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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Ma~' 13, 1936
The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.H. and was called to order b:! lJnyor Davis.
Roll call showed the following officeT's preseht: loIayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and
Masters, J\ttorney Conniff anf Clerk Hav/kins.
The minutes of the previous session vlere read and approved.
Under the head of Applicati ons for Building Permi ts t he following was gran ted:
Sig Larson, Alteration of Building, Lot 6, Blk. 32, rownsite
Angeles Furniture Co. Bed, etc. 20.35
Getchell & Gagnon Oil, etc. 1.35 I,
S. J. Lutz Expense .'ccount 2,;.45
Washington Pulp & Paper Co. Use of Truck '" 3.18
State Treasurer Ind Ins & '''ed Aid IL/-~ ...- 12.67
Statc Treasurer Ind Ins. & Med Aid 81.12
Hersey lUg. Co. Meters & .rarts 9<:.96
Edd Bea m Tools 15.30
Federal Pipe & Tank Go. Wood Pille 45.96
Angel es Gravel & Supply Co. Cement, etc. 8.42
Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Pipe Bands 9.07
Buffal~ Meter Co. Me ter Gears 3.94
Seattle Plumbing Supply ~o. Ma ter ial 8.31
Pa lmer Supp ly Co. Saddl es 3.21
Hooker ~lectrochemical Co. Chlorine 14.43
') Li~ht Dej:\artment Gasoll nc & Oi 1 15.81
~n eles ,oundry Co. Meter Boxes 24.99
Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances the following ordinance was reRd by
title and placed on its second and third readings:
AN ORDINANCE Relatin?, to the use of electric current f,-,-rnisherJ and distributed by the
Ci ty of Port Angeles and prescribing and fixing charges and rat,es for the sale of the
same; Prescribing certa:n duties of the $uperintendent cf Utilities; Providing a dis-
count for the prompt payment of bills for electric curren t used; Providing for the
termination of service for non-payment of electric current used; Authorizing the Super-
intendent of utilities, subject to the a~proval of and confirmation by the City Commis-
sion, under certain circums~ances, to make special rates to individual customers; Sub-
s,tituting the rights and provisions cf this ordinance for those ccntained in Ordinace
No. 913 and Ordinance No. 977; Repealing Ordinance No. 913 and Ordinance No. 977, and
making this Ordinance an amendment to Sections 17 and 20 of Ordinance No. 890; Providing
'for and declaring an emergency; Placing this Ordinance in full force and effect after
its lawful publication.
It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing Ordinance be plFlced on its final
reading and adopted. Seconded by May'6r Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The
Mayor declared the mction carried.
Under the head of New Business the following Resolution was introduced:
WHEREAS, The ';ity of Port Angeles is the owner of the fclloVling described pro!)erty, to-wit:
Lots nineteen (19) and tv/enty (20), Block Four Hundred Thirty-three (433),
Townsi te of Port Angel 8S, Clallam Goun ty, Wash in gton.
Vlhich said property has been aco_uired by the City on foreclosure of rJelin,!uent local
improvement assessm cnts unde r "hap tel' 205 of the Session Laws of 1927, and,
I WHEREAS, one John Radich and Irene .'adich, his Vlifo, have of::ered to purchase the said
J property above dcscri bed for the sum of Ons Hundred Five &, NoJlOa (:)105 .00l Dollars on
11 the follo1Ving tcrms, Ten (~IO.OO) JJollars dCNIll and Pi fty (~50.0a) Dollars on cr befcre
July I, 1936, and the balance at the race of Ten (910.00) Dollars per month until the
full sum is paid, including interest at the rate of 6% per annum, and,
':/HEREAS, the City Commi.ssi on has vi.ewed the property and find the offer is fflir value
fcr the property and exceeds the amount of thedelin'luent improvemen t assessments and
general taxes paid by the Ci ty.
NO'.';, THER~;FORE, BE IT R'~S,;LVED, That the said offer be accepted and that the City enter
into a contrl!ct Vii th the purchaser for the sale of nil the inter cst the Cl ty holds in
said proper ty a t said price and mn sa J.d terms; that the city a ttorney be ins truc ted tp
pre1)are a ,contract pf sale in accordance Vlith the terms herein expressed, and thIJ Mayor
and City "lerk be authorized to e:'ecute said contract in accordance with the p rovis ions
of this Resolution and of Chapter 275, Session Laws of 1927, including Sec. 4 of said Chapter
It was moved by Commissioner Masters tha t the foregoing resolution be approved (lnd adcpt-
ed. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The I.\ayor dc-
\... clared the motion carried..
Under the head of Communicatiuns and Reports,-
The Report of Fire rrevention and Clean lip Campaign Committee Vias read and ordered filed.
Under the head of Unfinished Bus iness,-
Dr. J. .;. Hay and H. B. Molchoir appeared before the Commission and took up the matter
of spcneoring a project to hard surface u road on Ediz Hock, build a community club,
recreation park and boat haven. It was agreed to support a drive to raise the necessary
funds required of the City by the ~PA for the project.
'Phe Commlssion examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants dra',-m for
May 13, 1936
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
387 .,
Purma id Dairy
Union Drug Co.
Paris Motor Co.
State Treasurer
Estinghouse Electric & Mfg. va.
Todd Cycle Shop
General ~lectric Co.
Angeles Foundry Co.
P. A. Concrete~roducts Co.
Mulhcllands Nelody Bhop
Yestinghouse Electric Mfg. Cc.
City Treasurer
Central Motor Parts & ~~chine ~orks
State Treasurer
Sta te ~r"easurer
Rent of Store Bldu.
Copper Sulphate
Repairs truck
Ind. Ins & -ed Aid
346 '
Meter Sockets
Sharpen Lawn Mower
Cutout and fus es
Casting for street light
Lamp Standards
Ba tter ie s
Meter Sockets
N. lvI. U. Ass'n
Presto Gas
Ind Ins & Med Aid
():' -
There beinll no further business the Commissicn then
Ind Ins & Med Aid
?; )7J:J~r:;~
Ci ty Clerk
,~ .10
11. ,58