HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/18/1982
Port Angeles, Washington
May l8, 1982
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7: 02 PM.
Members Present:
Mayor Duncan, Council1ren Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polharm1s;
Quast I Whidden
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr,
L. Cosens, J. Pittis, R. Orton, A. Rose, R. Morgan, R. Rogers,
M. Carrq:>bell
Public Present:
C. Coble, D. R. Taylor, V. Sledd, D. Hegg, C. E. Nelson, D. Bragg,
M. L. Machle, R. E. Ketchum, L. & H. Soderquist, R. Wight
Councilrran Hordyk m:wed the Council accept and place on file as received the Minutes
of the May 4, 1982, rreetingi Councilnan Gerberding seconded and the, notion carried.
.' '
1. Bid award for 4-5 yard dump truck
Mayor Duncan reviewed Finance Director Orton's merrorandum regarding the results of 1',.1'-.
the rebid of the 4-5 yard durnp truck. Councilnan Quast m:wed the Council concur
with R. Orton's recarmendation to accept Birdwell Ford I s alternate proposal for a
used 1979 IN 8000 cab and chassis with a perfection durnp body at a price of $25,550.
Councilrran Whidden seconded and the notion carried.
2. Award of Conditional Sales Contract for new fire truck
Mayor Duncan reviewed Finance Director Orton's merrorandum re=rrnending the Council
accept the proposal of Seattle First National Bank to finance acquisition of the new
fire truck through a conditional sales contract (principal $138,000) with a fixed
interest cost of 11.8% over the five-year term of the note; the nonthly install1rent .
payrrent to be $3,056. She then read Resolution No. 13-80 by title, entitJ.fl4"
r ~ 050282 -' l
City of Port Angeles,
A RESOLU:I~N of the City of port. Angeles 'NO~li~~' ?sep~~~~b;' i)len l
author~zJ.llg the Port Angeles C~ty Manager ~'ha' sealed bIds wi1? b~
to execute a conditional sales contract f received by the CltyC..lerk, C" .
ty 01 Port Angeles. 140 We,t
with Seattle First National Bank of Port ,Front 5"....,. P.g. Box lIS(), ,
Angeles 'IPOrl Angel.s, W'o.nrngton.~ ~
. 98362, unlil2:00 P ./oI",,1ues. !
day, /oIay 11th 1962, ,!('-d,lhal' i
Councilrran polharm1s m:wed the Council pass the foregoing Re Ihe. City will reject"all bid. '
title councilrran Gerberding seconded and Councilman Hord,1 received.alter 'he scheduled
. ':.l dosing f~m. and dote. The
impressed with the workrrenship of the new 3-D 1,500 gpn fir. bids will be opened publicly the
question the notion carried at Ihallime lo~ furnishing the I
. following equIpment and/or
material: .'. -'.
3 Transfonrer Bid Award 1. 30 Units 7200 volt pole
. type d~stribufion
transformers ,
. ed hi f' h' d 2. 19 Units 7200/2~00 volt
Mayor Duncan rev~ew C e Engllleer Frenc s memoran urn r pole. fype distribution
reccmrendation for award of the bid for distribution transf t,anslorme".
Hordyk noved the Council concur with the Light De~,..-h"ant r Bid specification. may be
~'...Uli.O"'U obtoir'lled born the Light
the bid for Item 1-7200-120/240 pole-type distribution tran Departmenl office at 240 .
States Electric with the lowest evaluated cost of $79 S63 4 We.t Front Street. Par' of
1 . Angeles. Washmgton '98362,
$28,405.98 including tax; and the bid for 7200 x 2400-120/2 Acertilid check or bid band
voltage distribution transfonrers from Westem States Elec for 5 !,ereenf of the amoun' of
the bid s~QII accompany each
evaluated cost of $54,l09.32, and an actual =st of $l7,896J bid: All bids ore to include per
the bid specifications councilrran Quast se=nded and aftE! dehvery F,O.B. Port Angeles.
. , Washington.
the notion carried. Bids will be opened and
'abulated for the City Council
for consideration by said
Council ill session Tuesday
/oIay 18, 1982.
The Council reserves the i
right to consider deliv.g.ry.
time ond to accept Qr to reiect ~
any or ell bids or any part
The unit price shall prevail
'and the Ci1y reserves the
righ1 to corre-ct any &xten.
slons or improper !oles
Pub.: May:2, 7, 1962
Port Angeles, Washington
May 18, 1982
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
]l1enibers Present:
Mayor Duncan, Councilrren Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus;
Quast, Whidden
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr,
L. Cosens, J. Pittis, R. Orton, A. Rose, R. Morgan, R. Rogers,
M. Carrpbell
Public Present:
C. Coble, D. R. Taylor, V. Sledd, D. Hegg, C. E. Nelson, D. Bragg,
M. L. Machle, R. E. Ketchtnn, L. & H. SOderquist, R. Wight
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the Minutes
of the May 4, 1982, meeting; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the, IlDti<;Jll carried.
1 . Bid award for 4-5 yard dUll'gJ truck
Mayor Duncan reviewed Finance Director Orton 's rnerrorandurn regarding the results of
the rebid of the 4-5 yard dump truck. Councilman Quast moved the Council concur
with R. Orton's recc:mrendation to accept Birdwell Ford's alternate proposal for a
used 1979 LN 8000 cab and chassis with a perfection dump body " 50.
Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. - WJ NOll110W30 !
ISGq 'OJ "s '9o,s9'l~" ',oop I'
-JoB -10 ,. 0) JOUOj~ uep
1- JIIMOWUMO/ 'IN'o/~ ,I
fSIII~'OJ '6~1"'l~" "SIOO' puo
! . .JOf ipa-au OlJ 1 e
Mayor Duncan reviewed Finance Director Orton I s rnem::>randurn reCl 'O~lN~" "eAo ' ~!l
accept the proposal of Seattle First National Bank to financ~' SII SII~!Jd dOlllln7:sJq~M !new
fire truck through a conditional sales contract (principal $1: JII '"P'O IIW04 31lsoW 1
, 'OSl
interest cost of 11.8% over the five-year term of the note; ~puo SSOJq6'~~dd~~u!~n,0 ~t
payrrent to be $3,056. She then read Resolution No. 13-80 byJ~~~~' '~JO' ~un' 'Iu~o,:::
r -' II U!660/ JOj HSVJ
RESOLUTION NO. 13-82 '~U04S o~B~P"&89 "JOIDA!I,,,, )
'",~e 'S:lS'~.^wa""~~oa, plJO
WOHoq .; 6u,. p I MOld
.d'nbll I. ,,91 .!UlIw
j -' WJOj pesn lNVM
r-,::~~= ~~ I
Award of Conditional Sales Contract for new fire truck
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Port Angeles City Manager
to execute a conditional sales contract
with Seattle First National Bank of Port
Councilman Polhamus moved the Council pass the foregoing Resolution as read by
title. Councilman Gerberding seconded, and Councilman Hordyk indicated he was
impressed with the workmanship of the new 3-D 1,500 gr:m fire truck. On call for the
question the IlDtion carried.
3. Transfonrer Bid Award
Mayor Duncan reviewed Chief Engineer French's rnerrorandurn regarding his
recarmendation for award of the bid for distribution transfonre:ts. Councilman
Hordyk moved the Council concur with the Light Depart.rtEnt recorrrnendation to accept
the bid for Item 1-7200-120/240 pole-type distribution transfonrers from Western
States Electric with the lavest evaluated cost of $79,563.48, and an actual cost of
$28,405.98 including tax; and the bid for 7200 x 2400-120/240 pole-type, dual
voltage distribution transformers fran Western States Electric with the lowest
evaluated cost of $54,109.32, and an actual cost of $17,896.82 including 'tax, as per
the bid specifications. Councilman Quast seconded, and after further discussion,
the rrotion carried.
City Council Minutes
May 18, 1982
Councilman Hordyk llDVed the Council approve the items listed under the Consent
Agenda, including vouchers of $944,271.40, payroll of $185,309.56, permission to
advertise ccrrbined projects Old Mill Road and 8th and C intersection channelization,
and notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of application for
issuance or renewal of liquor licenses for the forthcoming licensing year
camencing July 1, 1982, for the fOllONing businesses:
Gordy's Pizza Parlor
Georgie's Pizza
laCasi ta
Pier Inn
Marino I s Restaurant
1st Street Haven Restaurant
Birney I s Restaurant
Hanger Restaurant
Babe I S Tavern
Brickie's Place
The Rocker Tavern
Gateway Tavern
Salty Dawg
The Harbor Tavern
The Bushwacker
Port Angeles PUB
Sunrise Tavern
The Wreck
The Country Aire
Thunderbird BOathouse, Inc.
United Distributors
Andy I s OUtback
Aggie's Inn
Skipper's Seafood 'N Chcwder House
Chinook Cafe
Lee I s Fairm:Junt Restaurant
Elks Lodge No. 353
Goldie's Restaurant
Dale Rollf's Restaurant
Harrington I s Town House
Peninsula Golf Club, Inc.
Haguewood I s Restaurant
1890 Mining & logging Co.
EI Amigo
councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
VI A. Items from the Audience not on the Agenda
l-layor Duncan introduced Don Taylor, Secretary for IWA Local 3-90, who, in
conjunction with Doug McIrmes, Persormel Manager at peninsula Plywood, solicited
contributions to purchase supplies for the Fire Departrrent' s Espy Giles Aid Unit.
Mr. Taylor indicated contributions had been received from seven local firms and
unions: Weyerhauser Co., Peninsula Plywood, Local 195, ITI' Rayonier, Crown
zellerbach, Local 3-90 IWA, Int. Longshorerren I s and Warehouserren I s Union, and
Merrill & Ring Timber Co., totaling $2,150. The Council expressed their thanks to
all those contributors for their generous donations.
B. Items fram the Council not on the Agenda
Councilman Quast requested l-layor Duncan and Councilman Polhamus report on the
Transit Authority regarding their taxing rate at a future meeting.
Nuclear Disa:i:marrent Resolution No. 14-82
Mayor Duncan read a Resolution urging all federal decision-IlBkers to protect h1..BMI1
life by defusing the current tensions between nations and actively working for the
reduction and eventual dismantling of nuclear arsenals world-wide; and that all
and rnili tary: defense plans be based on the fact that a nuclear holocaust would Ireal1
the end of m:Dst life as we know it on this planet. COuncilman Hordyk moved the
Council adopt the Resolution as read; Councilman Gerberding seconded, and the motion
1. Planning ccmnission Minutes of May 12, 1982
Mayor Duncan reviewed the Plarming Camlission Minutes of May l2, 1982, with the
follONing action being taken by the Council:
a. Conditional Use Permit - Sledd
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recorroendation of the Plarming
CC:mnission to extend the Sledd Conditional Use Permit to make and sell handcrafted
costume jewelry as a Heme occupation situate 422 South ilL" Street for a two-year
period, subject to the original conditions. Counci1rran Gerberding seconded and the
motion carried.
City Council Minutes
May 18, 1982
b. M-l Pennit - Clallam County Energency Alcohol Center
Councilman Quast mJved the Council concur with the reccmrendation of the Planning
Ccmnission to approve a Conditional Use Pennit in the M-1 Zone for the Clallam
County Energency Alcohol Center to establish and operate a short-tem care and
holding facility for the protection of people with alcohol-related problems,
situate 2602 West 18th Street, for an initial period of one year, subject to the
following conditions: (1) the pennit be reviewed at the end of one year to review I
the appropriateness of the use at the location; (2) that the requirements of the
Fire Marshal be rret; (a) a UBC approved errergency exit be installed near the
northeast comer of the large classroan; (b) the door between the main structure and
the shop be a securable solid core door; (c) srroke alarms and "no srroking" signs be
installed in sleeping areas; (d) that the shop area not be used as a wood shop; (3)
that a minimum of two staff rrembers be present on the premises during all hours of
occupancy by clients. As findings of fact for this l'OCltion, he cited the following:
(A) the location in the existing building ort the Diversified Industries industrial
site provides adequate access to existing arterials and will not alter traffic
patterns; (B) the proposed use in this location will not significantly change
neighboring land use patterns; (C) the irttpact upon the residential area to the north
should be minor and considerably less than if the facility were developed in a
totally residential area. Councilman Polhamus seconded; and the Council addressed
questions to representatives from Olyrrpic Mem:>rial Hospital and <X:EAC regarding
operation of the proposed facility. After further discussion, the motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk then roved the Council accept and place on file as received the
Planning Conmission Minutes of May 12, 1982. Councilman Whidden second'~~Land the
. 'ed 0511' J
that the Port Angeles City 1
2 Hopper Withdrawal - Applications for PRO and Rezone Council will hold 0 public
. _ _ hearing on May 18, 1982. at
7:00 P.M., or os soon
Mayor Duncan reviewed a rrerrorandum fran Planner Carr advi' therealter 0. possible. in tho'
Council Chambers. 134 Wes1
Hopper I S formal withdrawal by letter of his rezone reques Front Street, to consider on
Planned residential develoT"IITPnt, effective May 11, 1982. opplication for the rezone of I
"-'-' 19.43 ocreS Irom RS.9 (Single.
hearing would not be necessary on the request to rezone 1 Fomily Residential) to RMF
14th and 18th Streets and between "N" and "0" Streets fr (Residential Multi-Family).
LOCATION: An L.shaped
per lot, to RMF. Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council acc' parcel witn tho northerly por.
, , tlan between 14th and 16th
of his rezone request and application for a PRO. CounCl Slreets, app,oxlmotely 820
and Planner Carr indicated an addendum referred to in the, feel wesl of "N" Street and
. th . Immediately east 01 Kedter
yet been received. On call for the question, e mJt~on Woods: ond the southerly
portion between 16th and
3. Peninsula College - Resurfacing Tennis Courts mh f;:;e:~;, ~p~~~.'~~::~
and app,oximately 208 leet
Manager Flodstrom sunmarized a letter received from Frank west of "N" Slreel, (VICINITY
Business Manager, requesting City aid in the resurfacing Legal Desc,lplion: Lot 2,
d ded th Coun . 1 d . t thi Shor' Plat No. 80-50-3; AND
COurtS; an recamen e c~ es~gna e s reques 011 of Suburban Lot 102; AND
priority item to be considered in the 1983 budget as the the north 42\ leet of the west
tho . '1982 ed th ha 1 ~ 335leel 01 Suburbon Lot 103.
for lS proJect ll1 . He not ese courts ve a we; togetner with the south 28<1
public use. After further discussion, in which Councilmari~' feet 01 tne west 327 feet of
. . , , Suburban Lot 103: All In the
anchorll1g the posts ll1 l~eu of resurfacll1g the courts I th, Townsite of Port Angeles.
Manager Flodstran's reconrrend.ation to currently deny parti Clallam County, Woshington,
'd th' . th 1983 b d t ' Applicant: ScollHopper
COnSl er ~s request ~n e u ge process. , Property Owner: Scott Hop.
J per, George & Hazel Loghry,
. ., , 'da ' Clyde J. Tuggle
4. PubllC Health Regulation reqw.rll1g Fluorl tlon - Let, All interested parties may
Health Officer I appear at Ihe hearing and ex.
press their oplnJon on this
, proposal.
Mayor Duncan reviewed a letter fran Dr. Garlick, Clallam G DATE: May 7,1982
. th '1' h' 1 ' trod ' Marion C, Parrish
requestll1g e CounCl. s ccmrents on ~s p ans to ll1 UC' City Clerk
Regulation requiring Fluoridation of public water supplietpub.: May 11,1982. _ -- After I
a brief discussion of the Fluoridation issue, the Council mstiuctan1anager
Flodstran and Attorney Miller to investigate the authority of the County Public '
Health Regulation to illpose the requirement of fluoridation in the City of Port
Angeles' water supply.
5. Hood Canal Bridge Toll
Mayor Duncan reviewed a letter fran Clallam County Administrative Coordinator Wilson
introducing a resolution to be passed by all local legislative bodies, urging the
State Department of Transportation to hold the toll fare for the Hood Canal Bridge,
if such a toll is ~sed, to not mJre than $1.50 per passenger vehicle. She read
the resolution and Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the resolution as read.
Councilman Whidden seconded; and during discussion of the !lOtion it was pointed out
that the resolution should be clarified to mean $1.50 per vehicle incluCWlg driver
City Council Minutes
May 18, 1982
b. M-1 Permit - Clallam County Emergency Alcohol Center
Councilman Quast !lOved the Council con= with the recorrrneIaiiJ 6U!WJOlU! ';o'uols!ing
Carrmission to approve a Conditional Use Permit in the M-1 :.II pa!j!Ssap 'SJDa.( 001
County Einergency Alcohol Center to establish and operate al 1
holding facility for the protection of people with alcohol~_ 1
situate 2602 West 18th Street, for an initial pericd of onll~W - )I~:lM the
following conditions: (1) the permit be reviewed at the ~'. 1J1"" l' IJU[)I J'lifM I
the appropriateness of the use at the location; (2) that t:::)1J LI IJ ..a.he
Fire Marshal be ~t; (a) a UBC approved energency exit be r I
nortl>east corner of the large clas=. (b) the door ~ ~J.lre and
the shop be a securable solid core door; (c) srroke alanns p _ Jns be
installed in sleeping areas; (d) that the shop area not be: b; (3)
that a minimum of two staff nembers be present on the prem ~ (S of
occupancy by clients. As findings of fact for this !lOtio ' ~ing:
(A) the location in the existing building on the Diversiff lrial
site provides adequate access to existing arterials and wi' l
patterns; (B) the proposed use in this location will not .J
neighboring land use patterns; (C) the :impact upon the rel
should be minor and considerably less than if the facilit
totally residential area. Councilman PoThamus seconded; _ssed
questions to representatives from Olynpic Melrorial Hospi hg
operation of the proposed facility. After further discus f"theied.
Councilman Hordyk then !lOved the Council accept and Place) I
Planning Carmission Minutes of May 12, 1982. Councilman .1 the
rrotion carried. . I ;. ( I
2. Hopper Withdrawal - Applications for PRO and Rezone ,: ,.":- :.'" ,
Mayor Duncan revifMed a rnerrorandum fram Planner Carr advising the Council of Mr.
Hopper's formal withdrawal by letter of his rezone request and application for a
planned residential development, effective May 11, 1982. Therefore,. a public
hearing would not be necessary on the request to rezone 19.43 acres lying between
14th and 18th Streets and between "N" and "a" Streets from RS-9, 9,000 square feet
per lot, to RMF. Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council accept Mr. Hopper I s withdrawal
of his rezone request and application for a PRO. Councilman Gerberding seconded,
and Planner Carr indicated an addendum referred to in the withdrawal letter had not
yet been received. On call for the question, the rrotion carried.
3. Peninsula College - Resurfacing Tennis Courts
Manager Flcdstrom surrrnarized a letter received from Frank Thayer, Peninsula College
Business Manager, requesting City aid in the resurfacing of the College tennis
courts; and reccmrended the Council designate this request for funds as a high
priority item to be considered in the 1983 budget as the City currently has no funds
for this project in 1982. He noted these courts have always been available for
public use. After further discussion, in which Councilman Hordyk suggested
anchoring the posts in lieu of resurfacing the courts, the Council concurred with
Manager Flodstrcm's reccmrendation to currently deny participation in 1982, but to
consider this request in the 1983 budget process.
4. Public Health Regulation requiring Fluoridation - Letter fran Clallam County
Health Officer
Mayor Duncan revifMed a letter fran Dr. Garlick, Clallarn County Health Officer,
requesting the Council's COl1ll'eI1ts on his plans to introduce a Public Health
Regulation requiring Fluoridation of public water supplies in Clallarn County. After
a brief discussion of the Fluoridation issue, the Council instructed Manager
Flcdstran and Attorney Miller to investigate the authority of the County Public
Health Regulation to impose the requirement of fluoridation in the City of Port
Angeles' water supply.
5. Hood Canal Bridge Toll
Mayor Duncan reviewed a letter fran Clallarn County Administrative Coordinator Wilson
introducing a resolution to be passed by all local legislative lxxlies, urging the
State Department of Transportation to hold the toll fare for the Hood Canal Bridge,
if such a toll is imposed, to not rrore than $1. 50 per passenger vehicle. She read
the resolution and Councilman Quast rroved the Council adopt the resolution as read.
Councilman Whidden seconded; and during discussion of the rrotion it was pointed out
that the resolution should be clarified to rrean $1.50 per vehicle inclualng driver
City Council Minutes
May 18, 1982
and passengers. Councilman Hordyk opposed the establishnent of any toll on the Hood
Canal Bridge. On call for the question, the rrotion to adopt the clarified
resolution carried, with Councilman Hordyk voting j'No".
6 , Proclarration - Public Works Week
MaYOJ; Duncan proclained the week of May 23 - 29, 1982, as National Public Works Week
in Port Angeles.
7. Proclarration - National Safe Boating Week
Mayor Duncan proclairred the week of June 6 - 12, 1982, as National Safe Boating Week
in Port Angeles.
8. proclarration - Older Americans Month
Mayor Duncan proclairred the rronth of May, 1982, as Older Americans Month in Port
Angeles. Councilman Quast suggested a rronth be designated for Younger Americans
9. Attorney Miller's Oral Report on WPPSS
Attorney Miller reported on the Orcas Island PCMer & Light Steering Comnittee and
WPPSS rreetings he had attended since the last Council meeting. WPPSS proposes the
City of Port Angeles (along with the other WPPSS 4 and 5 participants) join them as
defendants of the Lewis County lawsuit, and that all issues raised
concerning the validity of the participants' obligations under the WPPSS contracts
would be addressed by WPPSS in the lawsuit. The Orcas PCMer & Light Steering
Corrmittee has proposed a banding together of several hOIIDgenous utilities to
contribute econanic resources towards retention of a law firm to research the Lewis
County lawsuit and prepare an analysis of the positions the utilities can take.
Attorney Miller also updated the Council regarding the possible filing of several
lawsuits regarding the WPPSS 4 and 5 tennination issues, and indicated the Council
may scon need to seriously consider joining with other utilities to support
financing of further legal research on this issue.
lO. WPPSS Participants' Meeting - May 12, 1982
Councilman Hordyk attended an All-Participants Meeting on May 12th in Portland in
which a seven-new-member Participants' Comnittee was selected. He reported that
though he was unhappy with the voting for the Participants' Review Board, as this
included individuals also on the WPPSS' Board, he was pleased to note a prevailing
attitude to atterrpt to reach the best solution for all those concerned and
to bring Plants 1, 2, and 3 on-line as soon as feasible to begin contributing
revenues. Councilman Hordyk also pointed out that the Council needed to select an
agency or individual on the Participants' carmittee to represent the interests of
the City of Port Angeles. Council and Staff discussed the selection of a
representative at length, and Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council select Clark
County PUD as the City's representative on the Participants' Crnmittee and
Councilman Quast seconded. After further discussion, Councilman Haguewood moved the
Council table the selection of a representative to the May 25th special rreeting.
Councilman Hordyk seconded and the rrotion carried.
Resolution l6-82
Th€! Council discussed several items related to the WPPSS issue. Councilman
Gerberding then introduced and read a resolution he had drafted protesting the sale
of any new WPPSS bonds until after an Initiative 394 election on the bonds. He
moved the Council adopt the resolution as read and Councilman Quast seconded. Those
opposing the resolution indicated they would like to see everything possible done to
further the canpletion of WPPSS Plants 1, 2 and 3. After further discussion,
Counci1man Quast moved the original rrotion be amended to not exceed the original
reccmrendation ($590 million). Councilman Gerberding seconded the arrendment, and on
call for the arrendment to the original rrotion, CouncilIren Gerberding, Whidden and
Quast voted "Aye", and Council1ren Hordyk, Haguewood and Polhamus voted "No". voting
to break the tie, Mayor Duncan voted in favor of the arrendrrent. On call for the
amended rrotion - which now was changed to read the City of Port Angeles resolves to
protest the sale of WPPSS bonds in excess of the original reCOIllll2I1dation ($590
million) prior to an Initiative 394 election on the bonds, Councilman Gerberding,
Whidden and Quast voted "Aye", and Councilmen Hordyk, Haguewood and Polhamus voted
"No" . Mayor Duncan voting to break the tie, voted in favor of adoption of the
amended . resolution.
City COlll1cil Minutes
May 18, 1982
11. Report on Pine Hill Access Roadway - alternative proposals for repair or
Public Works Director Pittis reviewed several alternate proposals for repair or
relocation of the Pine Hill Access Roadway, which slid out this spring. He
preferred relocation of the roadway, but due to the cost - $80,000 - for which the
City has no current sources of funds, recamended the follCMing:
1982 - Excavate west side of roadway; pave over a pipe to be placed in the ditch;
install a retaining wall against the west side of the roadway and a guardrail
2 feet inside of the slide area. This would create a narrCM roadway with a
restrictive load limit - cost - $10,000
1983 - Pile and fill-in the east side of the roadway to widen the road. The load
limit would remain. Cost - $20,000
The Council discussed the proposals at length and determined the relocation of the
roadway would be the best use of funds in the long run, but at this time was not
feasible due to lack of funds. Councilman Quast moved the Council concur with the
recarmandation to authorize the 1982 first phase of the repairs to the existing Pine
Street roadway r and instructed Staff to simultaneously investigate the acquisition
of land necessary for future relocation of the Pine Street access roadway.
Counci1man Whidden seconded, and after further discussion, the rrotion carried.
12. Public Hearing set for 4th/5th Alley west of Valley Street - City of Port
Reso uti on No. 17,82
A RESOLUTION 01 the Cily
Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 17-82 by title, entitled",IPorl Angeles semng 0
Ihearing dote for c petition to
,i.oac:ate c portion of the olley
In Block 85, Townsite of Port
: WH EREAS. the owner 01 in-
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles ~erest in Lols-"~ and 17'20, '
,Block 85. Townsile 01 Pori
setting a hearing date for a petition Angeles. has filed 0 pelition
to vacate a portion of the alley in "wilh the City Clerk 10 moke
Bl k 85 . m.-..~ . t f Port An 1 Ivocolion of Ihe alley abutting
DC , J.vwus~ e 0 ge es. said lals; and ~
. WHEREAS, said pet;lion op'
. , 'I pears 10 have been signed by
Counc~1man Quast moved the COunc~l adopt the foregorng Re'the owners of more than two. title;
Councilmm Hordyk seconded and the rrotion carried. !thirds 01 the pro~e'ty abul.
t,ng upon the rlghi-oi-way t
$OU9,"1 to be vacated:
13. Family Skate Center - Request permission for all-nigh'RE~g~EDT~~R~H~R~o~~c:I
Mayor Duncan reviewed a letter from the Manager of 'the FaI ANGELES as lollaws: , ,
. .. .. """::;;lI~ Section 1, The petition 10
requestll1g pernuss~on to hold three all-n~ght skatrng t"""';.lmake such vacation shall be
Councilmm Haguewood rroved the Council grant ""'rn'l; ssion f( heord .and delermined by this
, . I:'-.'~ dcounCli on the 15th day 01
no problems or ccrrplarnts stenrning from anyone party. June, 1982, which is nol more
and the rrotion carried than sixty (60) days nor less
. than Iwenty (20) days
Section 2, The City Clerk is
:hereby directed to give 'wen.
ty (20) days notice of Ihe
Manager Flodstrom noted several items in the InformationaP!lndency 01 said pelitionae-
lc::or~lng 10 the prOVISIon:. o-f
information on the process to improve collections on bad C-RCW 35.79.020, Staff
d. ed th oced sed by th C' t f B rto j PASSED by th~ Council of
~SCUSS e pr ure u e ~ y 0 rerre n an lhe Ci.y of Port Aug.les this e
Brerrerton' s program to create an acceptable and workable '16t:, day 01 May, 1982, in the
City of Port Angeles. ATTES~~ralhy Duncan. Maya.
Mar.an C. Parris"', City Clerk
/0 Approved as 10 Fa,m:
)PUb,: May 25, 30, June 2, 6,
Councilmm Whidden questioned the status of the bunkering '~~;H_~'~_"_'"-"""~'~. arbor
issue; COuncilmm Quast questioned the rate of vandalism on the City Pieri and
Counci1man Polhamus inquired as to recent Fire Depart:rrent activities.
'ect to
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to an executive session at 9:37 P.M.
The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
City Clerk
," ."
, .
City Council Minutes
May 18, 1982
11. Re];X)rt on Pine Hill Access Roadway - alternative pro];X)sals for repair or
12. Public Hearing set for 4th/5th Alley west of Valley S1;
Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 17-82 by title, entitleq{
RESOLurION NO. l7-82
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Public Works Director Pittis reviewed several alternate pre
relocation of the Pine Hill Access Roadway, which slid out
preferred relocation of the roadway, but due to the cost -
City has no =rent sources of funds, reccrrmended the folle
1982 - Excavate west side of roadway; pave over a pipe to l:
install a retaining wall against the west side of th
2 feet inside of the slide area. This would create
restrictive load limit - cost - $10,000 I
1983 - Pile and fill-in the east side of the roadway to wi<
limit would remain. Cost - $20,000 '
The council discussed the proposals at length and deterrnini
roadway would be the best use of funds in the long run, bu:
feasible due to lack of funds. Councilman Quast rroved the
reccmrendation to authorize the 1982 first phase of the re;
Street roadway, and instructed Staff to simultaneously inv
of land necessary for future relocation of the Pine Street
Councilrl'an Whidden seconded, and after further discussion,'
A RESOLtJrION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition
to vacate a portion of the alley in
Block 85, Townsite of Port Angeles.
Councilrl'an Quast rroved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title; I'
Councilrl'an Hordyk seconded and the rrotion carried.
13. Family Skate Center - Request permission for all-night skating parties
Mayor Duncan reviewed a letter from the Manager of the Family Skate Center
requesting permission to hold three all-night skating parties throughout the year.
Councilman Haguewcod rroved the Council grant permission for the parties, subject to
no problems or ccnplaints sterrming from anyone party. Councilman Polhamus seconded
and the rrotion carried.
Manager Flodstran noted several items in the Inforrrational Agenda, including
inforrration on the process to improve collections on bad checks. Council and Staff
discussed the procedure used by the City of Brerrerton and determined to refine
Brerrerton's program to create an acceptable and workable procedure to be used in the
City of Port Angeles.
Councilman Whidden questioned the status of the bunkering/ lightering in the Harl:or
issue; Councilman Quast questioned the rate of vandalism on the City Pier; and
Councilman Polharrn.1s inquired as to recent Fire Departnent activities.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the rreeting to an executive session at 9:37 P.M.
The rreeting returned to open session and adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
City Clerk