HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/18/1961 76 Proceeoings of t~e ~ity ~ornmission of t~e ~ity of Port Angeles, Was~ington ~ MAY 18, IUL L ft H PRINTI""~ ~O:..- p.u~~ .... The City Council met in regular session at 7: 30 P.M. Roll call of Officers revealed the following present: Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen Richardson, Thorne, Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file. ,Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I No bids having been received for installation of light fixtures in City playfields, the Light Department will , proceed with the installation. Bids for replacing trenching machine for the Water Department were received from: Tool Crib Company, Case Model 530, $6,240.00, trade-in $1;240.00. Net, $5,000.00. H. & M. Tractor & Equipment, lnc" John Deere Industrial, $9,313,72. Trade-in $2,894.0~scount, $1,264.00. Net, $5,155.72. HarveyE. Eacrett & Company, Massey-Ferguson 65 Tractor, $9,093.81. Trade-in, $2,500.00. Net, $6,593.81. Massey-Ferguson 202 Work Bull Tractor, $8,132.22. Less trade-in $2,500.00. Net, $5,632.22. Peninsula Company, E. 1. Douglas, Ford Model 1811, $4,855.93 net. Ford Model 1841, 4 speed, $5, 12Z.35 net. iIt was moved by Councilman Richardson that bids be referred to the Manager, computed and report at the next Imeeting. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. IThe Police Department reported on investigation of request for fencing on the Eighth Street bridges. Recom- ,mendation was that the City request the State Highway Department to install fence on both Eighth Street IbridgeS primarily for safety. A request in writing to be sent to the Highway Department. Also recommended for Eighth Street between Laurel and Lincoln Streets was increased parking enforcement. I,Present two hour limit lowered to one hour and if this regulation is abused, would request installation of meters I iH parking problem still exists. Councilman Caldwell expressed opinion that one-hour parking meters should I 'be installed on both sides of Eighth Street from Laurel to Lincoln Streets, and so moved. There was no secon(l. ,It was then moved by Councilman Richardson that parking be reduced to one hour and follow the Chief's sug-l gestion of more rigid patrol of parking enforcement, and if abu se continues, the Chief can request meters. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. .The Manager read communication from School District No. 17 concerning sale of tots 12 to 16 inclusive, IBlock 169, subject to approval biY Superior Court, pursuant to State Statutes. Stated price was $8,090.44, th. ,city to furnish title insurance, be responsible for demolition and filling of existing pool, etc. It was moved I by Councilman Haguewood that the City Manager be instructed to negotiate with the School District to purchaJe lsaid property under conditions set up in the letter. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. ! IThe Council considerednenewal of a contract for fire protection in Clallam County Fire District No.2. Warren IEacrett appeared for the District, asking that certain areas be protected and other help when needed. Also discussed was where fire calls would be received and responsibility of said calls. The Attorney advised that 'if the City received the calls, res ponsibility would be with the City. The Council instructed that the District submit at an early date, a proposal in writing for Council study and consideration. II Next consl:iered was installation of larger water mains on the Cemetery TOad and adjacent areas from the East lline of Block 99 West. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the Manager be authorized to publish call for Ibids to furnish pipe for the project. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. liThe City Engineer submitted report on estimated cost of improvement in L.1.0. No. 180 for installation of Istorm and lateral sewers, curbs and gutters, alley paving and street grading and paving, total estimated eost, $620,465.91. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that report be accepted and placed on file. Seconded Iby Councilman Haguewood and carried. I Under the head of new business, a petition with twenty-four signers was received for Council consideration, protesting excessive disturbance caused by Go-Karts at the Fair Ground track. Jareld Flowers also presented a petition on behalf of the Go-Kart Club having 565 signers. John Edwards explained that petition does not' request elimination of Karts and track, Just the noise by use of mufflers. Danny Smith and C. 1. Duncan :objected to use of mufflers as this would reduce noise only about 15%, kill the sport and discourage outside 'competition. After further discus sion it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that Council take under study, ~ith recommendations at the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. Applications for renewal of Beverage licenses were: Safeway Store No. 188, Carlson's Grocery, and MCGl:mn'ls Thriftway. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that renewals be granted. Seconded by Councilman II Caldwell and carried. , 1',It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that call for bids be published for the sale of $300,000.00 G.O. Bonds!1 for Municipal Swimming Pool. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. I I It was moved by CounCilman Richardson that the Manager be authorized to publish call for bids for constructio1fl in L.I.D. No. 180,. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. I One request was received for minimum set on Lot 14, Block 315, Townsite. Councilman Thorne, Caldwell and' Richardson were named as Appraisal Committee. The Mayor reminded of meeting with the County Commissioners and urged all to attend if possible. Also, 'Association of Washington cm es Annual Convention June 7, 8 and 9. IDepartmental reports were approved as follows: Treasurer's Financial, Police, Police Judge, Budget reports of Receipts and Expenditures. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that all reports be accepted and placec;l 'on fil e. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. Claims payable were approvec;l in amounts of: General Funds, $8,555.42. Water Fund, $1,856.82. Pipeline Fund, $66,655.07. Light Fund, $38,764.76. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that all claims be paid as enumerated. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. I llI"" ~I I I I "'Ill Proceedings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington 77 (Continued) MAY 18, 19~ L " H I'IIINTINC co. !'_un. ~ II Planning Commission minutes of May 18th were read for Council consideration. It was moved by Councilman I!~horne that application of Wooillawn Investment Company for Mobile homes in Grandview Heights SubdiVision I['be approved as recommended. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. i i It Was moved by Councilman Richardson that the application by Clallam County for variance froin Zoning on ' : Lots 8,9 and 10, Block 4SS be approved as recommended. Seconded by COuncilman Thorne and carried. ' It was moved by Councilman ll.1chardson that the minutes of the PlannIng Commission be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman l:IaguewoM and carried. The Mayor read a letter signed by Robert J. Clark, Chairman of Sequim Festival Queert Coronation, e:lpresslml i personal than.~~ and conveying gratitude of the Festival Committee for partiCipation of Miss Liberty and Uncl~1 '!Samand tIl-eir conduct~urln9 the recent celebration. -. . II liAttomey Moffett read a report regarding light and wllter fund spending to hell' finance publication of a brochur~ I entitled PORT ANGELES VACATION LAND. It was his opiMon that advertising should be done within the servie'e area and ej(pendlture of funds for proposed pamphlet would be a qift of public funds which is not permitted by Statutes governing. l'It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the report be accepted and placed on file in the City's records. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. MOles. Spence and Ilutler appeared to complain about rubbish along the fence West of LinCOln School, litter 'along streets and Cemetery road, also possibility/of placing signs in conspicuous lccations prohibiting discard of waste material. The situation wn1 be investigated. Rex Al'drich questioned the right of the City to take over the business of garbage collet:tion In the recently annexed area, The Attorney has been directed to O::orttact Mrs. Frederickson and her Attorney regarding her contract and the Clty.s liability. r' Under the head of Introduction and pas sage of Resolutions, the following Was Introduced and read: RESOLUTION NO.7-51 A RESOLU'tION designating certain streets in the City of Port Angeles as arterials, and providing for the erection of stop signs. It was moved by COuncihnan Richardson that the foregoing Resolution be passed as read. Seconded by , Councllman Caldwell and carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1471 AN 0 R!ll NAN C t atlthori:tlng the settlement of a law suit against the City of Port Angeles filed by the United States Government. I It was moved by Councilman a:aguewood that the foregoing Ordi~a'1cie be approved and adopted. II CounclltI\an Richardson and carried. I"'~' bolo, 0" furlh~ b.,j"",, "" .MUM w., .~o.rn". I Seconded by I", ~.e,~_, () crt\' CLtRJ( j ,) ~ lfO'r:lCE OF CALL :rOR BIDS :mOTIel: OF -cALx. POR :BIDS Notlee lS hereby given that sealed Notice is hereby Klven tllat sealed lblds wilJ be received by the City bids will be received by the Clty :t{r~~hf~;t~~,t~enmtYJ~~eP15~ 1~11~Ie:t ~;~~f~~t~~.thuenSitYj~~eP~~~ t~fl~le:t I l~i~2 t;. t~; Cn~ ~f~n~~e:'o~\~eC?t; ~l~~~' ~c l~~. ~~~~~:'o~\I~~eC?try IOf FiJTt Angele~, Washington, for of }'01't Angeles, \Va..<1hington, for tho purchaso of cast iron or R..'ilJe:SLO~ the purchase of cast iron or asbcst'?S cement 1\'ater pipe and f1ttlng~.' Thll'l 'cement water pipc and fittings. 'J~hlS 1plpe I:: to bc used to conyey water !,llW Is to be used to COnvey water :llt 130 Ib:;. pressure, Q.nd will becomo at 130 lbs. prp.ssure, and will becflme a part of the domestic water s~ stom a part of the dome.'iti[J wat~r syetem anll fdtings must be approved by and fittings must be Rpprovefl .by '[Jf the elt, of Port Angeles. All pipe of the City of. 1">ort Angeles. All pIpe the Underwriters Laborat{)rles, 1nc.. the Underwriters Laborn.torle:<>. Inc., for use In public water and fire ltor u:oe in public water and fire service ~vstems.'l'Iervice systems Cast Iron and asbestos cem~nt pipe' Cast iron and asbestos cemont pipe . ~t. \~.~~n~~Jec~~;~I~tiO~~etor S~~dd~~:~ , ~~~\' :N~~Ilf;~e~1~f~tj~~ctol' s~~t~~'l~ Specification W W P-421 of the }at- SpeelflcatJon 1V \'i P-Hl of the lat. eSt j:o,Sue. including amendmentI:'. lest. issue, IncludIng amendments. Valves shaH be Renssela.er Valvc \'ah'cs slm.ll he RC!l!<sd:u~r Va1ve~ Cn. J.ha 13A or equal. Co., List 13A or equaL H:}~~I~~nt~~'~~a~~~athalI be Rensselaer ]h~~i;;n{~~'~~a~~~a~~Hlll be .Rensselaer A ('el'n~flca r..1H!c.k or bid '\Juno o( A cerhflCd <,..heck Of bId. bond of ~ltyO~a~~Qb~:ount bid mUHI. accom. '~~I}..o~'l.~tebra~ount bid must accom- ~~o ~;n. Ft. 4", Class 150 Cast / ~= ~tll: Ft. 4", Class HiD Cast iron pipe I iron pll]e ~~O 1~: Ft. 4" ClEWS 1&0 Asbestos ~~~~ l~~ Ft.. 4" Cla.<;.", Hit) A:.<bestos Ct;<m,..nt pipe. Cemt>nl plpe ~~~ ~~: Ft. G" Class HiO Cast ~~o~: Ft. (;"' Class UiO Cast lrtln pipe. Iron pipe. :rtem :IV' Item IV: I 1500 11n.' Ft. G" Cla:>s 1130 Asbesto8 150{l lin. F~. 6" Cla!"s 150 AS1)esws cenlnnt plJ1c coment rupc I ~::~> "f.-iUb find 0[111111", ~CLtc valves, ~~~, 1il1b a;ld Douhla gate valves, lron hOlly bronr.e mnUlltcd. iron body, bronze mounter]. ~~, ~;Cni~g. 2 ho~e eonne('t1nnH-, ~~. ~D:enjng, 2 hOf1C connections, :Ilh ft. trench depth, flre hy_ 3~ ft. trench <lcpth, fire by- drallts. (lran18. 1 Tl1C CIt), Council r.csorves tho Mght TILe City Council re3.erves therlsht to reject any ~~. aR>.bj~tANKAHD to reject any ~~. a;~.bl~i;ANKAnD ~ ('it:'!' :MaIltlgor . City Manager PulJllshed: May :r~ and ~~~ I, 1VG1. _ f'ubllslled: ~ay 25 and JunlC ~ 1::lG1.~ ~, y, 2.~~~~;~t' '" MAYO!!. ... , i , I i I, .....11II