck rw. :Hundred Seven (207), by the construction, erection and installation thereon of concrete sidewalks, 'curbs and -gutters, except in such portions the reef where the same are now constructed, erected, installed and existi.ng, together with all necessary labor and material to completely erect, construct, and install such improvement. Section 2. All persons who desire to object to the proposed improvement are hereby notified to appear and: ,preset luch objection at a m~eting of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles to Iba held on I1onday, the J.il!..day of _R.. . 1952, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., at the Commission Room of said City, at 215 So h Lincoln Street in said City, which time and place are hereU,r ,fixed for hearing all matters relating to such proposed improvement and all additions theiet.., and for ! determining the method of payment for said improvement. , . , Section J. The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the "ommission, at or prior to the tate of such hearing, the estimated cost and expense of such improvement, a statement of the proportiona1B I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 12 continued. 19~ "", . """, ..",., ""'~"'. ","... "'.. .... amount thereof which should be borne bY' the property within the proposed improvement district, a statement of aggregate assessed and actual valuation of all real estate, exclusive of improvements within said district, according to the valuation placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation, together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts and pareels of land and other property which will be especially benefited thereby, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improve- ment to be borne by each such lot, tract, or parcel of land or other property. Section 4. It is the present intention of the City Commission that the entire cost am expense of said improvement shall be borne by, and assessed against, the property liable therefore as provided by law; that the nature of the improvement herein contemplated is such that the special benefits con- I ferred e!ln the property by the prClposed improvement are fairly reflected by the use of the terndni and zone. method of assessing the cost of such improvement, and it is proposed that the ordinance ordering said improvement sball provide that the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property wi thin the district accordingly. Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of such hearing by publication of this resolutil>>n in the manner provided by law, and by mailing a notice of such hearing as. required by law, ~ ma!1d.ng J. 1~~=j:um;r1.'Rg~lki.J....d-\''y 1.- to each owner, or reputed owner, of any lot, tract or parcel of land, or other property especially benefited by the improvement, and to specify in such notices, the nature of the proposed improvement, the total eotimated cost thereof and the estimated benefit tOthe particular lot, tract or parcel of land owned by each such person. Passed by the City Connnission this 12 ,day of May, 1952. It was moved by Collllllissioner Tayler that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded I by Comnd.ssioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. No further business appearing the meeting was declared adjourned. rJ, t. ,t~.. (J City Clerk ~rtpA r4- Edd ~~ ~. 2~9-' ~