HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/18/1949 ,. 548 Mav 18. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ The Commission met in lregular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by !layor Feeley. were: Mayor Feeley, commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. ~inutes of the previous session were read and approved. Officers preseijt I Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: " Building Permits, lpeo. W. Gist IJ ohn Husung Frank Pollov! Paul Froude Louis Howser Mrs. Chester Earls, ,John Belongia 'Mono Botnen /3 750 - / Construct Garage; Lot 19, Blk. 112, Townsite Corntruct 2-Car Garage; Lot 14, Blk. 51, N.F:.Smith Add. Move House; 'Lot 14, Blk. 349 Tovmsite Construct 8-Room Dwelling; S~ Lots 11-12, Blk. 421, Tovmsite Construct 4-Room Dwelling & Garage; Lot 8, Elk. 292, Towllsite Sr. Remodel Porch; Lot 8, Elk. 54, Townsite Addi tion to Existing Dwelling; Rot 20, Blk. 128, Townsite Remodeling Porch; Lot 15, 3lk. 1 n, Townsite 250 .00 I 150.00 200.00 7,500.00 4,200.00 : 250.00 I' 000.00 400.00 ; .3> Licenses: 33- Rex's Radio Cab Taxi , 33.551 :lInder the head of unfinished business, bids for trenching and backfilling for the Viater Department vrere opened as follows: John Bruch Co., 6,000 lineal feet @ 35~ and 16,200 lineal feet at 55~. . . total 1~7,446.oo; Hugh Govan, [;ontractOl; 6,000 lineal feet @ ;$1.00, 16,200 lineal feet @ 75~. . . total li17,826.00.[ lIt was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bids be referred to the Engineer for checking, and the bid for , trenching, also for cast iron pipe and material as previously considered, both be awarded at the next session. Motion seconded by Co~~ssioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Board of Directors of the ,Clallam County Y.M.C.A. submitted a proposed plan for the use of the west portion of the upper floor of the old fire hall for a Y.U.C.k. Youth Center. The Commission would not make final decision until further consi.deration and advise from the City Attorney. Under the head of new business, frank '!iebster reported that ditches made by the VI.P.A. between G & H Streets on West 7th Street interfere with park activities and are a public hazard. Also wants street light at 6th and G Streets. The Engineer I s Department was instructed to inspect ditches and the Light Department to check possibilities for street light. A petition signed by property ovmers of the upper Pine Hill District requested that trunk and lateral sewers :be installed to serve their property. The petition was referred to the Engineer and City Attorney. Commissioner Taylor informed that erection of street signs purchased by the Lions Club will be started soon.; /llso that the only solution for adequate water supply is meters for all services. That water mains cannot supply all consumers when it is being used all hours and all the time, some through open hose. His opinion I was that it is a problem of each individual as well as the ifater Department. Cor.mlissioner Taylor also informed Ithat a meeting will be held in the City Hall Wednesday evening for the Commission and all groups interested ' in a thletics at the Civic Stadium. The purpose will be to draft a program fo r operation and cherges to be I made, and will not be an 0 fficial meeting. Chief Ide informed that the courtesy nickel plan is out-used and being abused by lccal citizens. Mr. Ide ,also suggested that Ordinance fixing charges for parking violations should be arended and charges fixed at 50~ if paid within 48 hours or $l.OO-if later. Amendment of Ordinal~e was referred to the City Attorney, and it was moved by Mayor Feeley thet the courtesy nickel plan be discontinued llay 25rd, excepting aut of ';Ccunty and out of State cars, for which the courtesy "i.ll continue. Motion seccnded by Com:nissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission instructed that bids be published for the official City printing for the year commencing July 1, 1949. Also to furnish for the Light Department 28,000 feet of #2/0 coppar wire, five switches, and three 600 A. capacity poles. Both bids to be opened June 1st. II NOTrCE TO BIDDERS , Xotlee Is hereby given thlH bld~ wlll be reci'lvea by the City Clerk of :.the City of Port Angele!:i, Wash., at' Ithe City Hall ()f satd CitY,.)1ot later ,.1hlll1 1(1:00 o'eloL:k A. 1\'1.; .TuIIG 1, 11 f)4~J. to furnish for the Llght De. 'i"~~~U~;~:L'b;:;;:O:tr~~d~~ ~rf~.r ;II~: II~ ~~IA~]~~~ Zh~~a~j~~~H'UI~{UOSU:d. o~eit able lor horlz'Dlltal mountinli" for ;15,000 V. service. The Commlssio:l ;rC8erves the dght to reject allY or lall bids. J. E, Law, I Publl~h May 19, 2&, 1949~ty Clerk. 't CALL FOR BIDS I i FOR CITY FRINTING ill Xotlce Is llCl'ebJ! gIven that fleaJ er'J , Itlld'~ will he rece-lvecl I.", 'h..n", f ffce. ~ the. City Clerk .ot POl;t ~l1iele' \Vash., not later than !tr", A: :\I,. I Wednesl:la.).', .J1,!~..l~ .1949. for the of-J 1"~CllI.l prlnUlIg o.L"llill mtji' of port'l AUl:Dles, tor the year commencing :.July 1, 19U. The llrinting js to be hi nonvarell or lOix 110lnl type, Rlld !'PUbllShed III l'eKular 1l;;l'\UeH of tnt-I'" tlCW.spl\pcr awarded such contract. Bids to be suhmittt'd on a ba31l5 of' harge "per line". Contract and bond n the sum of S lOOQ.OO (or the fnlth- ul performance oj' thia cantmct will I. 3r\~~~:~~~rli,jgJ~tlt~() Cr~%~iS~~; a~d J. F.. T~\...., City Clnrk. Publll:lh 1118.3: IS, 26.1.. HH9. The Commission examined and approved issued in payment of the same: 'OF.s:o CURHENT EXPENSE FUND: Trick & Murray Port Angeles Army & Navy Store Seattle Radio Supply, Inc. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Samuelson Motor Co. Willson Hardware Co. I.'ontgomery "ard & Co. Sha de & Linoleum Shop Olympic Laumry & Cleaners Beverley Vi. Estes Little Holm Tire Co. C. A. Wolverton Sf,. CITY STREET FUND: 79_ Willson Hardware Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Port Tie & Lumber Co. Port Tie & Lumber l.ull Co. :?3 WATER FUND: -<I/o - Olympic Statione rs Hockwell Manufacturir,g Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Olympic Foumry Co. Howard Cooper Corp. Angeles Machine & .Velding Works 1~iddletDn Motor Parts Co. American Water Works, Assn. Gi ty 'l'reasurer Janish Motor Co. ~ the following claims and ordered warrants Election Supplies Six Cot Mattresses Simpson Meter (8a1. Owing) Parts & Supplies Parts & Labor Tools and Hardware Bed spring & Mattress One Ve ni tia n Blind Laum ry One Truck Seat Tires, Tube, etc. Exp. to Convention, Yakima, Wn. 12.72 52.62 1.06 175.31 104.07, 88.15', 44.38 25.451 25.05 55.00 53.19 35.56 Tools am Hardware Plomb Ratchet, Demurrage lLumber ],umber 23.71 15.44 2.28 37.93 l~aps l~eter Parts Chlorine Pipe Saddle Tools Shop Work Parts, Acetylene 1949 Dues Cash Payment Dodge Truck 42.85, 9.96' 30.001 144 .07, 7.77 19.81' 7.23 8.88 10.00; 1.75 2,187.91' I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington h:ay 18th, continued, 19~ 549 ~ _.""""u,"UOL.&,n"_.-".....lil1711 ~ I I I I I lLIGHT FUND: 1';;"7_7/ Middleton Motor Parts Co. I Line Uaterial Co. 'iWestinghouse Electric Supply CA. Frank Pollow :1 Rayonier J Inc. oj SANITATION RIND: '0- I Sanuelson Motor Co. P.liddleton Motor Parts Co. ITower Super Service 'Willson Hardware Co. lamps, Paint Hardware Wire, Meters ~oving Equipment Lock-nuts 1'ru ck Pa rts Parts and Supplies uasket Set One ](u bbish Fork I g1 I PAR~ FUND: .3" ~ ,Willson Hardware Co. Samuelson Motor Co. 'Middleton Motor Parts Co. I 'I. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTHOL .ru~1l: .:2 o} Willson Hardware CD. One Drill IMiddleton Motor Parts Co. One Pil.t Oil There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. Basketball Bladder, Carco-X, e tc. Starter Drive Generator Exchange I 2.79 66.52, 561. 891 192.00 4.5lj' - 5.J 52.211 1.54 3.11 I I 21.19', 2.881 12.82 1.76' .31 I' : 0 t -fcu-v, (j City Clerk /f;#A d ~/7/ , Mayo r . I ~