HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/16/1963 I I I I ..., Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 173 MAY 16 19-2l . . . "..".. ... ..,"'. .... ,The City Council met in regular'session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Maxfield, counci~~ men Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; acting City Manager Warder, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece. IA correction was noted in paragraph six of the previous meeting. It was then moved by Councilman Wolfe that the minutes be approved as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I'under the head of u~finished business, Councilman Wolfe, Chairman of the committee appointed to study the parking strip parking at the Olympic Motel reported that after study it is felt that ther1e are two possible solutions. To eliminate four units making them into street level garages or to ,I allow a curb line variance moving the curb back to the south sidewalk line to allow parallel parking. The committee recommends that the police use a tolerance policy on enforcement of Parking ordinanc~1 in this area until the Council resolves the problem, and that Mr. Jarvis submit to the Planning Commission a plan for the change and a request for a variance to permit the change of the curb line of this area; plan to be submitted within th~rty (30) days. It was moved by Councilman Smith that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission, with the understanding that Mr. Jarvis will submit a plan within thirty (30) days which he thinks feasible I,for recession of the curb. Seconded by Councilman Thorne. Councilman Cornell pointed out that the present sidewalk should be brought up to proper level. On called vote, all voted "Aye", .Motion carried. !BidS for re-decking the Tumwater Bridge were received as follows for (1) removal of timber and lum- Iber, (2) timber and lumber, (3) cleanup: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Total Del Guzzi Construction, Inc. $2,550.00 $17,985.00 $200.00 $20,735.00 I O\.ens Brothers 2,500.00 18,425.00 500.00 21,425.00 Cotton Corporation 3,500.00 17,875.00 500.00 21,875.00 " Dale M. Madden Construction Inc,2,400.00 19,140.00 480.00 22,020.00 Louis Elterich Co. 3,000.00 19,250.00 500.00 22,750.00 IAll bids were accompanied by the required 'bid be awarded to Del Guzzi Construction, unanimously carried. 5% bid bond. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the Inc. for $20,735.00. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and The City Attorney reported that he has received an opinion from the Chief Examiner of the Division of Municipal Corporations regarding the City Light Department purchasing, installing and taking I down Christmas decorations. It is the examiner:s opinion that this would not be proper expenditure jOf public funds. During the discussion which followed, Councilman Willson reported that the Chambe~ of Commerce has loaned the Merchants Association the money to payoff the creditors for the decora-I tions. The high cost of installing and taking down the decorations for 1962 was cited, and the opinion expressed that the job could and should be done less expensively in the future. ,Pursuant to Council action at the previous meeting dispensing with soft drink licensing, the fOl-, :lowing ordinance was introduced and read in full: i I , ORDINANCE NO. 1513 AN ORDINANCE repealing Section 16.33 of the Code of the City of Port Angeles with reference to licensing persons selling nonintoxicating beverages. lIt was moved by Councilman Willson that the foregoing ordinance be adopted as read. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. ,IThe report on estimated cost of servicing the Ahlvers Road residents with City water was read and idiscussed. The estimate of $5,700.00, as given to the residents of the area was based on a 4 inch I line. The Water Superintendent and Director of Public Works feels that a 2 inch main would be adequate until the area builds up, then an 8 inch main should also be installed. The proposed I I route calls for tapping the High School's 8 inch fire main, for which permission has been granted, [, running south along Grace Street to Ahlvers Road then west to the section line. A pump at Park , and Grace Street intersection would be required. The estimated cost of installation of 2 inch piPe' I along this route is $6,000.00. After considerable discussion regarding financing this installatior;i" and whether it can be accomplished this year (1963), it was moved by Councilman Cornell that Mr. II Warder study this problem and report at the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. , The report from the Light Department on cost of installations to service this area with electricalJ power was read and discussed. The estimated cost of installation is $3,130.00 plus $760.00 for I I'street lighting luminaires (including labor). It being the general feeling that since these ,people in this area are inside the City, therefor entitled to City service, it was moved by Coun- 'cilman Haguewood that City light service be ext~~ded to this area. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. . Regarding the loading zone requested by Anderson Ford Co. and Samuelson-Randklev Tire Center, Firs and Lincoln, the Chief of Police recommended a loading zone be established by resolution on Linco~ Street, North of First on the East margin in front of Anderson Ford Co., which would be in front 0~1 the shop door. It was moved by Councilman Smith to concur with the Police Chief's recommendation J I and a loading zone be established by resolution at the location indicated. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. ! , , I. Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting, May 7, '1963 were read. The Planning Commission unani- mously recommended that the petition for annexation to the City of an area in the Mount Angeles ,Road, as drawn,_be denied due to there being so much unoccupied acreage and a long narrow strip of land along the Mount Angeles Road south to Scribner Road included in the petition. A new petition covering an area which does not exteridso far south, also a southern boundry line which would tend to straighten the City limit lines in this area was suggested. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the recommendation of the Plann~g Commission be accepted, the original petition be denied with the understanding that a new petition will be presented. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. I I I. I II I :\ ! ~ ,.. 174 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Was~ington MAY 16 19QL LaHPIl:INTIHGCO, P.2U!" ~ It was moved by Councilman Willson that the Planning Commission meeting minutes be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. A request for permission to Collectors the following utility Address 524 West 4th Street 531~ West 7th Street 715 So. Cedar, Apt. #1 720 So. Cedar, Apt. #5 912 So. Eunice 512 East 1st Street 114~ No. Peabody 109 No. Vine 210 No. Eunice, Apt. #6 401 No. Ennis 7l8~ E Front accounts was receive I : I turn over to the Acct. No. 8-485 8-615 8-640 8-685 17-140 Ser. 21- 756 22-95 22-250 22..642 23-804 24,725 $ 10.63 15.44 5.68 6.29 21. 98 12.75 3.70 23,10 ' 3.77 7.77 1.65 $112.76 the Collector's as requeste '. . I I , Don Fagen John Kemp Ernest Ripley Melvin Tubbesing Romona Benke Nelson's Shoe May Tiffany Alfred Rhodes Olga Heckman Ralph Brovffi Georgia Evans It was moved by Councilman Cornell that the accounts be turned over to Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. The following resolution was introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 14-63 A RESOLUTION"of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the issuance of bonds of Local Improvement District No. 183 in the princi- pal sum of $259,975. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the request of to make a trip to Seattle June 3, 1963 to deliver L.I.D. , Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. City Treasurer Gene Williams for approval No. 183 bonds be approved. Seconded by I Ii 'I Frisk, Ii " It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the request of Police Chief Kochanek for permission to attend the Annual Conference of Police Chiefs and Sheriffs in Seattle May 23 to 25 inclusive, be granted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. After some discussion, it was moved by Councilman Wil~on that permission be granted to Roy Swimming Pool Manager, to attend a swim team meet in Victoria B. C. on May 18 and 19, 1963. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. The fcllowing applications for liquor license renewals were received: Donald and Doris Grinnell (The Harbor House), Alfred Louis Huse ( B & M Grocery), Sam Kallas (Duck Inn), McGlenns, Inc. and James R and Agnes P. Willis (Aggie's Broiler). It was moved by Councilman Willson that the applications for renewal of liquor license be approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. A letter of "appreciation and thanks" from the Sweet Adeline's for use of the City Garage during their convention was read and acknowledged. It was suggested by Councilman Willson that the Con- vention Committee be advised that the Service Garage is not available for use of conventioners unless first being authorized by the Council so there will be no misunderstanding regarding this in the future. A request from the City Engineer for the transfer of $13,000.00 from the Arterial Street Fund to L.I.D. No. 184 Construction Fund having been received, the following resolution was introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 15-63 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles providing for transfers from the ARterial Street Fund to L.I.D. 184 Construction Fund. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the foregoing resolution, as read, be passed. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. This resolution also ratifies the transfer in August of 1962 of $40,000.00 from the Arterial Street Fund to L.I.D. No. 184 Construction Fund. The seventh (May) and final estimate of work done and material furnished by J. E. Work, Inc. was presented for approval. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the estimate in total amount of 'I $15,000.00 be paid to the contractor J. E. Work, Inc. and that the $13,000.00 transferred from the Arterial Street Fund be applied on this payment. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. I It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the third fixed estimate for work done and material furnishel by the City of Port Angeles on construction in L.I.D. No. 184, in total amount of $4,000.00 be 1'1" approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. All work and material having been completed and furnished in the construction of Street Improvemen,'!,'. in L.I.D. No. 184, the City Engineer recommended acceptance of the completed project frcm J. E.. 1 Work, Inc. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the project be accepted as completed as recom- I' mended by the City Engineer. Seconded by Councilman Willson. During discussion, it was pointed,~ out that $31,718.43 is the retained amount not yet paid to contractor. Also, that the added I,' excavation and ballast had run the job higher than the bid. On called vote; all voted "Aye". : Motion carried. . '1.,1, The following departmental reports were presented for approval: Treasurer's Financial report for April, Budget Reports of Receipts and Expenditures; Police, Police Judge and Fire Departments; Light Department Billing and Work Reports, and Water Department Billing and Work Reports. After ~ I I I 'I II ! Ii I ,: II I I ! I I I I I Proceeoings of the City Commission of tne City of Port Angeles, Wasnington MAY 16 19~ ,.. ."'",,". <0. ....,~ ....-- !discussion it was moved by Councilman Thorne that the reports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Smith, During further discussion, the subject of off-street parking west I'..o~ the Swimming Pool w~s brought up: This being a fill arep, Mr. Warder will ~heck on the advisa- blhty of use for parklng at thls tJJTIe. On called vote, all voted "Aye". Motlon carried. Claims, including the payroll for May 1 - 15, 1963, were presented for approval in amounts of: General Funds, $87,295.i9; Water Fund, $6,772.36 - warrants No. 11992 - 12008; Pipeline Fund, $93.19 - Warrant No. 370; and Light Fund, $14,295.74 - warrants No. 11857 - 11896. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the claims including the payroll, in total amount of $108,456.48 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. :Councilman Wolfe cited the hazardous condition of the wooden walkway on Second Street along the ibluff, between Oak and Cherry Streets. Whether this is a privately owned walk\Vay or a public Ithoroughfare, and who is responsible for tearing down and removing same seems to be the problem. After considerable discussion, this problem having been brought up before, the City Attorney will check his former notes and report back. 'Councilman Willson inquired about the status of work on the Boulevard. The City Engineer reported that it is progressing slowly due to man power shortage, because of work on L.I.D. No. 184. ICOUnCilman Cornell expressed interest in the Association of Washington Cities Convention which will be held in Longview in June, and since the City of Port Angeles is going to invite the Association to hold its;convention here next year, believes all the Councilmen who can should attend the con- 'vention this year. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that all Councilman who can, l'inCIUding the City Attorney and City Manager, be granted permission to attend the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Longview, in June. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. I I,There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. II II OJ i "zf rIf 7n/ r"" + . <:..- l.A-oL~ -P....) , MAYOR I" ~...."'....,,/ CITY CLERK 1?5 -1