HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/19/1955 ... 444 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington Mq 19 55 ... 19_ ,,,,,. .........".. om".,.. '"'"".. ''''.' _ The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of 1 officers revealed. the following present:. ~la.Yor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Ppwell, Wolte and McFadden, ManagerVergeer, Attorney Severyns, and Clerk Law. . .. , It was moved by Councilman l-lcFadden that minutes of the previous session be approved as received. Seconded I by' Councilman Wolte and carried. ' Under the head 'of unfinished business, one bid was received for const~ction of sid~alks, curbs, andgutteJ in L.I.D. No. 16$ as follO\~s: A. Casilio, curb and gutter in place, $1.70 per foot. Sidewalks, $3.42 '! per. square yard. Total $16,873.60. The amount being lower than Engineer's estimate, it was moved by Coun- I cilman Brown that contract be awarded, to l{r. Casilio. Seconded by Councilman Neer and ,carried. 1 - . - . , Bids for purchase of Lot 15, Blk. 34, Townsite, were submitted as follows: Donald J. Smith, $800.00. I William Picca, $612.00. Stetson and Nyhus, $627.10. It was moved by Councilman Neer tl)at bid, of $800.00 I J:>y Donal(l J. Smith be accepted. Seconded by, Councilman Sandison. All. voted Aye. Motion carried., I Bids to furnish fire hose for the 'Fire Depart~ent were received fro~ the foll;;.ang companies: . CASCADE FIRE ~UIPMENT CORP., 2~" @ $1.29, li" @ $ .86 l.. .N. .CURTIS AND.SONS, 2i"..@ $1.69" Ii A $1.10. ' WASHINGTON.BELTIID AND RUBBER CO., 2l" @.$1.905, 1~" @ $1.255 HOWARD CQOPER.CORP., 2l" @ $1.80; ll".@,$. .96 . , ' AMmlICAN - LAFRANCE - FOAMITE CORP. 2l'! @ $1.80; 1," @ $1.30 Io!ILL.AND LOGGING SUPPU: QO. 2;"@jj2.l.32, 1~" @ $1.3354, PARAMOUNT.IWiUFACT1JR[ID co. 2~~ @ $1.885, 1~~ @ $1.245 TQTljJ>I EQUIPMENT co., .2~n@ $1.76, 1~1I @ $1.10 , . MUNNElL AND SHERRILL, INC." 2!" @ $1. 74, .1~n @ $1.11 HAROLD.OONAHIlE, 2i!'.@ $1.80; ~u ,@,$1.55 ." , THE.GENERfJ..PACIFIC CORP., 2~'" @ $1.44; Ii" @ $ .92 RONEYS, INC., ,2~~.@ $:\..55, $1.70,. 2.10; li~ @ $1.05, $1.15, $1.41 V,anager Vergeer recommended that bids be tabled. for further study and tabulation. It was moved by Council- Iman ~Ic~adden that reconnnendationw approved and bids tabled. Seconded by counci~ ~owell and carried. f Attorney Severyns filed recOllllllendati0115 concerning claims for damages as previously filed by rhelma Grauel I land F. H. JaJ!IlSgin. Mr. Severyns recommended that claim by Thelma Grauel be referred to the Contractor as : it is not a responsibility of the City. It was moved by Councilman BroWl) that claim be J;eferred to' contract~ or. Seconded by Councilman Powell.and carried. Recommendation for Jarnagin claim was that the same be I denied. It was moved by Coup.cilman Neer that this claim be denied. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and ' carried. . . !Mr. Vergeer reported on progress of contemplated Cherry- Hill ~prove~nt, stating that a draftsman has been I engaged and, devoting full time preparing preliminary- infDrmation. Also discussed was including improve- iment of the Boulevard to Peabody Street in the same project. Counc:i,.l reconnnended that the County Connniss- ,ioners be consulted regarding financial assistance for Boulevard improvement. ~ I Under the head of ne>; business, the following claims were approved for pa,yment from fixed estimate, L. I .D. :No. 167: : payroll,}1a.Y 1, 15 $1,027.88 'I llussing Office Supplies . 52.69 Chain, Levelrod and stencils , Olympic Printery 9.48 Printing warrants I ~bert C;Lawson 10.00 !.lse of car, April Fred L.Sullivan 10.00 )Jse of car, {\.pril It was moved by Councilman McFadden that fixed estimate claims, be approved.and warrants issued on L.I.D. I' no. 167 Construction Fund i)l payment of same. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.. . . It was moved by }liss Powell that the City Treasurer's financial repent for April be accepted and placed on rile~ Seconded by Councilman Brown. .All voted qe. Motion carried. . It was moved by Councilman Wolte that budget reports of receipts and expenditures of City Departments for the m~nth of April be approved and filed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Minimum prices for sale of real property were fixed as follows: I Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, Blk. 364, Parcel of 4 lots. It was m01(ed by Councilman Brown that minimum be 1$323.00. Seconded by Councilman Neer and. carried. . .' , . Lot 11, Blk. 141. It was moved by Councilman Brown that minimum be $350.00. Seconded by Councilman 'McFadden and carried. . .Lots 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, Blk. 309. It was moved by Councilman Brown that minimum be fixed at $100.99 per lot. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Lots ll, 12, 13, Blk. 392. It was moved by Councilman \40lfe that these Lots be retained until after the TUlIIJol'ater project is completed. . Seconded by Councilman Bro)!tl. All voted qe. MOtion carried. Claims paid May 10 were approved in total amount of $17,036.55. It was m;:"'ed bY Councilman Brown that i claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. ~ voted ~e. Motion carried. . IMr. Vergeer requested approval of call for bids to blacktop 16th Street' from C Street to the Cemetery. I Council unanimously approved publication. .' . r I Council discussed unprotected condition of pavement recently installed and damage by breaking off due to lack of curb and gutter installation.. Also discussed was improvement of Sunrise Heights. Although no I action can be taken this summer, petitions may be circulated reque sting the desired improvement. I l~or Smith read invitation from Conunander James Davis of Nesh Bay Air Base 'inviting the Council ani friendsj I to inspect the base and listen to radio program in observance of Armed Forces Day. . ':Manager Vergeer read an amended agreement between the City and RBionier, Inc., 'whereby the City will connect! 'to, and pump water from the industrial water line in case of emergency. Also inttoduced and read was ~solution confirming agreement as follows: I RESOLUTION NO. 11 - 55 I , A RESOLUTION confirming agreement between the. City .01' .port Angeles and Ra,yonier, Incorporated authorizing I connection of emergency _ter pump and standby equipment With the Ra,yonier industrial water supply. I WHEREAS, it has been found for the best interest of the City of Port Angeles and the safety of the I jProperty.and residents of said City that an ~uxi.liary emergency watllr sup~ be provided ~ it is found, that the same can be accomplished by installing emergency pumps and connechng the same W1 th the industnal , supply line of Ra,yonier, Incorporated, and I I I I I I I I I 'I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 44~J ~ Msq 19 ("nnti nll-i 19~ ".. . ......, ....~, ''''-'', .".,........ ..... l WHEREAS, said Rayonier, Incorporated has presented to the City an agreement wherein and whereby it ,has been agreed that such emergency water supp4>' pumps may- be connected to its industrial supp4>' line at the point indicated in said agreement whereby the water may- be diverted from said industrial suppl;1 lline to the water system within the City of Port Angeles in such emergency. l NOli, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C;I:TY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES that the agreement :as presented to.the City.Council this da;ybe,.and.the.same is, hereby.confirmed and that upon approval ,thereof by the State Rating Bureau the Mayor and the Clerk of the City be authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of Port Angeles. I .,.. ;It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wolte. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IMPROVEMENT RF.SOLUTION NO. 169 BE IT RESOLVED- BY THE CITY COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OFPORT.ANGELES, liASHINGTON as follows: THAT,WHEREAS, .the State.Depalllnents of Health, and. Pollution have declared. that the arel10 hereinafter described require seweI'f; and that ah,emergent condition exists now requiring the construction of trunk and lateral sewers for the protection of the health and, safety of the residents of the area. I NCW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: . First: That it is the intention of the. City Council.of. the.City .of Port Angeles to fom a Local ,imorovement D1st~~t..inllluQ1ll!l the property within the following describe(l boundary lines witll1in. the CitY.of Po;rl;.Angeles,..to-wi.tt.- ~. Beginning at the southe"ster4>' corner of the original Townsite of Port Angeles; thence northeastEil,y along the easter4>' boundary of said Townsite and including Christman I S Belleview Hills Addition to Port [Angeles; thence continuing along the. easter4>' boundary of the original tOl'msite of' Port.Angeles to a t,oint which is the intersection of the south margin .of the alley between Georgiana Street and Front Street :extending easter4>' across the souther4>' 5.17 acres of Block 27$ to said point; thence wester4>' along ,southerly boundary of the said alley between Georgiana Street a!!d Front Street extended, to a point :approximately 144 feet distance easterly from the norlheast corner.of Lot 15, Block 16, Paget Sound :Co-operative Qolo~'s subdivision of suburban Lots Nos. 28, 29, 30, 34. and 35 of the, Townsite of Port tAngeles, l'lashington; thence northerly to the southeast corner of Lot 15, Block 7, Puget Sound CQ-9perative IGolol\V; thence northeasterly along the easter4>' line of said Lot 15 to the souther;J.,y line of the alley Ibetween Caroline Street and Georgiana Street; thence westerly. along the said alley line to the easter4>' Ibrink of \'/hites Creek Gulch; thence SOllther4>' along the easter4>' brink of said Whites Creek Gulch to ,Lauridsen.Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said Lauridsen Boulevard to the..point of begi'nning. t Secom: That it is the intention of the City COuncil to order and providet I (a) For the construction of a trunk sewer \xtending from Francis Street EaSterly along Georgiana ,Street to.a point approximately 310 feet easterJ;7 of the easter4>' margin of Alder Street; thence southerly ,to the center line of Front Street; thence easter4>' to vacated Evelyn Avenue.in Virginia Park and :Terrace, subdivision of suburban Block No. 12, Townsite of Port Angele$; thence 'souther4>'. along said vacated Evelyn Avenue to Second Street;.thencewesterly alo!Jg Segond Street to Wolcott Street; thence /sotherly along said l'lolcott Street to the alley between Fourth and Fifth Street;, thence southerly and rdiagonally across the southwest corner of Lot 10, Block 183, Townsite to Fifth Street; thence reasterly along said Fifth Street to Penn Street; thence southerl,y along Penn Street to SiXth Street. ~ (b) For the co;"'truction of lateral sS\<ers to connect with the abo:"e described trunk sewer and Ifor the.services of the following described area: The Lots and Blocks included in this district are as ;'follOl<S: Lots II to 15,Block 7, P.S.C.C.; Lots 4 to 8 and 12 to. 15, Block 16, P.S.G.C.; that portion ..'of suburban Lot No. 27E 4>'ing easterly of Lot 4, Block 16, P.S.C. C. comprising, approximate1,y 10,600 sqUSJ!l ifeet, also a. strip 140 feet in width across the south 5.17 ;l.cres of said Lot 27E, being that porlion Ibetween the south line of the alley through Block 16, P.S.C.C. produced easterly to the city limits and iFront Street; all of vacated Virginia Park and Terrace. s\lbdivision of suburban Lot 12 J.;9;ing easter4>' of (the easterl,y brink of 'Whites Creek Gulch; Lots 1 to 11 in Block 1, Home Addition subdivision of suburban Lot No. 13 of the Government Townsite of Port Angeles; that portion. of sllburban Lot No. 13 of the Government Townsite lying south and north.of said Home Addition and exclusive of the State of Washington ,Highway No. ' 101 R/W; Lots 1 to 17, Block 117 and Lots 1.ta 21, Block 100 in F. G. Richards subdivision 'of suburban Lot No.. 14; Lots 1 to 18 in Block "AU, Lot 18 in Block "B", Lots.l, 2, ,17 and 18 in Block 'IIC", Lots 1 to 18, in Block "D" Glover's. subdivision of suburban Lot. 15 Government Townsite of Port I~~ngeles; Lot 1, Block 182, Townsite; Lots 1 to 18, Block 183 Townsite; Lots 1 to 27, Block 184 TotrnSite; <Lots 1 to.33, Block 185 Townsite; Lots 1 to 8 and Lot 18, Block 186 Townsite; Lots 1 to 16 and 20 to 21, Block 216 Townsite; Lots. 1 to 17, Block 1; Lots 1 to 7, Block 2 Christman's Belleview Hills Addition to 'Port Angeles, all in. Clallam County, \'lashington, ~imd bY doing all other work n~cessary'in connection with the above described improvement. I Third: It is the intention of the City Council that the entire cost and expense of acquiring, con- structing and installing said improvements, including all expens es incidental thereto, shall be borne by (and assessed against the properly specially benefited by the same in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. Fourth: The City's engineers shall submit at or prior to the date fixed for such hearing a statement of the estimated cost..of such improvements, an estimate of the assessments to be borne by each lot, tract, 'parcel of land or other property to be benefited by the construction of such improvements, a . statement of the porlion of the cost and expense of the improvements to be borne by the property within tie proposed district, a statement in detail of the outstanding and unpaid local improvement district assessments against the property in the proposed district, a statement of the aggregate actual valuation of the real estate, including twenty-five per cent of the actual valuation of the improvements in the proposed district according to the valuation last placed upon the properties therein for the purposeses of, general taxation, and all papers and information in his possession touclri.ng the proposed improvement. Fifth: That all persons .lho desire to object to said improvement or any parl thereof are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council in the Council Room of the City at 120 North Oak Street on Thursday the 23rd da;y of June, 1955, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. of si.d date, ><hich time and place are hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to said proposed improvement and all objections thereto and for determining the method of p""",,ent for the same. It being the intention that payment shall be made by the method of payment by bonds. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Improvement l'lesolution fixing date of hearing be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Brown and. unanimousl,y ,carried. Under the he,ad of introduction and reading of Ordinances the following were. introduced and read in full for Council consideration: .... 446 Proceedings' of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Mv'9 l!nnt.-f nl1An 19.55- '"<, . ...w, ""''', "..,_.... '",....., ..... ..... ORDINANCE NO. 1347 AN OIillINANCE relating to the use of the public.streets,.alleys and public places' or the City of Port Angeles; .amending sections Nineteen (19), Twenty (20), Twenty Two (22) and Twenty Eight (28) of ' .. Ordinance Nwnber 1310 adopted August.6th, 1953. It . was moved by Councilman 1~olfe that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adop; ed as corrected. Secorxled by' Councilman JlcFaqden. All voted kJe. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1348 -AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance and sale.of.Locu'ilJnprovement District No. 16$ of the City of Poz1 Angeles to pay the cost and expense of the improvements in said District, as ordered' and provided for j.,n OrQ,inance No. 1344 of the City of Port Angeles and fixing the interest rate thereon. . . :it was moved by Councilman McFadden that, the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Powell, arxl carri.ed. There being no further business the meeting was declared adjourned. I (j {/ G, :L- cu..r City Clerk 7?-~gr-H-~ ,Mayor ' , . . :,: ' NonCE OF sur~ REAL PROPERTY NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Port Angcl.es will ~ell to .the highest and best bidder the iollov.r. ing ~~~~r~~~lI,e~~ p~~Ne~'ci':'Jfo"c~it: 364, Townsite. Minimum set by fl~~.o~~UllCU for the four l~ts. . NOTICE is furthE'r given tJlat ~~~1~eJ~~ Wfe ~ity s~H~~k \\~~1 tg~ City HElll Ul1ll1 5:1]0 o'olock P.M.. June 2" UI5S, ancj 1l0L later. Bids mli'st be accompanied by a deposit of not: ,Ie.::;s than ten :percent of amount bJd or~ tlJe offer wlU llot be ~~~~~etii~.rjgi{[~o ~~fcc~~~~~r lri}j bids. J. E. LAW. Clly Clerk. Pub; May 27. 31, 1955N. LEGAL PUBLICATlOS ~OTICE OF SALl: nEAI~ PROPERTY NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Port Angeles w~n sell to the' highest and best bldd-er the following descr:bed real property, to-wit: Lot 11, Block 111, Townsite, Minimum a.<; fixed by the City Council, $350.00. NO'flCE is further given that .<,ealed 'bid:s for the some .,,:ilI be received by the City Clerk at the City Hall until 5:00 o'clock P.M., June 16. 1955. and not later. Bid must be accol11panled by a deposit of not less than ten percent of amount bid or the offer will not be considered. The City Council reserv,es tlle rlght to reject any or all bids. Pub: , , i I I I J, E. LAW. City Clerk. June l;l,' 14. 1955N. . . 1 I I I I