HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/14/1947 I I I I I 343 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~y 14th, 19SL The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order tu Mayor Epperson. lioll call of showed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, COmmissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for wilding permits the following were granted: "/005IJ,dU ;L. C. Gallauher . Build Home; loth & N sts. (Blk. No. 55) IIMrs, E. Stuermer General Repair to Home; Lot.17, Blk. 52, Townsite Mrs. Blanche E. Finley Build 6-Room Dwelling; Garage; Lot 9, Blk. 15, P.S.C.C. Shell Oil Co. Grade Yard, Install Tanks, Put in Pump island; Lots 8-9, Blk. 169 TOYmsite IRobert H. Duskin Double Garage; Lot 15, Blk. 108, Tovmsite D. O. Downing Remodel Dwelling; Lot 10, Blk. 84, Townsite , liThe application by E. G. Mills was not approved, and it was moved by Commissioner Johnson that Commissioner listeele contact Mr. Mills regarding application for building permit as it does not conform with zoning i ordinance. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson and carried. ;\Ul "' '0 Jl] . NOT1CE Is l1crellJ' gh;l'11 thai Hal. cd b[.]s .wllJ he I'~'!eh'crl by the Clt~. Clerk nf the elL,.' U( P t AlIgcl~'8, at tho, City Hall IJr said ", uot IH~"'r tlHlll 1(1 ;t.III., MflY :.:~. Il::'h I for illo Hl.rcut Dcuartmrlll , () I ld~ ;]1 ~~a f,llj~~ ~7}~~i ,;~s;r~ttii'leS~lft~~ C~} I~I:~ I,CitY Bnglnccr. .The Commission 1'0- .~'-(,"YC~ t.hO '.';;111 II) I'Cj I)cl a.llJ' {lllll ull !, hlu'. .T. I';. L.\W, A petition signed by property owners was presented, requesting improvement by Clly CI",I<. grading, filling, and sewer installaticn of allay between 12th and 15th streets i l~ul!.lI~hSJJ.l'l.'oIr 16, ::.1, 194_,. from B to D streetsJ property owners to pay cost of said improvement. It was .moved by COIl'1:lissionsr Steele that the request be referred to the Engineering department. Seconded by !Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Under the head cf introduction of resolutions for the jintroduced: James J. Carmichael IA. W. and Ada Ii. Anderson IHarry L. and Vivian L. Fowler 'Harry L. and Vivian L. FOl'Tler 5,500.00 400.00 2,000.00, " 5,000.00 800.00 3SO.00 'I Under the head of new business, a request and moticn VTae made by ColIUllissicner Johnson that bids be published for a four ton truck for the street department to be used for flusher tank. Bids to be opened May ~8th. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. sale of real property by the City, the following VTere Lots 1 to 10, Incl., Elk. 598, TOllnsite Lot 7, Elk. 385, Townsite wt Lot 15, Blk. 110, E.C. Bakers Subd. of Sub. Lot No. 19 E" Lot 15, All of Lot 16, Blk. 110, E.C. Bakers Subd. of Sub. Lot No. 19 II 582 .00 lSO.OO' 160.00'1 640.001' ,It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolutions be approved 'Seccnded by ,Commissione r Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I liThe Commission examined and apprcved the following claims and ordered warrants " V /~r; _ ,I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Ol~~ic Stationers :City Treasurer ,Olympic Printery IThe 1\unicipal Year Book ,J. R. McDonald R. O. Ide ,'Puckett's Radio Service Viray & Raber I ~ oR' CITY STREET FUND: 30/ - 'Crown Zellerbach COrp. Illcllaster-earr Supply Co. Olympic Printery Tooker's Mctor Freight '" ;>.2 WATER FUND: -< 7~ - Hooker Electrochemical Co. ,Palmer Supply Co. M. B. Skinner Co. l/OOnsselaer Valve Co. 'LIGHT FUND: f 17f ? 7 Olympic Printery 'Viray & Re bar Westinghouse Ele c. Supply Co. J. Y. Sneddon rPuckett's Radio Service 'Treasurer of the U.S. Line Material Co. Westinghouse Ele ctric Supply CO. Angeles Machine & Welding Works I .# 0.3 SANITATION RJND: / / . ~lillson Hardware Co. PARK FUND: j6' ..z d~ .s<y Willson Hardware Co. Tools and Hardware 'James Hardware Go. 108 Ft. Chain .School District No. 7 Reerea tion Payroll-April City Treasurer Light, Vlater, Garbage I .. 3.2- PARKING METEH & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: 3, Willscn Hardlvare Co. Bolts, Washers r p ,CURRENT E!l:PENSE-CUJIDIA TlVE HESEHVE FUND: ~ ~ f ~ 7 - 'Chiarelli & Kirk, A.I.A. Architectural Fees; Comfort Stn., !llunicipal Bldg. I . L. 1. D. REVOLVING FUND: .....(' 'f ,'1:2. fity Treasurer I- and the property sold. issued in payment of the same. Office Supplies St . Lites, Fire Hydrants, Office Supplies 1947 Municipal Year Book Rent, Dog Pound-April Gar Mileage for April Radio Supplies Motor Parts & Material 1 72.11 1,518.611 16.58 8'S01 10.00' 51. 71 5.12 5.801 61.611' 177.35 33.01 29.111 [ St. & Sewers, Lite & Water Lime, Iron Sewer Supplies Office Supplies Freight Chlorine Pipe, Parts Pipe Clamps Hydrants 55.48, 19.751 35.12' 188.47 Supplies Keys Tools Repairs Parts Wire Hardyra re Meters Shop-work 15.86 1.44 57.63[ 4.79' .961 95.75 i 56.89 258.85 4.641 Shovel, Washers, Bolts, Hose 11.05 I! 11.75 18.91 105.001 70.85 5.52 4,127.50 : Taxes Paj_d 224 . 42 ~ ,..- 344 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 14th, continued, 19SL 1. 1. GUARANTY FUND: ..: '10 "- Harry Fowler La bor Bulldozing Lots IThere being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. P C- ;;Leuif', Clerk ~fl\~[' :1 . ~ I, 640.00, Mayor I I I ",':rt:'" I I