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Port Angeles, Washington
May 19, 1998
CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Doyle called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 2:10 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun [arrived at 3:15 p.m.], Councilmembers
Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown [arrived at 2:15 p.m.],
Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjoumed to Executive Session at 2:10 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter and
EXECUTIVE SESSION: potential litigation for approximately 3 hours.
Break Deputy Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 2:50 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 3:00 p.m.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 5:10 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Gary Bra~t, May~
Becky J. Uptfil~, Cit~lerk /
Port Angeles, Washington
May 19, 1998
CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 5:35 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Deputy Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: Mayor Braun.
Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, B. Titus, and P. Burrett.
Public Present: None.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by the ROTC Cadets.
CEREMONIAL A. Proclamation Recognizing the 5th Annual Juan de Fuca Festival - May 22-25,
Deputy Mayor Doyle mad a proclamation recognizing the 5th Annual Juan de Fuca Festival
Fifth Annual Juan from May 22 through May 25, 1998.
de Fuca Festival
Maritime Day Proclamation B. Proclamation Recognizing Maritime Day
Deputy Mayor Doyle read a proclamation recognizing National Maritime Day. In
accepting the proclamation, Harold Schmidt distributed information to the Council on the
history of the Merchant Marines.
WORK SESSION: A. Watershed Basic Planning Process
Watershed Basic Attorney Knutson reviewed the information provided m the packet. He stated that he,
Planning Process Interim Manager Pittis, and Planning Director Collins have been attending meetings with
the County on this issue, and consultants from CH~MHill have been helping with the grant
application. An attorney specializing in water law assisted with the Endangered Species
Act and watershed basin planning issues, particularly as they relate to the City's water
rights. Attorney Knutson stated Director Collins would give a brief overview, then Tom
Pots, the water law attorney, will make a presentation regarding the details of the water
basin planning project and a brief overview on the Endangered Species Act. Attorney
Knutson stated atter the presentation, Council will be asked for direction as to how the City
would work with the County in submitting a grant application to take advantage of state
funds that have been made available.
Director Collins reviewed and explained a memo distributed prior to the meeting and
explained HB 2514. Director Collins stated the grant application deadline is June 1, 1998,
May 19, 1998
. WORK SESSION: and staffwould need Council's approval tonight in order to have the Mayor sign the grant
(Cont'd) application.
Watershed Basic Director Collins stated there are 62 Water Resource Inventory Areas in the State, with only
Planning Process a small amount of money for watershed planning. Staff anticipates applying for the
(Cont'd) maximum grant, which is $500,000 for a one to three year period of time. The most critical
step, at this time, is working with the County to develop the application. It is hoped a
Memorandum of Agreement can be established regarding the lead agency determination..
Tom Pors presented an overview of the basin planning bill (I-lB 2514) and the process it
intends to promote. He stated the purpose of the watershed planning process is to resolve
local watershed issues rather than rely on the State Legislature to resolve issues. This
process allows for the various user groups in each basin, such as local and tribal
government, agriculture, environmental groups, etc., to be involved in the resolution of
water issues. Mr. Pors noted this is important because water issues are different fi-om basin
to basin.
The Legislature has appropriated $3.9 milh'on for local planning grants. He explained how
the planning process is initiated and the scope of the process itself. Mr. Pors also explained
what the plan cannot do under the law, and he reviewed a list of recommendations for the
Council's consideration. These recommendations included: 1) the City concur with the
decision to initiate this planning process and to authorize the Mayor to negotiate an
interlocal agreement with the County, the irrigation district and the tribes; and 2) to obtain
staffing and funding authorization for the Elwha River to the Morse Creek portion of the
planning process. Attorney Knutson explained the Mayor would be asked to sign the
agreement once staff[has negotiated the agreement with County. This must be done by June
1, 1998; therefore, staff is asking for some flexibility regarding negotiations.
Mr. Pors suggested the agreement take place in two stages and explained what that would
entail. DiscuSsion followed. Mr. Pors, Directors Collins, Interim Manager Pittis, and
Attorney Knutson responded to questions and provided clarification.
Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize staff to proceed with an interlocal
agreement with the County, Agnew Irrigation District, and the tribe; the agreements
to be reviewed by Council prior to June 1, 1998 submission. Councilman Wiggins
seconded the motion. Further discussion ensued, and Attorney Knutson clarified the
contents of the interlocal agreement. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Break Deputy Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 6:35 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 6:45 p.m.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the minutes of the regular and special
MINUTES: meetings of May 5, 1998. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
ITEMS FROM THE Councilman Wiggins requested that discussion of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ recommendation be held at 7:00 p.m.
CONSIDERED OR Deputy Mayor Doyle stated Item A. under Other Considerations would be moved up to
PLACED ON THIS OR A next on the agenda in order to accommodate those people who were present to address the
May 19, 1998
Parking Lease for DSHS Other ConsideratiOnS
Offices in Penney Building
A. Revisions to Parking Lease for DSHS Offices in J. C. Penney Building
Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and
asked Attorney Knutson for further input. Attorney Knutson explained there has been a
great deal of discussion on this matter since it was last before the Council. The main
element of the revision has to do with a lower rate per parking space. Another issue had
to do with giving the developer a better position in which to deal with the owners of the
building. The developer had asked that we give him exclusivity, which was something the
City was willing to pro,de for one year only. The Downtown Association had agreed to
this particular clause; however, it requested that the developer show there was intent on the
part of DSHS to move into the building. A letter to that extent was issued by the State.
Attorney Knutson responded to questions and provided further clarification.
Councilman Campbell moved to approve a revisions to the DSHS parking lease to
provide for a lesser lease rate and a one year exclusivity period and authorize the
Mayor to sign the agreement. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including; A.
Payroll - May 3, 1998 - $344,091.14; andB. Check list - May 15, 1998 - $471,972.60.
Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
COMMITTEE A. Report on Local Involvement Committee Meeting Re: Tacoma Narrows Project
Councilman Williams stated he attended the final meeting of thc public involvement
Tacoma Narrows Project process regarding the Tacoma Narrows Project. The purpose of the process was to gather
information for an advisory election. Councilman Williams introduced Councilman Bob
Smith of Sequim, who had become involved in the process at an earlier stage and,
therefore, had more information to impart.
It was Councilman Williams' understanding that this was an advisory board and the State
has the ability to override the board's recommendation. At the meeting, the Chairperson,
who was from the Department of Transportation (DOT) and a group called the Consul
Group were at opposite ends of the spectrum and argued throughout the day. Councilman
Williams felt the DOT lost more than they anticipated.
The project has been narrowed down to the new bridge and the r, fi~onfiguration of the
· ~ 0 ~ t~ ~ .0nO highway on and off of the bridge. This will be paid for by tolls, ani~It w'2! ~:: two !:.::~
'~ _'T' ~ ~'q ,~ _ · --'--bridge with a $365 million price tag. Voters are being asked to approve a private group
g. fla _, tob ld eb dge and set theton thoutknowmg a rate orreturn. The scope orwork will
,0~ ~ ~, be approximately $302 million, imtially funded by a $3 toll. Once the high occupancy lane
~ O-. ~l'~tl0 ~ is completed, the toll will be applied to eastbound traffic in the commuter lanes only.
~5"~ tt~tl-'~'-~)f Councilman Williams noted that the line item for funding repairs on the Hood Canal Bridge
~ ~___~ was vetoed by the Govemor.
Bob Smith, Deputy Mayor of Sequim, 237 N. Sunnyside, Sequim, stated there will be three
lanes oftratlic going in each direction. The advantage of the second bridge is bicycle and
pedestrian paths. The new bridge will be built with the capability of having a second deck
added at a later date. Mr. Smith then reviewed the information he received from earlier
meetings not attended by Councilman Williams. Mr. Smith stated that, while the line item
for funding repairs was vetoed by the Governor, he felt this was one way to make the
legislators more responsive. Mr. Smith said he has been assured by the DOT that the Hood
Canal Preservation project will go on and will be funded, hopefully with preservation
money and not with tolls.
May 19, 1998
Tacoma Narrows Project At Deputy Mayor Doyle's request, Councilman Williams described what he thought would
(Cont'd) be on the ballot for this project. Councilman Williams will forward new information as he
receives it.
Lodging Tax Advisory Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendation
Recommendation Councilman Wiggins stated the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommends the City
enter into a contract for a marketing program, in the amount of $150,000 per year, for a
three year period, with a renewable option for two more years. The contract date would be
June 1, 1998. Growth should occur at a rate of 5% per year over three years. Councilman
Wiggins explained how the base line was arrived at and stated the contract allows for a 5%
increase during the fzrst 18 months. Councilman Wiggins moved that the City enter
into a contract with the Chamber of Commerce and the Visitor & Convention
Bureau, that a contract be prepared, and the Mayor be authorized to sign the
contract. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Councilman Wiggins
invited Rick Herr or Laurel Black to comment on the contract.
Rick Hert, VCB, thanked the Committee for its hard work and the City Council for its
support. The Chamber and VCB have hired Wendt Advertising; meeting notices have been
sent inviting input to set the future direction. Everyone is excited about the future. Laurel
Black, President of the VCB, thanked Rick Hert on behalf of the entire VCB membership.
She felt the commitment of funding will make a big difference in the City's future.
Councilman Wiggins invited members of the Lodging Tax Committee to comment. John
Platt, Best Western Olympic Lodge, felt it was a good year for this Committee. The group
worked hard and is excited about the direction things are going. Robert Harbick, 1006 S.
Lincoln Street, stated the Committee examined many ways to use the money and worked
long and hard to achieve these results. This group gave a great presentation, and he was
confident the coming years would be prosperous for Port Angeles. Dick Vogel, Uptown
Motel, asked the Council to support this recommendation.
Councilman Wiggins stated that the Committee will be responsible for ensuring the
baseline information is accurate and measurable. Councilman Campbell echoed the
comments of the lodging industry members. This was not an easy process, and much
negotiation and discussion led to this recommendation. Councilman Campbell felt it was
an extraordinary agreement; the lodging industry, VCB and Chamber are going to be held
accountable for getting tourists to Port Angeles. Also, the element of cooperation was
important and will lead to further integration among the tourism promotional groups in Port
Angeles and Clallam County. The City is launching a great effort.
Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motlon, which carried
unanimously. ~
Port Angeles Works B. Report on Port Angeles Work,
Councilman Campbell reported that the Port Angele,, Wor~ group has met with staffto
discuss how to attract new economic development to Port Angeles by using the $300,000
grant from Rayonier. The group felt expertise was needed to decide on how to spend this
money, and that expertise was available within the communiCj. The group is in the process
of identifying those people, and they will be invited to join the Committee in accordance
with the roles set forth by the Council. A list of candidates will be presented to the Council
for approval. A mission statement is being developed, and a letter is being drafted to send
to prospective members. Councilman Campbell asked for comments or input from the
Council regarding the recruitment process.
Councilmember McKeown felt that the Committee had been appointed and can be relied
upon to seek and select good citizen candidates for this Committee. Councilman Campbell
May 19, 1998
COMMITTEE asked for candidate suglgestions from the Council, and Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the
REPORTS: committee structure. Councilman Campbell is Chair of this Committee, Councilman Hulett
(Cont'd) is Vice Chair, and Councilman Williams is the third Council representative. Interim
Manager Pittis requested a list of possible candidates fi.om each Council member, and a
Port Angeles Works final list will be forwarded to the Council for additions or deletions. A formal selection
(Cont'd) process should not be necessary. There was consensus that the process was acceptable.
Councilmember McKeown stated she had a brief report. Consideration of Human Services
funding is approaching, and she will begin visiting the agencies involved. She asked the
Council to give some thought on how they wish to disperse the monies; she will bring this
back to a future meeting for direction.
Councilmember McKeown also gave a brief report on the Marine Lab project. The
Downtown Forward Executive Committee will be asked to perform a public review to see
if there would be support for a bond issue to enhance the Lab.
LEGISLATION: Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Municipal Code A. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98 - 02 - Port of Port Angeles, shoreline
Amendment area between Cedar and Valley Streets: Amendment to Chapter 18. 02 of the
Ordinance No. 2991 Port Angeles Municipal Code to amend the City's Shoreline Master Program
and Map (Continued from 5/5/98)
Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planmng Department and
read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
adopting two revisions to the City's Shoreline Master
Program Environment Designation Map and amending
Ordinance 2033 as amended and Chapter 15.08 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings
1-8 and Conclusions A-H, as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and
becomes a part of these minutes. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion.
At Deputy Mayor Doyle's request, Director Collins gave a brief explanation of this item,
after which a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Street Vacation Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
Olympic Memorial Hospital
Resolution No. 7-98 A. Resolution Setting a Public Hearing for Vacation of City Right-of-Way -
Caroline/Georgiana alley west of Chambers
Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and
read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting
a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of
May 19, 1998
LEGISLATION: the Georgiana/Caroline Alley west of Chambers
(Cont'd) Street, Port Angeles, Washington.
Street Vacation
Olympic Memorial Hospital Councilman Wiggins moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Resolution No. 7-98 Campbell seconded the motion. Following brief discussion and clarification, a vote was
(Cont'd) taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Funds for Capital B. Resolution Designating Funds for Capital Projects
Projects Designated
Resolution No. 8-98 Depub Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Finance Department and
asked Finance Director Cmdbey for further input. Director Godbey explained this is being
done as a managerial plan, and Interim Manager Pittis indicated the final step in this
process will be the completion of the Council's goals and objectives. Deputy Mayor Doyle
read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, designating a portion of the
general fund balance for certain capital projects.
Couneilmember McKeown moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Following brief discussion and
clarification, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Designation Sole Source for C. Resolution Designating Sole Source for Buying, Replacement Police Car
Purchasing Police Cars
Resolution No. 9-98 Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided and read the Resolution by title,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Po~ Angeles, Washington, designating Payton-
Wright Ford Sales, Inc. as the .sole source for
acquisition of a replacement police car and declm'ing
an exception to normal bidding requirements.
Councilmau Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Wio~ins seconded the motion. Following brief discussion and clarification provided by
Pete Btun'ett, Equipment Selwices Supc~-intendent, a vote was taken on the motiOn, which
carried unanimously.
Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Other Considerations
Report on Waterfront Trail B. Verbal Report fi'om Police Department on Vandalism of Waterfront Trail
Police Chief Ilk provided an update on the ongoing investigation. There is more than
$2,000 iii reward money available; however, all leads have been exhausted. In mi eflbrt
to prevent future acts of vandalism, officers have been directed to patrol the Waterfront
Trail cna r~ndom, hourly basis. Dimussion followed. A time lapse video system has been
May 19, 1998
LEGISLATION: installed at the Semor Center due to vandalism. These options would be available for the
(Cont'd) Trail as well. The cost of the system installed at the Senior Center was about $2,300.
Councilman Wigg!ns felt this would be money well spent. Chief Ilk suggested he give a
Report on Waterfront Trail demonstratioai~of, fils qualit~ !it[t~he tapes from this equipment, and Council agreed this
Vandalism (Cont'd) would be a goo~ consld~rat~on for those areas vulnerable to vandahsm
At Councilman Williams' request, Interim Manager Pittis gave a brief explanation of the
recent power outage.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
BeckY ~. ~lPtc~t~lerk" / Gary B , MaWr
Exhibit "A"
1. The applicant, the Port of Port Angeles, applied for amendment to the City's
Shoreline Master Program on March 30, 1998. The application was determined to
be complete on April 10, 1998.
2. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued on June 11, 1991, by the Port of
Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official and was adopted for the proposal on March
31, 1998. An ElS for the Shoreline Master Program was issued on September 1,
1994, by the City of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official and was adopted for
the proposal on April 2, 1998.
3. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal
requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington.
4. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance and Environmental Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance have been
reviewed with respect to this application.
5. The sites are designated Industrial in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Industrial-
Heavy in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban Harbor and Aquatic Harbor in the
City's Shoreline Master Program.
6. Chapter 5 of the City's Shoreline Master Program indicates uplands are found in the
U-H designation and submerged lands are found in the A-H designation.
7. The redesignations were required of the Port of Port Angeles by conditions of a
previous shoreline permit allowing the filling of the K-Ply mill log pond and the
excavation of the Valley Creek estuary.
8. No comments were received from the Department of Ecology or the Lower Elwha
Tribal Council during the comment period following the distribution of the
Based on the information provided in the April 22, 1998, Staff Report for MCA 98-02
including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed
findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
A. The following adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project,
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, Conservation Element Policy
C-8, and Economic Development Element Policy A-3, the City's Industrial, Heavy
zone, and the City Shoreline Master Program's Urban-Harbor and Aquatic-Harbor
designations, and Chapter 5, Management Policies D 1-11 and F 2-3.
B. The amendment is consistent with the following adopted City policies,
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, Conservation Element Policy
C-8, and Economic Development Element Policy A-3, the City's Industrial, Heavy
zone, and the City Shoreline Master Program's Urban-Harbor and Aquatic-Harbor
designations, and Chapter 5, Management Policies D 1-11 and F 2-3.
C. The City's waterfront trail, which provides public access to the shorelines of Port
Angeles Harbor, runs along Marine Drive west of Valley Street, and the Valley Creek
Estuary will provide a better physical and visual transition as the trail bypasses the
heavy industrial areas before it extends out onto Ediz Hook.
D. The operation of the K-Ply Mill will be more efficient resulting in less dust and noise
impacts to adjacent properties, and the Valley Creek Estuary will provide
landscaping and screening that buffer commercial uses to the east from industrial
uses to the west.
E. The Valley Creek Estuary will reestablish the natural aquatic system once found
F. The amendment will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
G. The amendment will not interfere with the public use of lands or waters subject to the
public trust doctrine.
H. The environmental designation changes satisfy the shoreline permit (No. SMA 97-
158) condition for filling the log pond and reopening the estuary.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of May 19, 1998.
Gary/Braun,/~l~y~r --
B~cky J.-~J-f~on,"'~ty Ciera-- --