HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/21/1951 '1 I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Mav 21. 19.-5J._ '"0.' ................"........".. ..... ~ The Conunission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers ,pr~sent were: JfJayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. I Jfd~utes of the previous session were read and by request of Commissioner Robinson amended to. read as fo+lows: Landlords will inform the City office in writing if they desire their names included with tenant records for notification regarding delinquest accounts. Minutes approved as amended. I Under the head of apPlicati~s for building permits and licenses, the following were approved: jBuilding Pennits: /0,750 - Claude Hunt Build Bedroom on to Existing House; Lots 29-30, Blk. 65, P.S.C.C. 500.00 Ipe1;ersen & Craver Repairing Celing in Lee Hotel Restaurant; Lot 3, Blk. 32, Townsite 500.00' E. .F. Roth Build 5-Room House; Lot 4, Blk. 38}, Townsite 8,000.00 I Jack Mooney Construct Residence; Lots 9-10, Blk. 246, Townsite 500.00 Ipaul Kesler RemodeJ.ing Doorways, Kitchen, etc.; Lots 16-17, Blk. 4, Cains #18 500.00' Paul Kesler Install Window, Front Door & Porch; Lot 13, Blk. 246, Townsite 650.00' I Palll Kesler Remodel Front Steps & Foundation to Porch; Lot 12, Blk. 201, Townsite 100.00' o' j I Licenses: /Jf- LaPetite Beauty Shop Beauty Operator, Two Years 2.00 Merchants Hotel Hotel Operator 24.00' Ho1;el Olympus Hotel Operator 50.00' Clllb Billiards Cafe Restaurant 12.00' The Habit Cleaners Dry Cleaning 5.00' Rayoni er Cafe Restaurant 12.00' Rayonier Cafe Ml!Sic Mahine 12.00' , Raymrl,er Cafe Soft Drink 5.00 I Lacantina Restaurant 12. O~: ~ Lacantina Soft Drink . 5.00 I Under the head of unfinished business, the Engineer filed recommendations that the 15% retained on contractsl No. 1 and No.2, be paid to Owens Brothers Engineering and Construction Comparw for pile and timber plank I bulkhead on Ediz Hook. Contract No.1, $1,480.66; Contract No.2, $1,048.95. It was moved by Commissioner I Taylor that the amounts retained be paid as recommended. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. . Motion carried. A p'etition was filed by Valley Street property owners opposing sewer installation and estimated cost of the same and requested a hearing be held. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the petition be referred 1;0 the Health Department and Plumbing Inspector. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted flo'e. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, Ed. P. Fountain, Secretary of Electrical Workers Local, introduced Gene Heiss, International ftepresentative. Mr. Heiss spoke regarding working conditions and prevailing wage scales and infonned that Port Angeles is one of lowest rates in the State, being seven to eight cents lower. Also volunteered assistance with survey and information and considered rate schedule as submitted January 27, 1951 satisfactory, if retroactive to March 15th of this year. Mayor Feeley cited report of Elcami.ner Yarbrough which stated the Light Department is in a precarious condition, and informed that any increased wage rates must be paid from light revenue. Commissioner Taylor questioned the City entering into written agreement, and if the agreement is signed, would the same compare with general wage schedule in' this district. Mr. Heiss informed that the City may enter into agreement. Also that P.U.D. rates are established, which will be satisfactory schedule for the City. After further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Attorney be instructed to draft an enabling IOrdinance to adjust hourley wages of certain light employees, said rates not to be fixed until such time as ,agreement will be reached. Hotion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted flo'e. Motion carried. I Fire Chief Wolverton proposed adopt~dn of an Ordinance governing installation, inspection, and control of Iservices for gas customers. The Commission instructed that the Attorney draft the Ordinance with co- operation of the Fire Chief and Plumbing Inspector. I Under the head of introduction and reElding of Ordinances the following were introduced and placed on first I'and second reading: I 6RDINANCE NO. 1249 AN ORDINANCE fixing the hours during which all City offices of the City of Port Angeles shall be kept open, repealing Ordinance No. 806 of the City of Port Angeles, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Ma;yor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted flo'e. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1250 AN ORDINANCE relating to and providing for the regulation of Taxi Cabs and For-Hire Cars; providing for the inspection and control thereof, fixing the rates to be charged therefor, and for the licensing and controling of drivers thereof, defining offenses, prescribing penalties and repealing Ordinance No. 1156 and all otter ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the number three be inserted in the foregoing Ordinance and the Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in pa;yment of same: CURIIDlT EXPE~rSE FUND: (. 'f {z... Nelson Equipment Co. United Janitor Supply Co. Angeles Machine & Welding Works I CITY STREET FUND: /97 ~5 Angeles Machine & Welding Works City Light Dept. , Camshaft Chamois & Disinfectant Threading Cap Parts & Labor Labor, Electricians 131' 40.17, 17.30 6.95' I I J.07 194.48, ~ ,... 132 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .... .. ."..... .."~ "..'..... ........ '"'" "... ICITY SHOP FUND:. / f? ..2.1 Tower Super Service - Aiken Motors Janish Motor Co. IRichfield Oil Corp. 'Port Angeles Motors . 'Angeles Machine & I'/elding Works Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating ! 0"- ,WATER FUND: ~S 3 - ;Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 rH. .E. Dodge ~tar Machinery Co. 'Reliable Welding Works fPuget SounO. Navigation Co. \Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 'City Light Dept. [Tacoma Port Angeles Auto Frt. !LIGHT FUND: ~~-<. ~3 'Lunt's Battery Service .Peninsula Machine Shop ~eneral Electric Supply Corp. ILine Material Co. I 0 C, 'PARK FUND: L/--R' - IChick's Marina 'l~aCific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Willson Hardware Co. 'PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: G & L Paint Supplies ',City Treasurer Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating I 73 CEMETERY FUND: 7 , Todd I s Cycle Shop I ' There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. 0.8. x~_ t City Clerk .... Mav 21st , continued, 19.5L Oxygen, Acetylene, Tie Rod Assy. Pedal Parts Motor Oil Fender Parts & Labor Union, Nipples Lights at Morse Creek Dam E>cpense Hose Couplings, etc. Iron Frt. on Pipe .Pipe Bolts Frt. on Steel Battery Cable Repair Derrick Repair St.. Light Anchors, Connectors Bags, Pitchers Plate Service 5288, 3851 Shellac, Brush I,;; 'I ~ 2- Paint, Thinner Postage for Meter Parts Pipe Sharpen Power Mower ~ ~A c?-?t/r 37.36 1.28 56.41 42.86 41.50 18.24 1.63 6.20 102.36 39.36 210.99 21.92 53.48 3.00 15.71 2.06 7.73 12.46 419.78 29.30 16.86 1.90 117,52 1.06 5.44 -7.73 Mayor I I I I