HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/19/1952 ,. 260 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~19 19~ ".. . '0.... "..~',u."'",.. ""."", ,~~" ,... The Commission met in regular session at 10: 00 A.M., ani was called to order by Mayor Feeley. present were: l'ayor Feeley, Commissioner Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. lolinutes of the previous session were read and approved. Officers Under the head of applications for building permits, the following were granted: BUILDING PERMITS: ':<'.3~ S d d . Don Smith John IIyden Chapman ani Rose Martin Prasalowicz Robert E. McMillen Del Guzzi Bros. To construct 6 room dwelling Build 6 room house Glass in porch Redecorate interior of Eagles Building entrance Add one bedroom-lengthen living room and add front porch to exis ti ng dwelling Build a five room dwelling $ 7,000.00 5,000.00 200.00 1,800.00 500.00 11,000.00 Under the head of unfinished business, the Commission dis cussed date to be set for hearing on petition for Improvement District for construction of sidewalks and curbs on Seventh, Eighth, Francis, and Race Streets, accordin& to resolution as passed at the previous 5ession. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that June 19th be fixed as date of hearing. Seconded by M.ayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Hotion carried. Also discussed was date of bid opening for sale of jail bonds in amount of $67,500.00. It was moved by Cemmissioner Taylor that the date of bid opening.be fixed as June ~9th. Seconded.by Meyor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, Bill Gellor appeared on behalf of the American Legion, requesting approval for that Organization to sponsor a carnival druing the latter part of June or Jul,y. It wae moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request be approved. Seconied by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. A petition signed by four property owners requested a Local Improvement District be created for installatiol of a sewer line in the alley in Block 152, Townsite, to connect with trunk on H Street. The pej:.ition was ref erred to t he Engineer. W. H. "idd of 1137 W. 16th filed application in proper form, for garbage pick-up as provided by Ordinance No. 1227. It was moved by "'ayor Feeley that the service without charge be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the follQi'ing .was placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and convenience of the City of Port Angeles; reqld:H.ng the unforeseen expenditure of funds) providing for the issuance of I emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency. COmmi. ssioner Taylor informed that he had created quite a furcre regarding the Urdinance, but only for the I ~-purpose of obtaining a go-ahead signal from the Council, thereby eliminating criticism whmchtfiGuld be justified. if the Commission proceed with loading budget without approval of the Council. Mr. TaylGr further informed that he suggested an EmergencY in the Engineer's Department so work could be continued to August 1) 'rhat this has been done after Mr. Strange contacted certain Councilmen who requested that preliminary work be continued. Attorney Trumbull informed that he had met with the Council in an informal meeting and confirmed the wishes of the Council to go ahead, although this was unofficial. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in psymant of same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUI'lD: 63'. '3 National Fire Protection ABsn. ~ Trick and Murray George and Andy Shell Service Olympic Stationers J. B. Mathews Glass Co. City Fuel Co. Smith Ice and Bottling Co. Tower Super Servi ce City Treasurer Eklund Lumber Co. Olympic Laundry and Cleaners~ Mine Safety Supply Co. Tide Water Associated Oil Harris and Schuller Ruddell Oldsmobile-Cadillac Olympic Electric Co. C. A. Wolverton Phil Tobin ldrs. J. C. Romick CITY STREET FUND: /50.73 Harris ani Schuller Howard Cooper Corporation Willson Hardware Co. Middletone Motor Parts Clallam Co. POO No.1 WATER FUND: .{ '~.;;I f( Del Guzzi Bros. , Zellerbach Paper Co. Clallam Co. POO No. 1 City Street Dept. Western Utility Supply Co. I Tacoma-Pt. An<~eles Auto Freight Atlas Mineral Products Co. I Copy of Inspection manual-Comm. of Sts., Clean-up week stickers-fire Leather banking wallet-treasurer 1 seal beam unit-police Maps and stationery supply-fire For glass-fire Fuel oil-fire Paper towels-fire Valves, welding, tips-fire Garbage and water-fire 6 quts. fire red vermillion paint-fire Laundry and cleaning -fire Helmets and chemicals- fire 760 gal. gas-fire Flat bar-fire Spring parts-fire Wire and sockets-fire Cash adv. express chg., 2 conferences Telephone and car mileage Payment of telephone-civil defense 3.00 16.52 1.35 4.78 1.80 130.59 5.50 23.74 24.01 15.26 35.29 59.67 177.08 .39 1.32 15.76 56.04 54.78 9.75 Screen-gal. iron, flat, solder Bearing Bolts r arts Power 18.65 6.36 2.21 108. 71 14.80 Refund Jan supplies Elec service Gas and oil Dies, clamps Freight charges Mineralead 1.50 31.00 18.96 107.25 98.03 9.91 19.63 I I I I I I I I 26-1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,... . ""~". ,..", n."""'. ."'.".. ,.... ..... I J;IGHf F.i1ND:j~ -l"'I!.,;' [Clallam County PUD No. 1 ;L. P. vlilber [City Treasurer [City Water Dept. ICil:3 Street Dept. ;Port Angeles Auto Supply Ceo Dobson Auto Electric Clallam Adjustment Corpn Peninsula Fuel Co. Line. Material Co. Maydwell and Hartzell ~ANITATION FUND: /7,$.5!J Middleton Motor Parts ~ity. Street Dept. I if' PARK FUND: to. E. A. Jensen, Shell Jobber City Street Dept. Willson Hardware Co. . Angeles Pit tsburg Paint I . PARKING MEI'ER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: ~ '1..5; Fitchard I s Associated Oil Oil ~incoln Weld1Dg Meter post lrim Railway Express Freight City Street Dept. Gasoline and repairs I CEME TERY FUND: / 7. ~ .7 Angeles Millwork and Lumber Paint and lumber ~ity Street. Dl'pt. Gas for April, 1952 I hRE AND POLICE STATION STATE DEVELOPMENT FUND: i:lerald C. Field Architectural services \ There being. no further business, the meeting adjourned. Q e ;;f~ (I City Clerk :."001'U')1 OF S,\...~ OP f;K....I.;RA1. OnLlrtlA'I'W:\" JlOSUS 01'< 1'ln: CI'I'Y OF 1'lInT .1. ;\:(.EI.hJS ;>.IotiC!! 11< Hel'('bv Uiven that ,t!tt! City of Port A'lgeies Is -urrel'lngfllr ;;alc, at l'u1)lic saIl>. gl'nernl -OI}J1!,!Il~ tlOll bOllds ot ~aid City In tile amount g: !~~'l~O;I~(~~dSI;i~tl~:\lt~,(~J)i'\ ll~l~ni~~: seHle,1 nnd rleli\'f'I'('d III the Cieri;. of the "~lty of I'm'( ,\Il",~]el< ill the of rice or SHld Clf)rk !Ill lJl' hefore the I1l>ul' or r;:()() O'I'ln("\{ P. ~l. till Thlll'::;_ (IH~'. J\JlII~ ]9. 111~}2" Bitl" will he IlUh- llcly 1ll'I'IlI'<J lllUl- re~1<1 flt the C<HJlld] {neelin).; I"UUIIl Ht tH. ~(juth I~ill(;(,ln Slnwl in saill Clly at the hOUI" of 7:30 p.lIl. SUl'h btd:< ~l1all ~p(.c}fy the ~~i~~~,~.t llt~n~-~ il~l'~~~'~:;\J;~~dath~"IIT~l~ each biddcr willlJurchase suCl1l\Qlldo or thel ](Jwetl rate ()f Interest at which each hidder will purdHlse such bonds at I,nx. ~u['h rate uf in. terest s1l1\1I IHlt ('xceed t;,;t. pel" all- nulU" .\11 hlds Rhall Ill' ,lceOm!J;mled b~' ft. .dt])o:dt ()f c;lsh (J~ _ 9C-rtlfierl checl{ III the amoullt of a% 01 lllP- amount or the bid and if thc .'lue- ccssful bidder shall fail to ('otnJllet{' the purcha!;e of suell honus \lrltlnn 30 dilY!!" aftel' tho aeceptanec of hiS lJid, suell ucposit shall he rOI"rpiled to the C!t" of I'ort ..\ngell~~. TheCity o( POrl _\ngelell re8en'f.'.-; Iht~ ril,;l')l to reject ally and .fill hidx J. l'~. LA\\'. Cll.\' Clerk 1(lr2~h~h~ :;,::~n'c 6, l{\. May 19 continued 19 ---'i.2 March power 5,783.18, April power 26,720.76 Poles Cash for stamped envelopes Shop work Gas and oil Supplies Charge battery Collection expense Transf er oil Toels and hardware Hardware $,32,50,3.94 191.07 300.00 7.28 101.75 4.56 2.06 5.13- 5.59 272.60 47.38 Putty, paint, paper, cartridges, etc. Gasoline and oil, April 1952 9.05 164.50 Stove oil Gas, oil, grease for April, Sweeping compound Shingle stain 1952 24.97 22.13 1.83 11.95 6.85 15.45 3.46 11.75 9.:75 7.50 512.12 '~4~ -------r yor