HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/20/1936 ,.... 388 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 20,1935 193_ ~ ~i ~ Cb" , ~$ J} JI" t--' ~ <<\ ~ ~ "- '- , '-I' \,\ " "- ~~~ It.. The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call chowed the following officers present. Hayor Davis,Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. ' The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Building permits the following were granted,- Roy Kemp, build house, Lot 13,Block 108,Townsite E.E.pollock, build home, Lots 1 & 2,Block C,Glover's Subd. Fred Epperson, Garage, N.t Lot 10, Block 231,Townsite Fred '.'Ialker, Addition on dwelling,Lot 13,Block 4,Hart & Cook's Subd. Edward C.Hettman, Build house, Lot 13,Block 50,Lewis & Mastick's Subd. Mrs.Chas.Holman, Build porch on present bUilding,Lot la,Block 300,Townsite E.O.Groves, Nerl building, E.?;; 17 & all lot IS,Block 210,Townsite Crescent Motor Company, Remodel building,Lot 9,Bloek 17,N.R.Smith's Subd. Fred Pollow, Remodel building,'iI.~. Lot 2,Block 1,Tideland East of Laurel St. Under the head of new business the following resolutions were introduced,- RESOLUTION DESIGNATInG TAXI STAND 450.00 .1000.00 150.00 50.00 2500.00 50.00 600.00 2000.00 98.00 I q oj, 00 "' I '; VffiEREAS,THE YELLOW TAXICAB COMPANY has made applieation in writing far a portion of the street area on N.Laurel Street at the corner of N.Laurel and First Streets to be used as a taxi stand, and .ffiEREAS. the owner of the abutting property and the lessee having consented in writin to the setting apart of certain portions of said street area as a taxi stand, now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following area is hereby set apart and fixed as a taxi stand for the Yellow Taxicab Company; commencing at the property line on N.Laurel street at the corner of N.Laurel and First Streets, measuring along the curb line on N.Laurel Street north a distance of 28 feet. Such space is named for.a taxi stand reservation for one taxicab of the Yellow Taxicab Company. This resolution is adopted in conformity with authority and provisions of Section 15 of Ordinance No.950 of the City of Port Angeles. It~was mpve:debyiComm1ssionerrthat ;t'o~egoihg t.esolu~ion'MeapIirbved. and l3.dpptedi;'. Seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the mo motion oarried. RESOLUTIOll TO SELL PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY FORECLOSURE ~~EREASi The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described property said city, to-wit: The north 190 feet of lot one (l),and the north 190 feet of the east half of (2) ,Block one (1) of Tidelands west of Laurel Street,Townsite of Port Ange108, County,Viashington. ''Thieh said property has been acquired by the City oJil foreclosure of delinCluent local improvement assessments under Chapter 205 of the Session Laws of 1927, and YffiEREAS, one Hazen B.Wood has offered to ourchase the said property above described for the sum of Seven Thousand Seven Hundred &- NO~lOO ( .:~7, 700 .00 1 Dollars on the fallowing terms, One Hundred & No/IOO ($100.00) Dollars on the 20th day of May,1936 ,and One Hundred & 1'0/100 (.~100.00) Dollars on the 20th day of each month thereafter for five 1'0":h8 months, and One Hundred Twenty-five & No/IOO (J125.00) Dollars per month on the 20th. day of each and every month thereafter until the contract is paid in full. Interest at the rate of 6% per annum is to be computed monthly on the balance due and deducmed from . the monthly payment each month and the balance af said payment to be applied on the prin~rnaj' aoi cipal, and Whereas, the City Commission has viewed the property and find the offer is fair value for the pr.,perty and exceeds the amo1L."lt of the delinquent improvement assessments and general taxes paid by the city. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, That the said offer be accepted and that the City enter into into a contract with the purchaser for the sale of all the interest the City holds in said property at said price and on said terms; that the city attorney be instructed to prepare a contract of sale in accordance with the terms herein expressed, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute said contract in accordance with provisions of this resolution and of Chapter 275,Session Laws of 1927 ,including Sec.4 of said Chapter. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. 3econded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the fallowing claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND; City Treasurer Epperson & Sons,Inc. Travelers Insurance Co. Robert Banderob Lee Hotel Wm.J.Conniff R.'E.Davis ~ L..f5 L.OO .55 3.25 9.85 23.80 33.40 14.50 Stamps Lumber Insurance Expense account Geo.W.Kimball hotel bill Expense account Expense account WATER FUND; City Light Department City Treasurer Light at reservoir Mise.expense cash advanced 5.73 .54 l.'~ '\ I I I I. I~. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 20,1936 193_ ""Ill 389 I I I I I ! LIGHT ]WlJil; ~ E.M.Benedict Line Material Co. City Treasurer Diesel Power Association of Washington Cities /f 7 J-O S , 9.00 18.20 5.00 5.00 50.00 Janitor service Pole top pins Postage Diesel Hand Book Annual dues ACCIDENT FUND; Dr.James L.McFadden Professional services 5.00 There being r,v further business the Commission adjourned to meet at 2.p.m. May 20,1936 at 2.p.m. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers prcsent; Mayor Davis,Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins; Under the head of New Business the following permit was presented to the Commission for their eonsideration,- PERMIT VMEREAS, an application has been made to the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles. in Clallam County, Washington , by the FIBREBOARD P~ODUCT~, INCORPORATED, to obtain a permit from the undersigned City Commission authorizing it to operate a truck as provided by Section 5352-10 of Remington's Revised Statutes of ITashington,said truek being special e~uipment owned by the petioner described as a Willamette lumber carrier, Serial No.442, e~uipped with balloon tires,and which truck operate when loaded with a total gross weight of 31,000 pounds, and VffiEREAS, said petioner proposes and petitions for authority to operate said truck in the hauling of timber products on approximately one-half mile of the city streets from the plant of the petiticner in the city of Port Angeles ,Washington, to and from the Washington Pulp & Paper Corporation,along the city street known and designated as Marine Drive,and such other streets adjacent to said streets as are necessary in said operation; that said truck will at no time be enga3ed in the general hauling business, but will be confined entirely to hauling for the petitioner in its own business. . And. it appearing to the undersigned Ci ty Commissioners that the laws of the Sta te of Washington pertaining to the operation of trucks provides that no vehicle shall have a weight in excess of 18,500 pounds on one axle, that the maximum wmight shall not exceed aDO pounds pDr inch of tire,and that high presure tires are contemplated in said law; and that the petitioner's e~uipment will not exceed a total weight of 16,500 pounds on one axle,will not exceed 740 pounds per inch of tire, and that said truck will be e~uipped with balloon tires,and that said truck complies with all other soecific~tions of the law pertaining to width, wheelbase, overhanging loads,etc. NOW ,THEREFORE, the undersigned, City Commissioners of the City of Port Angeles,does herewi.th grant to said Fibreboard Products , Incorporated ,a permit to operate said truck alang the route herein designated, in the hauling of timber produets in its business, at all times during the continuation of this permit, an~ for the purposes provided in said application; said permit to conyinue until such time as the undersigned shall give grantee a notice ten (10) days in advance of its intention to cancel same, and the same shall be withdrawn by the City Commission of Fort Angeles ,Washington. It1\was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing permi t be approved and granted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. There being no further business the Commission then ad~. ourn . (' AJJ --------l. , ' Mayor A ttes t ''')) ?l1{)~7'-1-uxrr~ City Clerk ~