HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/16/1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 211 ~ Mav 16, 1934. 193_ I I I I I The ComP.1ission met in regular session at 10 a,P.1. and, V/aS called to order by Mayor Davis. Rolt call showed the following officers present: I\ra~'or Davis, Commissioners Lu tz and 1.las tel's, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hay/kins. The minutes of the previous session vlere l' ead and approved. Under the head of Building l'ermi ts and Lincenses the follo'{/in.~ vlere granted,- J. Y. Eineddon, Remodeling i:ltore, Lot 8,Blk. 268, Townsi,te V, A, ~;ar.lUelson, Shed !.Ietal Roof, lot 11, Blk. 17, 11.R. Sinith's Sub. otto J. Kaiser, Snull Dwelling, Lot 17, Blk. 178, Townsite L. E. ~;tark, Dance at Lv,O.?, Hall Royal Gab Co" 2 - 5 passenger cars T~e Public Liability and Property Damage vas approved by the City Attorney. $100.00 100.00 700.00 5.0Q 10.00 Co. , Insurance Polic~! of the Ro:'al Cab Ur.der the hoad of Ileadine; and Passage of Ordinances the follol'ling Ordinances were read by title and placed on their third r~adings,- AN ORDINAnCE Relatingto intoxicatinG liquors, prohibiting the manufacture, possess- ion, sale or other disposition thereof, in the ~ity of Port An@Oles, except in certain cases; 1l1'ovi1inc; penalties for the violcctinn thereof; Repealing Ordinance Ho. 985 of the City of Port Angeles, and declaing ~ emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregOing ordinance be placed on its finall'"ading and adopted. Seconded by MA.yor Davis. On roll call all membel's voted a,'e. The ;"ayor declared the motion carried. '1ft AN ORDIllATrCE Approving and confirming the assessment roll of Local Improvcmen t District 1'10. 147 for the improvement of portions of Blocks 126, 119, 115 and 122 of the Ci ty of Port "ngelcs by the construction of a lateral sewer draining the property in portions of said blocks and the' necessary work in connection thererli th, which improvement district \'lo.S creo. ted under Ordinance No. 992 of the City of Port Angeles, levying and assessing the ar'lOunts thereof against the several lots ',nd tracts of land lIS shorm on the roll; o['derin; the collection of such assJSsments and creating and estalllish:inr; a s)lecial local improvement fund for said rlistrict and ordel'inc: that the saId a':~essmelJt be paid into sU'3h special fund. It vIas moved by Commis sionel' l\~3.S ters tha ~ the :Cor e8oin.~ ordiance be placej on i t9 final rearEn,: and adopted, i:lecondec1 by Comr.Jissionel' Lutz. On roll c:lll all members' voted a;re. The Hayor ,lecl',rcd tho motion carried. Th,~ Commission then. adjourned to meet a, 1:30 p.m. The Commissivn me, at 1::30 p.E<. pursuant to "d,iournr.Jmt, all nembel's being preaent.. The T:lattel' of the he:lring ort the Franchise Ordinance of the Paris Motur Company for a pipe line along a portiun of Cherry Street came on. After listeninG to nitnssses and going into all matters brou~:ht beforJ the Commis- sion concernin:; the Ordimmce, the matter of ":he hearing r;as cJi1tinued for further consi:5.el'a tion. Under the he<:.d of Introduction of Resolutions, the fOllo-ain!,; Resolution "Ias introducer1, - RESOLU':'I m, TO JOm ASSOCIATION OF ViilSHr:CTOlI CITI:2;S flHERSAS, the objects of the J'(ssociation of ':Iashington Cities are; 1. To provide means whereby officials and others interested in municipal govcrnment may interchange ideas and experiments; <::.' To maintain an official headquarters and inforr.Jation bureau for the oollecti0n and disseminrition of knowlcdce rel" till!'; to municipal af;'airs; 3. To secure the enactment of beneficent legislation for municipalities, ana. lll'even the pas8a~e of such measuros as may be inimical to their inte;":s~s; 4. ~o render aRsistnnce and service in the Ill'oseCluti.l'; or defense of f.ny inter',st common to ets m"mbers; 5. To pronote education in nunicipal gov81'nment; and G. To (lo any and all other things necessal'y or proper fOl' the benefit of munici- palities. ':,HETcAS, this City of Port AnGelee desil'cs to have the advantage of membership in the .'sso,;iatioll of ';I'cshinJton Cities rend to 6i Ve its full share of support ';0 the objects of the s'1me, nO';1 thel'ofore BE IT ,U:SOLV=:D, by the Ci t)f Commis sian of the, "ity of Port ,\n;;eles thn t this city become a member of the Association of \"Iashington Yities FLnd thc.t immen.ib.te pl'ovision be madu for effeoting m8mbership in such organIzation, It vias mvved by Commissioner I'lasters that the foregoine; Resolution be approved and adopted and that the ~ity Clerk be instructed to draYI a ,;:arrant of $50.00 on the Light Fund in payment of the menbership fee as provided fjr in Scction 1 of "rticle 2 of the Consti tu':>ion of said .\ssoc'iation. Seconded by I.layor Davis. On roll call all members voted uye. The Hayor declared the motion carried. Under the he'~d of He\'! Business,- It \Ias moved by COmmissiorler Hastei's call for bids to do the City printing for Fe openet June 6, 1934. Seconded by Mayor Ih' 'm", """'" ,h, m,'", '""",. that the City Clerk be instructed to issue a the year enc1i115 June 30, 1935, said bids to pavis. On roll call all members voted aye. ..olIIII r'" 212 __ Hay__16-....J.9:J4 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ ~~ ~~ ~J'~ "~ il JJ ~ ~ < '~~ \J~ ::!: J~ ~ CUR'lElTT E;Q?SNJE FUlID The Commiss i:m exaMin ~d and, allo':led the follo';ling clai ms and ord 8rei vmrl'cn ts drav\m for same,- C. E. Hammer H. ~. Dodge I!. R. ?:11eman II. It Alleman ..T. .!: 0a VGn James ''/. Caven J. ". Caven Earl Hughett N.;I. PlumbinG & Heating Co. Edtjar A. Jacobs Ed l:}. Taylor J. v. Breitlauch i J. lol. Brei tlauch Lysall ~eldinc & For6e ~orks 11 II II II Frank Hacdonald /" ~ ons Olympic Utility Su~ply Og. Anheles uravel & uupply o. P. A, Concrete Products Co. Byron ~hnter Byron "int'1r Ha~ris ff 3ch~11e~ ,Johnson & Ror;: n II If II 11 Jamls Hard~are ~o. 11 II 11 ~illson Hardware Co. T! II Thos. Guptill Sound Trans fe:' Co. B. E. 'lldloas Dick Jackoo n qi ty":reasurer v ~. Hatlm~r Eppersoo /" uons Tl II 11 Angeles Furniture Co. E. ". Jacobs J. ,I, lolaven Uillson Hardware Co. LIG'lT FUlID Alden Coodviin J. B. Ha tJ:e'.'is G. ", Ralston ~eneral Elec. va. II It' \I LO',!11'uJ.n & 1J.anfJr1 '.7es tifl,,;~_ou3e Elec. oJ".lpply <Jo. National liinicipal Utilities Ass'n. u. ,(. Alleman fl ':1.1 TBR FUll D ,fa tel' JJepartMent J. B. lb. t-U.H'JS D2.sb. &: ilJoor J. B. lIa the',vs E. R. J,~cKnight Seattle PlUMbing & ~upply Co. Li;:;ht DeI110rtment 3. ll. Ilhi te Na tional Eunicillal Utili ties :.ss' n H. .d.. ":l.ller:lan Dr. ,r. lol, Hay PAm:: FUrm Port Angeles Nursery ~a~h. EMer~"nCy Rel&ef ~~m. There- being no- further business th'e /)~~ Oi ty Clerk. Yale Lock J:!:xpense .Acc't Lumber II Labor a-:; jail Hdvle. Plumbine ~~terials Plumbing Plu~bine sup~liCs PlUMbing at Jail Magnesia PlumbinJ supplies La~or ';tt J\1il Par+s :Oor Jail 8 \/odack S-:;ar Drills Cement, 'ltc. Tile Hovin!~ Fir 1 n.larm Box at'! ire Hall '.hrin,; at jail Calvo Iron Labor & Haterial at jail 11 1\ " II II Paint, - etc. l:alsoMine Commissioners f Rvom Na~ls. e~c. Hardware Na ils & Harovlil.re Hard\'lID'e l'aintin~ Si(;ns l10vint safe, etc. Labor II Cash advL.l1CGc1 :'O~l ke'1s Repairint: loc]cs, new"loc;cs & keys J"nmber 11 8 Cot Pads Plumbing supplies Plumbing Hardvlt;t;'e oJ... J"SD AdjustMent on .~ter Heater Lumber Refund on rc~n-e Thertlo1:;el. etc. l.lcters, etc. Trans fOl'mers neters, e~c. "'Ull~'li,,,s_ Bus Bar "'U lJ,or+3 EJ mbel'shS:p < ees Lumber '{.~ o~b I" Pay Ro 11 Glass for ~ ol'd LUMber Expense ACCOWlt Supplies Labor on Vo.l vc Expense ~t ponvention llembershlP ees Lumber 1 Bath Tub, etc. Lavlll "e cd 35% of Pay Roll on Tennis Court If II II II 11 Lincoln l)ark meetiJ1G then allj ourncd. ~ /~P()~ ,~ Mayor. 5.81 15.00 5.28 8'1 i 1 6 70:,20 . 30.05 9.-55 . 9.60 18,55 5;'.86 19.511 2,00 105.57 17.07 6.1::0 31. 00 13. ,3,j 41. 50 4.10 18.00 58.,,0 l(l.lO 136.10 44,95 46.10 25.00 8.:)1 ,5.4(' 24.65 6.15 G.G3 -1.,,5 ~7.::5 36.,00 ~l. 60 I I f-...tJr:.. 10,68 2<:4.93 34.31 28.00 26.8<: 6.00 4.96' I 35.00 ~'. r;l 35.00 17.5.1 138.::3 740. 5~ 7()7.bl 10.13 45.75 1".00 25. ~O "/ ~:1>~ 89.00 :3.40 ,,1.'11 8.00 8.6~ :1.00 35.00 12.00 '10.1::9 15.00 I .Y "I' 14.30 22.45 54.34 I