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,.. 392
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
1l4t 20 19)I"
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Il'he City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call
showed the following officers present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown Weer" Sandison, Pmlell, Wolfe and
McFad~en, City Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and C~erk Law. '
It was moved by Councilman Sandison that minutes of the previous session be approved as received. Seconded
by Councilman Powell. All voted Aye.' Motion carried.
Under t~e head of unfinish~d business, the City Engineer filed notice that the thirty day pericd has elapseej.
completJ.o~ of the con~ract by Del Guzzi &os. for constructbn of La\U'el Street Bluff stiirway, no incomplete
or defechve work haVJ.ng been discovered. Also reconnnended that the 15% retained ($470.16) be paid I
the contractor. It was moved by Councilman Nller tl,lat the amount retained be pJlid. Seconded by Councilman '
McFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Jack Del Guzzi of Del Guzzi Brothers Construction C~. appeared before the Cou~cil and'questioned advisabiliV
of laying 6~ water main instead of the 4" main as he had planned, for 1<ater service to building units he I
is constructing. south of the Boulevard. I~so cited increased cost from which others will benefit after
the-line is taken over by the City. I,layer Smith agreed that other houses will be constructed and Mr.
Del Guzzi should not pay all the cost of water main installation. }lanager Vergeer reconnnended that the
City pay the difference in cost between 4" and 6" main for first 500 feet. of installation. It was
moved by Councilman Wolfe that the reconnnendation be approved and the City pay difference in coat of,
material between the 4" and 6" main on provision that it be turned over to the City after installation is
completed. Motion sec,onded lr.f Councilman Brown and unanimously carried.
The Planning Commission filed recommendations as follows, requests having been previously'referred to 1IDm:
Recommended that request by Louis Elterich Construction Company for variance in Zoning Ordinance be
denied and Mr. Elterich notified to talce proper steps to clean up premises near Second dl\d Waqhington Sts.
ReGornmended that request by Guy Bellinger for approval of platt, being subdivision oJ' the South half of
SUburban Lot 77, Townsite be disapproved due to absence of alley. Recolilffiended that the request by School
Districll No. 17 for vacation of Ninth Street from'B Street to C Street be approved with rights-of-way for
public utilities reserved. Manager Vergeer concurred with. recomnendations as did the Council and authorized
preparation of an Ordinance vacattng that portion of Ninth Street. It ,Ias moved by Councilman Brown that I'
the Council approve vacation of Ninth Street. prior to in~duction of vacating Ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Neer. All v oted Aye. }lotion carried".
Manager Vergeer~eported that E. F. Hughes, consulting engineer, hae concluded his study of contemplated
projects. It appears that the Fifth Street culvert in Peabody creek will be eliminated at this time
as this can be done later and paid from general funds when available. This is necessary as all rights-
of-way must be purchased from general funda. Approximat'ely twelve per cent of entire project cost will
be paid by th'e City as general benefit which should not be undue ha~dshi}l for any individual. It was
estimated that the Tumwater logging route, l1arine Drive and Front Street extension will t ake approximatel,y
a year to complete and it is hoped that i.f.arine Drive: will be completed for use py fall. Mr. Vergeer
further advised that Attorney :rhorgrimson has bsen instructed to prepare resolutions, declaring intention
and authorizing acquisition of right-of-wa;y. It was estimated that within ninety days, construction
should be started. .
Under the head of new business, Captain R. R. Johnson,' Conrad Dyar and bther Sunrise Heights residents
appeared before the Council to protest the location of a Carnival in the 1100 Block on East First Street,
complaining of disturbance to a residential district. ~Iilliam B. Gellor and C. B. Hanify of the American ~
Legion, sponsors of the Carnival, explained that they were unable to find another location. That they
have contracted for ths Carnival, spent &80.00 for bulldozing and net proceeds which are from $300 to $750
are used to promote the Junior Salmon Derby. Floyd Follett of Travelers Motel told the Council that
three motels in that vicinity could easily lose amount equivalent to the Legion taken md did not consider
the Junior Derby their responsibility. Due to complaints and trouble encountered, Councilman Weer and
McFadden were opposed to permitting Carnivals to operate in the City. Councilman 1,olfe comnended the Legion
for sponsoring the Derby and favored some solution to' continue the activity. After further discussion, '.
it ,Ias moved by Councilman McFadden that the Council disapprove Carnivals at the proposed location and
the same be declared a nuisance 'and not permitted to operate. Motion seconded by Councilman Neer and un-
animously carried.
location where aC~ivit-1
appeared to be satis-
Manager Vergeer volunteered to meet with the Legion connnittee and help to establish
ies of the Carnival will not create disturbance and be considered a nuisance. This
factory with Council members.
A resident of the lId.nnie Avenue District inquired as to when the water main installation on Minnie Avenue
as previousl,y authorized by the Council will be finished. Mana{i;er Vergger advised that several City
projects are urgent, 'and when finished, the Minnie Avenue job will be put on priority which should be'
within the next thirty days.
Month],y budget reports of City departments for the month of April were inspected by the Council. It was
moved by Councilman Neer that the reports be accepted and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All
members voted Aye. Motion carried. '
Transfer of beverage licenses were' approved as follows' Little Brick Tavern, from Fred Buhl and Robert
Smith to Fred and Betty Buhl. Grandview Grocery from Ralph A. Gallacci to S. 's. Olney and Roy-G.
Kruger. Harbor Tavern from Harold Y. Brown to Lois E. and Robert E. Hi~eman. It was moved by Council-:-
man Brown that the requests for transfer be approved. Seconded by CounCJ.lrnan Neer. All voted Aye. Carned.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the City Treasurer's report the month of April be accepted and placed
on file. :Seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried.
One claim against the 1953 Street Improvement COnStxmction Fund was filsd for approval as follOlt's'
OlympiC Travel Service, travel expense, $8.10 .-
It was moved by CouncDman Bwown that the claim be allowed and paid. Seconded by Counc~lman McFadden.
All voted Aye. Motion carried.
also presentedl for approval in total amount of $52,572.45.
Seconded by Councilman McFadden.
It was moved
All members
Claims paid May 7, 12, 19, were
by Councilman Brown that the claims be approved as paid.
voted Aye. Motion carried.
The Council instructed that call for bids be published for the OfficiaJ. City, printil"g during the year
, July 1 1954 b'ds to be opened June 17th. It was moved by Counnlman Brown, seconded by
COD1'11enang , , j.. . .
Councilman Neer, that the call for bids be published. Mohon carr~ed.
Under the head of introduction and passage of Ordinances, the following was introduced a1 d read in
f':' . ,(~
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
May 20 19~
1 ~
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full for consideration by the Council:
AN ORDINANCE relating to public health and sanitation; regulating the collection and disposal of
garbage, refuse, trash, off al and dead animals; providing for the sstablishmeDt, maintenance and
operation of a compulsory system of garbage collection ,and disposal in i;he City of Port ,Angeles, making
delinquent charges for services performed a lien upon property; providing penalties for the vidation
hereof; and repealing ordinances numbered 1129, 1163, 1227 and all other ordinances in conflict herewith.
It was moved by Councilman Powellthat the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adClpted. Seconded by
Councilman Sandison. All voted A:ye. leotion carried.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the follm<ing was introduced, read in full and
I placed on first reading: , I
I ~~n~, . I
AN ORDINANCE estsblishing general rulss and regulations over the water sy&tsm of thE! Ci,ty of Port .
Angeles, prescribing methods of extending service; prescribing manner of adoption of and rates for service;
I and repealing ordinances mlJUbered 1256, 778, 1076 and all other ordinances in conflict herewith.
j It was moved by Councilman Wolfe ,that the foregoing Ordinanc~ be 'passe.d the first' reading. Secon~ed by
I Councilman McFadden and unanimously carried. - ·
A lady residing abovs the Viewcrest area complained about inadequate water service in that vicinity and
I requested that the Council consider extension of the area specified, thereby, improving the service in
I that district. Manager Vergeer advised that the and the Hater Superintendent had inadvertently.omitted
I the area, improved service having previously been arranged, also rec.ommended changing the description
as spscified in the Ordinance to include the area if ,the !3ame is saUafaduL'y with the Council. a:t Was
moved by Councilman Wolfe that the change as recommended be approved. and area included as preaously,
I agreed. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison. All. voted A:ye. }lotion carried. I
I There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
Q, g, ;ea,W-:
rJ City Clerk
-1? ..1r:,~~d::-LI
Mayor ,
lrO'l"IO'll '1'0 BIDD:EJRS
Notlce_ l!l hereby g! ven thR( seal.
.('d bhlfl wll1 be r(;ce!ved by the Clq:
(1('l'k of the City of Pnrl Angeles,
\>."uhinston, until June:l 1954 Ilt
5;00 P. ::\t:., ann not I"t~r, at' the
office of the Clt:-: Clerk of rllc elly
or POrt Angeles: \Vashlngtoll, -tor
I;~?~e, PTrw~aIi~IPeOf IR cat~t l~~m\lse~*ib
('Vllvey water .nt 1:\0 illS. preSSllre
'Ind wltl become a part ot the (I0~
lr.l"'ItlC water i!lY8tem ot thl~ City ot
Port Angt:'le~, Callt Iron, Bell and
Spigot pipe or cast Iron mechanical
joint pipe wlll be oollsltlerNJ All
plpe mlll'lt be approved by lhe' Un.
dt'rwrlters Laboratorles, Inc.. for
Utll' In public water am] fjre J;ervlce
Cast Iroll, DeJl and SplgoL Pipe,
and Ca.':!t Iron Mechanical, joint
.lllpe 1'Ihall meet Standard A W.W,A
I 'I!PMlflcfl.tlon!? or Pederal SpecjfkA~
Uon!'! 1V.wr.Ul of the .lale:;t jsslll~
In(';ludlng all amendments.
. .Vcertlfled check or bid bond for
r;, percent or the amount bld Iflll!lt
lICCOltlPRllY each bid.
All Ilrlces stock pilC'd F.O.B.. P<ort
'N"OTJC~~ ~::e~g~ven that ~
.. ,.ea.Led bids Will be receJ'\'ed by the I
i ~tfele~~er~va~~ln~~~n C~t{ th~ ~Ig
Hall '?t said cay, not later than I
5,~0 oc]ot'k P. M., June 17. 1954,
~ bl~y t~~ ~or;:ct;.lng~I~~ti~~r~rii tJ:~ I
lYe~r I'omemnclng July I, 19501,. The
r prmtlng IS to be In nOIlPare:LI ()c
six IJolnt typO, and published lil rc-
~ular IS9t1M of the newspaper aw.
ardeel 8.u('h oontra_ct. Bids to be sub-
mlt~~ on 9.. baSIS {)f charge "per
~ll~~ .bo;gnJ~~te~e ~i~ o~e, 1.00~~15e~o
ftssure faithful performanee of the
~~~~. t~h;eJ~~7 a~;Ub;.llarrbCld~:S tlle
I'ublish(!{}; 1\1~~ ~i ~~"Ju~~t), 11:5":
(:!as:<l 150, Ca8t
. lo-ln. Ft.
ITEM 2. 1000 Lin. Ft. 2" ChUIS
I!;O Cl\~t -Iron Pipe @ Per Lin. }o~t.
1 i Tho'! . un(i-crnghe)d prO!Jo.'jE:s R.llIJ
,agrees If tll[8 I)rOlio.';;al Is accepted
to furnish -an:!, or all of the aooye
j.lttlm!'l [n QIUllItltlcs cQual to the Jl-
hove minimum vro]l'Jscd or gretller
at prices n~t more than (juoted fl-
The under!l1~nG-d furthl'r agrees
that~ the mat.erla! will be dellvt;:red
at _Port r\ngelcs in not more than
,~dR.YS after thlf'l proposal i:'l
I ~~~e!~t;~ ~~rfO[hn[~~edlat~a~:I~fe;~~~
:'Ill[]lmC'nt from foundry
The ('Jty Council rC8'en'cs the
right to reject an}. or all bids.
SJgnnturc of Bldd~r:
Pllblif'll1Nl: May 20 and 27, 1954,
j -
trl~:: I