HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/15/1958 590 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington M~y 1 iii I 1 q I:i:R 19_ ",. . "~'"', 'h'" "".""_""h" ..... ..... IICity Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers revealed t~e' following'~resent: Councilmen Sandison, ~Atthieu, Wolfe, McFadden, Maxfield and ,Thorne, Manager Vergeer. Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. I I It was moved by Councilman Sandison that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Council- iman McFadden and carried. IUnder the head of unfinished bsiness, Mr. Vergeer told Council he had notified Cr~,n Zellerbach regarding ! complaint by Al Clevenger of tv interference from power line. Also that investi;;aticn has been completed I which shows the power line to have a high radio noise level but not to be the cause of the tv intetfu"ence i complained of. !Alfred T. Neal, Acting Director of State Pol1utionControl Commission, notified in writing that June 12 has been eshblished as date of hearing on the subject of Water Resource Uses in the I'icinity of Port Angeles. ~ An adequate location for said hearing will be arranged. Council examined specifications of- proposed public comfort stations, construction of ccst estimated at 'fifteen' and'twenty thousand dollars. Mr. Gwynn asked what' is being done towa~d-station installation, at Edi. Hook Boat House. Mayor Smith replied that the Salmon Club and Service- clubs are working on same. J .l\fter more discussion, it was moved by Councilman MCFadden that further consideration be tabled. Seconded ;by Councilman Sandison and carried. , jUnder the head of new business. claims payable May 15 werc approved in total amount of $41,973.73. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman ~laxfield and carried. lIt was moved by Councilman McPadden that monthly budget reports of receipts and expenditures of City Idepartments be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. I It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the Police Judge report and Treasurer's repo rt for April be ,approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. :Residents of the Lincoln School District petitioned the Planning. Commission and "ark Board for children' s I' playground to be located in the area between TUlnWater and F Streets and 4th to 16th Streets. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that petition be referred to the Park Board for recommendations. Seconded by iCo~ncilman Sandison and carried. lIt. was moved by Councilman McFadden that Council approve a plan, PSH No.9, of the State Highway Departmmt 'to install overhead traffic signs on State high"ays through the City. Motion seconded by Councilman 'Sandison and carried.. i r Clallam County Amateur Radio Club informed in writing they have no use for building formerly belonging to .'the SalTTlon Club and are returnip.g their interest in sane to the City. Councilman McFadden questioned 'I advisabili ty of accepting. as the building appears to be a white elephant. Mr. Vcrgeer suggested that ,some other organization might be interested and have use for building. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield Ithat the City accept the clubhouse. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye except Councilman ,McFadden, voting opposed. Motion carried. ~ IRequests for transfer and rene\'Jal of beverage licenses were received as f 0110\'/5: McDonald '5 Boathouse, !,renewal. Lee Hotel, transfer from Casper and Evelyn Merle from 113 E. Front to ~oseph Vasey, 112~ West First. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that the license of Hector McDonald Boathouse be approved. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. It "as' moved by Councilman Sandisoiitthat the request by IJos~Ph Vasey be' approved. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried, Councilman Maxfield voting opposed. I ICurtis E. ano Morma J. Stump requested in writing, permission to construct a souvenir and gift shop on a IPortion of Railroad Avenue adjacent to Canadian Pacific Dock. Attorney Severyns advised that abutting Iproperty owners can use a street until it is opened as a piJblic' thoroughfare and Oi'fnerS may approve sub- Ilease. Mr. Stump informed that owner and lessee have approved use of the location. It was moved by 'Councilman McFadden that permission to sublease be granted as requested. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu I an~ carried. I ,Mr. Vergeer reported results of electrical rate reduction. Report shows industrial rates down- 9.2% land residential 10.2%, reducing the light revenue approximately $84,000.00 annually. Council questioned if this reduction would intelfere "ith proposed capital improvements of the Light Department. Mr. Vergeer lassured there woultl be no curtailment. ,JMr. J:t:les Wise, having resigned his position on the Park Board, it was m~ved by Councilman McFadden that 'William S. Johnson be appointed to serve the unexpired term which expires August 15, 19S9. Seconded by ) Councilman Sandison and carried. It was also moved by Councilman l~olfe that Me. Johnson attend the l Recreational Division of the Association of Washington Cities \;onvention in Spokane. May 21, "22 and 23. I ~econded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Mr. Vergeer told Council that as matter of good business and emergency precaution, the Light Department 'should have as standby, one 2500 K.V.l\. transfomer which would be available in case of severe weather or unusual conditions, recommending that such transformer be purchased. It was moved by Councilman McFadden - that Council authorize the Manager to purchase such standby transformer, aftd award a bid therefore. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. I Mr. Vergeer reported notification of awards of merit to the Water Depart!'lent for safety during the years ,1956 and 1957. Also that Water Superintendent Dodge will receive same at the American Water Works Oon- vention which he is attending in Spokane. The Manager also asked permission to request' 602day extension Ion Clallam .....ounty Physicians Service Medical contract. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that request ifor extension be authorized. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. I 'Council examined a Resolution pertaining to personnel. rules and regulations, vacations,"'~ick leave. etc. :The follow1ng Resolution was then introduced and passed: I I RESOLUTION NO.8-58 A RESOLUTION pertaining to personnel, rules and regulations, establishing- hours of employment, leaves of 'absence with pay, sick leave \'Iith pay, annual vacation, military let-ve, fixing policy as to holiday work 'and other Matters pertaining to err.ployment with the City of Port Angeles. I ~~ERR~S, under date of March 17, 1943, the resolution was adopted by the then City Commission pertain- ;ing to the matters covered by the title of this resol\1tionj and, WHEREAS, conditions have changed and it appears desirable and to the best interest of the Ci1>y and its employees to make certain changes as here and after set forth; , , "" V~" I 1 1 I I I 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 5911 I May IS, 1958 continued 19_ '""" . ..Moo, ..,,~ ""'_", ,".,,",..... ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RF.SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that said resolution adopted March 17, 1943, is hereby repealed. Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to all the city employees, department heads and officers of the City, and that this resolution shall be effective immediately after its adoption, I Be it further resolved that t"e follOl<ing rules and "egl11ations shall apply to all department heads I and employees of the ,Ci 1ty of Port Angeles to the end that all persons employed by the Ci ty shall receive equal and equitable consideration during their term of employment or appointment, TO-WIT: The following provisions of these rules, as contained herein, are hereby declared to be general administrative rules for all departments. SECTIW 1. Ilours of Duty: Minimum hons of duty for all male employees shall be forty hours per ,,,,,eek.. Minimum hours of duty for female employees shall be thirty-seven hours p~r week. Such minimum requirements shall be prescribed by the heads of the departments concerned and set forth in instructions issed by them to govern their respective departments. Daily working hours normally shall be from 8:00 o'clock A.M., to 12:00 Noon and from 1:00 o'clock P.M. 'I' to 5 :00 0 'clock P.M., for all male emplQl'ees provided, hOl<ever, that the head of the department may adjust the hours of any individual employee Dr gro9s of employees under his supervison to provide for a different schedule of daily work hours or for extra service outside of the normal Or average ..ork hours, , but such adjustment shall not result in the redntion of the average hours of ..ork required herein for a I full time employee and provided further that all public Offices, shall he opened to the public during the : hours prescribed by law. , SECTION 2: Leftves of Absence with Pay: Payments may be made to monthly employees for absence during their assigned hours of duty only for the purposes and to the extent provided in the sections tllat follow covering sick leave, annual leave, civil leave, and military leave. In calculating leaves, the total l working time normally required of each employee in a week shall be treated as the equivalent of five I working dRYS f Or the purposes of leave. I S.lCTICl'I 3: Sick Leave with Pay: Sick leave with pay shall be granted by appointing authorities at the rate of one work day for each calendar month of service. Sick leave shall not be consid~red a~ a privilege \vhich the employee may use at his discretion, but shall be only used in the case of necessity and actual sickness or disability. Unused sick leave shall be accumulated at the rate of six days a year to a total of not more than 104 work days. In order to receive compensation while absent on such leave, the employee must see that proper notification is given his immediate superior of his illness I within four hours after the time set for beginning his daily duties, 01' as may be specified hy the head 'I of his department. \~hen absence is for more than three \'iork days, the employee shall file a personal affidavit or a physicians certificate with the head of the department stating the cause of the absence. No accumulated sick leave may he used except in case of actual sickness.. Sick leave with pay shall be I granted for one of the following reasr.ns, where the facts are established to the satisfaction of the head I of the department: j (I) Because of, and during, illness or InjUry inca.pacitating the employee to perform his duties.. (2) By reason of exposure to contagious disease during such periOd as his attendance on duty would jeopardize the health of fellow workers or the public, or (3) Because of illness or death in the immedi.:te family requiring the attendance of the employee.. (4) In the case of maternity leave. For the purpose of subsection (3) of Section 3, "immediate family" shall included only persons related by blood or ~arriage or legal adopti.on in the degree of consanquinity of which includes grandparents, parent, wife, husband, brother. sister, child, or grandbhild; and any reliltive living in the employee's I household. Leave for such reason shall be limited to three (3) days in anyone instance.. I b.. In Cases of absence arising by reason of imjury to an employee in line of duty, except when covered by industrial insurance, or by reasOn of illness from ccrtaei.cus or infectd:.ous diseases clearly I contracted in the line of duty where the employee's occupation is such'.as to require exposure to known i cases of such contagious or infectious disease, th-e head of the departlllent may extend the sick leave l provided for in these rules.. S.lCTION 4: Annual Leave With Pay: AnnHal leave with pay shall accrue to each em~lol'ec of the City I at the rate of ten working days for each twelve months of service, provided however, that employees , upon having completed ten years cf continuous service in the employ of the City, shall be enti tied to fifteen working days of annual leave- and employees having been in the continuous employ of the City for a periOd of twenty years or moce'shall be entitled to twenty working days of annual leave.. Provided I fUJ;t'h~r, that employees who '''ere in the employ of the City on or before the first day of June, 1950, shall be "gTfinted annual leave at the rate of one working day fer each month of con'tinuous service iri the eMployment of the City for the first ten year periOd and that longivity leave shall be applied as 'follows: After ten years - fifteen working days. After twenty years - twenty working days. (b) The leave credited fer any month of service may be taken in any subsequent month provided, i hCt,;'ever~ such leave "rill not interfere with the work of the de!1nrtment and apDlication for such leave '.11 has been made in advance and approved by the department head.. (c) No enployee shall be permitted to accumulate vacation leave in excess of the amount earned over a two year pe:riod and such leave is subject to provision (b) stated above. (d),f- upoh termination of employment only will vacation leave to which an employee would have been entitled be paid in cash to the employee as .salary earned. SOCTION 5: Holiday Leave: Any employee required to wa: k on a legal holiday, excepting Sundays, I shall be entitled to one day holiday leave within thw eek immediately following such holiday work, ,_ provid~d however, that this mall apply in such instances where the employee's holiday work hC'.s taken place ;'continu~usly behleen the hours of 8:00 A.M. imd 5;00 P.M. When ever any legal holiday, other than Surldai;' falls on Sunday this section shall apply. This section shall not apply to employees who receive addit~onal compensation for holiday work. i SECTION 6: Military Leave with Pay: ., -'and above the annual leave may be allo1ved Reserve Corps of- the united States to the of the Se.sion La"s of 1939. SECTION 7: Leave of :.bsence without Pay: Leave of absence without pay may be allowed for specific periOds f'or ahy' of the reasons applicable for leave with pay for my periOdS beyond thoso covered by permissibfe<:ieaves with pay; for military service; and for maternity leave. Leave of absence without pay shaH not be allowed to an extent aggregating more than twelve months in any consecutive period 6€rfive years, butfuis limitation shall not apply to absence on account of military service. Any employee I~ entering the military or naval service of the United States, under the conditions prescribed in Chapter 201 of the Session Laws of 1 941, shall be entitled to leave of absence without pay and restoration to his position i_n accordance with the provisions of that act. Leave of absence without pay, except in cases of "military service ~r maternity leave, shall not be authorized in any case where such leave shall operate Ito the detriment of the City Sentee. SKTlCl'I 8: Absence .,ithout Duly Authorized Leave: Absence not on duly authorized leave shall be treat-ed...as absence without pay and, in adliition, may be grounds for disciplinary action.. ~~."S'kTION 9: Cancellation of leave credits on Separation: When an employee's service with the City I 'h:a:!/;;~~en terminated he shall be paid for accumulated vacation pay. All other leave credits, however, shall'be cancelled. The limitation in this section shall not be interpreted to apply to employees going on .leave of absence without pay under the provisions of Chapter 201 of the Session Laws of 1941, as 1 provided in Section 7 of these rules. Such employee shall be allowed leave with pay to the extent I , Leave not to exceed fifteen calendar days in anyone year over to any employee who is a member of the National Guard or txtent authorized by, and under the provisions of Chapter 113 , I of theu I ...1111 ,. 592 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Mav IS. 1958 continued 19_ no. . """". ....., ....'0.." ....n.. ..... ..... accrued and unused annual leave which shall be followed with the leave without paYr provided for in ! Section 7 of these rules. SECTlOO 10: Part-time Services: Where less than full-time s~rvice is required, or rendered in any position, or employment, conpensation shall be paid only on such a part-time basis, r.nd payment shall ,take account of the ratio of heurs actually engaged on duty to the ratio required for full time service in determi.ning the benef its under this resolution. SECTION 11: This resolution shall not apply to extra help or temporary employees. This reso.htion shall appy to any employee whether employed on hourly or monthly basis in regular employment of the City 'as covered by the budget under regular classification of employment. SB:TION 12: Records: Each department shall keep records of attendance and absence in such a manner ! as to produce all inforT:lation necessary for conformity with these rules.. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by LCouncilman Matthieu and carried unanimously. lThere being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. 9, C 'i!.....Q-U.I- (J Cit y Clerk i,-L--~~ ayor < l l f _.... ~.l. ..... ~., NOT,ICE 0; ~L FO~ Bms CITY P2UIf"l'UfG :to'%'IC:C OF CALL POll. :aIDS I Bl(ls will be rccei'ved liP to 5:00 t ~~Clj~~k or t~~' bl~~~ ~1~r~,9~l.il) a~~i I }<'ronl Street, Port Angele!;, \Ya.5h. IllgtlJiL, covering tile proposed Dairn. lng of the Ci\'lc Field ill PlJrt An- geles, \\'llsh'lng:Ulll Bidders shall IndicatE a Ilrlee in-.. {'Imtlng roof. mill anti barn paint.' dll.r~ green, for SIJrHY 11aintiug vf all, work: except a,. otherwh,e ll\fli,oalt,u. Dry tagt enamel shan Ile u!'3ed I.nJ, hand mils, lOp of hand rail In staEl. lum, stAiJIUIn entrnnc" caslngs, In- ('.lulling the top board of such cas_! lngi'il. Saml-gloss enamel s]\all bel usect a$ InterJor paint for ladles ,'oom, mens room, tiCKet offices, locker rooms and roof and stringerl worle Inside stadium, l~sttma.te.:J quantltles are 0.9 fo.l1ws: ; l OutFlhlc st~\n WOl"k, 827li sq, ydl;', Inside pa.int anQ Enamel, 812 sq'l' ;T(]Roo[ and Stl"lnger ~'~ork, 1791 Sq'l !~'df;. Bl(ltlr.r shall Indicate tile net cost I lj~l"t~~p~1~i~~ ~~c ~~ifr:ngi~03.~~ !,~rt~r:if'ed'~ld c~~;;l~h~~rft~gP?~tc~~ ,na.te", cxc1uatng material, whioh bid '~hfln Cover ttJe labor only on the i 'work pr,ol)'Di9~d to be done hereunder. -- - G. S. VERGElER, -. I City Manager ~'lbli3hed; .Tune r; nnd 12, Hl58, 'l':()TICE !:; herel):\, given th<\t l'len]- cd 1)ldl'i will he I'ecel\'cd by the <.."t\t). Clerk of tile City of Port. ..'Il~elc~" \Y.ashlnffton, at tJlt~ CIty Hall oC &'lld eil\' not later thall :1:00 O'Clock P. M., iunc 12, UfoS, for the orf1cla.l Pi'intln~ of tile elt)' o( Port Ang('l. N~. during tile. year ~OIIlf'mnclng JUlv 1, HHiS. The Jll'lntlng l~ trl be In 'nQnlla.rell or i'li:l: point t)']J(l, Em] publlslwd In regular Issues of the llewspHper a.war(led su~h f'Ol1tl'flct. Bhls t{< be submlttcd all a l)!H'b' 1)( che.rge "P('1' line", COIltl'act t{< hi' re'luired The City Council l"C's€rve!< tile right tll rejc,et Rny or all bld~, J. B. LA VI, City Clerk Publiohed: )TRS ~!) and J\IIlC 5, I!HiS IIIl.... I I 1 I