HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/19/1966
Proceeoings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
May 19
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IThe City Council met in regular session at 7:30'p:m. Officers present were Councilmen Maxfield,
'Cornell, Wolfe, Bettger and Schroeder; Manager Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece.
IIn the absence of Mayor Willson, Councilman Maxfield was elected Mayor pro tern for this meeting.
~ motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, to accept and
Iplace on fil~ as received, minutes of the meeting of May 5, 1955.
~he Public Hearing on annexation of a portion of Pennsylvania Park Addition was conducted. A motio
ras made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, that the hearing. be close8
and to proceed with the annexation of. this area. .(The Mayor to set up the Reveiw Board Meeting witha
lin ten days.)
IPursuant to the "Notice" posted':M~y':.l~ 1966 regarding a resolution to be considered and acted upon
at this meeting, the following resolution was read in full and discussed.
RESOLUTION approving the application for preliminary loan
and program reservation and approving the form of coopera-
tion agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the
Housing Authority of the County of Clallam and authoriz-
ing its execution.
~ motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and carried, to adopt the
jfOregOing resolution as read.
~ motlon was made by Councllman Cornell, seconded by Councllman Wolfe and carried, to approve the
application for a "Workable Program for Community Improvement."
~ motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and carried, to refer the
~id of Tool Crib Companies for the used backhoe for the Park Department and Cemetery Department to
ithe City Manager for his consideration. (Only the one bid was received,it listed three used back-
,hoes. )
~ouncilmen Cornell, Schroeder and Wolfe were appointed to view and set minimum prices on several
~ity owned lots to be advertised for sale.
b motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to approve
I'for payment claims in amount of $9b,332.45 and Payroll transfers in amount of $35,595.58.
~elative to the appeal by Driftwood Motel concerning a sign violation, the City Attorney read Sec-
It ion 204 of the Uniform Building Code concerning a Board of Appeals to be appointed by the MaYOr,
~nd recommended appointing such a board. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Counl
iCilman Schroeder and carried, that the Mayor be requested to appoint a Board of Appeals as set fort~
'Iin Section 204. of the. Uniform Building Code. ' I
I . ,:
Trill .proposed Parking Space regulations (Tabled from previous meeting) was aga'in discussed, and the
.changes to be made noted. A motion was made by CounciLllan' Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Cornel'
Iland carried, to instruct the City Attorney toprepar~ an ordinance in keeping with the Parking Spac~
Plan as finally proposed. '
A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and carried, to approve
the apPlications for renewal of liquor licenses for Aggie's Broiler, B,M. Grocery, Busy Bee Market,
Corner Cupboard, Olson's Grocery, Parkway Grocery, Tradewell Modern"Food Store No. 37 and Walt's
$oulevard Grocery, and a transfer of license from Port Angeles Hotel Company to Balanced Investment$
Corporation, Lee Hotel. I
II, motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to concur with
'I~he Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the proposed subdivision of a portion of SuburL
Iban Lot 99, as presented by Joseph M. Davis and Walter Reyes; providing they comply.with the health
rnd sanitation regulations of the State of Washington.
~ motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried, to approve and
I!place on file the Planning Commission Minutes of May 17, 1965.
A motion was mady by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, to approve and
!place on file Monthly Reports of the Fire, Light, Municipal Judge, Police, Recreation, Treasurer an
~ater Departments; Monthly Budget Reports of Revenues and Expenditures; Light and Water Department~'
Revenues and Expenses; Utilities Monthly Billing Report; City Manager-Electrical Hook-ups; the
,Annual Financial Report; Police Department out-of-town reports; and the Civil Defense Report.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried; to approve the
!proposed repairs of the present log dump on Ediz Hook as presented by Peninsula Plywood Corporation.
'Other subjects of discussion were the report by the Fire Chief that fire fighting equipment hose
connections have been changed to meet uniform standards, a letter from the Union,"Local 1619 (the
'City Manager to acknowledge letter and indicate that their request (for a written contract) will be
taken under advisement.), and Councilman Schroeder and Manager Herrman's report on the A.W.C. Con-
vention held in Yakima, May 11, 12, and 13, 1955.
IThe meeting adjourned at 9aO p.m.
j} /J, 7J2u '7l q lA'~
City Clerk
I - CA:L:L :FOB Bms
:-;OTlcr; IS HEREDY Gr\.E~ that
"eah~u bid;; will be recelyed by the
r;lty IJf PDrt An,l:;"clctl until 7;~O r.M.,
.llln'1 2. 1 ltGG, for the c()natr\lctlon ()f
approximately one mile of G9-K\'
trnll!;llli::!;;IOl1 IIn(', lnclu<lJng ill! plant,
iabor, ilupcr\'h<i()n, ('qlllpm<,nl und
matcl'lals 1"("(IUlrtd to ('()mp]cte ana
plac<: the llne in a. l'cady-to-operrt.tc
reJi~;" ~il~:<; fnOU~~lul~~illfJ~~rl~~ ~~~ i
f'.'\mc date, :\TH1 r(>f"('rvc tll(' right to
lI,('('('pt 'Jr reje<::t :lny or all bicls SUb-I
A .:; % Bid ]~()nd <'11' certified Checkl
m~~~('~ifeo;W~~~>' ~\!(' bi~~;l\lJllhlf' nt'
Clt)' HIlB. I4Q "'PlOt Fr<'lnt Stre'.lt.
n. n. l:IEr.R~TAN I
ellv :\!anRJ;':"f'l"
T'uhll!'\h: ",i1,- IS and 26, 1966.
);'OTI0~ i9 hereby given that !ieal4
en t>lds will be recei....ed lJy t11e. Clty
.\hlllfl.gef at the Clt)" Hall j11 the
.Cit)' of Port _!\nl;f"les until 5:00.P:m..
.Tune 1'5, 1966, for Ole Official PrJJn-
ing of the- City of PQr1.. Angeles
(luring [he year cUIT'..Inendng .Tuly 1.
1!!65. The printing i:; to be in non.
pan~11 ur six point type and publish-
~(l in regular i~sues of the new:'<-
paper awaroetl such contract. Bids
to bF! submitted on a. basi~ of chnrgc
"pt'l- .line".
The elL" Counell r-e-toerVC5 the
right to rdeet any or all bids.
C1t'~ :'tlanag-cr
I Published: June 9 nnd 16. 19S6.
il.t .:30 P.)1. em the 19th day of
Mns. 1966, In the Council C.'hl\mberl'l
at 03k a11l1Front $trect~ the C1ty
Counell will {"nnduet a publlc heannl':
on a pNltlon to Annex ,to the- City
of Port An~dcs the fol1owln~ dCll-
('.rllled )lfopcrty:
That pcrrUon of l'n.DQlvaa!.. Puk
Ac!d1Uonand BloeJr:. 1, 2, 3 &11.4 ..
~D1or :~:tt~:~w~~o~~ I
beiJll' in S.etlon 8. '!r"OWJl,Sblp' 30-
.orih, . BaJli'. B, 'WMt, Willata... J
Xm41afl. . -. ' -;, ,
H. B. M tC'XEB. ....CE, City C1. ...
City of Port An~ale9
Publleh",d: Mi\Y 12, U66