HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/15/1950 'f' /~ ,. q , ~~! ,~~. ~, 1 %l "',f ~ .~ ~i.' J i ~ j~ 'j " .-if.... 't ~. .,1 'f . . ~ l1t . .~ .~ ~' , " t l (,.c'.... \ i' "-. , 'N ;J .~ ; '.~ \ ~i J: ~~ ;\'t '. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington j May 15, 19~ u ,.~ . ""M... ..""~ "''''~'. .mm........ .... I The Conmdssion met in regular session at 10:00 A.ll., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers . present were: Mayor Feeley, Commis sioners Ilobinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumwll, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I Under the head of applications for wilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: 00 11~~O - Construct Garage; Lot 7, Blk. 1, Hartt & Cooke Subd. Add 1 Roo", to Present Dwelling; Lot 11, Blk. 106, Townsite Add Woodshed-Garage to Back of House; Lot 5, Blk. 1, Hartt & Cook Subd. Garage with Guest Quarters; Lot 18, Blk. 544, Townsite fuild Garage; Lot 12, Blk. 165, Townsite Remodel Lee Hotel Garage; Lot 16, Blk. 15, Townsite .~ I Buildtng Permits: I Clyde..R. Hensley, , A. Ward Piorcy A. M. Beutler L. C. Mclllenn IF. R. Herron DelGuzzi Bros. .. 00 I Licenses: 1- LUcille's Beauty Shop Beauty Operator I . Under the head of unfinished wsiness, pursuant to notices posted the hearing for vacation of that portion lof Alder Street between First and Second Streets was opened. After discussion regarding use of the street 'and no disadvantages appearing, also no objections made or filed, it was moved by Commissioner Robinson ithat the portion of Alder Street as requested be vacated with rights reserved for use by utilities. Motion 'seconded by Commissioner 1'aylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I The,-liearing for vacation of B Street North of the alley between 4th and. 5th Streets was then opened. IProtest by Norman Larson, having been filed, the hearing of said vacation was postponed to the next session 'for fUrther consideration. 250.00 250.00 200.00 1,200.00 lW.OO 15,000.00 1.00 II I Pursuant to calls for bids for the sale of Lot 2, Blk. 415, Townsite, one bid was subr.,itted by Frank ltich I for $75.00. It was moved by I,:ayor l'~eeley that the offer 'ue accepted. ~econded by Conmlissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. j Bias submitted for City printing for the year heginning July 1, 1950, were submitted as follews: ij, ;.j W 'I: ~ Iii 1 ,Port Angeles Evening News: First Non-tabulated Matter Tabulated Matter 1'00 Olympic Tri wne : Non-tabulated Matter Ta bula ted Me t ter Peninsula Herald: Nonpareil, 4~ per line, single column meaeure. Tabulated matter, 4~ per line, single column measure, for each insertion unlass published only one time, in which case the rate will be 8~ per line. It was moved by lI.ayor Feeley that the bid ~- The Olympic Tribune be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Publication 12~ 16~ Repeat Publications 9t 9t 3t 6~ 5; 5; ':'. :!!ii ',;-.. ,. ,,' CftU }1"uI'" Bids For elt)' p,dutlnll:" NoUc~ i~ hereby' glvell thaI paled ,bldS wilt be receiYcd 'in the l..>fflc of lhe ell" Clerk of tll{l City of. pgr rJl~:~i~' ~~:~l~~~tti~/~~ l~f~otlf~r, the ot(lt'lal Jlrintlng vf t11,..t."l.t~ or~ ! ~lCl:tJ~ryltll,et~.{,~ ~hhee r~~i~l~~~l1f~' /: '~~a 1~)1.t~T:~~~~e'ltn o;:!'::I~a~O;:"~H~\rl~8i: t~l:cteBtf~al)~ll- 1;;.niBrudbl~li{~~db o~f)Il~~ ~~~mbgl~dcr~rt~~ '~~I~~ ~r$~O~~~r~;:; ;~~tr~~~t1~;~11 tl~e1e~t~~I?-;~:eTh(lef c~~~~ 1 mission rllllcrVClJ the l'ight to l'e.1e.c" allY l\nd, all bId:;. I PUbllShed:J~l~~: :;.~i~;})~~:,lY c~.crl'. ! The City Treasurer infonned that Carl and Lois Greeil have not complied with the conditions of their contract for the purchase of Lots 19 and 20, Block 144, Townsite, having not made a payment since March, 1949., Also requested that the contract be cancelled. It was regularly moved and seconded that the request be Motion carried. Under the head of new business, Cap. Harris appeared regarding increase in rates for garbage collection. Mr. Davidson informed that increase was not for additional revenue, but to decreese volume of garbage. Also the rate for . extra box will be ' the same. Attorney lIilson appeared for Hay Petersen concernirJg water service connections near Race Street & Boulevard. The matter was referred to Corrunissioner Taylor. referred to the Attorney. Joe Morrison appeared regarding a deed to the City whereby the City would acqllire property for a gravel pit. This was also referred to too Attorney. ! Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: RESOLUTION A RHSOLUTION of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, employing counsel fur certain services in connection with the issuance of general obligation bonds of the city. ,.; WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that the City of Port Angeles, Washington, issue its general obligation bonds in the principal sum of not to exceed $500,000, payable by unlimited tax levies, to pay part. of the cost of constructing and installing storm sewers along, in and under certain streets within the city and also pi:' ving said streets; and WHEREAS, the Constitution and Laws of the State of Washington provide that the propos~tion of whether or not such bonds may be issued must be submitted to the qualified electors of the city for their ratification or rejection; and WHEREkS, it is further deemed necessary and advisable that bond counsel skilled in such matters be employed . to draY( the ordinances, resolutions, notices and other documents necessaI'J' fur said election and for the issuance and sale of said bonds, and to give their opinion as to the validity of such bonds at the time of their sale; I .11 NOVl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City COl'llllission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, as follows: That Preston, ThoI'grimscih & Horowitz, attorne;rs at law of Seattle, Washington, be and they are hereby. employed to perform the services above set forth, and as compensation therefor the city agrees to pay them the sum of Seven Hundred >1fty Dollars ($750). In the event that the proposition providing for the issuance of.said bonds shall fail to carry, then the city agrees to pa;r said counsel the sum of Two dundred Dollars ($200), which shall be payment in fUll for their services rendered to the date of such election. 10 addition thereto, the city further agrees to reimburse said counsel for all out-of-pocKot expenses, such as lotlg distance telephone tolls, which they may incur in rendering said services, and to fUrnish said co\:.ooel at their office in Seattle, Washington, with a complete certified transcript of all proceedings taken in the rratter of the issuance of said bonds. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded~' Co1t'Jnissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 2 \ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "......".......",....,..,"'......."'......~ cUnder'the.ihead of reading of Ordinances the following was considered for third and final reading: I ORDINANCE NO./~ AN ORDIllANC~ relating to JAlblic health and sanitation, the collection and disposal of garbage, trash and refuse and amending Sections 5 snd 12 of Ordinance No. 1129 as amended by Sections 1 and 2 or Ordinance 'No. 1165. I Objections having been made and filed, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the third reading be post- lponed until the next session. Seconded by Conmdssionor Robinson. All voted Aye. Motiop carried. I .Under the head of introduction of Ordinances, the following was introduced: I . ... AN ORDINAN:;E of the City Conmdssion of the City of Porl Angeles, llashington, providing for the suhmissi on to ;the qualified electors of said city at a special election of a proposition authorizing the construction and :installation of certain storm sewers and the paving of certain streets, all within the city, and providing )fUrther .that the city issue general obligation bends, to be paid by unlimited annual tax levies, in the .principal amount of not to exceed $500,000 for the purpose of providing fUnds to pay part of the cost of . sa id impro.vements. I . C :It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be,passed first and second reading. Seconded b,' Commissioner Robinson. Commissioner Taylor informed that having no opportunity to study proposed Ordinance, he requested,more time before voting. After fUrther discussion it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that ;,t:he Conmdssion reconsider the motion and meet at 4:00 P.M. for further discussion. Motion seconded by Mayor ~eeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I IThe Coimnis sion examined and approved the following claims and ordered wa1rants 1ssued in payment of same: , . v~ CURRENT EXPENSE WIll: 1/1- United States Treasurer j ,The Olympic TribJ.ne ',V & VI Supply Co. ,C. A. Wolverton \James R. Vail K.O.N.P. Radio Station Willson Hardware Co. ,The Texas Co. I cCITY STREET FUND: Ge or ge. (Mang a no ,The Texas Co. '~Iailor Lumber Co. Howard Cooper Corp. Crown Zellerbach Corp. Pope & Talbot, Inc. Willson Hardware Co. I (,5 WATER WND: /77 - 'The Olympic TribJ.ne H. E.Dcidge 'lannausdle Junk Co. aohnson;&:Bork Wallace &. ,Tiernan Western Utilities Supply Co., I.. "," 79 LIGHT H;ND: 'I f - Vim. Dierickx Co. Seattle Radio Supply Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. General Electric Supply Corp. I ~TAT!.ON EUND: ;). ~ OJohnson &. Bork I .z:L PARK EUND:c:., 3'frJ - tlontgomery Ward & Co. Lunt's Battery Service City Street Dept. City Treasurer City Fuelbo. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Wheeler Hdwe. &, FurniturecCo. Angeles MilNofk &c Lbr. C'o. Peninsula Sand & Gravel brown Zellerbach Corp. Angeles Bldg. Center Todd CyoleCo. I .. 51 CEMETERY .EUND: 3 Angeles l~illwork & Lbr. Co. . ?ity Street Dept. , l'ARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL WND: Willson ',HardVlare Co. City Treasurer Johnson & 'Bork Trick. &. Murray I .,'.. of L. I. GUARANTY FUND: ~_ The Olympic Trihlne I 01 13(;') - May 15th. continued. 19~ ORDINANCE NO. E3.c, Annual Rental Portion of Ediz Hook Resorvation, Contract Tsg-51279 Legal Publication Blank Forms Tra vel Expense Seed and Labor for Lawn Clean-up Electrical Announcement Supplies Gas Lighthouse 100.00 2.97 5.56 24.00 97.85 19.20 15.46 148.62 Mat'l & Labor for Manhole Gasoline, etc. Lumber Loc~1iro, Master Pin Lime Lumber Tools and Hardware 215.65 620.44 50.57 5.76 84.98 365.94 45.74 Adv. Expense Picks, etc. Paint Wa she rs Fit tings .96 44.10 25.60 2.42 .76 103.811 5.15 4.55 44.72 44.57 Parts Radio Parts Pliers, Hardware Ca ble & Tool Bags, Hole Auger Paint Supplies 2.11 2 Tires Battery Gas and Oil Ligh t, Water, Garbage Stove Oil Service 5288, 5851 Nails, Grass Seed, Wire, Tools Glass Wax, Shiplap, Lumber Sand Scrap Iron Lumber, Nails Sherpen Mowers 50.78 14.65 52.90 I' 69.08 22.99 11.28 51.51 I 62.22 15.90 7.21 20.62 i 5.10 I I .87 2.70 & Hdwe. Nails Gas and Oil .:(b~1 1 Drill Express Enamel Coin Wrappers 2.75 9.77 6.70 1.19 Legal Publication 2.04 : I '\1 \ II" 'I; I j -4 v )1' I 'if, :1 ,I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~l ., May 15th. continued. 19~ .... 1'1-1.1 Legal Publication 1'axes & Costs Lots 17 to 20, Blk. 555 .661 73.71! I L. I. REVOLVING FUND: The Ol;ympic Tri buoo City Treasurer I L. 1. D. GENERAL FUND: /-:" City Treasurer i There' .being no further wsiness, 4:00 o'clock. Postage 1.50 it was regularly moved and seconded that the meeting be recessed until Pursua:nt to recess declared, the Commission met at 4:00 P.M. with all officers present. Under 'the head of unfinished business, the following Ordinance was again considered for first and secon~ read in"g : ORDINANCE NO. /.;<;l.(.. AN ORDINANCE of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the submission to the' qua"lified electors of said city at a special election of a propositi. on authorizing the construction and installetion of certain storm sewers and the paving of certain streets, all wittlin the city, and providing fUrther that the city issue general obligation bonds, to be paid by unlimited annual tax levies, in the principal amount of not to exceed $500,000 for the purpose of providing funds to pay part of the cost of said improvements. It wa's moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading and July 11th set as date for special election. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motioh carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the question of whether the City of Port Angeles should adopt dayligtlt saving tune has caused great division of opinion among the citizens of the City of Port Angeles; and . I YffiEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is now on standard time, and great confUsion hss resulted in communications i and transportation facilities between the City of Port Angeles and other cities of Western Washington which I ~ave adopted daylight saving time; and 'WHEREAS, many of the citizens of ttle City of Port Angeles wistl to adopt daylight saving time in and for said city between the dates and upon the schedule followed by the City of Seattle and other cities in Western ,Washingtcn now and in the future operating on daylight saving time; now, therefore, I BE IT RESOHED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that an emergency exists requiring the ICalling of a special election to determine whether or not the City of Port Angeles shall adopt daylight saving time between such dates and for such period and on such schedule as are used and adopted by the City . of Seattle and other cities of Western Washington now and in the future operating on daylight saving time, I such schedule to be followed between such dates and for ~uch time each and every year hereafter. IBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such special election be, am the same is hereby, called for July 11, 1950, and 'that at such special election there be submitted to the voters of the City of Port Angeles the following 'proposition, to wit: PROPOSITION Shall the City of Port Angeles adopt daylight saving time for each yea r following this election, and shall the City Conmdssion of said City be authorized to fix a uniform period each year for use of daylight saving time in conformity with the period fixed and adopted by the City of Seattle and other cities ill wester; wasjngton now am in the fUture adopting d/,Ur.,t saving time? Daylight saving time yea Daylight saving time no I It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by .Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'There being no fUrther wsiness, the meeting was then adjourned. i I I I I J., I '.' I' , I I I I I i i i i ;;""L t!1 Lh/ Mayor I I I I I C G. ;/.~" () City Clerk ~