HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/19/1960
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
MAY 19,
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IThe City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Richardson. Other
iOfficers present were: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne, Randall and Caldwell, Manager
Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Thome that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file.
'Seconded by Councilman Mal<:field and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, the Water Department requested approval of change order No.2 pr6-
Ividing for installation of special outlets in connecting water lines at total cost of $106.95. It was moved by
'Councilman Smith that change order be approved. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
IBids to furnish for the Light Department one ladder truck were received as follows:
Anderson Motor Co" 1960 -l~ton Ford, $7,787.70; Robertson-Gray Motors, Inc. 1960
G.M.C., $7,878.70; Paul G. Haggard Co., Seattle, Bid not complete.
It was !mioved by Councilman Caldwell that the low bid by Anderson Motor Co. be accepted. Seconded by
Councilman Maxfield and carried.
The Attorney advised that a Summons servedlupon the City, due to a car accident in the Alley between Front
I and First Streets, West of Race Street has been referred to the Insurance Company.
: Under the head of new business, the following reports were filed for Council approval: Police and Fire Depart-
ments ;Budget reports of Expenditures, Water, Light and Power Operating statements, City Treasurer's I
Financial report. It was moved by Councilman Smith that all reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconde
by Councilman Sandison andcarried.
IClaims payable were approved as follows: General Funds, $8,367.57. Water Fund, $4,613.57. Pipeline
Fund, $1,163.90. Light Fund, $31,545.49. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that all claims be approved
for payment as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. .
I'The Council received correspondence from Arnold Levy requesting that the City enter into agreement to renew I
lease on the East half of Lot 6 and the West half of Lot 5, Block 1, Tidelands East. Enter into lease agreement
,with Downtown Parking Association on East half of Lot 4 and West half of Lot 3, ,Block 1, Tidelands East, I
'Irental at $150.00 per year. Leases to run concurrently. It was moved by Councllman Randall that action be
postponed at least two weeks to allow opportunity for more consideration. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell
and carried.
Mayor Richardson read'a letter from George A. Todd, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, informing that
Ian inspection tour has been made of the Police and Fire Stations, stating that both departments are well organu.
ized and operating properly, . I
Councilman Randall spoke regarding the summer recreation program and girls and boys soft ball leagues . Also I
informed that 104 boys from age 12 to 15 years are unable to obtain sponsors. Mr. Randall proposed that the I
City sponsor a team, the initial cost not to exceed $350.00 which would be paid from the Light Fund and
ICharged to advertising. The City Attorney having s'ubmitted opinion that such expenditure is permissible, it ,
iwas moved by CounCilman Randall that a Babe Ruth team be sponsored by the City, cost nO,t to exceed $350.09.
!Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. j:
I ", .
Councilman Caldwell referred to a letter from George S. Martin of R. W. Beck and Associates, Consulting i
Engineers, regarding re-survey and field engineering of the Morse Creek pipeline reconstruction. The Manag r
explained that recent survey was only preliminary to obtain cost estimates. Also that an actual or profile
survey will be made to establish exact location of the pipeline.
Councilman Smith inquired regarding the widening of Tumwater bridge at Marine Drive, cost beIng provided
in the current Budget. The Manager assured that the project will be completed before summer. Mr. Smith
also reported on attendance of certain City Officials at the Association of Washington Cities Convention, the
same being very educational and enjoyable.
No other business appearing, the meeting was dedared adJourned.
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I NOTICE IS Hf;REBY GIVE~ thal( torner to be temporary disconnected
~~t;edolJlt~r~iI,tn~;I::.cetY~llt;gt~~;.1 pe:-fo;~~ll~a:l~en ~~ur:3r~fl)~ t~~t
lup to 5 :00 o'clock P. M., June 1.3, Light SuperlntemlenL at tile c1nl'
11960, at the [JUice ()f the ell," )-fall' I H~JL The City Light Department
nger, 140 West Front Stret>t. Plut WIll fu:nlsh Rll ma.terlals., lnC!Udill;1
Angeles, "'Ilshlngton far thH lauUI. PO,les. wire. tran!l.frrrme~s, cross !U~.'j
asary to (10 the following wtJrk: llnsulatoMl, cUt-f1\ltS, elc. All matel,<\.
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labornea.nd eqtllpmellt necessary for ~~ieri~tiro~tYpr~jeef:.mr)\'e nil old
tho reoollstructloll ()f primary aml All bids will be. openffi Ii.t 10:f)O
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~treet IIght wire, llnd 3 No, Ii sec- union wages to aU empl(lyees, The
ondary wires. In,stall new tral1f!torn;~ City of Port Angeles reser\'cs tho
~~y~~/~i :'6hn~Sn~n~/ht1~e~~~j:~t. ~Ii~~t O~o ~C:C~~rOt~o~ej:hC:re~I;~' or all
. Tra.nllter a.1I ex!sUng power servic.,sM, W. SLANKARD,
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