HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/16/1957 P"" 546 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Mav 16 19-5:1_ ,,<. , 'OM", .,!n. "".."'~ ",.w, "''' .... _ The City Council met in regular seSS10n at -1:3U P.M. ana was caHea to order by Mayor Neer. Roll call ot officers revealed the following present: Councilmen Smith, Sandison. Matthieu, VloHe, McFadden and ~Iaxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk LllI'i. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that minutes' of the previous meeting be approved and ploced on file. Seconded by Councilman Smi,til and cJarried. Und.er the head of unfinished busines's b1.ds to purchase warrants and bonds' for L.I.D. No. 173 were received as follows: HUGH3ANKS INCORPORATED, warrants par flat. Bonds, 100.21 Hat = pr'emiUlll of $105.00. Interest at 5% per annwn. GR1\NDE & CO.,INC., bonds 100.08 plus accrued .interest. Ijarrants, par. Inte.est 4 5/8% IP-er annum. SOUTIIWICK-CAMPBELL & CO., INC., bonds, par plus premiwn of 7~. Warrants, par. Inte.est at 4.70% pe. annum. It was moved by Councilman IVo-He 'that offer by Grande and Co., Inc., be accepted as the best bid. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. ! \ ~ ICity l'.ngineeF filed fo. Council approval the fi'rst and final estimate (May) for work done and material furnished by Milone and Tucci in L.I.D. No. 174, $3,223.97. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that estimate be approved and warrant issued on L.I ~D. No. 174 Construction Fund in payment of same. Motion seconded by Counciirnan Wolfe and carried. Fixed estimate claims were approved as [ollows: L.I.D. No. 171: Port Angeles Evening News, display ad $15.32 jOlympic Tribune" Call for bids 1.90 ,Bussing Office Supply, .ock tickets 4.24 ~OlymPiC Tribune, advertisin~ t 3.36 'L.I.D. NO. 173: Daily Journal of Commerce, pUblication, $47'.00. It was moved by Councilman Smith that lfixed estimate claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. Councilman McFadden i"formed that after further consultation wi th Olympic Health District offiwls it is lestimated that the City's share for pui"~h ase of polio vaccine will be $4,700.00, the County, $7,300.00. . 'After due consideration it was moved by Councilman Smith that Council approve pl:Oposal and amount appropnat.. led up to $4700.00 to purchase vaccine for polio injections. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandi ron ""d I Ie arried. I I ~ouncil discussed recent action ,concerning retirement of Charles Seat.. Morse CJ'eek caretaker, said action having been taken prior to investigation. It appears that this: should be cons~dered emergency case due ;ito illness. It l'Jas moved by Councilnlan Wolfe that C~uncil reconsider reque~t and.. Mr. Seat be granted ?ne. . f Iyear extension before retirement. Seconded by Counc11man McFadden and c arr1ed'. ~ t.lili. Thomas of 215 \Vest 10th St.eet urged the Coun~il to proceed w~th adopting ani nanCe p.oh1biting s:J:e:- ,I "and use of ai. guns .,,-thln the City, this f?r protection of individuals and property, and g1ving Police" more power to enforce. Mayor Neer advised that 1t will be necessary to wait until proposals are returned j Nftom merchants a:r..d clubs. l 1J~ee3l3h~_head of new business,_ claims p..id M..y I, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 16 were approved in total amount of ~ I ... o. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that clams be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. IhslLtngton State Liquor Control Board informed that beverage license of th€ T'l9.oat. Tavern has been transferr l ed from Della L. Masters to William McKinley Ellis. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that transfer be I approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I I Request for rezoning to first residential district of 4th Street from TUDl\...ater to M Streets having been I investigated and chanse reconu;!ended by the Planning Commission, it wa.'jmoved by Councilman 1I0lfe that .equest j be .ranted and ordinance prepared rezoning and classifying as first residenUal district. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and c.arried. ~ I ' Departmental reports for the uonth of April were filed for a;Jproval as follows: Fire Dept., City T.easu.er's financial report, and ,"ork reports of Light, l'late; and Street Depts. It was moved by Councilman Smith that I reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Sandi ron :n d carried.. , The following requests for vacation of certain streets and alleys were considered.. School District No. 17 for portions of streets a1 d alleys in blocks 368, 369, 397, 398, 411 and 412. The Planning Commission having investigated, recommended tilat utility rights be !eserved, also specific stipulation that if property is not utilized within reasonable time, vacations wi 11 revert to the City. Attorney ,severyns questioned as to whether or not the Code provides for conditional vacations. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that j request be referred to the Attorney to ascertain if conditional vacations 3l:e pe.mitted and prepare jvacation proceedings. Motion seconded by Councilman Maxfield a1 d carried. ' IWilliam Thompson, [or vacation of Alder St.eet from Second Street to the Alley bet\.een Second and :r:hird fStreet. Due to possibility of street being opened for traffic, the Planning Commission reconnnend~~ that ~street not be vacated. It was moved by Councilman McF,,_dden t hat request be denied.. Seconded by Councilman ;Maxfield and carried. I ' I Ivacation of the easterly ten feet of Penn St.eet fran the north margin of Fourth Street to the South margin 'of HIghway 9, th1S for better al1.gnment md un1form development. The Planning Commission having recommended ;approval it was moved by Councilman Smith that request for vacation be granted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. - I 1 Mel H.,11lin filed claim for damages ,to his car in ....ount of $21.18 caused by Citr sweeper-'striJf1'!g his fe~de~. :~eonard Grey. damage to car backed into by City t rucl\:. Damages amounting to $76.67. It waS moved by counCill- ~an McF~den that claims be referred to the Atbrney and insurance company. Seconded by Councilman Sandison I aDd carr1ed. I A~sociation of WaSl ington Ci ties convention being June 6 and 7 it was moved by Councilman Sandisnn that t mext regular Counc1l meeb.ng be changed to June 4. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. The Water Department having purchased a Krane Kar for operation \\71 th1n the C1ty it was moved by Councilman ! Wolfe that permit be granted for operation of same en C~ty streets. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carrrd~ ~ Council received request that contemplated Boy Scout Circus be exempt of paying admission taxes. It was moved by Councilma1 Wolfe that Scouts be exempt of taxes if such exemption is legal. Seconded by Council- iman Sandison and carried. 1~IaYo. Neer .eceived letter from Association of \'lashington Cities concerning pasS. bilities of the November 1 I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 16 canlt 19_ 57 ..0. . "oM ."", "'"~,,., ...."....... <:> region mee J.ng e e lon ]. .....1 y. e for fall Regional meeting. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. , Mr. Vergeer reported on status of pollution control cnmEission investigation. It appeats that resultS will not be available until late ili June' or July. under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following were introduced and read: RESOLlJI'IOO NO. 15-57 \i'lIEREAS, the Port of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation) has availali? for expenditure at this time for the enla.gement of the Boat Haven $175,000.00 and, It was moved by Councilman Smith that Resoluticn be approveJ and adopted. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried'. RFSGLUT1CN NO. 16-57 A RF.SOLUTIOH of the City Council of the Cit>" of Port Angeles fixing the tiirre and place for a hearing upon the assessment roll fo. Local ImprDvement District !'i'd. 176. It was moved by Councilm", Mattl1ieu that the fort>going Resolution fixi ng: date of hearing be i!' proved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Holfe and carried. , Under the head of intDduction and reading of ordinances the following was introduced ODd read in" full: ORDINANCE NO. 1390 AN ORDINlNCE Placinci in effect an adjustment of the salaries, compensation and wages of the City Engineer, the P.ssistant City Engineer and the Librarian of the C ity of Port Angeles. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the foregoing O.dinance be app.oved and adopted, Seconded by Councilman McFadden an~ c~rried. The re being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. o ~. ~cu.v- tI City Clerk .:, ~/' :;y E--J or , 'll::l~tL I"UBLICt\TION SOT in,: 01- ('HANt.E o.~ , MSOL1:'l'lOS' NO. 1~;)'J MEE'1'lS~O~~-g:L OF CITt' /;.,.RF.sOLU'l"ION of ~p Citr ~N6~I~,1fr~:: ~~~B~Ngret~ ~:::nX~~~;~;~~~.~ll~:; '~'?ml dul:' t,:) l.""ct.ll't.ct of dal:e~ the - th "" Uy CQ'JlIcll of thL>- CITY OF fmO:.,~ lr"O"I',Sitli"lorU"fJO_"", ." ~e'~,'t~: I PORT ANGELl::.'::i b.L~ ("hanged. the ~"'-'" ~ LPftl"" I\latfo oJ ib n!!.u);J:. :l)t'din'_~ (Irig- ment DbtJ,ict NO." 116. .} 1 '.iin~lly 'Get lor JLaU' ~. 19-:.7 t..o JUfie WHEHE'\f,l t.b-e ~e~'lfDIM'lt r-.lll t, l~'l. u.nd ti:,1':, ttxt-. n~'Jeting' of' (QI t.':":M" i~prq\'en;f1;~t~.lllsu.t~-t'I'thf' City C<l-lu:~tl ""wi, b~' w'ld at the, No" 1't1j haSl. bee,t'\"'FV!l':~ ,,,.u.1 (;llU~Ci1 ChamQl.rllU Jun~ 4, 1957\ the C1ty C).tlUlCl! llO.W dc~ire:i t.o ,<\t 7.3f. ~..'''i^~ ~,~..a du-..e. I' ~:arem:Utl~~'r~r~,:~4)~ iO~ pUDllC } PUb~I~ia~~~~~ ~, 19~7T' NOW, lilUJRJll'qll". m; IT,~ RESOLVEd' by th~~ty Couucll of the Cit.}-' 4Jl PfJ['t A.di,de:>, Wa;,h. lngte.n a.; follow;:;: Section 1: That Thur,"<,lli.y the 20th day 01 JUlI""~ ,J9&!J. at 'hSQ o'c)Qck P.M. at the Cvullcil (""h.am- bel', 12.0 North Q,lk: Str€t'~ b~ :nul the same b hereby. fixed u" the ) time arid pJacf;:' for a: nearing- u~ the 8.'iSl',ssment ron fOI'"1,.oeal lqil- Ol'ovemcnt Dl.::tl'iC~ .N'o: .116; Se(!tll)n 2; That Hll' :Ci[)I"-c'lt;rk I.s her.eb>. dirt'cted to iQre notiC\l of the tiUH:". and pl:ncc <J{ .~:t-L;d hellrlu~' It[ 1!:"H..."~ ttiteen u~'" llf'- fore the date fixed, t.hereto:- b;l malling: t() the o\,lf7ler,<:> or 1'f>puted 'I)wnl;'l's of t.bt! t-ll"Op'.I.Ly, .~~ I oftmes al,llH1ur (ll:l. ~hc ~n1('ilt l raU it J.hea.cldN,"'~ shOfrn on th.e j ,~ "'OIls ot ;J1r.o Count:; '~~~r-. , and 1n addmO:::l to C!l'U'-;~~ tiel! to be publL,>ht'd~ Ul '. Jl,- I s-.:-cuttve "f!;r~Uf'S 01 :b\~ Olym Ie;; t ;[1~~~ ~~~~r~t a~I"~:~C~e ~~, d<l";~~~; .t~h ~~:~g 01 tb~ City 0 Ani'Ls.~'~..,!lillg:tOll,. and · '>Yr8\OI'l.t " :p/I.d:u tlng s' eotl'nc'll ht'ld on . 16, 1 " P....UL N. NE Wayor , ~ TIEllT: , 2i(;.Cte~~V' }~p'~: !J"~d ,l!; to rbrl'l: I\ND.RX'W SEVRR)" :,.; C!t"i.' Attorney ~'_.J: M..y :.!~l ;l.1,. ,!)~'tJ.. ..~~. ~~ 547 / ~