HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/14/1951 F'" 128 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 11., 19-.5L .."', . .0." ."" ",,'u,.. "'"'''', ..... .... The Conmdssion met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. and was called to order by M~or Feeley. Officers I present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, and Clerk Law. I Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were approved: . .,. ~ 'f~{J - Build Garage on Rear of Lot; Lot 3, Blk. 355, Townsite Remodeling House; Lots 6-7-8, Blk. 225, Townsite Alteration of Displ~ Room; Lot 15, Blk. 14, Townsite Addition to EKisting Dwelling; Lot 7, Blk. 222, Townsite 200.00 1,700.00 150.00 400.00 Building Permits: Edith Jarnagin V. C. Watts M; C. Adolphson Curtis C. Rudolph J' Licenses: ~S ~ James W. 'Caven- Master Plumber Hameed Bros. Peddler, one day 25.00 10.00 Under the head of unfinished business, bids for Lots 7 and 8, Block 141, Townsite, were received as follows: Arnold Levy, $176.00; Amil Monpas, $160.00; Allen M. and Sarah p. Fox $200.00. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bid of $200.00 by Fox be accepted. Seconded by /l.ayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carri ed. Don Morrison, Health Department, reported on investigation recently concluded by his department and the City plumbing inspector of sanitary conditions on Valley Street. Mr. Morrison reported thirty-five houses in the valley, twelve have septic tanks of which eight drain in the creek and 18 are dumping raw sewage direct into the stream. As only four appeared to be 'satisfied with sanitary conditions and twenty-eight in favor of sewer installation, establishment of .a ,Locaib Improvement District has possibilities. M~or Feeley informed that other property owners on the adjacent hill might be included in the district as drainage is not satisfactory. Conmdssioner T~lor estimated cost at approximately $18,000.00, which would include a sewer line on East and West side of creek. It was his opinion that a survey should be made, and after further discussion it was moved by Conmdssioner Taylor that the matter be referred to the Engineer to ascertain estimated cost, the Health Department and Inspector to co-operate regarding the same. Motion seconded by Conmdssioner Robinson and carried. Coounissioner Taylor requested a letter from Alfred T. Neal be read in which was cited an opinion of the Attorney General regarding sewer service charge and using the revenue for storm sewers, sewage treatment and disposal. The Conmdssion ordered the letter filed. The Light Superintendent infonned that specifications have been prepared for the storage building construc~ tion. It was moved by Coounissioner Robinson that bids be published for the construction and opened May 28th. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted /we. Motion carried. Tbe Commission discussed plans and specifications for construction of a City Jail and contract with Architect Fields for the same. Mayor Feeley and Conmdssioner Robinson favored approval of the contract but Commissioner T~lor did not wish to vote until further discussion and consideration regarding total cost, location, new building or removeling building now used, orepossibility of a County-City Jail. Tbe contract will be considered at a special meeting with the Planning Commission at 7:30 P.M. Under the head of new business, George Adams appeared for the Rental Property Owners and requested that the names of property owners be entered on each tenant I s account record, and that the property owner be notified of delinquent charges for service, as the owners are held responsible. The entries to he made only as requested by the property owner. The matter was referred to the Ccmmissioner of Finance with the underetanding that the City assume no responsibility other than notifying the Landlord. William Gellor, Commander of American Legion, informed the Commission that their Organization is sponsoring a circus and requested loan of heavy duty equipment and permission to cut brush on location at Port Fill. Mr. Gellor was informed that the Ci~ has no mower to cut brush and was instructed to contact the County Commissioners. K. O. Erickson filed a petition requesting vacation of "R" Street from 18th Street to the Southwest corner of Block No. 171; Q Street from 18th Street to the Railroad Right-of-way; 22nd Street from the Railroad Right-of-way to the Northeast corner of Suburban Block No. 170. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the petition be referred to the Planning Conmdssion. Seconded by M~or Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The report of Police Judge Phillips, showing $1,035.50 fines collected in March wae ordered filed. A claim was filed for approval for purchase of coveralls for the Fire Department. Feeley that the claiJn be rejected and the firemen instructed to pay for the same. Conmdssioner T~lor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. It was moved by Mayor Jf.otion seconded by Other claims examined and approved for payment were as follows (warrantll issued for same): :-...6'" CURRENT EXPENSE Fffim: /03)..- Tri-County Typewriter Co. United states Treasurer 50.06 Pioneer, Inc. Olympic Stationers City Treasurer The Texas Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Willson Hardware Co. Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Harris & Schuller J. J. Dailey Headrick Repair Service o & B Battery & Electric Stn. Nelson Equipment Co. Seattle Radio Supply, Inc. Graybar Electric Co. Pearson Music Co. Maintenance Service Annual rental of portion of Ediz Hook Lighthouse Reservation, Contract Tcg-31279 Registrar "s Notice of Registration Cancellations Supplies Light, j'later, Garbage Gasoline Parts Tools and Hdwe. Laundry & Cleaning Coupling Iron and Labor 2 Tires Grind Valves and Seats , Gen. Fan Truck Parts, Wrist Pins Radio Tubes & Supplies Wire Cable Radio Tubes & Labor 100.00 14.33 8.08 270.91 93.44 189.27 27.97 18.17 2.85 15.61 65.84 12.36, 1.03 87.74 47.74, 9.94 16.94 ~-- I I I I :1 1 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 129 ., May 11.. 195~ Continued ".,. .o"'......,,~ ..'",.." ..."....... .... bTY STREET FUND: .:271. "" .olympic Salviig;'" 'Willson HardwSl'e Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. City Treasurer 'Eklund Lumber Co. "Olympic Tribune I CITY SHOP FUND: /g 7/. 7/ ii:"& B.Battery & Elec. Sta. Willson Hdwe. Co. ,The Texas Co. I ! Belting, etc., Tools & Hdwe. Service Light, Water Lumber, Spikes Notice to Bidders 43.75 32.65 9.37 82.81 123.97 2.10 Regulator, Motor Bolts Gas, leros ene 16.36 .59 654.76 :61'19,60 ~r ATER FUND: .POT EVening News ,Tri County Typewriter Co. 'Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. ,City Treasurer Homolite Corp. Seattle Radio Suppl,y Co. ,Hooker Electrochemical Co. 'State Treasurer P. A. Concrete Prodmcts Co. Palmer Supply Co. (l; I LIGHT FUND: 'City Treasurer State Treasurer P. A. Evening News Middleton Motor Parts Col ',General Electric Suppl,y Corp. The Gerin Cprp. 'Line Material Co. I SANITATION FUND: Earl Davidson- D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta. Middleton Motor Parts 1 PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: :t,/P.fp:J 'WITiS'On Hdwe. Co:--- - - Middleton Motor Parts Co. 'Kohnson & Bark I L. I. D. REVOLVING FUND: 'OlympicTribune - I ,L. I. D. GENERAL FUND: OlympicTrliiii'OO'" - , On motion by Commissioner Robinson, .the meeting was adjourned until 7130 P. M., at the City Hall. I May 14, 1951, 7;30, F. M. I ,The Coounission met pursuant to reBess declared with all officers present. Others appearing were Waino Saari; T. T. Aldwell, and F. O. Fountain. i Mayor Feeley informed that tlle primary reason for meeting is to discuss contract with Architect Fields for 'plans and specifications for a city jail and asked Commissioner Taylor if he had studied the contract ,sufficient for decision. Mr Tayll'r replied he had looked OVer the contract and the same appears acceptable ,but requested further information as to plan of building, size, etc. Mayor Feeley informed that approximately $120,000.00 will be spent and the Police Chief and Architect will work together to accomplish all possible 'for amount appropriated. I Mayor Feeley advised that the City mmst start some where and the Architect is first condidered. Also that a :motion is in order. It was then moved by CoImLisstoner Robinson that the City enter into and the IlIayOl' sign 'a contract with Architect Fields for plans and specifications for a city jail. Motion seconded by l1ayor Feeley. I ',T. T Aldwell spoke regarding parking problems and provision for off etreet parking, thereby creating more ibusiness in the business district. Mayor Feeley replied that tile Commission could not be more interested in 'Ithe downtown district than any other location. After further explanations, Va'. Aldwell withdrew any objectiOns. I'CommiSSiOner Taylor informed that if the City issues bonds up to $400,000.00 for projects contemplated, the same requires due consideration and st.udy. Also that all projects should be considered at the same time and ihe is opposed to procedure for financing jail. It was also his opinion that the parking meters should be iconsolidated with the Police Department and accumulation of money saved, used for jail construction. i Request for the question and roll call on the same revealed Mayor Feeley and Commissioner Robinson vot.ing IAye. Commissioner Taylor voted opposed. Mot.ion carried. lIt was then moved by Mayor Feeley that the Attorney be inst.ructed to provesd with documents necessary to :procure bonds. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. 1he Mayor and Coounissioner Robinson voted Aye. ICoouniS sioner Taylor voted opposed. Motion carried. I 'Mayor Feeley opened for discussion, a bill passed by the State Legislature providing that governing bodies of 'Cities be authorized to fix hours city offices aile open for business. It was moved by Mayc;>r Feeley that the I \Attorney be instructed to draw an Ordinance fixing hours the office will be open which will include the 1emergency clause making the same in force and effect after legal publication. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion unaniJnousl,y carried. r Adv. Machine Service Service Envelopes Pump Parts Batteries Chlorine Taxes S. Boxes Ilipe 2.88 163.15 20.86 300.00 10.85 2.99 53.32 1,014.59 18.50 612.46 ~//7,;2.1 Postage Taxes Adv, Bids Tape Transfcnners Test-kit St. Lt. Fixtures 1.50 2,528.09 1.62 3.38 298.70 25.97 257.95 :ZIPs; 77 Car Mileage Parts Parts 27.09 12.66 226.02 Tools & Hdwe. Sand Discs Paint, etc. 2.69 1.95 22.01 I:!J'I Notice of Sale 1.38 9./'t 9.18 Legal Publication ..... r 130 ..... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington MaY 14. Continued . 19.5.1_ '"'' . '"~". "."... ".,,~... ..,."" ..... ..... I Commissioner Robinson informed that residents on Tenth Street west of I Street request an evening meeting with the Commission regarding inadequate water service. It was suggested that the evening of May 21 be set as meeting date and Commissioner Robinson wae authorized to make arrangements for the same. No further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned. ~. G. X~, (j City Clerk ?t~///7 ;t;'l- MayOr ~U'XOTJCC'TO f"bDiRt~~ Notice "is her(!by gi.....en that .'!'eaJea bldll will be accepted by the C'ty Clerk of tile City of Port AngeJ'es, W.,l"ngton. " tJ>o City Hali of <aid elh'. f10t latiPr thttn ll):{)O a.m., May 21:\, 19!'il. for con!;lructJon o[ a frame warehul!se at Second and Val- ky Streel. To be ~2' b~' 66', concrete footings, and or wood nnd aluminum consttuCtJOll. .Slle~lflcation8 may be obtained at the City Ll~ht OfficI' The City Comml.'l~l(jll rf'~e-r\'e~ tIle right to reject finy or IlII 1l1()R . .J. B. LAW. CIt3-' Clnrk. Publlsilcd; Ma)-' 18, 25. 19!i1. I' 1 1 1