HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/26/1948 ,...- 4~48 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington May 18, 19i(L The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.1:., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call of officers shovled the following present: Ma,'or Epperson, Corrrrnissinners Steele and Johnson; and Clerk Law. IMinutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applicj'Fons for building pemits the following were granted. 1.<1,300 - Dudley w. Dunlap Build 5-Room Dffelling; Lot 4, Blk. 224, Tmvnsite liGe? Ramandanakis Mo~e House; Lot 15~ Dlk. 48, Townsite ,.Chff Aden Bu:J.ld 5-Room Dwelhng; Lot 17, Blk. 256, ToV/nsite W. E. Coffelt Remodel Present Garage, Make Store Rooms & Offices; 5,000.00 I 100.00 4,500.00 I 22, 5,500.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 12,000.00 , George Madison J!rs. J. 11. Smith Jack DelGuzzi Lots 10-11, Blk. N. R. Smith Add. Build 2-Room House j Lots 14-15, Blk. 184, F. G. Richards Add. Move 5-Room House; Lot 16, Blk.224, N. R. Smith Add. Build 5-Roam Dwelling; Lot 1, E Lot 2, Blk. 52, Tavmsite I Notice i~OI~~(!I~cbyi) :r~.~~ttT\at scaled Under the head of new rosiness, a petition signed by eight property ovmers I iig~'~~I,W~Pt:;~ ~f~:j~1dt'~~t LJ:~ S~l% r~questing ~ street light at Eunice and Victoria streets was referred to the I Ig;~;,h~~~t'j~{~~t.t\~IlC~~Yll~:~l,:1 ;!l~O.l~ L1.ght Superll1tendent. ,'lP48, to fUI'llt!i!hfol'. tlH:! Street I D~llarttn(Jllt. 600 ton!'!, of BltumillOUs . .. CemIJ.'lt pJant Illix, T)/]lO ],~ patching The EngJ..neers Department requested that bl.ds be publ1.shed for 600 tons of ~1t~1~1\~J.-nt8~'jI~ri~;f\~~II~r ~~l CI~: bituminous patching material for the Street Department) bids to be opened June 2nd. bnglu{"cr. The CollIIlll:!!!ioll rm'lerye,l; It db" J th t h 'b' db' I' h d S d d I.'". '. rlght.to rej;ClanY Alld all Llllll. W8S mDve y COIDmJ.ssJ.oner aOOson ate sa~d ~ 5 e pUO 1.5 e.. seon e IP!1Iill.s1!c~' }.t~)/2i.'\;'7._qlJr8.~ by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. Tire Commission examined and approvad the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: /IJo ~1- August ~ontesti I City Treasurer i Nu Way Shoe Repair 'McMahan FUel Co. I. Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating K & K Fine Foods ,Angeles Co-operative creame~" I J. B. Mathews Glass Co. I Epperson & Sons Angeles l,lnchine & Welding Worl,s Schreiner Chevrolet Co. , , 7' ; CITY STREET FUND: 3,;, - Angeles Radiator Shop .,>." 10J _ WATER FU~!D: H. E. Dodge Angele s Gravel & Supply Co. S2- LIGHT FUND: IC.J7- , D & B Battery & Electric Stn. Little-Holm Tire Co. Hood Canal Auto Freight Westinghouse Electric Supply CO. II General Electric SUPPl: Corp. : SANITATION FUND: / ~ City Treasurer .23 1 PARI( FUND: /I!' I Epperson & Sons Nails , Harris & Schuller Galv. Pipe , City Treasurer Light, water, Garbage Zellerbach Paper Co. G. E. Lamps 1(, ,I PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUIID: ..J "- , M. H. RhOdes, Inc. Magic Link I Sidewalk & Curb St.Lights, Fire Hyd., st. & Sewers, Seat 'Cover for Eator Cycle Fuel Oil Supplies S oa p Powde r Five 5-Gal. (;an s 2 Pane Glass Hardware Thread Pipe Block, Core Charge, Parts 505.4.0 I 1,268.61 8.24 41.99 66.61 11.62 28.55 1.91 3.28 4.64 149.79 Light, Water, Gar. Radia tors Hepaired 55.79 I I Expense Concrete 94.50 6.70 ' I Parts Tir~ Tube Frt. Bill Clamps, Screws, Tape, & Paint .28 ' 16.42 6.51 1,521.75 92.56 Wire Water 1.90 i 4.81 1.80 69.55 42.27, B.16 There being no further business, the session Vias declared adjourned. I I o. (j G.~, City Clerk ~.l ~ A ~------ Mayor ...... I