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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
!by 17
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The Port Angeles City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was oalled to, order by City Manager I
Vergeer. t. -!
It was moved by C,ouncilman Wolfe that due to absence of Ma;ror Smith, Councilman BI'Olffi be appointed to serve 'I
as Acting }layor. . Motion se<1Qnded by Coumilman Neer -and carried.. . ,
. . I
Roll call Bf officers revealed the following present: COWlcilman Neer, Samison, Jfutthieu, \'lolfe and I
McFadden, City Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Sandison that minutes of the previ<oUB meeting be approved. Seconded by cOWlcil-11
man ~latthieu and carried.
in other districts against the property within this district,
Discussion ";'as opened o~ proposed 1mprovanent and Joseph H. Johnston spoke as citizen and property owner,
not as Attorney or Representative. Mr. Johnston read prepared document which in his opinion expressed
sentimet).t -of majority of the property owners concerned. It appears that JOOst of the residents approve
I modified improvanent from present plans, thereby decreasing cost. ALso obtaining services of Consulting
Engineer to ascertain feasibility of such plans.
I Clarence Flatau cited competence of the City Engineers and cDIlSidered services of c~nsulting engineer
added expense ani delay.. .
I Fred Stra'4le expressed opinion that Consulting Engineers wculd ~PJll"ove presBnt plans am com~ented the
Engineering Department on Twnwa~er Access Road and Marine Drive Projects.
, jaCk Loe.,en favored the im~rov€ll1ent -but was interested in ~ualitv'; He said he expects to pay and wants
something iror money sp ant.
COWlcilman Neer cited deplorable condition of streets and being included is willing to pay. Also questioned:
if property owners ;fOuld abide by decision ani reoommendation by' Consulting Engineers ,or would it be
I necessary to start all over. Mr. Johnston assured that all concerned should be satisfied. It was
j then moved by Councilman Neer that.a Consulting Engineer be engaged to investigate plans and. specifications
; for L.T.D. No, 171. Seconded by Councilman J.lcFadden and carried. After others were heard for and
i against the project, the d:wcussion closed.
I Pursuant to Resolution previous~ adopted, the hearing for L.T.D. No. 172 was opened. J. 1'1. Davis question-'
led computing of assessments against Lots according to benefits derived, also feasibility of blacktop in !
alley. He opposed the paving as not_a good investment, the alley being used most~ by logging trucks. I
Dick l'lray also opposed blacktop in the alley as in his opinion, it would not hold traffic for which used.
No other objections being made or filed, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that hearing be closed. '
'Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. .. '
i one
;Council approved/fixed ~stiJnate claim against L.I.D. I/o. 167 to Lowman and Hanford Company in amount of
'$10.33 for supplies. It wa'S moved by Councilman,Neer that claim_be approved and warrant ,issued in payment
I of mme. Seconied by Councilman Sandis"n ani carried.
Umer the head of new business, claims paid April 23, 27, Uay 1, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 11 were approved in total
I amount of $81,752.32. It was moved by Counci,lman Sandison that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by
I Councilman I/eer ani carried. '
lIt was moved by Councilman HcFadden that the report of Police Judge for April showing $2,288.59 fines
collected, and the City Treilsurer's financial report for April.as corrected, be approved. Seconied by
icouncilman Matthieu and carried.
,Manager Vergeer requested authorization to issue warrant in favor of State Tax Commission in amount of
$1,755.08 against F. R. Jarnagin 15% retained in L.I.D. No. 169. It was moved by Councilman Mcfadden ,that
'warrant be :wsued as requested. Seconded by Councilman Neer and carried.
lAttorney Stanley Taylor filed petition requesti~ the vacation of Liberty Street from Filth Street to
:r,.a.uridsenBoul-evard, the same beiq: in conjunction with Priest replat and dated J~ 20, 1954.
~ '
'file following Resolution was introduced fixing date of hearing for said vacation:
I.., ' ,
:It was mO'led by Councilman Neer that the foregoing Resolution be approved am adopted. Seconded by
:Coumilman Wolfe and carried.
,); Resolution was introduced and read, fixing date of hearing for vacation of Liberty Street from the alliy
'between Sixth and Seventh Streets. I/o action was taken as this area is included in resolution acted on.
1 ' - .
'Coumil considered an Easement by Ho~ IPrinity Lutheran Church to the City for installation of power lines
:to their new Church building. It was moved by Councilman \Volfe that easement be accepted am recorded.
ieconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Mav 17
Canti nued
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No further business appearing, it was properly moved and seconded that the meeting be continued until
7:30 P.M., ~ 24.
(/, City ,Clerk,
~or,-.. ",.."
MAY 24, 1956
The City Council met' at 7:30 P.M. pursuant to c~ntinuation of the May 17 session. Officers present were:
Ma,yor Smith, Councilmen Bfown, Neer, Saniison, Matthieu, Wolfe and ~lcFatlden,' Hamger Vergeer, Attorney
Severyns, and Clerk Law.,
Council considered an Ordimnce proposed by the l1erchants Bureau concerniQ> licensing, regulation and
control of photographers, peddlers and ,solicitors. It was moved by Councilman Neer that copies of the
proposed Ordinance be referred to the I::ouncil and City' Attorney for ,study to detennine legality of the
sane or repetition of existing Ordinanees.
Report of Consulting Engineers regardiqg feasibility of Cherry Hill improvEOllent as per specifications,
was read in full for Council consideration. Jackie Loewen questioned the recommendation for six months
settling time through.the winter months and if iliis was included in the original specifications. Mr.
Vergeer confinned same.
Councilman Neer asked Engineer Collier if in his opinion the City has planned well ani conformed with
Engineering practices in past and present improvements and construction. Mr. Collier replied, "I
certai~ do". --
No objections or discussion appearing, the foiUowing Ordinance was introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINAN:E of the Cit;y of Port Angeles, Washington, providir\g for the improvement of a certain area
1!'ithin.the city by the construction and installation of trunk and lateral stonn swwers, the
improvement of certain streets by grading, ballasting, constructing curbs and gutters where necessary
ani paving, and doing all work necessary in coMedtion therewith and incidental thereto, pursuant to
Resolution I~o. 171 of the City, passed and approved April 19, 1956; creating an enlarged local i mprove-
ment district therefor, and providing that the payment for said :improvements be !ll'l.de by special assess-
ments upon the property in said district payable by the mode of "payment by bonds."
. .
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be approved ;;tni a dopted. Seconded by
Councilman Sandison and cartied.
Publication of calls for bids for construction in L.I.D. No, 171 was next considered. It was' moved by
Councilman Neer that calls for bids be published l-lay. 25, June 1, and opened Jam fl. Motion seconied
by Councilman MatthJi>eu and carried.
The following Ordinance establishing L.I,D No.172 was introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINAN::E of the City of Port Angeles, Washi.ngton providing for the improvement of a certain afea
l'Iithin, the City of Port Angeles by the construction and installation of lateral, storm and sanitary
sewers therein, ani, installation of a combination stonn and sanitary lateral sewer including service
to each property line, and the ballasting and paving of the alley in said district, an:! by doing all
Nork necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto pursuant to Resolution No. 172 of the
City passed and approved on ilie 19th d<\j' of April, 1956 creating a Local Improvement Diiltrict therefor,
and providing that the p>yment for said improvement be made by special assessments on.the property in
said district, payable by the mode of P"lVment by bon:!s.
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconied by
Councilman Brown and carried..
The Treasurer having requested opinion as to whether or nat Admission Taxes should be collected from
bowling alleys, it was moved by Councilman San:!ison the mtter be tabled. Seconied by Councilman Brown
an:! carried.
Coumil received request from Merchants Conmd.ttee of the Chamber of ColllllErce for permission to distribute
frem the air, 1,000 paper plates each d"lV for three days begi.nni~ June 14. It was moved by Councilman
j Brown lthat request be approved as experimental privilege before naking definite decision on such practice.
,Seccnded by Councilman Matthieu and carried.
Engineer Ahlvers filed report confinning completion of construction and clean-up by F, H. Jarnagin in L.I.D.
No. 169, recommendir\g that 15% retain>d, or $8,583.13 be paid the contractor. It was moved by Councilman
Sandison that report be approved ani contract officiallJ' accepted as completed., Seconded by Councilman
Wolfe and carried.
Claims paid May 21 were approved in total amount of $7,408.06. It Nas moved by Councilman McFadden that
claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Brolm and carried.
"It was lOOVed by Councilman Brown that operating reports of the Utilities be accepted and filed. Seconied
! by Councilman Sandison and carried.
Council discussed establishing policy regarding collection of c"""",rcial accounts. It lias moved by
i Councilman Neer that the natter be tabled for further consideration. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and
The following requests for renewal and transfer of beverage licenses were received:
Renewals: B.P.P, Elks, Shamrock Tavern, B and K Grocer,{, O~pic Recreation, .McGlenn's Food Store,
Grand View Grocer,{, O~pic Pistributing Comparw, LinkletteI;'s Fine Foeds, American, Legion. -
Transfer: Little Brick.Tavern from Charles and Verna Marie Binkley to_JohnC. Hays and Dode
Benedict. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that request, be approved. Seconded by Councilman Brown
and carri cd.