HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/18/1932 ~38 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 18 193..L T"lr~ 6 ~U""". et'TTl.l!. ~AlIllI<at.. ...'M..... ..020 The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for permits and licenses the following were granted. Fred R.Anderson Rebuild building Wm.Gorsegner 4 Room Residenae C.A.Boyd Move and eemodel Ernest Douaette Remodel building Oscar Lee Garage Calla-Cab-Taxi Co. 5 passenger $ 350.00 2000.00 306.00 100.00 100.00 1.25 foundation Lot 20 Block 370 Townsite Lot l5 Block 2Sr:,IJ!UVffisit6'1.ctic:'.: dwelling Lot 16 Blocke63heIfeVlls,i&)Jilastiak Lot 10 Block 66 c.c.lelghton Lot 10 Block 293 Townsite taxi to June 30,1932 The Bond of the Calla-Cab Taxi Co. was approved by the City Attorney. Under the Head of reading and passage of Ordinanaes the following Ordinanoe was read by Title and plaoed on its Third reading,- An Ordinanoe Approving and confirming assessments and assessment roll of Looal Improvement Distriot No.145 for the improvement of aertain property,to wit: Blooks 120 and 121,and the North Half of block 113 and the North Half of Blook 114, by the oonstruction of a lateral sewer aommenaing at the trunk sewer at the interseotion of "H" street with the alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets running easterly along said alley to "D" Street,all in the City of Port Angeles ,Washington, together with all appurtananoes and equipment necessary to complete the same and to do such other work as may be necessa~y in oonnection therewith,and which said improvement distriot was created and said I improvement ordered under Ordinance No.968 of the 6ity of Port Angeles, levying and assessing the amount thereof against the several lots,traots and paraels of land and oth~r property as shown on the siad roll; ordering the oollection of such assessments,oreating and establishing a speoial local improvement fund for said distriot and ordering that the said assessments be paid into such speoial fund. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the Ordinance be placed on its final passage ana adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. Under the head of New Business,- The time having arrived to oontraot for the City printing for the ensuing year, It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the city Clerk be instruated to issue a call for bids to do the City printing for the ensuing year. Said bids to be opened June 15,1932 at 10.a.m. Seconded by Mayor Davis. on roll oall all memeers voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- S.T.Eddy Hugo Olson J.W.Hooker Current Expense Fund Damages Fireman's wages Premium on City Treasurer's Bomd I _ $. 5.00 9.00 '1 1..J,5 12.45 A.O.Smith Light Fund Labor 4.00 City Treasurer Light Investment Fund Purohase of Warrant No.1376,L.I.D.No.145 Cemetery Fund Lot 4 Blook 2l Sec.L Ocean View Cemetery Park Fund 10.00 399.42 Del Baar Carl Thorp J~R.Bartlett James Anderson Rollie Lindsey Labor Labor Labor Labor 16.00 66.00 33.00 .,os' 5.50 I - Water Department Municipal ~ater Works Repair Fund Pay roll 156.00 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?7A,?~ ~;J~ 7\\' City Clerk llayor ~ 1 I 1 1- I