HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/18/1999 3974 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 18, 1999 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins and Williams. Members Absent: None. StaffPresenr' Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, and Y. Ziomkowski. Public Present: H. Schmidt, L. Lee, D. Roberts, L. Nutter, L. Witt, G. Brittenham, C. Miller, B. Christensen, G. Miller, L. Huber, M. Atwell, and N. Mickelson. PLEDGE OF Mayor Braun announced that this was Finance Director Godbey's final Council ALLEGIANCE: meeting. He stated she would be missed, and he wished her and her family the best. Mayor Braun asked Director Godbey to lead the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL 1. Proclamation Recognizing May 22, 1999, as "National Maritime Day" MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Braun read aloud the proclamation recognizing May 22, 1999, at "National Maritime Day". Mr. Harold Schmidt accepted the proclamation and thanked the National Maritime Week Council for recognizing the importance of the Merchant Marines in ensuring liberty and justice for the citizens of the United States. Salvation Army Week 2. Salvation Army Week Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing May 16 - 21, 1999, as Salvation Army Week. Transit Employee 3. Transit Employee Appreciation Day Appreciation Day Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing Monday, May 24, 1999, as Transit Employee Appreciation Day. WORK SESSION: None. LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Wiggins asked that Leland Lee, Chairman of the Law Enforcement PLACED ON THIS OR Advisory Board (LEAB), be allowed to address the issue of gun safety. FUTURE AGENDA: Leland Lee, 905 W. 11th Street, stated that at its May meeting, the LEAB voted to take HB 1424 a position in favor of HB 1424, which relates to gun safety. Recent tragedies, such as school shootings, have brought attention to the need for gun safety, and the LEAB feels - 1 - 3975 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1999 HB1424 (Cont'd) HB1424 would be an effective start toward ensuring the safe guards of handling fire arms. The LEAB recommends the City Council also support this bill. Councilman Wiggins explained the contents and penalties of HB1424 and moved that the City Council adopt a position in favor of HB 1424 and notify the Legislature of that support. Councilmember McKeown asked for clarification on the locked box aspect of thc bill, which Councilman Wiggins provided. For discussion purposes, Councilman Doyle seconded the motion. Discussion ensued, and Councilman Wiggins asked Police Chief Ilk to speak to this issue. Chief Ilk gave a brief history of the bill and responded to questions. Councilman Wiggins felt it was reasonable to send a message that people should be more careful with fire arms. If the Council took a position in favor of the bill, those responsible for moving the legislation forward could be notified of the City's support. Failing that, the Council could adopt an ordinance to that effect. Councilman Williams had no problem with gun safety, but' felt he needed time to examine the bill and research the issue further. Mayor Braun advised the Council that Mr. Don Roberts wished to address the Council on this matter. Don Roberts, 151 Billy Smith Road, Sequim, informed the Council that this bill has been before the Legislature and rejected three times. It is only being considered now because of the Special Session and the personal request of the Governor. Mr. Roberts stated education was the most important part of fire arm safety. There is a program sponsored by the National Rifle Association, which is directed at small children. He recommended the Council view the tapes on this program to see how effective this can be. Further, Mr. Roberts informed the Council that Washington State has instituted a pre- emption prohibiting municipalities from adopting an Ordinance affecting fire arms alone. He read aloud from the Washington RCW Section 9.41.290, and urged the Council to study this particular RCW before proceeding with any ordinance adoption. Following further limited discussion, Councilman' Wiggins moved to table the motion, pending' further study. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion. Councilmember McKeown reminded the Council that personal e-mails and faxes could be sent to the Legislature on this issue. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Attendance at National Linda Nutter, 1701 E. Third Street, representing the Port Angeles Planning Planning Conference Commission, gave a report on her recent attendance at the National Planning Conference in Seattle. Planning Director Collins was involved in the planning of the mobile workshops, and Ms. Nutter stated it was an excellent conference. One of the themes of the conference was community based strategies which brought forth many good ideas. Ms. Nutter listed several strategies used by other cities to engage community participation in government. She thanked the City for sending her to the Conference. Ms. Nutter also informed the Council that she is the Planning Commission representative to the Non-Motorized Advisory Committee. The Committee has identified pedestrian and bicycle routes in the City, but would like to work with City staff when street improvements are planned. It would also like to work with the Downtown Association to plan a secured area where bikes can be stored while shopping downtown. Ms. Nutter felt she should work with the new City Manager, and Mayor' Braun agreed. He also suggested she sPeak to the business community regarding the storage area for bikes and backpacks. Councilman Williams suggested Ms. Nutter speak to Tim Smith, Economic Development Director, and Dan DiGuilio, Clallam Transit, as they are involved in the Gateway Project. -2- 3976 CITY COUNCIL MEEYING May 18, 1999 FINANCE: Bid Award for Bleachers at Volunteer Field Volunteer Field Bleachers Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Parks and Recreation Department and asked Director Brodhun for additional input. Director Brodhun explained this is another example of terrific community support for a project. Thanks to a grant, State reimbursement and in-kind donations, the net City expenditure is about $5,000 for this project. Director Brodhun thanked all those who participated in this project and stated it has truly been a volunteer effort. Councilman Doyle moved to award the Volunteer Field bleacher bid to Sturdisteel Company. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Campbell moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) City Council minutes - April 29, May 4, May 8, and May 12, 1999; 2) Out-of-state travel authorization - Finance Department; 3) Check list - May 12, 1999 - $834,551.27. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Following limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. To accommodate those in the audience wishing to address the issue, Item I. 3. was moved up on the agenda. Interim Manager Pittis noted there were also people present wishing to speak to Item I. 1. This was also moved up on the agenda. Assignment of Sublease Other Considerations from British Petroleum 3. Assignment of Sublease from British Petroleum to Tesoro Marine Services Company Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney and requested additional input, which was provided by Attorney Knutson. He explained that the City will not be assuming any new liabilities, and the rent will continue to be paid to the City. Attorney Knutson stated that Craig Miller, representing British Petroleum, was present to give a more detailed explanation of the request. There were also representatives present from British Petroleum and Tesoro Marine, should Council have any questions for them. Craig Miller, 230 East Fifth Street, thanked Mr. Knutson and felt his letter included in the packet was self explanatory. Mr. Miller stated he was authorized to represent to the City Council that Daishowa has agreed and consented to this transaction. Mr. Miller introduced Bob Christensen, Manager of British Petroleum Facilities on the West Coast, and Graham Miller, Executive Vice President of Tesoro Marine Services, Inc., who will be operating the facility. Graham Miller, 1206 Berry Wood Lane, Houston, Texas, explained that Tesoro Marine is a Texas-based company doing business for 50 years. Tesoro Marine acquired the Shell Refinery in Anacortes in 1998 and wishes to expand business in this area. Mr. Miller stressed that existing staff will remain and that high standards of safety and environmental protection will be maintained. He hoped for a long association in Port Angeles. Discussion ensued, and Mr. Miller responded to questions posed by the Council. Bob Christensen, British Petroleum (BP), Kingston, Washington, stated BP no longer owns the refinery in Femdale; therefore, it has been processing oil provided by Tesoro. Tesoro wishes to handle all aspects of its business, hence the purchase of BPs west coast assets. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary legal -3- 3977 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1999 Assignment of Sublease document(s) expressing the City's consent to the assignment of British Petroleum's from British Petroleum Ediz Hook sublease to Tesoro Marine Services Company, subject to review and (Cont'd) approval by the City Attorney. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Annexation Petition - 1. Request to Circulate an Annexation Petition - ANX 99-02 Turner Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and asked Director Collins for additional information, which he provided. Discussion followed, and Director Collins responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilman Wiggins moved to set June 1, 1999, as the date for meeting with the initiating parties. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Campbell attended an Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority meeting, COMMITTEE where the preliminary 1999-2000 budget was reviewed. A deficit budget is predicted, REPORTS: and OAPCA staff is recommending City/County assessments be raised by thirty percent, which is ten cents per capita. This would amount to about $2,000 for the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Campbell stated hc will attempt to get thc Board to consider smaller increases over a period of time, as the last increase was 1991. Councilman Campbell stated he has received a number of calls complaining of a half- way house on thc west side being improperly operated. The Police Department is monitoring the situation, and neighborhood meetings have been held with a Block Watch program being considered. Mayor Braun stated that he, too, had received numerous calls, and it appears thc City doesn't have a strong role in the issue, as the Department of Corrections may place as many as six people in these homes without needing a permit. Mayor Braun encouraged the residents to contact State legislators. Councilmembcr McKeown attended a meeting regarding the Feiro Marine Life Center; she provided an update of the changes taking place. There will be twenty banners throughout downtown promoting the Marine Life Center. Thc opening is scheduled for Memorial Day. Councilmcmbcr McKcown also gave the Council an update on the Francis Street Park. She will provide tentative drawings at a future meeting. Councilman Wiggins, along with Councilmembers McKcown and Campbell, met with representatives from DoubleTree to discuss a possible convention center at that site. DoubleTree representatives have been invited to make a formal presentation at a future Council meeting. Interim Manager Pittis stated that a partnership with DoubleTree/Red Lion is very preliminary at this time, but it is an exciting issue for the City. Councilman Wiggins reminded the Council that the Opportunity Fund is discussed frequently at the EDC meetings. Port Angeles wilt have only one seat on thc Opportunity Fund Committee. Councilman Campbell stated he attended a P.A. Works meeting. It was the first meeting in quite some time, so goals and objectives were revisited. Councilman Doyle attended the kick off for "Discovery 150" in Victoria B.C. Thc City of Victoria B.C. and the City of Vancouver, Washington, have teamed together to have a celebration from July 1 through July 4, 1999. Councilman Doyle described some of the events of the celebration and felt this might also be of some benefit to Port Angeles. Councilman Doyle attended a Utility Advisory Committee meeting and read a proclamation at Peninsula College for Disabilities Awareness Week. -4- 3978 C1TY COUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1999 CITY COUNCIL Mayor Braun, along with Director Collins and Economic Development Director Smith, COMMITTEE attended a Cascadia Forum held in Victoria, B.C. Mayor Braun described the purpose REPORTS: of the Forum, the region it encompassed, and the issues discussed. Mayor Braun (Cont'd) participated in the selection of architects for the Sequim Multi-use Transportation Center and read a proclamation for Kids Day America Councilman Campbell announced that the second Watershed Outreach meeting will be held Saturday, May 22, 1999, 9:00 a.m. until noon, at the Lower Elwha Reservation. Councilman Doyle stated the Clallam County Commissioners held a public hearing on the Northwest Strait Marine Commission and asked staff to find out when the next meeting will be held. Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:47 p.m. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None Water Supply Study Other Considerations 2. Revised Scope of Work - Regional Water Study Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and Interim Manager Pittis explained that the expanded scope will include the review of three locations as possible sites for a treatment plant. Discussion followed, and Interim Manager Pittis provided additional clarification regarding regional water supply and the use of Morse Creek as an emergency supply. Councilman Campbell noted that the City must be in a position to make a good presentation to the Bureau of Reclamation in terms of the ideal treatment system in order to mitigate dam removal. He stressed this will be a long-term proposition. Councilman Wiggins felt it might be helpful to remind Senators Gorton and Murray and Congressman Dicks what the City's costs have been to date, as well as the cost of the current revised scope of work, in order to keep them aware that these costs will be borne by the Federal Government as the dam removal will be mandated. Staff will provide an updated report to the legislators with copies to the Council. Couneilmember MeKeown moved to approve a change in the scope and an increase in the budget of $12,119.00 in our current contract with CI-I2M Hill, and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Pole Agreement 4. Pole Agreement with Port of Port Angeles Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by Public Works Department. Interim Manager Pittis indicated this was similar to the agreement with the hospital. UAC has reviewed the issue and recommends approval. Interim Manager Pittis felt the City should make this the last such agreement for a while, as the City needs to develop a policy regarding fiber optics. Brief discussion followed, and Councilman Doyle moved to approve the proposed "Pole Agreement" and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the Port of Port Angeles. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. -5- 39~9 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1999 PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. OTHER: INFORMATION: City Manager's Report Personnel Replacement Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the justification to fill the vacancy of Lineman for City Light which was contained in the packet. Old Joe Rd. Water Services Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the history of this issue and stated Staff is working with the residents on resolution of the problems. Lockbox Letters continue to come in regarding the use of Lockbox. A letter of explanation, written by Finance Director Godbey, is part of the packet. 8th Street Repairs Interim Manager Pittis stated the 8'h Street repairs were completed today. The crew is now working on "C" Street. Interim Manager Pittis explained how the ruts on the bridges will be repaired. 5th& Tumwater Repairs Interim Manager Pittis reported that design is in progress, and soil borings have occurred. A copy of a letter sent to President Clinton by Governor Locke, requesting emergency aid for the Olympic Peninsula, has been received. Staff will keep Council apprised of any progress made in this regard. AWC Conference Interim Manager Pittis reminded the Council this will take place June 22 - 25, 1999. Registrations are due by May 28, 1999. Future Council Agenda Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the items which will be presented on future agendas. Items Councilman Campbell gave a brief review of problems and concerns others have had with the Thermal Oxidation Process Systems. He suggested Interim Manager Pittis speak with Mark Goodman regarding this process as relates to current regulations. Councilman Williams asked if water was leaking from the new 8~h Street overlay. Staff will look into this. Councilman Williams attended a meeting of the Science, Technology, and Manufacturing Association. They have a proposal called the "Waterfront Vision", and Councilman Williams felt a presentation to either UAC or the Council was in order. Interim Manager Pittis reminded the Council that the fiber optics meeting will be held on May 26, 1999, 1:00 p.m., at the PUD. Council is invited to attend. Mayor Braun asked Director Godbey if she had any final words. Director Godbey stated it has been a pleasure to serve the City the past eight and one half years. Staff has been wonderful to' work with, which makes the leaving difficult. She hopes she will be back to visit the Peninsula and extended an open invitation to Council to visit her in her new location. ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:22 p.m. to discuss a matter of EXECUTIVE SESSION: litigation for fifteen minutes. RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 8:40 p.m. SESSION: -6- 3980 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1999 ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Be~ky~.-U-t~c~le~k-Pc~ t~ t- - C~ ~ ~ ~3ary Br~n, Mayor -7- 3981 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK