HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/21/1953 I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Ari: Ma.Y21 1 , ~rf-'-r .4:1;;1 ~ ~~~~. r?~+"I>~ .a.!2.h, ,~, . _~". ,~'" ."'."~,. ...n... no.. .... I , The City Council'met in regular session at 7:30 P.M;, soil was called to ordeI present were: Mayor'Smith, Councilmen Brown, Ne!lr, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe Ii Attorney Severyns, and Clerk .Law. _ " ! I it was moved by' Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous aes~ion be appfoved. as received. Seconded by I I Councilman Sandison and carried. I Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish equipment for the Hater Department as openedat the . previous meeting were considered. VJallager Vergeer informed that all bids .have been checked and compared, ! also reported on inspection of the equipment, in Seattle. Hr. Vergeer then reconnnended that the bid by I I Star HachineryCompaJ\1' for Case Model Tractor and Henry Digger at $3,615.30 be al:cepted, and the bid by I Pacific Hoist and Derrick Co; for back,filler, Oliver OC3, with Ware front end loaller, Model 3HT with bucket at $3,645.17 be accepted as the lowest and best bids. It was moved by C. ouncilman Neer tlmt Council concur I lwith recommendations and bids be awarded according to the s",,:,e. Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden and I unanimous4" carried. I Bids to furnish Mobile Radio Units were received as follows: Motarol:- COImIlUIlicationS and Electronics, Inc. !2-FMTR-80V (BX) lD, 30 Watt mobile units complete, $1,068.83, General Electric CompatJ;v, 2-Mc-l1'1 Mobile. Combinations, complete, ,$890~00 3% state tax not included. It was mo'i'ed. by Councilman Brown that the bid I by General Electric Co. be. accepted. SecOnded by Councilman. Neer. All voted A,ye. Motion carried. Hansger Vergeer informed of complete co-operation framthe County Commissioners regarding acquisition of right-of-way required for the street improvement project. Also'requested authorization by the Council for ! II p~nt of the same. It was mOved by Councilman McFadden that the Council authorize pa,yment for the rights-; of-way, and that warrants be issued on 1953 Street. Improvement Construction Fund in Jl'O'1Dent. of same. Motionl seconded by Councilman. Neer. All.members voted Aye. Motion carried. ' , Under the head of new business; the following were submitted for consideration ani approval by the Council; IRegular monthly reports, budget expenditures and receipts,_ Treasurer's report f6r month of April, japproval of claims paid May 8th in amount 01: $80,921.61. It was moved by Councilman l'/olfe that all repcrts ,be approved as 'submitted 'am. that claiJJis 'paid" as of Ma.Y 8th. also be. approved. Hotion seconded by Councilman fI owell and carIi ed.' , 1 I ,V""'-ager Vergeer requested that the follow.ing claim vouchers be approved for payment from the 1953 Street ;Improvement Ilonstruction Fund: ' . . . City Treasurer ' . . I North. rac,Hic Bank Note Co. Preaon, Thorgrimaon & Horowitz Clallam Co. Treasurer. 153.07 I~ was moved tu Councilman }lol1'e that the claims as listed be approved and warrants issued in p-.vment of :same. Motion seconded by- CQuncilman Powell. All. members voted Aye. Motion carried. & 1.00 'I 266.19 ,{yO 722.55 / I I . Harvin Ruby appeared before the Council. requesting that the license fee as fiXed by Ordinance No. 1003 for Auctioneers, be reduced for benefit of residont auctioneers. It was the opinion ef Mr. Ruby that the 'present fee charged is prohibitive according to population and. sales coooucted. Council members questioned ad,visability of red,ucii1g .-license fee and Hansger Ver&eer informed that resident auctioneers are now protect- , ,ed' by Ordinance as itinerant and tranaient person,! are not permitted to obtain licehae~ It was moved by I Councilman McFadden that the license fee remain as fixed. by Ordinance. Seconded by Councilinan Sandison. ' 'After further ,discussion the motion and second were withdralfD and the matter was tabled for further study Until the next meeting. ' ! ~ I .The Council accepted a petition signed by registered voters of the Fain.orit District .pposing annexation of that District to the City. It lias moved by Councilman Brown that .the petition be accepted and pla ced on file.. Seconded by Councilman Powell and unanimously carried. ' I F. p. ~l)1eeler. of, i'1heeler Ildwre~ Co" !J1llde an offer to exChange Lot 6 for Lot 4,. Blk. 1, Tidelands West of I Laurel St., Lot 4 being owned by tpe City. Mr. l'1heeler agreed to pay the.Cityai250 for property exchange plUs difference in asseSGments against the two lots. It lias moved by Councilman Brown that the offer be accepted and the City Attorney be instructed to establish legality of the exchange. Motion seconded by Councilman ' "" folfe. All voted Aye. Motion carri!,d., iieauest ;'as filed for the' Council to consider annexation to the City of a' 9-acre tract in the Belleview- Di;trict by F. L..Christman, owner. It was the opinion of the Council tllat the annexation is a sound ,proposition and. all members ~Iere infavor. I . , . Mayor Smith announced that the Council having accepted the resignation of J. L. Rodda from the Planning 'Commission, appointment of a member to serve the unexpired tem is in order. ,Councilman Bro'!ffi nominated Herbert H. McGee for the appointment. No other nominations being placed, it was moved by. Councilman Brown that the nominations be closed and Mr. McGee appointed to serv!, the unexpired tem of Mr. Rodda, term to e,q,ire March, 1958. Hellion seconded by Councilman McFadden and unanimouaq carried. .A petition signed by Eileven property owners was read before the Council, requesting that an L.I~D. be estab- lished for construction of curbs and blacktop street surface on East 9th St. between Albert and Eunice Sts. :It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that-the petition be tabled until such time as other petitions will larel been filed and all will be consi~ed.. MOtion seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye.. Motion carried., Manager Vergeer advised that 'the Simitation Dept. is in need of a truck with P;;cker body-and the current I 'budget provides for purchase of the ~"ame. It Was moved by Coun~ilman !3rovn that bids be published for the I purchase, bids to be opened June. 4. :Motion. seconded by Councilman Neer. and unanimous4" carried. I . "', The Council aleo instructed that call':'t:or bids be published for the Legal. City printing for the year begin- 'm.ng Jul,y 1, 1953. It lias moved by CoUncilman Brown that the said bids be published and ope'.led June 4th. :Seconded.. by Councilman Sandison. All voted lJye. Motion carried.'" j. . t Ordi d' full f I Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following we nauces "ere rea J.n or, :consideration by the Council: I I I I I I ---.. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Ari'gees, ington Ma.Y 21 53 19_ '"'' , "'"""". "..M. """"'" '.'.,,"' m.. .... !The City Council'met in regular session at 7:30 P.M:, and.was called to order by Mayor Smith. The officers I ,present were': Mayor'Smith, Councilmen Brown, Ne~r, Sandis.on, Powell, lvolfe and J;1cFadden, Manager Vergeer, I Attorney Severyns, ani;! Clerk Law. . '. .' - \ I, - It '1SS moved by' Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous ses~ion be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. . Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish equipment f!:>r the l'later Department as openedat the previous meeting were considered. Hanager Vergeer informed that all bids .have been checked and compared, 'also reported on inspection of the "quipment in Seattle. Hr. Vergeer then recommended that the bid by I Star ~lachinery Comparv' for Case Model1'ractor and Henry Digger at $3,615.30 be accepted, and the bid by Paci1'ic Hoist and Derrick Co; fOr back..filler, Oliver OC3, with Ware front end loader, Hodel 3HT with bucket at $3,645.17 be accepted as the lowest and best bids. _~t was moved by Counci1matl Neer tlmt Council concur iwith recommendations imd bids be awarded according to the s"'!'e. Motion.seconded by Councilman Vu:Fadden and i unanimcus~ carried. . I Bids to furnish Mobile Radio Units. were received as follow: Motoro~ CommunicatioM and Electronics, Inc. !2-FMTR-80V (BX) lD, 30.ratt mObile units complete, $1,068.83, (;eneral Electric Comp~, 2-Mc-lW Mobile . , Combinations, complete, .$890;00 3% state tax not included. It was mo'i'ed by Councilman Brown. that the bid ; by General Electric Co. be accepted. SecOnded by Councilman.Neer. All voted liJ'e. Motion carried. I . i Hanager Vergeer informed of complet.e co~operation from the County CoMmissioners regarding acquisition of , right-of-wa;r required for the street improvement .project.. JUso'requested authorization by the Council for ; payment of the same. It was mOved by Councilman McFadden t\:Iat the Council authorize payment for the rights-, : of-way, and that warrants be issued on 1953 Street Improvement Construction Fund in pa;rment. of same. Motion I seconded by Councilman Neer. All members vot<;d AJre. Motion carried. 'Under the head of n8\< business~ the following were subinitted for consideration ani approval by the CouncU; Regular month~ reports, budget expenditures and receipts, Treasurer's report fdr month of April, approval of claims paid May 8th in amount..of $80,921..61. It was moved by Councilman lvolfethat all rep<1'ts ,be apProved as 'submitted.'alid that cla.i1Ji.s.'paid,aa of May 8th also .be approved. !>lotion secol1l1ed by Councilman ~ owell and cahi ed.' . I . Manager Vergeer reqUested that the following claim vouchers be approved for payment from the 1953 Street Improvement ponatruction Fund: . : 'City T~asurer ' , $ 1.00 10..5/ i North. Pacific Bank Note Co. 266.19 '1" I Pre:D:ln; Thorgrimson & Horowitz 722.55" I) Clallam Co. Treasurer. 153.07 11;" was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the claims as listed be approved and warrants issued in payment of 'same. !>lotion seconded by CQuncilman .Po>lell. All. members voted Aye. !>lotion carried. Marvin Ruby appeared before the Council.requesting that the license fee as fiXed by Ordinance No. 100) for Auctioneers, be reduced for benefit of residalt auctioneers. It was the opinion of Mr, Ruby that the 'present fee charged is prohibitive according. to . population. and..sales conducted. COuncil members questioned advisability of reducing .license fee and Manager Vergeer informed that resident .auctioneers are now protect- .ed' by Ordinance as itinerant and transient. perSOlll! are . not permitt.ed to obtain licehse', It was moved by Councilman ~IcFadden that the license fee remain. as fixed. by OrClinance. Seconded. by Counci:tinan Sandison. . 'After further ,discussion the motion and second were withdrawn and the matter was tabled for furt.her study :until the next meeting. ' The Council accepted a petition signed by registered voters of the Fairinop,t District .ppoaing annexation of that District to the City. It was moved bY Councilman Brown that .the petition be accepted and pJaced on ,file,. Seconded by Councilman Powell and uniJIlimously carried. . I , F. p. vlpeeler. of. vlheeler Hdwre. Co., !",,-de an offer to exi:hangeLot 6 for Lot 4, Blk. 1, Tidelands West of .LaurelSt., Lot 4 being owned by tlte City.. Hr. loJheeler agreed to pa;r the,City$a50 for property exchange plus difference in assescments against the two lots. .It was. moved by C.ouncilman Brown that the offer be accepted 'I and the City Attorney be instructed to establish legality of the exchange. Hotion seconded by Counc:1.lman vrolfe. All voted liJ'e. Motion carri~d., The Council also instructed that call 'for bids be published for the Legal City printing for the year begin- 'Ding July 1, 1953. It was moved by COUncilman.Brown that the said bids. be published and opened June 4th. Seconded, by Councilman Sandison. All voted~. !>lotion carried. Und$r the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following t.ro Ordinances were read in full for I 'consideration by the Council: I -"':"! ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ I I I .1';' 329' ..... 330 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington MV '1 t";nnt.inufll!n 19_53 ,,<. . """". "..... '''''~'''. ,"'"".. ..... .... I ORDINANCE NO. lJ05 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,. l~ashington, repealing Ordinance No. 1298 of the City. ,It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance .be appraed as read and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Neer. All members voted qe. Motion unaniihously carried. I ORDINANCE NO. 1306 ' AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angele? providing for the improvement of certain streets inthe :City of Port Angeles by the construct1!)n and laying therein of necessary storm sewers, concrete pavement 'and integral curbs where required, all in accordance'with Improvement Resolution No. 164 of the City of Port Angeles creating a Local Improvement District for such improvement and providing that payment for said 'improvement be made by special, assessments .on the property in said Dill trict especially benefited, pa,yable 'by the mode of payment by bonds, all inaccordance with the .maps, plans and specifications prepared by the ,City Engineer and approved by the City Council. J , 'It was moved by Councilman I-lcFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted ~e. Motion carried. I . :No other business appearing, :the meeting was declared adjourned. G. t;, ;to.u.;- II- City /*~ ~~. " Mayor ' Clerk' :\'0'1'1('1<: UI,' (',\LI. FUIt. lUll!" , ~O'I'H''': lJI,' {"I,I.- UIe lun.s 'I;UI. n~ '\~n "I'.\~'I{I'::H JlOIlY" , " ('1'1'\- 1'1t1:\'I'I1:';H .l"Ut!C'7 I'::; hcr.{.hY.l.:lyen that li~lh'd :-;QLd. If' h,.]'el,.\' J::'i"j,:II-liJ:lt.tl{'::I]~G1 l~\.~~i<:~~:~' t~~ g~~;l ~!~,l';:rt I.~l:;ll:;i~~::..il~~" '\i~_l, l:;~ ::'i'r~'l~~[i I'~~.t ,t:l!~~re\i': i~ii\~.hl:~~tJ'~af~r lh~'h;~:lty ;t~~11 ~,fcr~c~ ~;';~~hilllt(~t"I~;'.~~tr ll~~l~.:~t>- t.f:~II1(111'~.rl''t~d~ ~:;1~i'li~t1~1~ "4'nl('~~;,t~~~('~{~I;nl{~:)orll~~: ~:;,~~;ii;;~l':;r I\'l' I ::1/;, l~~_'l~~';_' ~~:~~~\~:~). t~,.3 Ill~ ;I'uelc comIllete wilh Unr 1l11l'illg 'lie YI':U eun"lIwndrl)t- .Il1ly l. ~~r~~1:~~~~l"~!i~;':,~,:::,"::;~ lIUilltl'l) 11m] lot>! I;l"nv finll"'h roat. ' .' TrlJcl~ 11m] bod~' :-;halt 11I1 dr'lIvel"l'rl to City a:-; Hili! rl'lldy to It[lCr:lte. 1,(Hly t.. hj' inda!kd ..n tru{"!{ dIJl~...;i:-; IJy padH'1' hud~- ilJl:'.-nt. Tl"u('l;: I'hnll I1n\'(' Jllhdl1l\llll (.f 1111 Il. P. n101Or. Urn:;,.; wd,litllt, <IJJlJrO;dlllat('ly li',l)II() Ib, Cal, to ax1~' mea:-;lHell\t'l1t. <ll)l,rroxlmat{'ly :10 I,.' 11)(1 ille,he:!. "'IIO'l'l hl.l:<C>. 111)- l)l'oxI1l1aLelv 187 ira'h. Frllme :ihnll he f1HII p1<tt('d~ or "(IUlll. 'l'I'uck In he "'llli}l]H'li.l\"lth S,:!,,;,,; 211,1:1"':' 111 fl'[ml ;1lld ~l.i.t'~,,:!U _ IlU1l1 111'\'s In l'l',I!" Hllrl :tl;~~ ~~ 1:~l;;~.~~~I~~:~)~.fll11;IJ~ ~'~I~ 1(\~~~.,::tl~~I~ OI'lkll).ll]., Spare l'ilIl tu 'bl.' IIH'lw.lcd ill t,i(1 ('olr'l.1lei" tFuck ~ll~;nCfltlun~ Il'h;dl ~ec(jml)ilny all bld~. Including 'it-Iance- fro III tOol; o( flodlne to ",round IlG t(ll) vr running hOii,nl to g-l'()lllld, ,\ltl'l"1Iute r:i,l~ll: cu, yd, Wltll ;:ll,- :;00 )\>, g'l'''~'' \..'d~ht tntel,. Wn'll'l ~j~~,',' tr]~I,\~(T()YJ,~t~l~' ;.~:\, 11~~~~~'!21~'c 1:1,11' fil1,ttl h,' '''l'''llll'iHpi,.d .,.,...' ~'id ~'I\\,I,I{~'j ~'; _g(;',~~f~'~~!r \~'~l'fi~,~t~l~ ~It 11 ~)(~ lc''''f' l 11:; 11. :, 'J. of fllnO\!llt 1,lCl 01' t IH~ !$:\nl~' 'wll.l llUt I'l' .~lJll.sttll!n~'I, ~1'111' Cil~' C"\llll'il I"'''','I'VI''; th~ l'Ig'llt Iu l'l'kl"l Hn~- 01' all l)ld:<. Pllh,~ M~~.~\ i'{~I{~"I.(~:1~~"~'I'I;: LEGAL PUBUCA TION "'OTH''': 'rb 1I1111l1':"'" :\"lllil'1' i.>; '!l"l"I'h;- I/;'i,'c'n t hlll :-;l'alo'll hIll!' \y]ll LJ(~ r'.'l'l'tn'll b\' tilf' t~ILv ('Il'r\" "r Hll' City of p"rl AII~l.Jp~. \\',l",l1lJll':'tUI1, ullLil. :;:011 ~'c1ild, 1'.:\1., ,I1Jlw ]",Lh. 1:J~.3, al1l1 not Il1le't, ill tile ('ity 111\I1.tt tHI \\'N.t J,'p'111 :4tn'd, and I,'jl) b~ 1IIWlI<',] ilnrl '1,;;loIkly tead at 7:(\n ..'dock 1'.<11" (Ill lhllt ,Iuk, ill th" C'it~, ("Hindi l'h'UlI,hC't'~ nL, J~n },Iul'lh ')all 8trl'et. fuT lh.. fullowing Im'])l'O\;Cll1{'IHs: ~nrr,\{'lllg-- wltil {'('Illl'lll ('OlH'I'cj,' p/n'L'!TH']\t nnr\ ('uUMII'udl"ll <or 1'1<OI':U ~:~~,~ V~~..i: ~?\~~: 11~ \~ 1 ~ ~\ n~~~ :l;ij:~: ~~~l;'~ ~ J~" q :'o'~-I'f..-in <>f I.i Ill',,11l :-itl"j'l'l. ]'.lll~oIn Stn';et fl'ulll ]"I'onl street In .1{,~.llpl:lel AVIlUu.'. 1."111"0:<1 SIr....! i"1'1l1ll :I 1''',illt I Ill] rt!"t ;o.:"rlll uf Ill" "")I'lh .\h{f~111 uf FI'Ul1t Slr(,jlo\ to RllilT'U[I,1 .\\'''1111(' 001, -Stn,,:t. from :i"l'th ~I~ll'gln or 1."I~rl:~~' Tol;f~"\..iI~~ JI~:~ilI11~'::~;~1 '~I~I':'II~I:~'~ t i~,.; [("i~'l' ::t p!;f'II!'I'H 1 iell>:!. of t h,' 1;1'01'" ~~I:,~.;~t'~:~E~:~l~~ ;:~. :'~:'Jl,~>> 11:1 (' : ;111':,':11 f ~ ~.': II ~~: ~ l"HI"!"'(" ]>\1 \'P,ll1~'llt. :17';' :I"lu, lrl~,.b("'"l,'~lu('h 'WW.'l' 1011)(', i f~j'k;S~ll.;\~t~:~~;:~:~"W'.'1' 11i 1"'. .\It I,j'j~ ~hull ])(1 F\{"('OI11'I':lllj,.,t h~' :l ""'j[lft,.d ('~",,\( or Hi.] lIrn]d III the slim ~.t !loO[ }..... than :.'{. of till! allll1lHlt 1,1{f l(J:lrl 111''1111' llH~':ll,lf' 1{o thl' :\ ~:;..;~~~~~~~~~~~ (/~~O~::l; n~' ~lr~, ; :[d J;\:'II;~ nOI b.. '....llHicl('r~'(1. .'.. l,..r(ornwnn' 1'('lnl ,,( tUO':!, or lIw f,mOllnt of tlw l'onlnl\.t prin.' lllU"t h(' furnh,hed IJY the ",ucrl':-lsful Mlldl"t'. Plnn:! alld l:!p;,,'irkaUoII:< mllr ~;~ n l~ iJIY~~:~ ,~~\\ II; ~ro l~ ".l~1 ~Wf(j ~? ~ '~;"I; ~ 1 ~:. t~ whlt'l\ will IHJ 1'..l'1I11l1l'il unl\' in ("I,I!!O' ;1 ,")lIa l'ioJ~ hid is mad" 'HIlIl tllC. ~;,(; ~':,:~~.~ ~.~ sl'l~ ~~:' I~";~:i 1 ;r I ~:: \~~ )~~ ( ,\" O,~\l,l;' or fill IJld~. Prl'lluu]ifi')<lLllllll-l ur hill- h(!n; is n'IIIII1I'll,. ,I. }-;. J..:\,,,", ('Ih ('h:lk, T'u],,: .Tulle :1,1,0, HI~::' X I I I I