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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Yay 17. 19144
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The Commi..ion met in regular se.sion at 10 A. M. end was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call
showed the following officers present. Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, and Attorney
The minutes of the previous session were. read and approved.
Under the head of applications for Building.Petm1t~ and Licenses, the following were granted.
Harold Brock, remodel house, Lot 12, Block 3, William and Cramer's Subdivi.ion
Harry D. McDonald, Build Garage, Lot 13, Block 228, Townsite
The Little Place, Soft Drink Dicense to June 30, 1944
Under the Head of Introduction of Resolution the following Resolution .....s introduced.
WllEREAS. The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired the
.ame by Treasurer's deed. dated May 17. 1944. under end by virtue of the authority of Section 9393, of Re-
mington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365. to-wit.
Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8). Block One Hundred Forty.eight (148),
Townsite of Port Angeles. Washington. and
WllEREAS, L. W. Maupin has offered to purohase the above described real property from the City of Port Ange-
les for the sum of $100.00, and
WHEREAS, The Cit,y Commission of Port Angele. has viewed the said property and is of the op1n10n that the
offer is fair vslue and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for said property. plus all L. I. D.
as.e.sments. including intere.t and other charges against the same.
HOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accspted and that the City of Port Angelss sell the
said property at private sale to the said L. W. Maupin, for the sum herflinabove set forth, subject to any
other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed con-
vaying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is
persby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that ths Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he
is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed.
Pa.sed by the City Commis.ion and signed by the Mayor thie 17th day of May, 1944.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the forgoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Com-
miBBioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Ma~'or declared the motion carried.
I Under the head of Pa.sage of Ordinances, the following ordinances were read by title and passed their 3rd
land final reading and adopted.
I .
AN ORDINANCE relating to regulating and requiring a permit and payment of a fee for the construction and
maintenance of a drivewu.y across curbs end side""lks in the City of Port Angeles, and providing penalties
for violation.
1/-;- ::,
AN ORDINANCE relating to, regulating and licensing tne bu.iness of di.tribution and exhibiting for use and
play certain machine amusement devices and automatic music playing machines; fixing licen.e fees and pre-
scribing penalties; and repealing ordinance No. 1047 and 1072.
It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the forgoing ordinances bs approved and adopted. Seconded by
Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared tha motion carried.
/~ c..
The Commission then adjourned to meet at 1.30 P. M.
The Commis.ion met pursuant to adjournment attIO A.M. and ""s called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call
showed the following officers present. !.layor Robinson. Collllllissionen Be... and Ma.ters and Attorney
The Commission exaldned and allowed the following cla1me and ordered .....rrant. drawn for same:
Tower Super Service
Harris and Scnuller
Montgomery Ward
Willson Hardware Co.
Sheet Steel
Double Hank
Chalk Cine
\ '
2 .95~fQnt.g()o::.~1~;-
H. E. Dodge
John lIansville
~" 28.90
1,,1.0 8,636.70
Convention Expense
Pipe'" Fittings
Remington Rand Co.
Printed Forms
Northwest Taro Company
Clutch Ring Inner A.sembly
Harris '" Schuller
Harris '" Schuller
Willson Hardware Co.
Dust Pan
Flat Iron '" Baffle Plate
L1\ 2.84
-'\ 3.08
I Tower Super Service
'Willson Hardware Co.
'Harris '" Schuller
, J. B. Mathe... Glass Co.
; Olympic Stationers
Zel1erback Paper Co.
Water Tank for Truok
Lights Glass
lIimeo Bond
Paper t~'181s
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
~bO. 11.15
Hcmeli te Corp.
Ci ty Treasurer
Joseph D. Ferguson
Mcntgomery Ward
Willson Hardware
Harris &: Schuller
~.,... 29.58
q0 8.19
Cash paid for stamps
Expense Acot.
Flashlight Batteries
Repairs to cell door
Under the head of New Business.
May 16, 1944
The Hcnorable Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Port Angeles,
Port Angeles. Washington.
:;1-"\",' j ""./.(:
For the legally issued $572,000 City of Port Angeles, Washington, Water Revenue Refunding 2%
Bonds dated July I, 1944 and maturing serially. Jenuary 1. 1946 through 1960, as shown in the schedule
appearing below. and callable as a whole or in part in inverse order of numbers at the option of the City
on July I, 1949 or any interest date thereafter upon 30 days' published notice,
WE WILL PAY 101 per $100 of par value, plue accrued interest from date of bonds to -date of delivery, sub-
ject to the following conditions:
i (l) The t:ity will take appropriate legal action for the issuance of these bonds which will bear the favor-I
nble legal opinion of Messrs. Preston, Thorgrimson. Turner. Horowitz II: Stephan on all matters pertaining to I
sale, issuance and delivery of the above bonds, which opinion is to be furnished at our expense. We also
agree to furnish the bonds with no expense to the City.
(2) The City of Port Angeles will, upon receipt of the prooeeds of the sale of these bonds, publish legal
notice of the call of the $572.000 City of Port Angelss Water Revenue 6% Bonds dated January I, 1930 and
maturing subsequent to January 1, 1945, which are all callable at par and accrued intercst January 1, 1945.
(3) The proceeds of the sale of ~~ese bonds shall be placed immediately in escrow with the First National
Bank of Port Angeles for the sole purpose of paying the $572,000 unmetured City of Port Angeles Water Re-
venue 6% Bonds, dated January I, 1930, presented for payment in aocordance with the above issued call of
same of January 1, 1945, plus acc.rued interest, together with funds necessary to provide payment for
$23,000 of same maturing January I, 1945, plus accrued interest thereon.
(4) Bonds shall be in coupon form and in denominations of *1,000 each and will be numbered 1 to 572, in-
clusive, and will bear interest at the rate of 2% per annum, payablE' semi-annually on January end July 1
at the cfrice of the City Treasurer of Pcrt Angeles. Port Angeles, Washington, and will I118ture as follows I
Amount Maturi ty Amount Maturity
31,000 1946 39,000 1954
32,000 1947 40,000 1955
33 ,000 1948 41,000 1956
34,000 1949 42,000 1957
35,000 1950 43.000 1958
36,000 1951 45,000 1959
37,000 1952 46,000 1960
38.000 1953
(5) It is our understanding that funds will be available to meet the maturity of $55,000 Port Angeles
Water Revenue ~ Bonds maturing September 1, 1944. and it is a condition of this bid that the City can and,
will meet this maturity on that date.
(6) It is a ccndition of this bid that this authorization shall be limited to $572,000 par value of Water
Revenue Bonds J and that no authorization for any other series of water revenue bonds shall be issued prior
to this authoriution.
I (7) This bid is further conditioned upon the existence of valid contraots with Olympic Forest Products
Company, Washington Pulp &: Paper Corporation, and Fibreboard Products, Inc., under which they agree to
purchase water from said City for a period of time up to and including the year 1960. at a minimum combined
rate of $59,000 each year, in accordance with written contracts with said City dated December 18, 1929. I
We enolose herewith our certified check payable to the City Treasurer in the amount of $10,000 as
evidence of our good faith, same to be applied on the purchase price of the bonds if they are awsrded and
delivered to ue, as above outlined, otherwise said check is to be promptly returned to us upon demand.
This offer is for immediate acceptance. If delivery is not made by July 1, 1944, and the delay
beyond that date is caused by the act or negligence of the City of Port Angeles, we may, upon demand, re-
oeive our deposit check and cancel our liability hereunder, or, at OUT option, extend the time of delive~
and continue this contract.
RespBctfully submitted,
C. W. Easter
Blyth &: Co.. Inc., Syndi cate Manager.
The above offer is hereby accepted by proper authorization of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
17th of ~ 1944, and we agree to deliver said bonds under t{L;terms above indic!'ted.
'J?, 7I1;J~~
N. M. Hawkins
Ci ty Clerk
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
May 17, 1944
The following resolution accepting the foregoing proposal was then introduced:
1IlIEREAS, the City of Port Angeles, Washington, is providing for the issuance of $572,000 of Water
Revenus Bonds, to be dated July I, 19l44, and mature serially in the years 1946 to 1960. inclusive; said
jbonds to bear interest at the rate of two per cent per annum, payable semi-annually; the proceeds of said
jbondS to bs ussd to retire $572,000.00 of City of Port Angeles Water Revenue Bonds dated January 1, 1930,
Ilud bearing intsrest at .six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually; which bends the City has a right to
call for payment prior to maturity, on January I, 1945; and
WHEREAS, the 'present is a very favorable market for the sale of said refunding bonds, and said
City can sell said bonds at this time at a very favorable interest rate, and at a price which will take care
10f the interest maturing from July 1. 1944 to January I, 1945. an said new issue of refundi,ng bonds I. and
WHEREAS, the First National Bank of Port Angeles and Blyth &: Co.. Ino.. as of date May 16, 1944,
made a written offer to purchase said refunding bonds, upon the terms and under the conditions stated in
jSaid offer, a copy of whioh is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, it is to the benefit of said City of Port Angeles to aecept said offer and to
the terms thereof. '
NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by. the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Pert
::::: s ~i::r
follows ,
SECTION 1. That the City of Port Angeles does hereby accept said offer of said First National
Bank of Port Angeles and Blyth cI: Co., Inc. to purchase said bonds, upon the terms and under the conditions
in said written offer dated May 16, 1944. and~he Mayor is hereby authorized to accept said offer byen-
dorsing thereon the acceptance of said Ci ty~
SECTION 2. Said Commission rurther agrees to immediately take all steps necessary to provide for
the issuanee of said refunding bonds and the delivery of the same to the purchasers upon payment tlf the
purchase price therefor. and to provide for the calling for payment of the outstanding issue of Water Re_
venue Bonds on or before January 1, 1945, and hereby auth~riZe'and direct the officers of said City to do
all things necessary in order to provide for the issuance and delivery of said refunding bonds and the re-
tirement of the outstanding revenue bonds of said City of Port Angeles.
Passed by the City Commission and signed by the Mayor this 17th day of May, 1944.
It was movod by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
The COllDllission then adjourned to meet at 2 P. M. May 18th, 1944.
n, ?r.Ld/-~
City Clerk